This prey was on the edge of the water beach in the woods on the other side of the river.

At first, Lin Heng thought it was a civet.

But when I took a closer look, I realized something was wrong. This was not Shiramiko.

Instead, it was a rare little civet that was drinking water by the small beach and had not found Lin Heng yet.

This guy looks grey-brown, with vertical black stripes on his back. The body is about half a meter long and the tail is 30 centimeters long, about the same size as a domestic cat. The mouth is very prominent, like a cone, and the ears are round and short.

Lin Heng was a little excited, because this thing has a sachet on its body, and the substance it secretes is called civet incense, which can be used as medicine and has the effects of promoting qi, activating blood, calming the nerves and relieving pain.

Because the output is lower than that of musk, its market price is even higher, reaching 40 yuan per gram.

Lin Heng looked at the distance between them, but there was nothing he could do about it, because the distance was too far, more than three hundred meters, and there was a river in the middle. He had no confidence in hitting.

After thinking for a while, Lin Heng decided to go up first, look for a place where he could cross the river, and set up a rope trap there.

After walking not far, he noticed the little civet running away quickly, as if it had discovered his trace.

Going forward, the mountains on both sides of this place suddenly slowed down, and the river became more than ten meters wide, but the water depth was only thirty or forty centimeters, and the shallower parts were only ten centimeters deep.

There are many plum fish, that is, fine salmon, migrating upward to spawn. You can see more than ten at a glance.

"This place is a good place to catch fish."

Lin Heng said with emotion that he felt that if he were a black bear, he would definitely come to this place to eat fish. It is unreasonable to not eat fish that is so easy to catch.

He walked to the river and took a look. In addition to plum blossoms, there were also a lot of ground tigers and stream groupers. Sometimes two mandarin fish could also be seen.

After walking a few hundred meters along the river, Lin Heng accidentally discovered a crystal stone half-inserted in the water. It was in the shape of a hexagonal prism, completely transparent, with a few red threads in the middle.

"Rutile, you're pretty lucky."

Lin Heng couldn't help but be surprised when he saw this thing. This is a mineral containing titanium dioxide. It is a relatively rare and beautiful stone that can be sold for a lot of money.

He read some mineral books a few days ago and happened to know this kind of ore.

"Let's go and take a look inside the forest."

Lin Heng glanced at Xiong Ba, then turned and walked into the forest. His elder brother must have been up there for a long time.

If there are traces of animals here, he wants to build a shelter nearby. The only trouble is that there are many places along the river where red dates cannot come.

There were many wild walnut trees on the edge of the forest. Lin Heng took a look and continued walking up. Just three or four hundred meters into the forest, a red squirrel suddenly appeared in his field of vision, looking at him warily.

Lin Heng glanced at it but didn't hit it. It was a bit small and he didn't want to do anything to it, even though the squirrel meat was quite delicious.

After walking for more than ten minutes, Xiongba found some fresh wild boar excrement. Lin Heng walked over and took a look and judged that it was definitely done in the past two days.

"Brother, come here quickly, there's a big pheasant here."

Lin Heng was analyzing feces, and his elder brother walked down quickly from above and whispered.

"Then you fight it yourself." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"The sound of my gun was too loud. I think all the other prey will run away after a dozen. It's only noon now. I guess there are a lot of good things in this place. It's a pity to scare them away."

Lin Yue shook his head and said.

"Then leave it to me."

Lin Heng grinned, opened his bow bag, took out his bow, drew another hunting arrow and walked up.

After walking about three hundred meters, Lin Heng saw the pheasant his elder brother was talking about, under a bush on a stone wall about thirty meters away. This guy's feathers are extremely colorful, with red wings and a blue-gray belly. There is a white ring on his neck, and his head is also blue-gray.

It dug through the soil for a while and found an earthworm to eat. Then it looked around vigilantly. If it found no danger, it continued to dig through the soil to look for insects.

Lin Heng stood up from behind the tree while the bird bowed its head, and shot an arrow in one go.

With a whoosh, a sharp arrow shot through his chest almost instantly, and the arrowhead was inserted directly into the soil.

The entire process from setting up the bow to hitting the target does not take more than three seconds. After practicing Lin Heng's archery every day, he has become so perfect that one second is enough to aim at this distance.


The pheasant screamed twice, kicked its legs and flapped its wings, and stopped moving after a few moments.

"Accurate enough!"

Lin Yue gave a thumbs up. He was stunned by Lin Heng's archery accuracy. Before he could react, the pheasant died.


Xiongba was also very fast, and he came over with the pheasant in his mouth within a few seconds.

"More than three pounds, this one is pretty big."

Lin Heng mentioned it and said with a smile.

Lin Yue looked at Lin Heng and said, "Should we eat here for lunch or go back?"

Lin Heng looked at his watch and said, "Let's get some fish here to eat. We'll go back in the evening and see if there are any signs of bears in the afternoon."

It's only half past eleven, so there's no rush.

Lin Yue nodded and said, "Okay, I saw a lot of animal traces along the way today, including wild boar and muntjac excrement, but I didn't see any traces of bears."

"I saw a little civet, but unfortunately I couldn't hit it."

Lin Heng said and continued walking upstream, looking for traces of prey in the woods in this area.

After walking for one kilometer, I only found the droppings of wild boar and takin, and only a few birds as living creatures. Although there are a lot of prey in this era, the mountains are also big, and if you are unlucky, you won't be able to find one for half a month.

He couldn't find anything good about Chinese medicinal materials, just two wild lilies, and Lin Heng didn't bother to dig them up.

"Let's eat." Lin Heng shook his head helplessly. Even Xiongba couldn't find anything good.

"I'll make a fire, you go catch fish." Lin Yue said with a smile.

Lin Heng nodded and took Xiongba to the river to catch plum fish. He fed Xiongba first, and then he caught four fish.

This time there was no basil. They simply roasted it and ate it with some salt. The taste was pretty good.

"Let's go, continue to walk up a distance and take a look."

Lin Heng said with a smile.

After walking up a few hundred meters, a purple peach blossom forest appeared on the mountain on the opposite bank, and the fragrance drifted over along the river breeze.

"There are so many peach trees."

Lin Heng was surprised. The scenery was so beautiful. Fifty or sixty peach trees on the steep hillside on the opposite side formed a forest.

This environment can be said to be fresh and colorful. The environment in this mountain is so good.

"Brother, there are morels here."

Lin Heng was admiring it when he suddenly heard his elder brother shouting in front.

"Here we go."

Lin Heng hurried over.

The place where his elder brother found the morels was a mixed forest with a lot of grass growing on the ground, and the morels grew in the grass.

"Black vein morels, good stuff."

Lin Heng picked one and said with a smile.

"It's rare that there is such a thing in this place." Lin Yue said while picking.

"Indeed, it's unlikely to exist."

Lin Heng also nodded. The temperature here at night was very low.

The two picked in the forest for a while. Lin Heng picked up thirty or forty morels, which added up to nearly two kilograms. His elder brother also picked more than one kilogram, which was a good harvest.

"Woof woof~~"

At this time, Xiongba in front suddenly made a call. Lin Heng looked up and saw that it was circling in place, as if it had discovered something.

"Let's go and have a look."

Lin Heng said, and walked forward with his elder brother. There were no morels in this place.

They thought Xiongba had found new mushrooms, but when they came over and saw it, they were stunned.

Lin Heng's eyes widened: "Oh my God... Hey, we found it already?"

"It's really easy to find it without any effort." Lin Yue felt a little unreal.

There was nothing else on the ground, but the traces of the bear they had been looking for so hard.

A huge bear footprint on the soft muddy ground, sunk four or five centimeters deep, bigger than Lin Heng's two palms put together.

"It's normal to think about it. There are fish migrations in this place every year, so there must be bears coming here." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Lin Yue nodded and asked again: "Then shall we start looking now?"

The footprints are very new, and they must have been here in the past one or two days.

"Let's take a look first, are you loaded with bullets?"

Lin Heng thought for a while and said.

"I'll go now." Lin Yue loaded a buck bullet with a large lead bullet. The special lead bullet requires too high a degree of alignment, and he is not sure yet.

Lin Heng also took out the compound bow and searched in the direction of the forest along the footprints. First, we walked a few hundred meters up the mountain, and then headed upstream. The bear's traces were a bit strange.

After half an hour, we still didn't see any traces of the bear. Lin Heng stopped and said, "We don't have enough time today. Let's go back and find a way to move the shelter here."

It was already past three o'clock, and it would be difficult to go back if we went up.

"Then let's go back. Just find the traces. It's the same if we come back tomorrow."

Lin Yue nodded and said.

Lin Heng said, "Get up at four o'clock tomorrow morning and come here in the dark. The possibility of the bear foraging in the morning is very high."

After deciding, the two of them went back. On the way back, Lin Heng set up rope traps on some animal paths, and Lin Yue cut a lot of grass and leaves to go back for the red dates.

"Damn, the water is so cold."

When he arrived at the place where the little civet was found, Lin Heng took off his pants and walked towards the river. The deepest water actually reached his waist. He only felt that his brother was frozen unconscious.

After crossing the river, he quickly put on his pants, set up several noose traps in the woods where the civet cats were, and then took off his pants and walked back to the other side of the river.

If the civet cats were not valuable, he really didn't want to torture himself by crossing the river like this.

But fortunately, he was not cold soon after walking all the time.

The two walked back along the way they came, and by the way, they checked if there was a good place to walk, and tried to bring the red dates up.

But the two helplessly found that the cliffs on both sides were too steep, and the red dates were destined to not come up.

"There is no way, so we can only leave it below."

Lin Heng shook his head.

Lin Yue was also helpless: "It can only be like this, but if we hunt a black bear tomorrow, we can just go back directly, and there is no need to worry."

Lin Heng did not hold out hope for this. Although he found footprints, he might not be able to find a black bear, as the range of activities of this animal is too large.

The two sped up and returned to the shelter at 4:10, but the situation here surprised both of them.

"Where are the red dates?" Lin Yue was shocked, and the red dates tied to the tree were gone.

"Woof woof woof~~~"

Soon, Xiongba let out a roar and ran downstream.

"You horse thief, you bastard!"

As Xiongba shouted, Lin Heng also saw the two people below. Hongzao had been dragged far away.

The two horse thieves in front saw Lin Heng and Lin Yue, and they panicked and whipped Hongzao hard.


Hearing Lin Heng's voice, Hongzao also let out a neigh.

"Who told you to steal our horse? If you don't stop, we'll shoot! Damn it!"

Lin Yue rushed and took the gun in his hand.

Hearing this, the two men stopped, and one of the old men said viciously: "Who said this horse is yours? I said it's mine."

Lin Heng came over and took out the bow and arrow and cursed: "I bought it from someone, there are witnesses and evidence. You want to go to the police station and go to jail, right? Put it down quickly if you know what's good for you."

He really didn't expect that someone would come to this place and steal his horse shamelessly. He really didn't have the quality of a hunter.

One of the two men was an old man in his fifties or sixties holding a homemade shotgun, and the other was a man in his thirties holding a Mongolian bow. Seeing Lin Heng and Lin Yue take out their weapons, both of them panicked. They didn't recognize the compound bow in Lin Heng's hand, but they couldn't fail to recognize the double-barreled shotgun in Lin Yue's hand.

The homemade shotgun is far inferior to the double-barreled shotgun in terms of range, power, or reloading speed.

"I don't care about you. The horse is mine if I hold it in my hand." The middle-aged man said arrogantly, clearly not wanting to return it.

Lin Heng sneered: "Then do you believe that I can beat you to death here and no one will know? There is no one else to see you in this wilderness. If we bury you somewhere, no one will ever know how you died."

"You dare?" The old man said fiercely.

"You will know if you take another step." Lin Heng smiled and spread his hands.

The two of them were silent for a while. The middle-aged man glanced at Lin Heng and softened his tone: "We picked up this horse in the wild. You want to give ten yuan for hard work."

They didn't want to steal the horse when they saw it at first. They wandered around here for more than half an hour to make sure no one was there before crossing the river to steal it. If they had known earlier, they should have just pulled the horse away.

Lin Yue said angrily: "You are probably crazy about money."

"If you don't give it, I will beat the horse to death." The middle-aged man said shamelessly.

Lin Heng glanced at him. The man was holding a porcupine in his hand, which was a rare prey.

An idea came to him, and he said, "Well, you are also a bow and arrow player. Let's compete. If you are better than me, I will give you the horse. If you are not as good as me, not only will you give me the horse, but also the porcupine in your hand."

He said this because he had absolute confidence in himself and his compound bow. If he couldn't beat his opponent with a modern compound bow, he could really go home to herd cattle and stop hunting in the future.

In addition, he didn't really want to kill the two men, so he found an excuse to get the horse back.

The middle-aged man was immediately interested when he heard this. He was very confident in his archery skills. His ancestors all hunted with bows and arrows, and he had been practicing this since he was a child.

"You said that if you lose, you will give me the horse?" The middle-aged man looked at him and asked.

Lin Heng nodded: "A grown man's words are as good as his words, and he sticks to his word."

"Come on, I'm not afraid of you." The middle-aged man smiled and nodded. A young boy dared to compete with him in archery. He really didn't know how high the sky was.

Lin Heng just laughed at him for being uneducated and not knowing the horror of modern compound bows.

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