Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 262: Treasures in the Cave, Searching for Prey

When Lin Heng heard that he had found something, he quickly walked over.

"What did you find, brother?"

Lin Heng asked as he walked past.

"There's a cave here, and there's something in it."

Lin Yue shouted from the mountain wall not far away.


Lin Heng felt happy and hurriedly walked over. If it was really a cave, there would be no need to build a shelter, which would be great.

"Yes, come up quickly and walk to the side. This side is very steep."

Lin Yue showed Lin Heng the way on the hillside.


Lin Heng glanced at the location above. There wasn't much soil here, and there were only exposed gray-white rocks. There might indeed be a cave.

He walked up step by step, but he didn't see the cave that his elder brother mentioned. He only saw him standing on a rock not far away.

When he got closer, he discovered that there was a half-meter-wide gap on the edge of the rock. Inside was a cave with traces of flowing water above.

"Is there water in this cave?" Lin Heng came over and asked.

Lin Yue shook his head: "Yes, there is not only water flow but also some weird rocks."

Lin Heng followed his elder brother in and took a look. The cave was only more than two meters deep. There were some pointed stalactites on the top rock wall, and water dripped from them, making a ticking sound.

There is rust on the wall of the cave next to it, the ground is a little smooth, and there are some yellow crystal stones growing on the ground. If you look closely, they seem to be small grains of sand of two to three millimeters pieced together.

There are three lumps of crystallized stone, one is disc-shaped, one is shaped like a hill, and the other is irregular strip-shaped.

Lin Heng tried to break it off, but found that he couldn't break it off at all.

"Brother, do you know these stones?" Lin Yue asked curiously.

Lin Heng shook his head: "I don't know. If you can break these off, you can sell them for money, or take them home as ornaments. But we are too far away from home, so we can't take them back. Also, let's go down and build a shelter as soon as possible. This place No, there’s no way to accommodate people.”

This place would be a perfect shelter if there was no water.

"Well, let's go down then." Lin Yue nodded, thinking that he would come over and have a look when he went back to see if he could smash one down and take it back.

"I've chosen a place. Let's just build a simple shelter today. We don't have enough time."

Lin Heng said as he walked down.

After going down the mountain and reaching the stone wall that was inserted diagonally, the two people quickly began to build a shelter.

Time was too short and I could only build the simplest shelter. I first found a six-meter-long tree trunk, and used tree forks to raise the ground by one meter at both ends. Then I placed short branches on both sides of the trunk, so that the ground A triangular space is formed above.

Place some leaves and moss on the branches, which can withstand moderate rain and provide shelter from the wind.

Hay and dead dry moss are laid on the ground to separate it from the ground to prevent sleeping directly on the ground and causing hypothermia.

"Brother, you first find hay and moss, and I'll bring Xiongba and Red Dates over."

After setting up the shelter, Lin Heng looked at his elder brother and said.

"No problem, go ahead."

Lin Yue nodded, he could do the rest of the work alone.

When Lin Heng walked towards the river, it was already dusk and he could barely see the road clearly. The mountain breeze was blowing, and even wearing a sweater and a double coat, he felt chilly, and the temperature dropped a bit too quickly.

"Woof woof~"

Before Lin Heng arrived, Xiongba excitedly ran over to greet him.

"Let's go over there."

Lin Heng touched its head and led the jujube, which was still grazing, towards the shelter.

I also picked up some firewood on the way and took it over to burn.

By the time he arrived at the shelter, his eldest brother Lin Yue had already made a lot of dry moss.

"Is this enough?"

Lin Yue looked at Lin Heng and asked.

"Enough is enough."

Lin Heng tied the red dates to a tree nearby, then came over and spread the dried moss on the ground of the shelter. After he finished laying it, he tried it out. The triangular shelter, which was only one meter high, could barely accommodate people sleeping in it, and it was difficult to turn over.

But it's still warm, and at least I don't have to worry about freezing at night. Other types of shelters cannot be built in a short period of time, and you are not sure you will live here later. It is a waste to build it too well.

"Brother, I'm making dinner."

Lin Yue shouted outside.

"Okay, I'll come out right away."

Lin Heng nodded. After walking such a long way today, he felt like his feet were useless. Now he just wanted to lie down and rest, and he missed Xiulan's gentle massage techniques.

Climbing out of the shelter, Lin Heng poured a little gasoline on a broken twig, and soon the flames burst into flames.

"Let's bake a pancake tonight." Lin Yue looked at Lin Heng and said.

"Okay, let's go get some water to boil and drink."

Lin Heng nodded and said that he had finished drinking the water in the water bag, and he did not dare to drink raw water. His mouth was dry now.

Lin Yue smiled and said, "I think so too."

After setting up two thick firewood, the two took water bags and went to the river to get water. Lin Heng was carrying a flashlight, compound bow and arrows, and Xiong Ba was following beside him.

Their location was nearly five hundred meters away from the river, and they came over soon. It was completely dark now, and there was no moon yet. There were only stars in the sky, and it was dark on the ground.

It was exceptionally quiet in the deep mountains, with no insects chirping yet, and the occasional bird chirping, while everything else was as silent as death.

After a while, the two arrived at the river. Lin Heng took a flashlight to shine. The water in this section of the river was not as clear as the one below. The water surface in the distance was not clear, but there were many native fish such as ground tigers and river groupers swimming nearby.

"Brother, do you want to catch it?" Lin Yue looked at Lin Heng and asked.

"Forget it. I'm too tired today." Lin Heng shook his head. He just wanted to drink some water, eat some cakes and then go to sleep.

He was tired all over and didn't want to move at all. If it was a plum fish, he would be willing to take action. The river grouper was too small and he was too lazy to catch it.

"Okay." Lin Yue nodded.

The two filled the water bag, washed their faces, and turned back to the shelter. After returning, they poured the water into the iron pot and put it on the fire.

After a while, the water boiled. They used branches to bring the iron pot out and put it on the grass to cool. The two roasted some soft ice they brought from home.


Xiongba rubbed Lin Heng's body and acted coquettishly. It was also very hungry.

"Just make do with it for now. I'll shoot some fish for you tomorrow."

Lin Heng rubbed its dog head and gave it two soft pancakes. There would be no more.

When the water was warm and the pancakes were almost baked, he poured water into the water bag and filled his stomach with the pancakes.

After dinner, Lin Yue asked, "Brother, don't you need someone to keep watch at night?"

Lin Heng shook his head, "No, I brought Xiongba here to keep watch. It's much better than people. Let's go to bed directly and get up early tomorrow to discuss the next action."


Lin Yue nodded, and the two of them urinated around, then went in from both sides of the shelter backwards and rested feet to feet.

Lin Heng fell asleep quickly on the dry moss with a rotten smell. Xiongba slept next to his head, and Hongzao lay down under a tree not far away to rest.

As the fire gradually went out, Lin Heng felt a little cold, especially in the early morning. But the two tired people chose to endure and did not get up to add firewood.

The night in the deep mountains was terribly quiet. Except for the occasional sound of mice running in the forest and the occasional bird calls, nothing else could be heard.

In a blink of an eye, it was the next morning. When Lin Heng woke up, it was already seven o'clock in the morning and the sky was bright.

"Ah, it's really terrible~"

Lin Heng got up and felt sore all over. A large amount of creatine accumulated in the body made it difficult to move.

After rubbing Lin Heng, he felt better. Looking up, the sun had not yet shone down. The moisture on the grass was very heavy. Looking at his eldest brother, Lin Heng said, "Let's go to the river to see if we can get two fish to eat, and then start exploring."

"Okay." Lin Yue nodded happily.

Lin Heng took four fish hooks, cut four sections of five-meter-long fishing lines, tied them up, and walked towards the river. But before that, he had to find a place with grass for the red dates, and then walked over with a bow and arrow.

Using a dagger, they found a few small earthworms under the stone, and the two put them on the fishhook and came to the river.

"Damn, the water is so cold."

When he squatted down to wash his face with water, Lin Heng shuddered. It was indeed the cold river. It was said that the temperature would not exceed 15 degrees in summer, and there was snow melt water all year round.

"I felt sober immediately after washing my face." Lin Yue also said with a smile.

"Yes." Lin Heng nodded, "Let's go up, there seems to be no plum fish in this place."

This section of the river is only five or six meters wide, and the narrowest part is four or five meters, but the water depth is at least half a meter, so it is impossible to cross the river.

The two walked up six or seven hundred meters and finally saw some plum fish swimming in the water. However, there were not as many as they saw yesterday. There were groups of them there, and there were only a dozen swimming in the water here.

"Let me try." Lin Yue smiled and threw the fishhook with earthworms into the water.

Lin Heng also gave his to his elder brother Lin Yue, and he opened the compound bow to adjust it.

"Damn, these fish won't eat."

Lin Yue soon discovered the problem. Even if he threw the earthworms in the fish's mouth, these guys wouldn't eat them. They didn't seem to even look at them.

"You can't catch big fish in clear water. Look at me."

Lin Heng said with a smile. He had expected this situation, so he took a compound bow. He tied a thin fishing line at the arrowhead position, aimed at the nearest plum fish and shot an arrow.

With a puff, the arrow penetrated the water surface and stirred up a lot of water splashes, which were not clear for a while. But the water splashes quickly dissipated, and a fish pierced by the arrow struggled in the water.

"Awesome!" Lin Yue gave a thumbs up, and admired his brother's skills.

Lin Heng smiled and pulled the fishing line to pull the fish back. It turned out that his daily practice of bows and arrows was still effective. The precise force control made the arrow just penetrate the fish body without piercing the river bottom.

"Here you go." Lin Heng took down the fish weighing more than one pound and threw it to Xiong Ba.


Xiongba jumped up and caught the fish in mid-air. He chewed it in two bites and swallowed it. Then he looked at Lin Heng and licked his lips with an unsatisfied look.

"Don't worry, I'll make you full today."

Lin Heng said with a smile. There is nothing lacking in this river except fish. As long as you have the ability, you won't be hungry at all. This is why he only brought ten kilograms of flour.

Picking up the arrow, Lin Heng waited for the fish to calm down and shot again. A burst of water splashed and accompanied by a crisp sound of "ding". This time Lin Heng didn't control the force and hit the stone, but the fish still couldn't escape.

"Here you go."

Throwing it to Xiongba again, Lin Heng quickly shot another one. It was not satisfied until he shot five for Xiongba.

This kind of cold-water boneless fish tastes very good and can be eaten as sashimi. Xiongba also rubbed Lin Heng's thigh with satisfaction.

After Xiongba was full, Lin Heng walked up a little further and shot four plum blossom fish weighing about one pound. The fish's stomach was full of fish roe, and he fed all of them to Xiongba.

"Brother, there is wild perilla here. Let's get some and put it in the fish's stomach."

When walking back, Lin Yue suddenly said.

Lin Heng walked over and saw that it was really perilla, and nodded in agreement immediately.

Back to the camp, they lit a fire. The two got a black stone slab and put it on the fire, brushed a little lard on it and fried it. When frying the fish, Lin Heng mixed some flour in the iron pan, kneaded it into a ball, covered it, and put it in a cool place to prepare for lunch.

"This perilla fried fish tastes really fresh and fragrant." Lin Yue exclaimed while eating.


Lin Heng smiled and nodded. As a cold-water boneless fish, plum blossom fish does not have much fishy smell, and the fried perilla tastes very unique.

Two for each person, and they were full after eating. After changing the place where the red dates graze, the two discussed the direction of today's exploration.

Because they were preparing to hunt bears, they naturally had to search along the river. During this period, the males would come to catch the plum fish returning to spawn and eat them after hibernation. If there were no traces by the river, there would be no hope in the forest.

So after discussion, the two decided to continue going up to see the situation. After exploring this main river, they would go to other large tributaries.

"Is it appropriate to put food and red dates here?" Lin Yue said with some concern. It didn't matter if the food was lost, but it would be a big loss if the red dates were stolen.

"No problem, there are no signs of human activities in this place." Lin Heng nodded, it was inconvenient to carry the red dates forward.

This place is nearly 20 kilometers away from the village below, and there should be no one coming. As for large prey, it is unlikely. Predators like tigers and leopards generally do not regard such large animals as hunting targets.

"Okay, let's go."

Lin Yue nodded, put on his backpack and carried his gun and walked side by side with Lin Heng.

"Xiongba, eat well and find clues for me." Lin Heng rubbed Xiongba's dog head and said.

As they walked up, the two gradually separated and distanced themselves. Lin Heng was close to the river, and his elder brother was close to the mountain wall.

The mountains here are too high, and the slopes start at 60 to 70 degrees, and there are cliffs of 90 degrees. Even if you want to walk on the mountain, it is extremely difficult.

Of course, not all places are like this, there are also flat places. After walking up about three kilometers, the mountains on both sides suddenly became open again.

Lin Heng was about to go to the river to wash his face when he suddenly saw a big prey.

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