Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 269 Returning home with a great harvest [6,000 words]

After resting at the top of the mountain, the two set off to go down. The downhill road was much easier to walk.

The two of them still carried the deer down the mountain, but the road was not the same as the one they came from, but a smoother one.

When it got dark, the two finally returned to the shelter. The neighing sound of red dates sounded not far away, which seemed to remind them that there was no food in this place and they should move to another place.

The two placed the sika deer on the ground and sat down to rest, breathing heavily and sweating profusely. It was too tiring to carry such a large prey in the mountain forest.

Even going downhill is tiring.

Lin Heng exhaled and said, "Fortunately, I brought the red dates with me. We don't need to carry them when we transport them back."

The four-legged Hong Zao can easily carry something weighing more than 200 kilograms on his back, and it won't be difficult at all.

Lin Yue nodded, took a sip of water and said: "Brother, do you want to kill this deer and take it back? Will it be difficult to carry it intact like this?"

Lin Heng shook his head: "No, it's more troublesome to kill him. Just help him."

"That's okay." Lin Yue nodded.

After resting for a while, Lin Heng went out and took Hong Zao to another position. Then the two hung the sika deer under the tree and cooked.

The meat of white rice seeds is not durable for storage, and there is still a little bit left for later. I can eat it directly tonight and fill my stomach without any problem.

After the meal, the two sorted out the harvest. They had eaten all the pheasants, grouse, etc. The main reason was that they were not easy to store and could not be taken back. Lin Heng kept some beautiful feathers and planned to go back to making shuttlecocks and dusters.

In addition, Lin Heng also has a porcupine skin on his hand. It is not valuable but the porcupine quills can be removed and used. The old sika deer antlers were also discovered by him and belong to him alone.

His eldest brother had a piece of white rice skin in his hand, but the others were gone.

Then there is the largest sika deer, which was discovered and hunted by Lin Heng. His elder brother Lin Yue played almost no role.

According to the normal distribution principle, he could only get less than 10% of the venison. The valuable things had nothing to do with him. After all, he had no effort at all.

Lin Heng plans to allocate more venison to his elder brother when the time comes, and keep the rest for himself. Only by abiding by the distribution rules can he survive in the long run.

Similarly, if his elder brother catches any big prey alone in the future, he will not take more.

Lin Yue has no objection to this. He is still learning to hunt more now. It would be good to have some venison allotment.

Most newbies are not as willing to take them as experienced hunters. Not to mention sharing things, they also have to invite people to drink.

"By the way, brother, what did you mean when you said there might be another chance tonight?"

Lin Yue asked curiously again after finishing his meal.

Lin Heng looked at his elder brother and said with a smile: "Many prey have super-sensitive noses. If we hang the deer outside, we might be able to catch the prey at night."

Hearing Lin Heng's words, Lin Yue slapped his thigh and said, "Then you said that killing the deer today released so much blood, is there any prey over there? We can kill a carbine now, and maybe there will be unexpected gains."

Lin Heng had already thought of this and nodded: "That's true, but I'm too tired. Another thing is that we don't have as good a sight as animals at night. They usually find us first, so the probability of hitting us is relatively low."

He was already very tired today. He had to go back tomorrow and walk thirty to forty kilometers of mountain roads. He didn't really want to run tonight.

Lin Yue said excitedly: "How about we go and try it? It won't take long to travel lightly."

Lin Heng thought for a moment and said, "That's okay."

He was actually hesitant, but if his eldest brother suggested that he go, he should go. It should be tiring. He hoisted the sika deer up with a rope, and the two of them took the bull lightly and set off to where they would kill the deer in the afternoon.

It was much faster to walk without any weight, but it was chilly at night after it had just rained.

Wrapping up my clothes and walking forward, I almost went straight up the mountain without exploring much on the way. It only took half an hour to reach the top of the mountain. When they were rushing towards the spot where the deer was killed, the two of them slowed down, staggered some positions, and slowly gathered in that direction.


Lin Heng was on his way when he suddenly heard a loud gunshot, and dazzling flames erupted from his elder brother's location 200 meters away.

Immediately afterwards, there was the sound of running wildly in the forest, and the sound of countless birds being frightened away.

At the same time, Lin Yue also shouted excitedly: "Brother, help chase, this is a big wild cat."

"Woof woof!!"

Needless to say, Lin Heng had already chased after him immediately.

"What kind of wild cat is it? Did you hit it?"

Lin Heng came over and asked. Before he could react, his elder brother suddenly fired.

Lin Yue said excitedly: "The red hair should be a golden cat. I saw it was hiding in the grass. When I found it and tried to run away, I had no choice but to shoot. I think I hit it."

"If you hit him, you won't be able to run away." Lin Heng nodded. Although his elder brother fired suddenly, his approach was not wrong.

Ten birds in the forest are worth less than one in hand. Maybe there are other large prey behind, maybe not, but if you catch this golden cat, you will make a lot of money.

The two of them walked forward listening to the barking of the majestic dog, and soon came to the river at the bottom of the mountain, where they also saw the body of the big golden cat.

"The male's big golden cat must weigh twenty kilograms."

Lin Yue picked up the dead golden cat and laughed.

"Awesome!" Lin Heng smiled and gave a thumbs up. His eldest brother had good luck entering the mountains this time.

I knelt down and took a look at the wound. This big golden cat was penetrated by a lead shot from the abdomen. No wonder it died so quickly.

"Thanks to you for reminding me, otherwise I wouldn't have turned back." Lin Yue laughed.

Lin Yue laughed and said, "Let's go, let's go back along the river."

With the gunshot, it was difficult to find other prey, and he was too lazy to bother with it.


Lin Yue nodded, borrowed the dagger from Lin Heng to bleed the golden cat, and then walked back with it.

Lin Heng led the way with a flashlight, and checked if there were any special species in the river.

After walking for a long time, they came to a shallow water by the river. When Lin Heng shone the flashlight, he saw a topaz-colored turtle lurking in the water to catch fish.


Xiong Ba rushed over first after seeing it, and the turtle was scared and shrank into its shell in a few seconds, motionless, and was bitten and taken out by Xiong Ba.

"This turtle is pretty good-looking." Lin Yue looked at the turtle and said.

Lin Heng took it and looked at it, and was surprised: "This is also a box turtle, which is quite rare. It's just right to take it back to Xiaoxia as a gift."

This turtle is the size of a palm, with a raised yellow ridge in the middle of the carapace. The carapace is light yellow and looks like it is made of topaz. It is very beautiful.

"I'll see if I can catch two turtles or tortoises and take them back to my son."

Lin Yue said with a smile. Children like this kind of small animals.

"There must be more. There are a lot of grass turtles in this mountain." Lin Heng said. Generally, no one catches turtles in the deep mountains, so there should be a lot of them.

Walking forward, half a kilometer later, we arrived at a shallow beach. When Lin Heng shone his flashlight, a small turtle drilled under the stone.

"Little grass turtle, not bad." Lin Heng caught it and handed it to his eldest brother and said.

"Now Lin Wei and the others won't quarrel with me." Lin Yue said happily.

Continue to walk forward, and found two giant salamanders on the road, but they ran too fast and got into the middle of the river. The two were too lazy to go into the water to catch them.

Lin Heng was lucky enough to catch a small turtle weighing two kilograms. Apart from that, he did not see any other suitable prey. The bear was completely missing, which made him quite disappointed.

When he was about to go back, Lin Yue suddenly said, "Look, it's a big turtle."

Lin Heng shone his flashlight over and saw a big turtle drilling into the sand and soon disappeared.

But the outline of its carapace skirt could be clearly seen through the flashlight. Lin Yue took off his shoes and walked over to grab it from behind and lifted it up with a smile: "This thing is good, it must be four or five kilograms, old guy."

"Awesome, it's bigger than mine." Lin Heng said with a smile. The older the turtle, the more nutritious it is, and the nutritional value of wild turtles is even better.

"Hehe, this time it's not in vain." Lin Yue smiled.

Put the turtle into the bag and the two walked towards the shelter. There was no movement in the shelter and everything was intact. This made Lin Heng a little disappointed. He was still thinking about hitting one if an animal approached.

After simply grilling a fish, the two went to rest on the rattan bed. There were no accidents at night, and no bears or other animals came.

The next morning, the two got up and cleaned up as soon as it got light. Lin Heng first fed the red dates, and then tied the sika deer to the back of the deer with a rope.

The sika deer is now intact except for the antlers that Lin Heng cut off.

Because the antlers need to be bled, it is not good to be attached to the deer's head, so they were cut off last night.

After tying up the sika deer, Lin Heng and Lin Yue carried their backpacks and other things and set off for home.

Pulling the red dates to the river, Lin Heng and his eldest brother began to catch sika fish and mandarin fish in the stone trap.

Lin Heng picked the big ones and caught ten. After killing them, he strung them together through the gills with a rope and tied them to his backpack. Xiaoxia and Xiulan both like to eat this thing, so he has to carry some even if the load is heavy.

After finishing, the two drove the red dates out. On the way back, Lin Heng went to collect all the noose traps he had set up before.

A total of more than a dozen traps were set up, but the only harvest was a gray rabbit. The little civet cat he was thinking about did not fall into the trap.

Lin Heng was not discouraged. This time the harvest was enough. If all the sika deer were sold, it would be sold for about 500 or 600 yuan, which was also a considerable amount for him.

Pulling the red dates, they moved forward all the way. They arrived near the village at three o'clock in the afternoon, and it was still ten kilometers away from the main road.

At this time, there were still some people in the river catching fish and washing clothes. They were stunned when they saw the prey carried by Lin Heng and the others.

After a careful look, they could not recognize it at all.

"Where are you from? Where did you kill such a big sika deer?" Someone asked curiously.

Lin Heng glanced at these people and said with a smile: "We hunted in the deep mountains. We are from Huangtan Town."

"It's amazing. We haven't seen anyone hunt this year."

"It's two or three hundred kilograms. It can be sold for hundreds of yuan."

"Boy, are you married? Do you want to see my daughter?"

The men drooled with envy, and the women inquired about the marriage of Lin Heng and his wife. Those with daughters promoted their daughters, and young unmarried women flirted with the two.

It's not that they are ignorant, but that in this small village in the deep mountains, it means that the family has such a horse.

Hunting is a technical job, which is loved by women. Even if they can't make a fortune, they can let the people in the house eat meat often, which is much better than the life of ordinary families eating cornmeal steamed buns every day.

Lin Heng smiled and shook his head, answering while walking out, but he didn't mean to stay here, thinking about his wife and children.

Just as he was about to leave, an unbelievable sharp voice suddenly came from behind: "Did you shoot this sika deer?"

Lin Heng looked back and saw that it was Liu Laoer who had stolen his horse that day. He immediately spread his hands and said with a smile, "If I didn't hit him, could he have stolen it?"

Liu Laoer's face became angry, but then he calmed down. He stared intently at the sika deer on horseback. He had just heard from the villagers that someone from another village had shot a sika deer. At that time, he thought of Lin Heng and the two of them, so he came over to see if it was true.

He was extremely unbalanced. He often ran in the mountains and picked up a pair of deer antlers this year. How could this kid hunt down a sika deer? He was really lucky.

Liu Laoer said disdainfully: "It's nothing to beat a deer. I've also shot a black bear."

Then he happily added: "I see that you are going in the direction you want to shoot black bears. Unfortunately, the bears there have been beaten by us a long time ago."

When they saw the direction Lin Heng was heading, they knew he was going to fight the black bear, so they deliberately didn't remind them, but they didn't expect that they would still gain something.

Lin Heng glanced at him and didn't believe this. He felt that Liu Laoer must not have hit the black bear.

He didn't bother to argue with him, so he pulled Hong Zao out.

When Liu Laoer saw that the man was about to leave, he quickly called out: "Wait a minute, where did you buy that bow and arrow? Do you want to sell it?"

Recalling the previous competitions these days, Lin Heng's compound bow made him more and more envious.

"I'll sell it to you for five hundred yuan." Lin Heng grinned.

Liu Laoer's eyes widened: "Five hundred yuan, are you crazy about money?"

Lin Heng didn't say anything, and he and his elder brother walked forward on their own.

"Sell it to me cheaper, and I'll tell you where there are black bears." Liu Laoer didn't want to give up. In fact, he was here to buy a bow, but he couldn't hold back the anger from last time and taunted him a few times.

"Five hundred dollars, let's not talk about anything else." Lin Heng waved his hands, not believing in any intelligence at all. Xiongba was easier to use than any intelligence.

Liu Laoer gritted his teeth. Five hundred dollars was impossible, so he could only watch Lin Heng leave.

Seeing that the man didn't follow, the two led the horses out along the half-meter-wide forest path.

When he was about to reach the main road, he heard Father Lin's voice in the distance before he left: "Son, if you don't come out, I'm leaving."

The two of them were not surprised by Lin's father's appearance. Today happened to be the tenth day. When they left, they made an appointment with Lin's father to pick them up in the afternoon on the tenth, 12th, and 14th day.

"Dad, come here and help get the things." Lin Heng shouted loudly.

"Did you hit the black bear?" Father Lin asked loudly as he walked inside.

"No, I just shot a sika deer, white rice seeds and wild cats." Lin Yue shouted with a smile.

Father Lin ran over excitedly and was stunned when he saw such a big sika deer on Hong Zao's back.

"Oh my god, it's so big!!"

Father Lin opened his mouth wide, his expression glazed over.

He didn't expect to hit the black bear. That thing was hard to hit, otherwise it wouldn't be that valuable. But being able to kill such a large sika deer was something he never expected.

"Not only that, this golden cat is not small either." Lin Yue held up the golden cat to show off.

Father Lin gave a thumbs up and said, "Awesome, you two brothers are lucky this time."

"I'm almost exhausted. Go back quickly and talk slowly when the time comes." Lin Heng waved his hand and said.

"Okay, give me the backpack."

Father Lin nodded with a smile and took Lin Heng's backpack.

The three of them walked forward and soon came to Bian Sanlun. Lin Heng and the others first unloaded the sika deer from the horse and threw it onto the cart next to it.

Then he took a deep breath, and almost every step of the way he had to help the sika deer again. It looked like it was difficult to restrain the horse safely, but it exhausted the two of them.

Then he piled the backpack and other prey into the truck compartment. After putting away the things, both of them felt relaxed and sat down to take a drink of water and rest.

"I cut a lot of cow grass, which is just enough for the red dates."

Father Lin smiled and said that he came early and saw a lot of wild barley grass on the roadside, so he cut it and put it in the car. It was just right for the red dates.

"Let's go, it's getting late."

After the two of them rested for a while, Lin Yue spoke.

"Let's go."

Lin Heng stood up and got on his horse. It was already five o'clock, and it was getting dark at seven o'clock. It was indeed getting late.

Father Lin and the others put away their things, took Xiong Ba into the car and headed back.


Lin Heng slapped the horse's butt and started running wildly on the road, taking advantage of the wind and sunset, like a knight-errant.

On the way he saw several lilies in full bloom, stopped his horse and picked them, and then folded some camellia pollen and peach blossoms and tied them into a bouquet.

"Brother, did you get this for Xiulan?" Lin Yue asked with a smile.

Father Lin said from the side: "No need to ask, it must be."

Lin Heng smiled and said, "Brother, you can also get some for your sister-in-law."

Lin Yue was a little moved and a little embarrassed, so he finally folded two camellias and placed them on the side of his backpack.

It was almost seven o'clock when we got home. The villagers had just finished their work and were enjoying the cool air. When they saw the movement on the road, they all came out to watch the excitement.

"Lin Heng and the others are back from hunting. It seems they got a lot of good things."

"I don't know where I will go hunting this time."

"Let's go and have a look."

A group of people said that and walked towards the door of Lin's house. As soon as Lin Heng and the others arrived at the door of their home, people from the village gathered, including Tian Baishun and other hunters from the village.

"Damn, it's such a big sika deer!"

"Not only that, there are also plum fish and wild cats."

When they saw the prey in the car, a group of people in the village were shocked. The sika deer was too big.

Tian Baishun looked at Lin Heng who had dismounted and said in shock: "Where did you hunt the sika deer?"

Lin Heng grinned: "Taibai Mountain, where else could it be."

"You went to the Heihe side?" Tian Baishun said in shock.

"Yes." Lin Heng smiled.

"Call me next time." Tian Baishun said enviously.

"Let's talk about it then." Lin Heng did not agree directly.

Tian Baishun immediately realized that Lin Heng was unwilling to take care of an old man like him. He felt a little lonely after being disliked and said, "Then you can sell me some venison, right?"

"That's no problem." Lin Heng nodded with a slight smile.

He first pulled Hong Zao back to the horse pen in the back mountain, and then came back to help move things. A group of people in the village watched and wanted to see the deer killed and dissected. Everyone was envious.

"I'm sorry, everyone, I'm too tired today so I won't kill the deer." Lin Heng looked at everyone and said, directly killing their thoughts of entering the house to see.

Some people were dissatisfied with this and murmured: "If you don't want to be seen, just say so. What excuse are you looking for?"

Lin Heng glanced over, and the man immediately stopped playing.

Too lazy to argue with them, Lin Heng glanced at Xiulan, who was waiting for him next to her with Xiaoxia, and his family entered the house with smiles.

"Dad, we miss you~"

As soon as she entered the yard, Xiaoxia broke away from Xiulan Shouli and ran over to hug Lin Heng's thigh.

"I miss you so much too."

Lin Heng smiled, pinched his daughter's soft little face, and said affectionately.

"Then why did Dad have to be out for so long?"

Xiaoxia asked confusedly. She was unhappy if she couldn't see Lin Heng for a day.

"Because I have to go out to work to buy delicious food for Xiaoxia." Lin Heng looked at her and smiled.

After holding his daughter and coaxing her for a while, Lin Heng gave Xiulan the bouquet he brought back and put aside. He looked at her and grinned, "You saw the sika deer, right? I shot it. Are you surprised?"


Xiulan smiled and nodded while holding the flowers.

More than a surprise, she felt reassured. Seeing Lin Heng come back intact, she felt relieved. Every time Lin Heng went out hunting, she could not help but worry about his safety.

She also loves this flower deeply, but her parents are embarrassed to express too much in the yard, otherwise she really wants to praise him.

After a pause, she added: "Come in quickly, I've prepared bath water for you."

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded with a smile.

Leaving Xiaoxia to Lin's mother for temporary care, Xiulan took Lin Heng into the bedroom with flowers.

After smelling the flowers, she put them in the water bottle on the window sill and found clothes for Lin Heng. She wanted to go out but was pulled by Lin Heng: "Rub your back for me."

"Okay." Xiulan nodded in agreement. A breakup was better than a wedding. She also missed Lin Heng very much.

"Hey, your husband and I were almost bitten by a soldering iron. I'm scared to think about it now."

When Xiulan was rubbing her back, Lin Heng lay on the edge of the tub and sighed. His calves still tremble when he thinks about it.

Xiulan's hands trembled when she heard this and asked softly: "What's going on?"

"I was looking for prey at night and didn't see the snake on the tree, so I almost got bitten." Lin Heng turned his head and looked at Xiulan and said. When he returned to the house, he felt that his fatigue had dissipated a lot.

After hearing this, Xiulan was frightened for a while, and said, "Then don't go to the mountains at night in summer. We don't lack the money now, and I don't want anything to happen to you."

"I probably won't go there again this summer, and I don't have time." Lin Heng stood up with a smile.

Xiulan's face turned red when she saw his huge capital. She handed over the towel and said, "It's better if you don't go. It's best to live an peaceful life."

Lin Heng dried his body and changed his clothes. He couldn't help but put his arms around Xiulan's waist and indulged in the faint fragrance of her body.

"Wait until parents are still outside."

Xiulan held his hand and said softly, missing Lin Heng's strong and warm embrace in her heart.

Lin Heng grinned mischievously: "Actually, I just smelled the fragrance. I didn't expect my wife to think so."

Xiulan slapped him, glared at him and said angrily: "You bullied me as soon as you came back. If I had known, I wouldn't have prepared hot water for you."

"How dare I." Lin Yue chuckled, hugged her soft body and took a deep breath, then let go and walked out one after the other.

As soon as she left the bedroom, Xiaoxia rushed over to her. Lin Molin's father was also sitting in the main room.

"Son, is this sika deer going to be skinned today?" Father Lin looked at him and asked.

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