Lin Heng nodded and said, "Of course. I didn't want to kill it today because I didn't want the villagers to watch. The sika deer was killed yesterday afternoon and should have been dealt with earlier."

"Then I'll help you." Father Lin nodded and went to the house to find a large bamboo dustpan.

Lin Heng took a look at the sika deer and was not in a hurry to deal with it. He first took down the ten large sika fish hanging on his backpack and handed them to Xiulan: "I caught them in the river when I left today. You can decide what to do with them."

Xiulan took the bunch of plump sika fish and said, "Then keep two to eat fresh, and make the rest into dried fish."

Lin Heng nodded and took out a pile of stones from his backpack. They were the bloodstones and crystals he found in the mountain cave. They were so heavy that he was exhausted.

"Dad, what is this?" Xiaoxia asked curiously while picking up the small bloodstone.

"Your bloodstone is so red!" Father Lin said in shock. He heard Lin Heng say it on the way, but he didn't expect it to be so red.

It was the first time for Xiulan and Lin's mother to see chicken blood stone. They looked at the blood-red stone curiously with amazement on their faces.

"This is chicken blood stone, don't drop it." Lin Heng said as he looked at the small stone held by Xiaoxia.

"Okay~" Xiaoxia agreed crisply.

Lin's mother asked curiously, "Can this thing be sold for money?"

Lin Heng nodded, "Of course it can be sold, it's not cheap, but I won't sell it for the time being, I'll keep it for fun."

After that, he put the stones in a bamboo basket and took them to the study. The small one was put in the bookcase and the big one was placed on the dark wood desk. He thought about making a bracket to put it up later.

The old deer antlers were also placed in the cabinet. Lin Heng planned to pick a time to fix them on the wall as decorations. If needed, he could take them down and use them as Chinese medicine, which was killing two birds with one stone.

He came out of the house and saw his mother pulling out porcupine quills. Seeing Lin Heng, she looked up and said, "It is said that this thing can cure diseases when used to comb hair. I will go back and try it."

"This thing cannot be sold either. If you want to pull it out, just pull it out."

Lin Heng waved his hand. He brought this thing back for fun. It didn't matter whether it was sold or not.

"This is deer antler. You take it. I will process it and cut it into slices later." Lin Heng handed the deer antler to Xiulan again. He simply scalded the cut roots of the deer antler to prevent the loss of blood, and then scraped the hair.

It needs to be processed further to make deer antler slices.

Xiulan took it and looked at it curiously. She had heard of deer antler, but this was the first time she saw the real thing. She looked at it curiously.

In addition to these, Lin Heng also had a turtle and a small tortoise in a bag, as well as a dead rabbit. The turtle was given to Xiaoxia to play with, and the turtle was thrown into the basin. Both things were alive and kicking.

After finishing all this, Lin Heng put his backpack and bow bag on the stone table and said with a smile: "Okay, that's all the guards we're going out with this time."

"Very impressive." Xiulan praised.

Lin's mother also nodded and said: "Yes, I think some hunters may not be able to catch anything good even if they go out for half a month."

Lin Heng smiled. Xiongba played an extremely important role in this. He was able to make a fortune in hunting thanks to Xiongba, otherwise even if he could shoot accurately, it would be useless if he didn't know how to find the traces of the prey.

He walked over to kill the deer with his father. Lin's mother and Xiaoxia watched beside them. Xiulan, wearing a set of old clothes that had been washed white, went back to the house to prepare dinner.

To kill the deer, you must first skin it. First, use a knife to cut a circle along the neck, and then cut it from the belly. Then, pull the deer skin and press it with your fist. The skinning speed is much faster than using a knife directly, and there is no need to worry about accidentally cutting the deer skin.

It took the father and son about a quarter of an hour to skin the deer skin. The whole deer skin weighed more than ten pounds, and there was still some fat on it that had not been scraped clean.

"This is a good thing. It can be sold for at least 150 or 60 yuan." Father Lin said with a smile while looking at the deer skin. The skin of sika deer is more valuable than suede.

Lin Heng nodded: "Almost the same, but I'm not going to sell it."

"Not going to sell it? Keep it for yourself?" Father Lin asked curiously.

Lin Heng nodded: "Keep it for now. It's good to make a blanket after tanning it yourself."

The main reason is that more than 100 yuan is just a drizzle for him now. It's better to keep it for himself than to exchange it for money. Therefore, he didn't plan to sell the antlers and kept them for himself.

"That's fine." Father Lin nodded. Lin Heng only made 3,000 yuan a year at the purchasing station. He really didn't need this little money.

After saying a few words, the two took off the deer's head first, then hung it upside down and started to cut open its belly. This is no different from killing a pig.

The internal organs were taken out one by one and hung aside. The internal organs of the deer were not particularly valuable. The more valuable ones were the fetus and the deer penis. This was a male deer. Lin Heng took down the entire set of deer penis and hung it on the wall.

This thing is said to be able to nourish the kidneys and strengthen yang, nourish the essence and activate blood circulation, and can also cure female uterine coldness and infertility. Lin Heng didn't really need this thing. He was already strong enough, and he could sell it depending on the situation.

Then the two of them cut the sika deer in half with a knife and weighed it with a beam scale.

While they were weighing, Lin Yue came in from outside and said with a smile, "I'll help."

"Have you peeled the golden cat?" Lin's father turned his head and asked.

Lin Yue nodded: "Yes, I have peeled it. The golden cat is only 22 pounds. I don't know how it tastes."

He is in a very good mood now. This time he hunted a lot of prey and his wife was very happy. In addition, he also took two flowers, so she was even more obedient to him.

"That's not bad." Lin's father nodded. The skin of the golden cat can also be sold for a lot of money.

While chatting, they weighed the deer, and half of it weighed 92 kilograms.

Father Lin nodded: "It's OK. This deer is big enough. It was probably 250-60 kilograms when it was alive."

"That's for sure. The antlers are big. This is a big male deer." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Lin Yue looked at the venison and said: "Are you going to sell all this meat?"

Lin Heng replied: "I've thought about this question a long time ago. Keep it for yourself. Make it all into venison jerky as a snack. Few people will buy it if you sell it."

Venison has almost no fat. It's all red meat. You won't get fat if you eat it. The taste of venison jerky is better than beef.

If it's sold, no one will buy it if it's expensive. He thinks it's not worth it if it's cheap, unless he sells it in the city. But he doesn't need this little money now. The deer skin is left, so there's no need to sell the venison.

Lin Yue nodded: "Is that so? Then I'll make some and try it later."

The father and son chatted while dividing it. Lin Heng kicked all the meat off the bones and pushed a large pot.

The ribs and other things can be used to make soup, and the deer tendons on the legs are all picked off and stored separately, which is also a very precious Chinese medicinal material.

The remaining pile of bones can be used to make bone powder for medicinal purposes, and can even be made into bracelets.

But Lin Heng had no interest in this, and directly gave half of it to his parents, asking them to make soup to make up for the strain of the lumbar muscles, which is also good for the body.

There are only 126 kilograms of pure sika deer meat. Lin Heng gave his eldest brother 10 kilograms plus some deer leg bones and four ribs, and gave his parents 10 kilograms of deer meat.

His eldest brother also brought him three kilograms of golden cat meat, because he had never eaten it before, so he asked Xiulan to fry some golden cat meat and deer meat to taste it in the evening.

The deer blood cooked on the mountain was a little spoiled, so it could only be cooked with some noodles and minced meat for the three dogs of Xiongba, Laifu and Fengshou as dinner.

It was already 8:40 when the deer was slaughtered. The sun had already set, and the family sat in the yard to enjoy the cool and chat.

Tonight, the stars are shining and the moon is high in the sky. In addition, there are no annoying mosquitoes. It is the best time to enjoy the cool air.

"The meal is ready!"

After a while, Lin's mother came out and shouted.

"Eat, eat!"

Lin Heng was already hungry. He walked into the house to help get the bowls and chopsticks. He ate before the dishes were served.

But no one blamed him. Everyone sat down and began to taste the food. Xiaoxia got into Lin Heng's arms and acted coquettishly. Xiulan brought him a bowl of rice wine and said, "It's newly made these two days. It's very sweet. Try it."

Lin Heng smelled the rich aroma of wine and couldn't help but drink a big mouthful directly. He exclaimed, "I haven't drunk rice wine for many days. I really miss it. It's delicious."

"This venison seems to be similar to deer meat." Lin's mother took a bite of the meat and sighed.

Xiulan also tasted it and nodded, "It feels more delicate. There is really no big difference."

Tonight, we made fried venison with garlic sprouts. The venison has clear texture and is very chewy. It tastes very good when eaten with garlic sprouts.

Lin Heng likes to pick up a large chopstick and put it in his mouth. Deer meat is chewy but not chewy. The grains are finer than beef, and the taste is different.

"They all say cat meat is sour, but this wild cat meat doesn't feel sour." Caiyun took a bite and said curiously.

"A little bit." Lin Heng said. He also tasted the golden cat meat, which tasted good, very delicate, but it was a little sour.

"I think it tastes better than pork." Lin Yue said with a smile.

Lin's father took a bite and commented: "It's not bad, no wonder I saw someone killing a cat to eat."

In this era, people eat cats and dogs. Most of them are so poor that they have never seen meat, and there are not so many taboos.

The children at the table all eat deer meat. This kind of lean meat is their favorite.

"Xiu Lan, did you pick up morels?"

Lin Heng took a bite of morels and turned to look at his wife.

Xiulan nodded: "I recently went to the place where I picked mushrooms last year and picked some. I also got some Chinese toon and fern."

"Then let's go pick some mushrooms in a few days." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Okay." Xiulan nodded and picked up a piece of fish to feed Xiaoxia.

Everyone enjoyed this dinner very much, and it was a happy time. It was already ten o'clock after dinner. Everyone simply cleaned up the dishes and went back.

Father and mother Lin did not go to Hongfeng Mountain tonight, and rested in the old house.

Lin Heng washed his face and brushed his teeth and lay on the soft bed. He was refreshed and said with emotion: "This is much more comfortable than the mountain."

Xiulan carried Xiaoxia to bed, smiled and pinched his shoulders, tilted her head and asked: "Is it more comfortable now?"

"I will pinch Dad's hands too." Xiaoxia's little hands imitated her mother's.

Lin Heng nodded vigorously: "It's so comfortable."

It's so wonderful to be at home. There are more comfortable things than this. It's a pity that his daughter is not asleep yet.

After kneading for a while, Lin Heng hugged Xiaoxia and said, "Daddy will tell you a story before you go to bed?"

"No, I want to play games with Daddy." Xiaoxia shook her head. She hadn't played enough with Lin Heng.

"Be good, I'll play with you tomorrow morning. The frogs are all going to sleep." Lin Heng kissed her and said.

"But, Daddy hasn't played with me for a long time~"

Xiaoxia took the little frog, the little magic cube and the paper cutting, all waiting for Lin Heng to play with her.

Xiu Lan saw what Lin Heng wanted to do and laughed in her heart. She wanted to tease him, but when she thought that he must be tired all day, she felt distressed again. She pulled her daughter's hand to help speak: "Be good, Daddy won't leave this time, and tomorrow's play will be the same."

Xiaoxia lowered her head and was a little unhappy.

Lin Heng picked her up and said, "Then let's play for a while."


Hearing this, Xiaoxia jumped up happily.

Lin Heng picked the most difficult Rubik's Cube to play with her. As he played with it, he found that Xiaoxia was much better than before. She couldn't play with this second-level Rubik's Cube before, but now she could put it in a color. We fought together.

This shows that she has understood the rules of the Rubik's Cube and started to try it out, which is completely different from the previous messing around.

Despite playing for a while, she gave up and lay in Lin Heng's arms to let him tell a story. Lin Heng told her a fairy tale he made up to put her to sleep.

After she fell asleep, she carefully placed her on the small bed, closed the mosquito net and turned off the lights. She returned to the bed and hugged Xiulan, wanting to kiss her.

Xiulan didn't resist at all, and cooperatively handed the little mouth over.

It took a while for the two of them to separate out of breath. Although there was no light or fire in the room, the moonlight coming through the window still allowed them to see each other clearly.

Xiulan grabbed Lin Heng's big hand, looked at him with a red face and said, "Aren't you tired after running all day?"

Lin Heng chuckled: "I feel less tired after seeing you. I want to relieve my stress."

Before Xiulan could speak, he leaned into her ear and said, "Have you felt pregnant recently?"

Xiulan shook her head slightly and whispered: "My relatives came here a few days ago."

"That's just right, let's try again."

Lin Heng chuckled and pushed Xiulan down.

After a long time, Lin Heng lay on his back on the bed feeling comfortable, his body and mind falling into a great sense of joy.

Xiulan leaned in his arms, her body radiating heat, and she felt very satisfied.

I haven’t seen him for several days. This guy is plowing the fields like a disobedient cow.

"It's good to be home."

After cooling off for a while, Lin Heng hugged his wife and whispered. The hearty battle just now allowed him to completely release the pressure in his heart. The best thing was that he didn't need any protection.

"You know your home is good, so don't go out." Xiulan whispered.

Lin Heng turned to look at her little face and said, "Do you miss me very much these days?"

"What do you mean, you asked knowingly." Xiulan rolled her eyes at him.

"I don't know, just tell me, I want to hear it." Lin Heng said with a smile, he already knew how much Xiulan missed her just now.

"Don't tell me." Xiulan snorted softly. When she was just plowing the fields, she had answered so many embarrassing questions for him, and now that she was asking them, it was so bad.

Lin Heng hugged her and shook her: "Just tell me, I want to hear it now."

"I thought about it, I thought about it very much, are you satisfied now?"

Xiulan had no choice but to coax her child-like man, and then said softly: "Go to sleep, you're tired after a long day."

Lin Heng felt relieved after hearing this, hugged her and said, "I miss you so much too, but you miss me so much."

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