"Get up!"

In a daze, Lin Heng heard his wife calling him.

"Ah~ what time is it?"

Lin Heng yawned, opened his eyes and glanced at Xiulan, then turned over and continued to sleep.

"It's eight o'clock, Xiaoxia is awake." Xiulan said aloud.

"Wake up, Dad!" Xiaoxia's crisp voice also sounded nearby.

Lin Heng stretched and sat up. He didn't even sleep well on the mountain. When he came back, he felt comfortable and didn't want to get up.

"Ah~ then get up."

After getting dressed and getting up, Lin Heng realized that what his wife was wearing today was completely different from yesterday.

She wore a white round-neck shirt on her upper body, a light-colored plaid shirt on the outside, a beautiful white floral skirt on her lower body, the kind that reached her ankles, and black canvas shoes on her feet.

Her hair was tied into a high ponytail, and her mouth was smeared with lipstick. It looked very oily and shiny, and her whole temperament was like that of a gentle and beautiful neighbor sister.

Lin Heng asked curiously: "Honey, why are you dressed so well today?"

He remembered that Xiulan was still wearing old clothes that had turned white when she came back yesterday. Why was she suddenly dressed up so beautifully today?

Xiulan rolled her eyes at him, tilted her head angrily and said, "If you don't like it, I'll change it back."

Yesterday, Lin Heng was not at home, so she was too lazy and didn't want to dress up. When Lin Heng was at home, she wanted to dress up beautifully for him.

She got up in the morning and dressed up for a long time, but this guy was still so confused, which made her a little angry.

"No, no, it's very beautiful. I just woke up and my mind was confused." Lin Heng quickly pulled her and coaxed her. He was smart and quickly thought of the reason.

Xiulan was in a good mood, blinked and said, "Then wash your face quickly and I'll get you some food."


Lin Heng and Xiaoxia washed their faces together. They didn't really want to exercise today, so they decided to take a break for the day and wait until tomorrow.

The backyard is full of greenery. The flowers, plants and trees planted are growing very quickly. The orchids have already sprouted flower spikes. The wild lilies planted in the yard have also grown snow-white buds, and the small shrubs bearing goat's milk fruits are already in full bloom. White flowers.

The pine trees and arborvitae grew very quickly due to the nutrient-rich environment. Lin Heng felt that it was necessary to prune them, otherwise they would lose their original strong and tenacious artistic conception.

The fish in the fish pond are swimming happily, playing under the small lotus leaves. These palm-sized lotus leaves have covered the four corners of the fish pond, and the small lotus flowers are probably about to grow out.

The red grape grafted on the grape trellis has a strong root system and has grown new branches twenty centimeters long. The largest leaves are already as big as a palm.

The new branches of the three-year-old grafted Jufeng seedlings planted next to it are only ten centimeters long, which is completely incomparable.

After walking around the yard, Lin Heng was very satisfied with the current courtyard.

Then he and Xiaoxia went to the back mountain to take a look. The fruit trees they planted had not changed much, but their leaves were more lush. The planted cucumber seedlings are already 30 to 40 centimeters tall and have bloomed, while the watermelon and cantaloupe have just begun to sprout tendrils.

Even though Lin Heng raised the seedlings very early, the influence of temperature still caused the watermelon to grow slowly.

"Dad, the melon seedlings I planted have come out." Xiaoxia said, pointing to the pumpkin, winter melon and cucumber seedlings with two new leaves next to her.

She would take a look every day and imitate her mother in watering them.

"Xiaoxia is amazing." Lin Heng praised his daughter and then looked at the other animals.

The big ox, the little cow, the jujube and the ewes are not at home. They must have been taken away by their parents to graze. The cows and forest musk deer are still at home.

Ryegrass, barleygrass and wheat are growing like crazy these days, and the cows are in for a treat. The mother forest musk deer eat not only barley grass, but also some tree buds, and there are many kinds of them.

"It looks like the baby will be born in May or June."

Lin Heng touched the head of the female forest musk deer and said to himself that her belly was obviously much bigger than before. It was already April 26th in the Gregorian calendar, and she would probably give birth in mid-May.

I just don’t know how many cubs will be born. Forest musk deer usually have two cubs, but there are also cases of one cub and three cubs.

"Dad, what does giving birth mean?" Xiaoxia asked, tilting her head.

"It's just a baby musk deer. Lin musk deer's mother gave birth to a baby musk deer. Your mother gave birth to you before." Lin Heng answered with a smile.

Xiaoxia tilted her head as if she didn't understand, and asked curiously: "How did you give birth to me?"

"It was born from your mother's belly. You will understand when you grow up." Lin Heng picked her up and walked back, ending the topic for the time being.

Xiaoxia tilted her head and thought for a while, then said, "I want to see Lin She's mother give birth to a baby Lin She."

She wondered how her mother gave birth to her.

"Okay, daddy will show you when the time comes." Lin Heng smiled and nodded.

"It's time to eat, and we're still cooking potato fork."

Xiulan said softly as she watched her father and daughter return.

"I just like to eat this, it's very good." Lin Heng smiled and nodded. The potato skewers are potato pancakes. They taste very fragrant and have a rich texture.

Potato cakes with milk, a rich and nutritious breakfast. Although he only bought the milk nearly two months ago, he felt that his family members' complexions were obviously better than before. Xiaoxia was even fairer and fatter, and she felt that she was growing much faster than before.

After breakfast, Lin Heng looked at the venison. The current average temperature was around 14 to 15 degrees Celsius, so the meat had to be processed as soon as possible.

"Xiulan, do you still have the stewed soup from before?" Lin Heng asked, looking at the deer's internal organs.

Xiu Lan nodded: "All are here. I will heat it up every two days."

Lin Heng said: "Then let's stew all the deer's internal organs."

"I thought so too." Xiu Lan nodded.

"As for the deer meat, stew two pieces and keep some for the next two days, and make the rest into jerky." Lin Heng started to pick.

After dividing the meat, Lin Heng was not in a hurry to make it for the time being. He and Xiu Lan went to get the seasoning. They planned to make two flavors, one spiced and one spicy. There were spices in the house, and they just needed to grind them into powder.

Xiu Lan was responsible for drying and grinding the spices, while Lin Heng began to process the antlers.

It is not difficult to process the antlers. Wash the surface with alkaline water and boil it in boiling water, but do not let water enter the root, which is the cut.

After boiling for two hours, you can take it out and put it in a ventilated place under the eaves to air dry. Then blanch it several times until it is half dry, then you can slice it and dry it thoroughly and seal it for storage.

Of course, it is also possible to cut it directly and dry it, but it will lose a lot of nutrients.

While the antlers were cooking, Lin Heng helped grind some spices and quickly prepared the ingredients for making dried venison.

Then the two of them took a knife and cut the venison into long strips. In order to dry faster, they needed to cut it thinner.

Originally, they wanted to ask for help, but their parents, eldest brother and sister-in-law were out, so they had to do it themselves.

After more than three hours of cutting, they finally cut all the 90 kilograms of venison into long strips. They cut from morning to noon, and they were working all the time except for drying the antlers.

"It's really tiring." Lin Heng moved his wrist. Fortunately, the knife was fast enough, otherwise he would never finish it.

Xiulan smiled and said, "It's tiring to cook, so be happy."

"That's right, others don't have it when they want to eat it." Lin Heng smiled, and the villagers were so jealous that they beat him when they heard this.

After a break, the two continued to work, put the cut venison into two large wooden basins, and then poured in the prepared spices, salt, white wine, sugar, MSG, and soy sauce and mixed them evenly.

Xiulan added a little saltiness to make the meat more salty, so that it can better preserve and prevent the meat from spoiling.

It was already two o'clock in the afternoon when the meat was mixed and marinated. The two washed their hands and drank a cup of tea, and then took a break and went to eat.

The rice was cooked by Xiulan just now, and the dish was stewed deer ribs soup. Before eating, Xiulan made a stir-fried deer meat with dried chili and coriander.

"It tastes better than coriander beef." Lin Heng tasted it and praised it.

Xiulan smiled and said, "Then eat more in the next two days. If you don't eat coriander, it will get old."

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded, and after dinner, he drank some more pork rib soup. The pork rib soup with black truffles and morels was also very fresh and fragrant, and he wanted to drink more.

The stewed deer ribs tasted good, Xiaoxia liked it very much, and also liked stewed potatoes and mushrooms.

"Dad, I want more~"

Xiaoxia finished a bowl of soup and looked up again.

"Okay, I'll serve you some more." Lin Heng smiled and nodded.

After finishing the meal, Lin Heng went to clean up the dishes and rested for a while. The two took the almost pickled venison to the yard and hung it on a rope to dry in the sun.



When Lin Heng and the others were drying the meat, Xiongba and two puppies, and even Jinbao looked over. These guys have been coveting the meat for a long time.

"Isn't it enough to eat just now?" Lin Heng glanced at Xiongba and scolded him.

A lot of bad scraps were fed to it, and it ate a lot. The other two puppies and Jinbao also ate some. He didn't treat them badly.

Although it was some scraps with fascia, it would be eaten by people in other families in the village, and it would not be left for cats and dogs.

Only the cats and dogs of Lin Heng's family could be so happy.


Xiongba rubbed against Lin Heng and wanted to eat more.

But Lin Heng didn't give it this face at all. After hanging the meat, he tied up the three dogs and one cat so that they couldn't covet the meat.

"Finally, it's done. I've been busy all day."

After drying the meat, Lin Heng stretched and sighed. He hasn't left the house yet.

Xiu Lan drank a sip of water and smiled, "There are still internal organs, deer skin, bones, and deer heads that haven't been processed yet."

Lin Heng waved his hand lazily: "Let's dry the deer skin for now. I'll slowly process it when I'm free for tanning in two days. I'll take some bones to Sandie and the others later. The rest will be cooked together in the evening and the meat will be cut into pieces to feed the dogs. The deer head will also be cooked and the meat will be cut into pieces."

"That's fine. Mom's not here anyway. Then you can take some ribs to Sandie and the others later." Xiu Lan nodded.

"Yes, don't tell Mom." Lin Heng said with a smile. If his mother saw this, she would nag him for wasting it. Only Xiu Lan would listen to him.

After a rest, Lin Heng took some meat and bones out.

"Old Man Tian, ​​the venison you wanted." Lin Heng came to Old Man Tian's house first with the things in his hand.

"How much is it?" Old Man Tian was digging in his vegetable garden and asked with a smile when he saw Lin Heng.

"One pound of meat, and a little bone, no need to pay, the meat is here for you." Lin Heng hung the things on the railing and waved away.

Old Man Tian often spoke well of him in the village, so he was too lazy to charge for this little meat.

"Thank you very much, I will give you something good later." Old Man Tian grinned and said without being polite.

When Lin Heng turned around and walked back, he took some meat to the village party secretary Tian Dongfu. Not to mention Tian Dongfu's help to him, Tian Yan often taught Xiaoxia to draw and play paper cutting, so he had to send some meat. Anyway, his family couldn't finish it.

Then he sent some meat to his third father's house. His third mother Li Xue was so happy to see the meat that she couldn't stop smiling and kept praising Lin Heng for his ability.

"Lin Heng, you are really good this time. You actually killed a sika deer weighing more than 200 kilograms." Third father Lin Xutao also gave a thumbs up.

"Haha, good luck." Lin Heng smiled. Another reason why he came to send meat was to show off that he killed so much, a deer.

"Don't say you are lucky, this is not luck." Lin Hai said with a smile.

"This is a skill." Lin Xutao nodded.

"Haha." Lin Heng smiled, said a few more words and said goodbye to go home.

Walking in the village, you can hear people talking about how great it was that he had killed a sika deer. Although he didn't show off deliberately, the news had already spread, causing many people to envy and be jealous.

Whenever he met someone, he would ask a few questions about the sika deer, and then show an envious expression.

"Lin Heng, don't you take this venison to the town to sell?" someone asked curiously.

Lin Heng smiled and shook his head: "I'm too lazy to sell it. It's very troublesome and I can't sell it for much money. I'll just make it into jerky and eat it myself."

"I'll eat it all myself."

Hearing this, a group of people suddenly felt a little sour. If you eat so much venison yourself, you have to have meat three times a day.

"Yes, it's all ready." Lin Heng said.

"But the deer penis can be sold. If anyone needs deer bones as a folk remedy, you can ask me for some." Lin Heng said again.

"How much is the deer penis?" someone asked curiously.

"If you really want to buy it, you can talk to me." Lin Heng smiled and didn't say the price.

After chatting for a while, he went home and helped Xiulan clean the large and small intestines of the deer. After that, Xiulan put them all in the pot for braising.

Lin Heng looked at the venison that had been a little dried in the sun, sat on a bench in the yard to enjoy the cool and the quiet evening and sunset.

The strawberries in the yard have bloomed, and the number of plants has exceeded 100, and there are many in the 20-square-meter land.

However, Lin Heng did not thin out the seedlings. The land is fertile enough, and it is not too late to thin out the seedlings after flowering and fruiting.

The watermelons, cantaloupes and cucumbers in the yard have also begun to climb, and they are not far from flowering and fruiting, and they are better than those growing on the back mountain.

"I am so tired."

Xiulan stretched out her body and walked out of the house, sitting next to Lin Heng and looking at him.

"Thank you for your hard work, my wife."

Lin Heng stretched out his hand for her to lean on him.

Xiulan smiled playfully: "It's not hard, this kind of life is what I like, and I have been very happy in the past year."


Just as Lin Heng was about to respond to Xiulan, there was a knock on the door, followed by his mother's voice: "Open the door, I brought you something good."

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