"Go open the door."

Xiu Lan turned her head and looked at Lin Heng.


Lin Heng nodded, walked over to open the gate of the yard, and Xiaoxia followed him with a small ball in her arms.


As soon as the door opened, Xiaoxia greeted in a baby voice.

"Xiaoxia is so good." Mother Lin touched Xiaoxia's head, and handed the basket in her hand to Lin Heng and said, "I brought you some peas."

Lin Heng looked at the peas in the basket and was a little surprised: "Are the peas fruiting now?"

While talking, he picked up one and put it in his mouth and ate it. It was sweet and crispy and very good. This kind of tender pea pods that have just fruited not long ago are the best.

"We don't grow them ourselves. These are early peas grown by Li Yun's family in the village. They gave me some, so I brought them to you."

Mother Lin said with a smile. Her status in the village has also improved a lot because of her son. Many women take the initiative to make friends with her.

Xiulan brought a glass of water to Lin's mother and said, "Mom, take it back and eat it with my dad."

Lin's mother smiled and said, "We are not in a hurry. Ours will be ready soon. Let Xiaoxia try it."

After that, she looked at Xiaoxia who was eating peas and asked with a smile, "Xiaoxia, is it delicious?"

"Very good~Thank you grandma."

Xiaoxia ate the pea pods with her little head like pounding garlic.

"It will taste better when it is fried." Lin's mother touched her face and said softly. She liked this little granddaughter more and more now. She was well-behaved and lovable.

Xiulan took Lin's mother's hand and said, "Mom, play for a while and eat before leaving. The deer offal will be braised soon. Take some back for my dad to drink."

Lin's mother smiled and shook her head, "Come and get it tomorrow. Your dad must be hungry. If I go back late, he will be angry again."

"It's okay. Wait a minute, mom." Lin Heng also said.

"That's fine." Lin's mother thought about it, sat on the bench to rest, and played with Xiaoxia.

After a few words, Lin Heng finally found out what his parents were doing. His father and elder brother were raking the fields and repairing the canals, preparing to plant rice in a few days, while his mother was herding cattle.

"By the way, your musk deer are about to give birth, right?" Lin's mother suddenly said.

Lin Heng nodded: "I know, I'll go to Hongfeng Mountain in a few days to build a musk deer pen, and raise them there in the future."

"It's okay for you to know." Lin's mother nodded, and then said, "The sheep will give birth soon. I estimate that in the next two days, it may give birth to two or three lambs, seeing that the belly is so big."

Lin Heng smiled: "That's great, you have something to raise."

Lin's mother glanced at her son: "Thank goodness you planted three acres of pasture, otherwise I wouldn't raise them for you."

She is very satisfied with her son now, and she doesn't mock him much. She used to want to beat him.

Lin Heng smiled and said, "I'll go over there tomorrow and start raising shrimps."

After chatting for a while, Lin's mother started playing with Xiaoxia. After a while, the gate of the yard was opened again, and Caiyun walked in with a smile and said, "I guessed my mother was here."

Then her nose moved again: "Oh, the smell of braised meat is so fragrant. I decided to eat at my brother's house today instead of going to Hongfeng Mountain."

Lin's mother glanced at her and said, "Anyway, as long as your brother doesn't chase you away, I don't mind whoever you want to go to."

"My brother will definitely not chase me away, right?" Caiyun tilted her head and looked at Lin Heng.

"That's for sure." Lin Heng smiled and nodded.

"You look like a child." Lin's mother shook her head. Caiyun has obviously become more lively since she went to school again. She felt a lot more comfortable looking at her.

Looking at the sky, Lin's mother shouted again: "Xiu Lan, is the braised meat ready? If not, I'll come to get it tomorrow."

"Okay, Mom, I'll get it for you right away."

Xiu Lan agreed and took out a bag of braised meat in a short while.

"So many." Lin's mother was surprised.

Xiulan smiled and said, "It's just the liver and small intestines that you and my father like to eat, and a piece of braised venison, not much."

"Wait a minute, let me see." Lin Heng took it and saw that most of it was venison liver, then went into the house to cut some back, and added some venison stomach to take out for his mother.

"What's wrong?" Lin's mother asked curiously.

Lin Heng looked at Xiulan and found that she looked innocent, so he shook his head and said, "Nothing, I like to eat venison liver recently."

"Okay, I'm leaving." Lin's mother seemed to have noticed something, smiled and left with the things.

Xiulan hurriedly got up to close the door, came back and looked at Lin Heng and said, "Put the meat away and let's prepare to eat."


Lin Heng nodded and didn't expose her. The three of them pulled the rope together to move the meat under the eaves, waiting for it to be dried by the wind at night.

Although these air-dried venison have only been dried for half a day, the surface has begun to dry, and it will be completely dried in half a week at most.

After moving the meat under the eaves, the two went back to the house to cook. Lin Heng removed the cooked bones and meat from the deer head, leaving some of the better ones for people to eat, such as the deer tongue and face skin, which tasted very good when cut and mixed with cold dishes.

The rest were all given to the three dogs and one cat, so that they had a big meal.

Xiulan only made a stir-fried bean pod with minced garlic, and the rest were braised dishes, which only needed to be made into a vinegar soup, which was very convenient to eat.

The stir-fried bean pods and peas were very sweet and had a garlic aroma. Xiaoxia put them into her mouth one by one.

"The taste of this deer's internal organs is completely different from that of pigs." Caiyun said while eating the braised deer intestines.

Lin Heng took a bite of the deer belly and smiled: "That's natural. Deer are more like cows. They both have four stomachs."

If the weather wasn't too bad for hot pot, this deer's belly would be a perfect hot pot.

Caiyun nodded and smiled, "After all, my sister-in-law is good at cooking. If she's not, no ingredients would work."

Xiulan smiled and said softly, "Eat more if you like it."

She also liked to eat deer's belly. It tasted so rich when stewed and then mixed with cold sauce.

"Sister-in-law is so nice." Caiyun smiled.

Lin Heng drank a sip of rice wine and picked up some stewed deer liver for Xiulan and said, "Eat more of this, it's good for blood."

Xiulan pursed her lips and ate one, then threw the rest to Lin Heng, "It's too greasy, you eat it."

"Eat it quickly, the doctor said you're anemic." Lin Heng picked it back for her and urged her. Xiulan didn't like to eat liver and blood, so she quietly sent the deer liver out in the afternoon.


Xiulan picked it up and ate it obediently. Although she was forced, she was actually very happy in her heart, as if it was because of Lin Heng's concern.

"That's right." Lin Heng nodded with satisfaction.

"Oh, you show me your affection." Caiyun laughed and said, which made Xiulan feel a little embarrassed.

Lin Heng glanced at her and smiled: "Come on, come on, eat a few too."

"I'm kidding, brother." Caiyun begged for mercy.

But it was useless, Lin Heng had already stuffed it into her bowl.

The few people finished the meal happily, and Caiyun helped Lin Heng wash the dishes very consciously.

Xiulan wanted to take some braised meat to her sister-in-law to prevent her sister-in-law from worrying. Lin Heng was watching at the door, and Xiulan glared at him after finding out: "You don't trust me so much."

"Well, after all, you did this once in the afternoon." Lin Heng smiled and nodded.

Xiulan snorted, took the things and went out with Caiyun, and came back soon after delivering the things.

Lin Heng accompanied Xiaoxia to watch the stars in the yard, and Xiongba was beside him, wooing and acting coquettishly, wanting Lin Heng to untie the chain for him.

Xiulan came back and walked to Lin Heng, pounding his chest: "I'm sure I'm not anemic now."

"This deer liver should be almost finished." Lin Heng pulled her over to sit next to him and smiled.

"I can't do anything about you." Xiulan spread her hands.

At this time, Xiaoxia turned her head and said, "Dad, I can't count."

"It's okay, then let's find the Big Dipper." Lin Heng picked her up and said, he had found the Big Dipper these days.

Xiulan was also watching Lin Heng talk, leaning her head on him, feeling very comfortable and comfortable.

Lin Heng was also very interested in science fiction, and he taught Xiaoxia some basic astronomical knowledge to cultivate her curiosity.

Unknowingly, the three of them had been playing outside for half an hour. The wind at night was a little strong and a little cold. Xiulan saw that the time was almost up and said, "Husband, go back to the house to rest."

"Okay, listen to my wife." Lin Heng agreed, and took Xiaoxia and the other two back to the house.

After returning to the room to wash up, Lin Heng carried Xiaoxia to bed, but she struggled and said, "I want to sleep with Dad."

"Okay, then sleep together."

Lin Heng did not scold her, but carried her to bed and put her next to him, and then told her a story to coax her to sleep.

With his wife on the left and his daughter on the right, it was also a very happy thing for him. Happiness was not just the impulse of nature, but more of the spiritual comfort brought by this long-term companionship.

When he woke up in the morning, he could see the smiling faces of his wife and daughter sleeping soundly, and he felt that the next day would be happy.

After a while, Xiulan also opened her eyes, stretched out her hand and put it on Lin Heng's neck and said, "Don't you sleep a little longer today?"

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded, and didn't want to get up.

Hearing this, Xiulan yawned and buried herself in Lin Heng's chest to take a nap.

At eight o'clock, Xiaoxia woke up and crawled around on the bed. Ten minutes later, the three of them got dressed and got up.

Lin Heng resumed his morning exercise, exercising with Xiulan, and Xiaoxia babbled and gestured beside him.

After the exercise, Xiulan made breakfast. Lin Heng moved the dried venison under the eaves to the yard to dry, and took a bottle of high-proof Erguotou to spray disinfectant.

After finishing these, he found a few nails to fix the antlers on the wall of the study. With landscape paintings and antlers, Lin Heng felt that this study had a little feeling and it was comfortable to stay in it.

After finishing, he sorted out the bloodstone. The biggest gain this time was not the sika deer but these stones. With such good quality, it is easy to sell them at a high price.

After fiddling with the bloodstone for a while, Lin Heng went out for breakfast. After breakfast, the family of three prepared to go to Hongfeng Mountain.

Xiulan was still dressed the same way as yesterday, but the high ponytail was replaced with a braid, which was pulled out from the right shoulder and placed on the chest.

"I'm ready." Xiulan said, carrying a basket of clothes.

"Then let's go."

Lin Heng smiled and nodded, drove the sidecar to the road, and took Xiaoxia and his daughter to Hongfeng Mountain.

"Let's get in the car!"

Xiaoxia cheered while sitting on the truck bed.

"Have a seat."

Lin Heng said with a smile, and drove towards Hongfeng Mountain. The spring breeze was bright and the sun was warm on the road.

At this time of year, all the trees are green, and there are beautiful flowers of various colors in the fields and mountains. You can smell the fragrance of flowers when walking on the road.

"It's been a year in a blink of an eye."

Xiu Lan turned her head and looked at Lin Heng with a bright smile.

Lin Heng looked at her and smiled, "If you don't get bored, you will be like this for the rest of your life."

The wind blew Xiu Lan's pink and white floral skirt, and she smiled brightly, "No, I like this kind of life."

"We're here."

Lin Heng smiled, got out of the car, opened the door of the breeding base, and then drove directly to the top warehouse.

After stopping the car, Lin Heng first hugged Xiaoxia and then pulled Xiulan out of the car. This dressed-up Xiulan made him feel like he couldn't help but hug her into his arms.

Xiulan looked at the environment here and said to Xiaoxia, "Xiaoxia is not allowed to run around."


Xiaoxia obediently held her mother's hand.

Lin Heng was not in a hurry to work and took his wife and children for a walk first.

"My parents are really hard-working. They have planted several vegetable gardens in just a few days."

Lin Heng looked at the newly opened vegetable garden and sighed with emotion.

"Dad said that day that he would dig out all the weeds and shrubs and turn them into ground." Xiulan said with a smile.

Lin Heng shook his head. His parents were always busy.

"The pasture is so deep."

Lin Heng was a little shocked when he arrived at the pasture. It felt like it had just passed not long ago. The rye grass and alfalfa are both thirty to forty centimeters tall, and the elephant grass is one meter and two meters tall.

Xiulan nodded and said, "It's been more than a month, and it's very fertile here. Of course it's growing fast."

After hearing what Xiulan said, Lin Heng remembered that a month had indeed passed. Time flew by so fast that he couldn't remember clearly.

"This forage can be harvested after a while." Lin Heng nodded. The forage was collected, chopped, dried and piled in the warehouse. It is better for cattle and sheep to feed hay and fresh grass together.

This high-quality pasture is definitely more nutritious than simple straw, and is better for feeding cattle in winter.

Compared with pasture, forsythia grows much slower, only 20 centimeters tall.

After looking at the pasture, Xiulan pointed to the southwest again when walking back: "I'm going to build a forest musk deer enclosure there, what do you think?"

Xiulan looked at it and said, "It's good over there. You have to be strict, otherwise it's easy to run into the mountains."

Lin Hengdao: "I'm going to use the remaining bricks and cement to build a brick house myself."

"That's no problem. It'll be easier to raise her if you move her here." Xiulan nodded.

After wandering around twice, Xiulan was ready to wash clothes. Lin Heng took Xiaoxia and the others to the mountain stream through the small door above.

Lin Heng said while building a washing stone for Xiulan: "Why don't you go up and take a look at the wooden house and ginseng first."

Xiulan thought for a while and shook her head: "Let's go up after washing the clothes. You can also come and stay for a few days after cleaning."

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded.

After setting up the washing stone, Lin Heng said something and then went back and drove the car back to the house.

He needs to move the machine he bought from the house first, then pump out water to raise it and prepare to cultivate shrimp seedlings.

"Brother, come here and help me."

Lin Heng found his elder brother to help move the machine.

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