Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 267: Reconstructing the camp again, the last hurdle

Lin Heng quietly took two steps back and distanced himself.

Then he quickly turned on the flashlight and shined it towards the thing wrapped around the tree.

After seeing this thing clearly, Lin Heng shuddered again. For a moment, his soul broke out and he was dripping with cold sweat.

"Holy shit!"

Lin Heng was almost frightened to death when he saw the thing hanging out of the tree and sticking out its tongue. It was a cauliflower iron head, also called diamond-spotted bamboo leaf green. It was very similar to the cauliflower snake but it was a highly venomous snake.

If you were bitten by it, you would basically be gone. Not only that you couldn't reach the hospital in this remote mountain, but even if you could, you probably wouldn't be able to save your life. The medical conditions in this era are too backward.

But just now, he had been looking far away and almost didn't notice this thing. Fortunately, he suddenly noticed the clue with his peripheral vision and stopped in time.

"Damn guy!"

Lin Heng held the flashlight in his mouth, took a compound bow and nailed it to the tree with an arrow. He felt that his coming out this time was really not smooth. First, the red dates were almost stolen, and now he encountered a soldering iron head.

And it was still on a tree. Logically speaking, this thing would not go up a tree under normal circumstances. He almost suffered a disaster.


Pinned to the tree by Lin Heng's arrow, the cauliflower Luo Tietou twisted its body wildly, opening its mouth wide enough to bite the sharp arrow that pierced its body.

People who watched this scene felt fuzzy and a little scared.

"What's wrong, bro?"

Lin Yue, who was not far away, heard the movement here and asked.

"Be careful with the cauliflower iron tip." Lin Heng said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Lin Yue quickly asked: "Are you okay?"

Lin Heng shook his head and responded: "It's okay, I wasn't bitten."

"That's good."

Lin Yue said something, turned around and walked past.


Xiongba walked around in front and came back. He came to Lin Heng and looked at the twisted soldering iron head warily.

Lin Heng slapped it twice angrily and said angrily: "I told you to follow me to explore the road, but I didn't find this thing. If I die, I will see who will feed you!"

His heart was pounding now. This was more terrifying than encountering a black bear. The thing he hated most in his life was venomous snakes. Xiongba walked in front and found nothing, which made him very angry.


Xiong Ba was beaten so hard that he lowered his head and whimpered, not daring to resist.

"Holy crap, why did this thing get up a tree?"

Lin Yue also shuddered and asked doubtfully.

"It should be because of this bird's nest."

Lin Heng shined his flashlight on the tree above. There was a bird's nest made of branches on it. This guy was probably preparing to steal the bird's eggs.

After waiting for a while, the soldering iron head finally stopped struggling, and its body drooped as if dead.

Lin Heng did not dare to be careless and poked the snake a few times with a wooden stick from a distance. After making sure that there was no movement, he nailed the snake's head to the tree with another arrow, and then cut its neck with a steel-making dagger.

He stepped on it with his feet and fiddled with it twice with arrows. Sure enough, he saw two huge fangs. He dared to catch snakes, but that didn't mean he wasn't afraid. The sudden appearance of such poisonous snakes could scare people half to death.

"Then continue to explore?"

Lin Yue asked.

"Go on, I don't believe you can encounter snakes again." Lin Heng exhaled and said.

"Okay." Lin Yue nodded and walked forward carefully, always paying attention to what was ahead of him for fear of encountering a poisonous snake again.

Lin Heng pressed the snake's head with a stone, put the snake's body into a plastic bag and roasted it as a supper at night.

The two of them did not go down to the river, but went up the mountain in an attempt to find traces of prey, but found nothing.

As he walked, Lin Heng suddenly spotted two bird-like black masses on the tree in front of him. The leaves were not too dense now, so the figures of the two birds were easy to identify.

Lin Heng found a suitable position and shot an arrow. Under the moonlight, the sharp black arrow penetrated the bodies of the two birds, bringing out some blood and spilling into the air.


After just two calls, the two guys lost their vitality. Lin Heng turned on the flashlight and picked them up to check.

"Grouse, I thought it was a golden rooster."

Lin Heng looked at the two blue-gray grouse on the arrow and said with a smile, the pine nut-eating grouse also tastes very good, with a scent of pine nuts.

There was no gunfire from his eldest brother's side, and he seemed to have found nothing.

In the blink of an eye, the moon was high in the sky. Lin Heng looked at his watch and it was already ten o'clock, and whistled to his elder brother not far away.

This is an agreed-upon secret signal. Compared with shouting, whistles are more penetrating and less likely to be exposed.

After a while, Lin Yue walked down and joined Lin Heng. He was holding a hedgehog in his hand, but he didn't gain anything else.

"Brother, you shot two grouse, that's great."

Lin Yue gave a thumbs up and said.

"That's it. It's hard to fight birds during this period." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Yeah, I didn't see any. Let's walk along the river when we go back. Get down to the river first and then go back." Lin Yue suggested.


Lin Heng nodded. This forest is really hard to find.

They were now halfway up the mountain. They found a road and quickly descended to the river. Just as Lin Heng was about to speak, Lin Yue turned back and pointed to a tree fork in front of him on the left and said: "It's a pheasant. Brother, please shoot it for me." , I won’t waste ammunition.”


Lin Heng took a look and nodded in agreement. The distance of more than ten meters was not a problem at all. One arrow hit it and it fell to the ground. Xiongba picked it up and the two of them realized that they had shot it wrong.

"It's not a pheasant, this is a cormorant." Lin Yue was stunned and looked like a pheasant.

Lin Heng said with a smile: "I just want to go back and try it. I haven't eaten this thing yet."

"Yes, it's all the same."

Lin Yue grinned.

The two of them walked back along the river, being cautious all the way, but unfortunately they found nothing. The river here is fast and it is not easy to find things like salamanders and turtles at night.

It didn't take long for them to arrive at the intersection of the two rivers. Walking down a hundred or two hundred meters and then up the mountain was the location of the shelter.

"Let's skin the snake, and its internal organs can be used to catch fish." Lin Heng looked at his elder brother and said.

"Okay, I think there should be other things here." Lin Yue nodded.

The two skinned the snake, washed out the entrails, threw them by the water and pressed them with stones, and then arranged a stone fishing trap with the entrails as the center.

This kind of trap is the same as the enchantment array made of wooden sticks. They are very similar. They surround a circle with stones and leave an entrance that gradually shrinks from large to small. If the fish comes in, it will get lost and it will be difficult to get out.

Lin Heng and the others only made one circle. If conditions permit, they can set a circle within a circle. The more complicated it is, the better the effect of trapping fish will be.

The two returned to the shelter at half past eleven. Lin Heng searched inside and outside to make sure there were no snakes before starting to light a fire.

"Get up tomorrow and get a cane bed. It's too dangerous to sleep on the ground."

Lin Heng said while roasting the snake. He thought it didn't matter at first, thinking it was relatively cold in the mountains and there were no snakes. But tonight's lesson made it impossible for him to sleep peacefully on the ground again.

"Yeah, gotta get a cane bed."

Lin Yue also nodded repeatedly. This was inevitable. Today, the iron head left a psychological shadow on the two of them.

After a while, the snake meat gave off a meaty aroma. Lin Heng took it out and took a bite. Although it tasted a bit woody, it had no fishy smell and was very similar to chicken.

"Brother, do you want to eat?" Lin Heng asked with a smile.

Lin Yue hesitated for a moment, then took a bite, and then went to eat his own grilled fish after enjoying the taste. He was still a little in awe of snakes.

Lin Heng didn't force it, he ate half of it and threw the rest to Xiong Ba.

"You kid, please keep a watchful eye on me today."

Lin Heng glanced at Xiong Ba and lay down on the pine needles next to him to rest.

"Woof woof~"

Xiongba screamed twice, finished eating the snake meat and lay down next to Lin Heng.

In the middle of the night, Lin Heng suddenly felt a little chilly. When he opened his eyes, he saw that the fire was still burning, but it suddenly started to rain lightly outside. Unexpectedly, the sky had turned dark, and the stars and the bright moon were hidden.

"Oh, I'll be delayed again tomorrow."

Lin Heng shook his head helplessly, added some fire, and continued to sleep while holding Xiongba in his arms.

The two brothers got up very early the next day, not because they were not tired, but because they were too cold. The wind on the mountainside was so strong that the shelter in this form could no longer hold it.

Lin Yue looked at Lin Heng and said, "Brother, I'm going to cut some branches and work on the canes."


Lin Heng nodded and went to cut kudzu vines in the forest below. There were a lot of kudzu vines here, which were very suitable for making rattan beds.

After cutting some vines in the light rain, Lin Heng went to help pick up some dry firewood for the fire. Then they surrounded the shelter with tree trunks and covered it with a thick layer of fresh leaves so that it would be difficult for the wind to enter.

The shelter was sealed, and Lin Heng mixed some mud and stones to make a fireplace to keep the room warm and the smoke to be discharged outside.

After these were done, the two made a cane bed. They used four wooden sticks to make a rectangular frame, and then wrapped the cane around it, and the cane bed was ready.

Nail four tree branches on the ground and intersect the rattan bed frame to suspend it off the ground, which is a good way to prevent things like snakes and insects from approaching.

"Let's make chicken soup and eat steamed buns for lunch. It's hard to go out anyway." Lin Yue looked at Lin Heng and said.

Lin Heng smiled and said: "I think so too."

After the rain, the water flow on the stone skin next to it became much stronger. The two of them took the water and boiled it. They took care of yesterday's grouse and cormorants and put them aside.

Lin Heng kneaded the dough and pressed it with his hands into buns about ten centimeters in diameter, and baked them on a red-hot stone. The buns were a little hard after baking because they were dead dough buns without baking powder.

Lin Heng then chopped up the pheasant he shot before and made a stew, adding morels. The two of them also wore raincoats to get some bracken and garlic and threw them back in.

It is a pleasure to soak the steamed buns in the stewed chicken soup. The chicken soup is delicious and fragrant, with the aroma of morels and pheasants. The steamed buns are torn into small pieces and run in. It is perfect to soak up the soup and put it in your mouth. It is a double enjoyment of texture and taste.

This was the first meal of the day for the two of them. It was already past two o'clock in the afternoon after they finished eating. They had been busy building a shelter all morning.

After eating and resting for a while, Lin Yue asked, "Brother, are we still going hunting this afternoon?"

"Go, maybe you can make some good discoveries if it rains. Anyway, I brought a raincoat." Lin Heng nodded.

After saying that, he took out the raincoat hanging next to him and put it on, went out to bring the red date back and tied it under the tree to avoid the rain, lest it be damaged by the rain.

In the evening, the two of them went out to search in raincoats. They found no trace of prey until it was dark. They came back in low spirits, fried some white rice meat, ate it with steamed buns, and went to bed.

With reinforcements in the morning, the shelter is now very warm, and as long as the fire does not go out, there is no possibility of waking up from the cold.

Early the next morning, the rain still didn't stop, and it was even heavier than yesterday. Lin Heng moved the door made of rattan leaves and looked at the sound of rain outside.

Before I knew it, it was already the sixth day here, and I still hadn't caught any large prey.

Lin Heng picked up the raincoat and said, "Let's go out and have a look. Maybe the human's breath disappears after the rain, and the black bear may appear again."

"Okay." Lin Yue nodded and followed Lin Heng out.

The two came to the river wearing raincoats. There were more than a dozen plum fish and several mandarin fish in the stone traps set up before.

These fish were extremely plump. Lin Heng looked at his elder brother and smiled, "It's okay. If you can't catch them, you can take a few hundred kilograms of fish back."

"Haha, that's right." Lin Yue grinned.

After laughing, the two continued to search. In the morning, they searched for nothing. They caught two fish and killed them and went back.

Lin Heng felt that he was still late this year, or he came to the wrong place. There was a village under this river. The hunters in the village must have been here. The bear may have been scared away.

They ate fish at noon and continued to search in the afternoon. The two climbed to the top of the mountain in raincoats and looked at the direction.

They found that the river with the black bear turned a big S bend on it, and there was a relatively wide river valley on it.

"Maybe we can go over there to look for it." Lin Yue said.

Lin Heng looked over there and said, "It's possible, but it's too far. We can't come back at night."

It didn't seem to be far, but he estimated that it would take them half a day to walk from the shelter to there, and it would be unrealistic to come back.

Lin Yue gritted his teeth and said, "Then don't come back. Find a place to stay for one night. I have given up here. I have been looking for so many days and found nothing."

The continuous disappointment made him a little unbearable. Hunting is so difficult.


Lin Heng nodded and agreed. When he first came, he was still thinking about hunting two big black bears weighing four or five hundred kilograms. Now he would be satisfied as long as he could kill a muntjac.

Dreams always fade, and life is really hard. Lin Heng also decided to take a little chance. As long as it is not raining, it is not particularly dangerous to camp outside.

Especially with Xiongba.

On the eighth day in the mountains, the rain finally stopped. The weather was clear and refreshing in the morning, the sky was blue, the air in the forest was fresh, and even the dewdrops were lovely, like pearls.

After breakfast, Lin Heng and his partner left the red dates, white rice and porcupine jerky here. They set off with tools and some steamed buns made of flour.

Heading in the direction they had set before, they had eaten grouse and cormorants in the past two days, and had eaten a lot of fish. All the flour they brought was made into steamed buns, enough for the two to eat for a day.

If they didn't catch a large prey this time, they would have to go home.

With all their strength, the two climbed to the top of the mountain at around ten o'clock and began to walk down the mountain towards their destination. The distance was two or three times farther than going up the mountain, and the road was not easy to walk.


Not long after walking over there, Xiongba suddenly made a new discovery.

"What is it?"

Lin Heng thought it was a mushroom or something, but when he came over and took a look, he was immediately excited and even trembling a little.

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