Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 261 Entering the mountains, schools of plum fish

Looking at the sun in the sky, waiting for it to shine for a while, at three o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Heng, Xiulan and Xiaoxia went to the mountain to look for Chinese toon.

The dirt road in the village is very rotten, but the path in the forest is very "refreshing" because there are leaves on it, so you won't step on the mud all over your feet.

It doesn't really matter whether you can find Chinese toon. The forest after the rain is particularly fresh, and walking in it makes people intoxicated.

"Take a break."

Lin Heng pointed to a gray rectangular stone not far away and said.


Xiulan nodded, pulled Xiaoxia over to sit down, and Xiongba ran back and squatted down to rest.

Lin Heng also sat down next to Xiulan, with his hands propped up on the stone, looking at the blue and white sky through the gaps in the leaves, breathing the air mixed with a faint floral scent, just wanting to feel the passage of time quietly.

Xiaoxia was pulling leaves to play next to her, and Xiulan looked at her hands, her eyes fixed on the forest, as if looking for traces of mushrooms.

Lin Heng reached out and pulled Xiulan's braid, Xiulan turned her head and looked at him: "What are you doing?"

Lin Heng blinked and didn't say anything, Xiulan pursed her lips and said: "Let's go, we'll be there soon."

After that, she reached out and pulled Lin Heng up, and reached out to remove a spider web from his hair.

Lin Heng looked at her and followed her at the back. When the breeze blew, he couldn't tell whether it was the fragrance of flowers or his wife's hair.

He felt that Xiulan was like a bowl of sweet rice wine, which never relied on alcohol to make people drunk, but through the charming aroma and soft and sweet taste, people couldn't stop, and they still had endless aftertaste after drinking it.

Soon they arrived at the destination, the sun was a little hot on their bodies, Xiulan took Xiaoxia to find Chinese toon, and Lin Heng was responsible for bending the tree for them to pick.

It's not that Chinese toon is valuable, but simply likes to enjoy life with family and feel the breath of spring.

After picking four or five kilograms, the three found a shade under a tree to sit down and rest.

"Mom, I want flowers~"

Xiaoxia touched Xiongba's ear and said.

"Okay, I'll fold them for you."

Xiu Lan reached out and folded a small white flower not far away for her to play with.

Lin Heng yawned and looked at the green mountains and green waters in the distance.

When the sun was about to set, the three of them went home in the bloody sunset. Today's sunset was particularly red, and the clouds looked like blood.

In the evening, they had sauerkraut soup. The sauerkraut was made from the mustard that Xiu Lan had recently picked. It tasted very sour and refreshing.

She went to bed early and got up early the next morning. After exercising, Xiu Lan made potato pancakes.

After eating potato pancakes and drinking milk, Lin Heng drove out to help his parents move some things and prepare to move to Hongfeng Mountain.

"Dad, you drive over there, I'll go ride a horse."

After the things were loaded, Lin Heng looked at his father and said. He asked his father and Xiu Lan to learn how to drive a tricycle a few days ago, and they basically learned it in two days.

"Okay." Father Lin smiled and nodded, driving the sidecar tricycle towards Hongfeng Mountain.

Lin Heng went home and rode his horse, taking Xiulan and Xiaoxia to Hongfeng Mountain, while his elder brother and the others walked over.

The environment on Hongfeng Mountain is comfortable, with green trees and clear streams. No one has disturbed them yet, and the hardened cement is very comfortable to step on.

Lin Heng rode over, put Xiulan and Xiaoxia down, and tied the horse aside to eat grass.

"Grandpa and grandma, wait for me~"

Xiaoxia ran fast on the cement road, chasing the grandpa and grandma who were driving a tricycle in front.

Xiulan glanced at Xiaoxia, turned her head and asked, "Are you going to hunt bears on horseback?"

Lin Heng nodded: "Ride over there, if you really hunt a bear, it will be easy to carry."

After all, the foot of Taibai Mountain is a bit far, and it is not possible without a means of transportation.

As they talked, the two had already walked to the warehouse at the top of the pond. They helped to move things into the house and set them up, and Lin's father went back to get some pots and pans.

After the things were arranged, Lin Heng took Xiulan to look at the grass. After ten days of growth, the grass was already more than ten centimeters high.

The fertile land made the grass grow very quickly.

Xiulan looked at the grass and asked curiously: "Do you think the ginseng has come out?"

"It will probably take another half a month." Lin Heng thought for a while and said.

This was the first time Xiulan came here after the pond was repaired. Lin Heng took Xiaoxia to take her around.

At 7:30, Lin's father moved all the things. In the future, there will be at least one person watching here at night, which may be Lin's father alone, or Lin's father and mother together.

As for what will happen in the end, it depends on their own ideas.

Lin's mother has started cooking, and the eldest brother Lin Yue and the eldest sister-in-law Liu Juan also came with their children.

"This construction is really good."

Liu Juan opened her eyes wide and envied. It was the first time she saw the breeding base after the cement floor was paved. It looked very impressive.

"Of course, Lin Heng said it cost more than 8,000 yuan." Lin Yue said with a smile.

"So much." Liu Juan was shocked, and then sighed: "I just don't know if I can make a profit."

Lin Yue was a little worried when he talked about this, but seeing that his brother was confident, there should be no problem.

"The meal is ready, come and eat."

Upstairs, Lin's mother shouted to the people who were playing around.

"Okay." Lin Yue nodded and walked over.

"Come here, come here."

Lin Heng brought Xiulan Xiaoxia from the stream.

Today is a good day. Lin's mother fried eight dishes and Lin's father prepared rice wine.

"Come, drink this glass of wine, and we will have smooth sailing." Lin's father smiled and raised the rice wine and said.


Lin Heng and others smiled and raised their glasses.

They didn't drink much. After all, Lin Heng and Lin Yue were going to go hunting for bears today.

After dinner, it was almost half past eight. Mother Lin stayed here while everyone else went home.

Lin Heng packed his things and got ready to set off on his red date. His elder brother packed his things and took a tricycle, driven by his father to the end of the Heihe River.

Also sitting in the car was the dog Xiongba, who was too far away to run away.

"Be safe."

Xiulan arranged his clothes and warned him.

"Dad, come back soon." Xiaoxia shouted, somewhat reluctant to let Lin Heng leave.

But she thought Lin Heng just went out for a while and came back like the previous times, so she wasn't too sad.

"Okay, I'll pay attention."

Lin Heng kissed his daughter, got on his horse and set off. I put a saddle on Hong Zao to make it much more comfortable to ride, and I also wore some rope harnesses on the sides.

Lin Heng walked in front, and Father Lin drove behind with Lin Yue and Xiong Ba in his car.

It took about an hour to walk along the road we took last time to the end.

There is a 50-centimeter path further up, and there is no way for a tricycle to go.

"Please be safe, be careful, don't show off, and don't be arrogant."

Father Lin got out of the car and patted the two of them on the shoulders and said.

Lin Heng smiled and nodded: "Don't worry, Dad."

"Dad, don't worry about us. We will definitely prioritize your own safety. Just be careful when you drive back." Lin Yue looked at his father and said.

"Okay, you go first." Father Lin said, looking at the two of them.

Lin Heng got on the horse, then pulled his elder brother onto the horse and walked up slowly. The load of the two of them was a bit too much, and they didn't dare to let Hong Zao run too fast, as he would get tired easily.

"Woof woof~"

Xiong Ba shouted and ran forward to clear the way.

It wasn't until Lin Heng and the others disappeared that Lin's father drove back.

Lin Heng and the others walked up for about ten kilometers, and the road became even narrower and extremely steep. The water flow of the Heihe River also became much smaller, and the mountains on both sides became very steep.

"too hot."

The two dismounted, took off their coats and sweaters and stuffed them into their backpacks. Because it was very cold at night in the mountains, the two of them wore long johns, sweaters, and double coats.

"The weather is like this. It's extremely hot when the sun comes out." Lin Yue nodded and looked around curiously.

"Do you think we can walk there today?" Lin Yue looked at the sky and said.

"It should be okay." Lin Heng nodded and said.

They can no longer see Taibai Mountain, and their view has been obscured. However, it is still easy to judge the direction with a compass, so there is no need to worry about getting lost.

As you go up, the altitude gets higher, and many trees have just sprouted, as if they are still in early spring.

"There is a village. I'm afraid there are hundreds of households here."

After walking some distance, a village appeared, and Lin Yue spoke first.

The village is in front of them on the left. This place is a small basin. A straight stream of the Black River flows out of the village and merges into the main river.

To go towards Taibai Mountain, you have to cross the river and continue walking up.

"There should be a fork in the road ahead. Let's go directly to the direction of Taibai Mountain and walk along the river."

Lin Heng looked at Lu and said.

The main goal this time is to hunt black bears. In this season, a large number of fish are migratory. Black bears mostly look for food near the water, and their tracks are much easier to find than in other seasons.

After walking a few hundred meters, they suddenly encountered a huge downhill slope. Lin Heng pulled Hong Zao Rao down the long way, and then continued walking up the main channel of the Heihe River.

"There are so many nets in the river." Lin Yue said while looking at the river.

"It's normal to fish in nets, but these people are just too busy fishing."

Lin Heng shook his head. It was indeed a bit unethical to take advantage of the fish's habit of swimming back into the net. This is also the reason why this fish almost disappeared.

But then again, Lin Heng didn't think it was a big problem. Why should we care about the environment when people are starving to death?

Moreover, the pollution from those large factories is even more terrifying, and they are still emitting emissions 40 years later.

That's what poverty and backwardness are like, and you can't care about so much.

Because you have to find a good path while pulling the red dates, the deeper you go, the harder it becomes. They had long since left the ancient road to Taibai Mountain. That direction was getting further and further away from the river, making it difficult to encounter black bears.

"Look, brother, you can already see the bottom of the river here. There are so many plum fish."

As the two emerged from the forest and came to the edge of the river again, Lin Yue exclaimed.

The river here is already very small, only seven or eight meters wide, and only two or three meters deep. The water flow is crystal clear, and Qinling fine salmon can be seen everywhere in the water.

"Woof woof~~"

Xiongba stuck out his tongue in excitement, as if he wanted to eat the fish in the water.

"We've arrived. Let's go higher up and find a place to build a shelter." Lin Heng looked at the fish in the river and said.

There are hundreds of tributaries in the Black River, and he encountered more than a dozen large and small tributaries just on the way up. He walked along the relatively large main river, but he saw no trace of bears along the way.

Even with Xiongba together, nothing was discovered. This is not good news, but there is no way to do more exploration now, and we have to find a place to stay.

As the sun sets, the temperature drops sharply, and it's a bit cold even wearing sweaters and coats. Without a warm shelter that can protect you from the wind and rain, there will be no one there overnight.

"Well, it's time to find a place. What time is it now?" Lin Yue nodded. He also understood the horror of the mountains at night and did not dare to be careless at all.

"Forty or fifty, take five, there are still two hours before dark."

Lin Heng looked at his watch and said, this time is extremely short, we must find a suitable location as soon as possible.

There may be black bears here at night, the shelter must be safe enough.

After walking about one kilometer forward, they came to a relatively open river valley, with the black river in the middle and woods on both sides.

"I'm so tired."

Lin Heng sat down and rested for a while. He walked at least twenty or thirty kilometers today. Fortunately, Hongzao helped to drag the backpack, otherwise it would really cost him his life.

This is a rugged and thorny mountain road, not a flat cement road.

Don't talk about people, Hongzao was so tired that he lay down, his red hair was wet with sweat, and Xiongba didn't have the usual spirit of exploration.

After resting for ten minutes, Lin Heng put down his things and stood up: "Brother, look around to see if there are any caves or places suitable for setting up camp. It must be a relatively safe place, because we are not sure if there are black bears here."

"I understand."

Lin Yue nodded, took the gun and started looking for a place.


Xiongba cried and didn't want to get up. It was hungry. It only ate a little steamed bun at noon, which didn't have much energy for it.

"Take good care of the red dates."

Lin Heng glanced at him, took the bow and arrow and slingshot and walked around the valley near the mountain wall.

This valley has plenty of water and is still warm during the day, so the trees in the valley have small leaves, but the surrounding mountains still look bare.

And the mountains here are too steep and there is not much soil, so the taller the top of the mountain, the fewer trees there are, and they are all shrubs, weeds or mosses.

After walking about 300 meters, Lin Heng came to the bottom of the mountain wall. The slope was 40 to 50 degrees, and the higher it went, the more stones there were.

Lin Heng climbed up, but unfortunately he didn't see a suitable place to build a shelter. The slope of the hill was too steep, and the only two platforms he saw were too far away.

"Hey, there are muntjacs here."

On the way down the mountain, Lin Heng suddenly found muntjac feces, but the feces had dried and turned white, and they were not left recently.

After going down the mountain, he walked towards his elder brother, thinking that if it didn't work, he would quickly find a mountain wall to build a shelter, as he felt that time was running out.

While walking up, Lin Heng found a good place, a slanted mountain wall with a 70-80 degree angle, where he could take shelter from the rain.

"Brother, is there a good place?"

Lin Heng walked up a little and saw his elder brother, and asked.

Lin Yue saw him and waved his hand and said, "Brother, come here quickly, I found something here!"

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