The forest after the rain was filled with mist, and the midday sun was warm and hot, which quickly evaporated the moisture in the forest.

Lin Heng walked in the soft forest and found that the bark of many small trees had been worn off. For a while, he couldn't figure out what was going on.

After all, he didn't hunt much in his previous life, and he was not omniscient.

Until Xiongba's roar in the distance made him see that thing.

A huge deer antler fell on the ground.

Lin Heng finally understood what the mark was just now. It was caused by the antler of the sika deer.

The Qinling Mountains are vast and boundless with all kinds of animals. Sika deer naturally exist, but there are not as many as in the Greater Khingan Mountains. Lin Heng didn't expect to encounter them here.

He walked over and picked up the antler. It was a light brown four-slit antler, about 50 cm long, extremely huge, and looked full of beauty.

"Okay, you have made a contribution today, and find another one."

Lin Heng rubbed Xiongba's head with the antler and said with a smile.

The most famous thing about sika deer is naturally the velvet antler, but this hardened old antler still has medicinal value. Even if it doesn't have it, Lin Heng likes it very much. This thing itself is very beautiful and can be used as a decoration.


Xiongba was rubbed on the head by Lin Heng twice, and worked harder.

Lin Heng also became cautious. Judging from the situation, the sika deer is likely to be nearby. Generally speaking, male sika deer have a sense of territory and should not leave their own territory.

The white mist in the forest is fresh with a hint of sweet flowers. The mountains in the distance are also lush and green. Everything is too beautiful.


After a while, Xiongba made a sound again, obviously he had found something again.

Lin Heng walked over and took a look. He thought it was another antler, but found a pile of very fresh feces. It looked like it was definitely just this morning.

This is also good news for Lin Heng. Following some footprints on the ground, he continued to search forward.

As he walked forward, he did not find the remaining antlers, because these antlers did not just fall off, and it should have been a while.

Lin Heng thought about it, and then turned back to look for the other half, but only one made him a little obsessive-compulsive.

After half an hour of searching with Xiongba, he finally found the other half of the antler under a tree. Lin Heng finally felt relieved after getting both antlers.

"Let's go and find the trace of that deer."

Lin Heng put the antler into his backpack and rubbed Xiongba's head.

It had just rained and the ground was still very soft. It was easier to find the trace of animals than usual because you could see footprints.

Relying on Xiongba's sensitive nose, Lin Heng kept moving forward.

"Brother, did you find anything?"

Lin Yue originally walked on the other side of the hillside, but he came to meet Lin Heng without finding anything.

"Sika deer, I picked up two antlers."

Lin Heng boasted in a low voice.

"Let me see!"

Lin Yue got excited and quickly ran over, took it out of Lin Heng's backpack and looked at it again and again.

"Damn, this antler is so handsome, how did you find it?" Lin Yue asked enviously.

Lin Heng smiled and pointed at Xiongba: "It's all thanks to him, I didn't find it."

He walked along with Xiongba, whose nose was super sensitive and eyes were extremely sharp, so he could always find something.

Lin Yue looked at Xiongba and said: "Xiongba is really extraordinary, he feels much better than ordinary dogs."

Lin Heng smiled and said: "Yes, he is much better than ordinary dogs, I will give you one when you have a baby."

"That's great."

Lin Yue smiled. Recently, he also found some differences between Xiongba and ordinary dogs, that is, he is too psychic, just like a human.

"Since you are here, let's track this sika deer together. Now at noon, this guy usually hides in dense bushes or grass. Be careful when you encounter grass and bushes."

Lin Heng looked at his elder brother and said.


Lin Yue nodded, and kept some distance from Lin Heng, and followed Xiongba.

Following Xiongba's footsteps, the two soon came to a kudzu vine rack halfway up the mountain.

Looking down, there are more than ten acres of kudzu vines, which wrap around and cover the trees. From the outside, you can only see the green leaves of kudzu vines.

The footprints also clearly point to the vine racks.

Lin Yue was at a loss when he saw this situation: "Isn't this the end? It's impossible to find a deer in here."

The kudzu vines are too messy, and there are many thorns growing inside. It's a living hell for people to get in, and it will definitely make a lot of noise, and will definitely be discovered by prey first.

Lin Heng also understood this situation. After thinking for a while, he looked around and came to a huge beech tree.

Lin Heng looked at his elder brother and said, "Brother, you hide under the tree. I'll go up the tree to see the situation. Maybe I can find traces."

Even if the sika deer hid in the kudzu vine rack, as long as it plucks leaves to eat, there will be movement, and he may find it on the tree.

It happened to be a breeze today, so it shouldn't be difficult to find it.

"Okay." Lin Yue nodded, thinking that this was indeed a solution.

Lin Heng took a look at the tall tree that he could just hug, put down his backpack, took out the rope and started climbing.

This rope is not for climbing trees, but only for use after reaching the top of the tree. Although tying the rope to your feet can help you climb a tree, it is inconvenient when there are too many branches.

Lin Heng held the tree trunk tightly with his hands and legs, climbing up little by little. The most difficult part was the next six or seven meters, because there was no place to lean on, so he could only rely on his own strength.

Fortunately, Lin Heng often climbed trees when he was a child, and he was very proficient in this skill. He used the strength of his legs skillfully and climbed up quickly.

It was much easier to climb to the part close to the branches, and he quickly climbed to the top of the tree with leverage. However, there were too many branches and people were always hanging on them, and some red marks appeared on his arms.

The wind at the top was a bit strong, and I shivered a little when I looked at the height of more than ten or twenty meters below. I quickly took out the rope and tied it to the main pole, and tied the other side to my waist, so that it would be okay even if I made a mistake.

After taking safety measures, Lin Heng sat on a branch to check the situation of the kudzu rack below. The lush branches of the beech covered Lin Heng, so he didn't have to worry about being exposed.

The problem was that the field of vision was also slightly limited, and it always felt that everything was moving when looking down, which was much more difficult to distinguish than imagined.

After sitting for more than half an hour, Lin Heng still couldn't confirm whether there was a sika deer in there.

"What's the situation?"

Lin Yue asked when there was no movement.

"Wait a little longer."

Lin Heng shook his head. His butt was sore from sitting. He had changed his posture twice. His method was feasible in theory, but it was extremely difficult to implement in practice.

But he understood that hunting was like this. The game process with prey was full of pain and required patience and carefulness. Therefore, he was not in a hurry. He sat for more than two hours, searching from top to bottom, over and over again.

"Is it not in here?" Lin Yue asked in a low voice under the tree.

It was already afternoon. He felt that there was no need to continue to hold on. It would be better to go to the river valley agreed yesterday as soon as possible, maybe he could find other prey.

"Wait a little longer!"

Lin Heng shook his head. If it was normal, he would have given up, but this was a clue found after the rain, and Xiongba also confirmed it, with a high accuracy.

So he was willing to wait a little longer. He could see clearly from the top of the tree. In addition to a bush to the southwest, these two places were suitable for hiding. He felt that the probability of hiding here was higher.

It was already 2:30 in the afternoon. Lin Heng felt that even if it took a lunch break, it should get up and eat now.

Just when Lin Heng was a little sleepy, he suddenly found a new trace. There was a new movement at the lower left of the kudzu vine frame, which was larger than before and continued.

This was obviously caused by some herbivorous animal pulling leaves to eat. Lin Heng took a few deep breaths to calm down, and then continued to observe carefully.

After confirming it, Lin Heng started to get down the tree without hesitation, but his legs were a little cramped because he sat too long. He barely recovered after moving a few times.

"What's wrong, still no harvest?" Lin Yue asked when he saw Lin Heng climbing down.

Rubbing his thigh, he said excitedly: "I found it again. I know where that thing is."


Lin Yue opened his eyes wide and asked excitedly.

Lin Heng made a shushing gesture and whispered, "Of course it's true. I didn't wait for so long in vain."

After taking a breath, Lin Heng continued, "I'm not sure if this thing is a sika deer or something else, but it is definitely a large animal. He is now at the lower left of the kudzu rack and is about to go out from there to the bottom of the mountain near the river."

Lin Yue said excitedly, "It's good to have it. No matter what it is, just kill it first."

Lin Heng also meant this. Then he determined the hunting plan. His eldest brother would squat above the prey, and Xiongba would follow him to take a long way around to the lower left, waiting for it to get out of the kudzu rack and take action.

After discussing it, the two quickly separated. Lin Heng took Xiongba around a long distance and quickly rushed down. On the way, they encountered two pheasants that were very close to each other and had no time to deal with them.

After reaching the approximate location, he chose a downwind position to squat and began to adjust the bow and arrow at the same time.

After waiting for about half an hour, the kudzu vines finally moved. Lin Heng saw the figure of this guy through the gaps in the leaves. It was a yellow-brown body with white spots on it. It was a sika deer.

This guy was more cautious. He would look around after eating a few bites and was not in a hurry to come out.

Lin Heng was about a hundred meters away from it, a little above him. This distance and position were enough to shoot, but he was not in a hurry.

While patiently waiting for the best opportunity, he drank two sips of water to calm himself down. The more nervous he was at this time, the more likely he was to make mistakes.

About half an hour later, Lin Heng's legs were numb from squatting, and this huge male sika deer finally came out of the edge of the kudzu vines.

Lin Heng felt that this was the best time, and there was almost no obstruction in his sight.

"Yo Yo!!"

The sika deer made a sharp cry, as thin as a whistle, and extremely crisp.

Swoosh! !

Lin Heng shot an arrow at the right time. With a swoosh, the black arrow pierced through several leaves and pierced the sika deer's chest very accurately, and went straight through.

"Yo Yo!!"

Accompanied by a tragic roar and the sound of flesh and blood being pierced, the sika deer rolled down the hillside, climbed up and ran wildly towards the distance.

"Woof woof~" Xiongba was finally able to run wildly after enduring for a long time, and quickly chased after it.

"Failed?" Lin Yue's voice came from above.

Lin Heng shook his head: "No, the arrow went straight through, it won't live long."

For hunters, the most difficult part of hunting is finding prey, and accuracy is the basic skill of hunters.

After saying that, he walked over and picked up the arrow. He had just pulled a 50-pound bow, which was so powerful that the arrowhead was damaged by hitting the stone.

"Let's go, let's chase him."

Lin Yue had already rushed down at this time and said excitedly.

Lin Heng nodded, and the two of them quickly chased in the direction of Xiongba's cry.

About five minutes later, they saw Xiongba and the huge sika deer. It fell to the ground with blood gushing out, and its chest was heaving, but it was not dead yet.

Lin Yue walked over and stroked the sika deer and said excitedly: "It's so beautiful, this guy must be two or three hundred pounds."

"At least two hundred pounds." Lin Heng also smiled with satisfaction. There were two sections of antlers more than ten centimeters long on the top of the sika deer's head. This pure wild antler is a good thing.

In addition, deer skin, deer whip, and deer tendons are also valuable, and even the sika deer meat is also very special.

Of course, it is still far inferior to the black bear.

After taking a look at Xiongba licking the blood, Lin Heng took out a good plastic bag for his elder brother to catch, then took out a dagger and stabbed it into the carotid artery in the neck to bleed, ending its life quickly.

Some of the blood flowed out, and there were about seven or eight kilograms of blood collected, filling a large bag, and two bags were put in to put it in. Xiongba continued to drink the rest, licking it clean.

Looking at the dead sika deer, Lin Yue asked: "What should we do now, brother, go back or continue exploring?"

Although the weather is not as hot as in summer, the venison can't last more than three days. Lin Heng said directly: "Go back directly, it may be difficult to find a black bear, and look for it next time."

"Okay, let's prepare to go back." Lin Yue nodded in agreement.

The two first made a fire on the spot to make blood clots from the deer blood, and then found kudzu vines and sticks to lift the sika deer, and then carried it back.

The way back was difficult and tortuous, and it was even more difficult to carry a deer weighing more than 200 kilograms, especially since there was no tight road, and it was all opened by ourselves.

After walking a few steps, we had to rest. It took more than two hours to reach the top of the mountain. When the two stopped to rest, half of the sun had already hidden under the towering mountains in the west, and the mountains were blood red and very gorgeous.

The two looked at the mountains and valleys dotted with flowers and greenery, and were intoxicated by the beautiful scenery under the sunset. For a moment, they felt infinitely comfortable and took a sip of water bags facing the sunset.

While enjoying the beautiful scenery, Lin Yue said: "Hunting is really interesting. This mountain is really full of charm."

Lin Heng patted his eldest brother on the shoulder, and the shadows of the two were stretched infinitely far away: "Of course, there may be a chance to fight again tonight."

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