Lin Yue was setting up the melon and fruit in the house. Hearing Lin Heng's words, he opened the door and said, "Come here first and help me set up the stand."

Lin Heng nodded and walked into the house to help: "Brother, the cucumbers in your house grow very fast."

"The seedlings I got from you may be because I put a lot of cow dung on them." Lin Yue said with a smile. The soil in the vegetable garden in his yard is still ordinary loess, but there is enough dung on it.

"Okay, I'll do some work later." Lin Heng said while helping.

"Just put some sheep dung on it. Your land is already too fat to burn seedlings." Lin Yue said.

While chatting, the two quickly finished building the shelf, and then went to Lin Heng's house to help carry the machine. They first moved the four aerator motors to the side wheels. Lin Heng took a trip, and then pulled the other accessories. past.

Lin Heng ran the grinder and grass chopper two more times, and his elder brother Lin Yue also followed him, otherwise Lin Heng would not be able to unload the grinder and grass chopper by himself.

"Do you still need my help?" Lin Yue asked again after unloading the things and putting them into the warehouse.

"No need, I'll take you back and bring Xiong Ba here by the way." Lin Heng said.

Lin Yue smiled and said, "Okay, then I'll go help dad repair the field."

To repair the field ridge is to pile mud on the edge of the field to repair it, mainly to prevent water leakage.

"Have the fields been raked yet?" Lin Heng asked while driving.

"Yes, there will be no work for the time being after finishing the field construction today." Lin Yue nodded. In previous years, there would have been endless farm work, but this year, most of the land has been planted with fruit trees, so there won't be that much work.

"That's good." Lin Heng smiled and nodded.

After arriving at the place, he put his elder brother down and then went back to the house to take Xiong Ba out.

"Woof woof~~"

This guy is very smart. He sits upright in the carriage and barks in the wind. Unfortunately, his grin is not as cute as before, but now it has more of a majestic feel.

When he arrived at Hongfeng Mountain, Lin Heng first assembled the aeration units. There were four units in total, three with 2,200 watts and one with 1,500 watts.

These are floating water aerators, which as the name suggests are attached to the water. After Lin Heng assembled them, he took two and placed them in the aeration pool, and then went to the mountain to release water.

Lin Heng bought a high-power water pump, but it was only for emergencies to pump water from the Shiban River. The pipes on the mountain stream side were buried. Lin Heng went up to open the blocked gap, and suddenly the drumming water flowed down the pipe.

The stream in Hongfeng Mountain has a large amount of water and good water quality. It is pure mountain spring water without any rust. Lin Heng only needs to build a water pool halfway up the mountain.

However, in order to prevent dirt from entering the aeration pool, Lin Heng still used barbed wire and gauze to perform several strict filtrations to prevent the natural enemies of shrimp from entering the pool.

"Dad, catch small fish for me!"

Seeing Lin Heng pouring water on top, Xiaoxia shouted loudly from below.

"Come later, dear baby." Lin Heng agreed with a smile.

He put the hoe away and turned to look at the aeration pool. The bottom of the 400-square-meter aeration pool was not completely soaked. Even if a ten centimeter diameter pipe is used, it will still take a long time to fill a 400 square meter pool.

The aeration pool is 2.5 meters deep, which is 50 centimeters deeper than initially decided. It is also surrounded by brick and wood fences to prevent children or people from accidentally falling in.

The warehouse area above and the breeding area below are separated by fences for safety reasons.

Letting the water sit, Lin Heng took a plastic bag and went to the mountain stream to play with his wife and children.

"Dad, there are a lot of fish here. I want to catch them and feed them to the turtles." Xiaoxia pointed to the stream grouper in the water.

She treasures the turtle that Lin Heng gave her. The tortoise is still kept in a small basin, and now there is a topaz-colored closed-shell turtle.

"I've finished washing my clothes, you can catch them for her." Xiulan also nodded and said.

"Okay." Lin Heng took off his shoes and pulled up his trouser legs and walked into the pool to show Xiaoxia his fishing skills.

There are no small stones in this pool, and the fish run very fast. But it didn't matter, Lin Heng just used small stones to build a shelter. After a while, the fish got in. Lin Heng slowly approached from both sides and easily caught it in his hand.

"Look what this is?" Lin Heng showed it to his daughter with a smile. He filled the plastic bag with water and put the fish in it.

"Wow, daddy is so awesome, so awesome!!"

Xiaoxia clapped her little hands with admiration in her eyes, and saw Xiaoyu's happy eyebrows curling up.

"Dad will catch you another one."

Lin Heng was very happy to be praised by his daughter and continued to work hard to catch fish. When he caught one, Xiaoxia praised her so cutely that it melted people's hearts.

After catching eight fish in this pool, Lin Heng changed to a better water pool and caught seven fish, making up to fifteen fish.

"I love Dad! Dad is the best!"

Xiaoxia jumped up and took the plastic bag.

"Come on, let's go over and hang the clothes to dry, and then go check out the cabin."

Xiulan said with a smile.

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded, carrying the bamboo basket back to the warehouse first, and put the clothes up to dry.

Xiulan temporarily raised Xiaoxia's fish in a large wooden basin. When the three of them were about to set off for the mountain, Mother Lin came over.

She looked at Lin Heng and the others and said, "You guys are eating here today. I'll cook it right away. I just picked up a lot of wild black fungus. Let's eat fried meat with fungus at noon."

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded in agreement without being polite.

Xiulan smiled and said, "That's a lot of fungus."

"I was herding cattle and came across a rotten acorn tree with a large area on it." Mother Lin showed off happily. The wet fungus she picked up weighed nearly two kilograms. She was definitely lucky to pick up so many at once in the wild. .

"I want to see it too~" Xiaoxia stood on tiptoes to see it, and Mother Lin dotingly knelt down to give her a full look.

Lin Heng said curiously: "Mom, why don't you take that tree back? It will grow again when it rains."

Mother Lin was stunned for a moment, then patted her forehead: "Oh, I was so happy that I forgot all about this."

Xiulan smiled and said: "It's okay, just get it next time."

"That's right, my daughter-in-law is considerate." Mother Lin said with a smile.

After saying a few words, Mother Lin went to cook, and Lin Heng took his wife and daughter up the mountain towards the cabin.

"Woof woof!!"

Xiongba was having fun beside him.

The three of them walked slowly and unhurriedly, admiring the spring scenery as they walked. The tender green forests in spring are really lovely.

"Husband, look what I found?"

While walking, Xiulan suddenly stopped and picked a morel mushroom under the nearby bush.

"Hey, there are morels here." Lin Heng said in surprise.

"It seems that there is only this one, I didn't see any others." Xiulan looked around and said.

"Xiongba, look for him quickly." Lin Heng called Xiongba and said.

"Woof woof!"

Xiongba ran back with his tongue hanging out, looked around and shook his head, but found nothing.

"Forget it if you don't have it." Xiulan shook her head and continued walking forward.

Lin Heng took a branch to beat the spider webs along the way. There was no change in the forest path, and soon the three of them arrived near the cabin. Some of the dendrobium trees planted on the trees last year died, but many survived the winter and sprouted green leaves.

The dendrobium here in the Qinling Mountains is obviously a relatively cold-resistant variety.

"These dendrobiums are really alive. If we expand the scale, we can make a lot of money." Xiulan was a little surprised. She thought she would die this year.

"Just plant it yourself for fun. It's more difficult when it gets bigger." Lin Heng shook his head and said that he had given up on planting Dendrobium officinale.

Compared with it, you can easily make a lot of money by growing other Chinese medicinal materials, and the technical difficulty is still small. There are too many projects that can make money by taking advantage of rebirth.

If you really want to plant it, you can just invest in some people to study the planting method when you have money later. It will be much faster than trying to figure it out on your own.

"No more planting?" Xiulan asked doubtfully.

"Yes, you can still make money growing ginseng and Panax notoginseng. It's easy." Lin Heng said, holding her hand.

"That's right." Xiulan smiled.

While they were talking, the three of them had already arrived at the cabin. It had been unoccupied for two months and was a bit deserted. Of course, this refers to the fact that it has not been cleaned and is a bit dirty. A lot of effort has gone into the construction of the cabin, and the drainage is also very good. It will not be a problem after more than ten years of use.

"Dad, I want to sit on the swing." Xiaoxia pointed to the swing next to the hut and said. Although there is a rocking chair in the backyard of the house, it is obviously not as exciting as the swing here.

"I'll play with you later." Lin Heng looked at her and said.

"Okay." Xiaoxia agreed as she pounded the bag and kept looking at the swing.


Opening the wooden door, everything in the house was as before, because Lin Heng had cleaned it up before planting ginseng and there was no dust, so you could move in directly.

Xiulan opened the window, picked up the broom and said, "Let me sweep the outside."

Lin Heng held her back: "Don't worry, just clean up the bench so that you can sit on it. The rest will get dirty soon even if you clean it."

After saying that, he took Xiulan to see the ginseng plantation. The 20 acres of ginseng planting was still very large. After nearly a month, the ginseng had sprouted.

The chubby seedlings are full of vitality and look very pleasing to the eye.

"It seems a bit dense?" Xiulan asked curiously, looking at the ginseng in the ground.

Lin Heng nodded: "It is relatively dense, but there will definitely be a lot of deaths. It will be almost done by then. If it is more than two years later, some will be dug out and transplanted."

His understory ginseng is grown through seedling cultivation, so the emergence rate is high. However, because it is a wild environment, the situation of dead seedlings during the growth process is more serious than in greenhouses.

Xiulan nodded, tilted her head and asked, "Does this need weeding?"

There are many seeds of various plants in the soil in the forest. Not only ginseng seedlings, but also the seeds of many other trees and grasses have sprouted.

"No, after the ginseng is planted under the forest, there will be no human interference. It will imitate the growth environment of wild ginseng." Lin Heng shook his head and said.

"That's it." Xiulan probably understood.

"Yes, it will take about five years to dig it out and sell it." Lin Heng nodded.

The three of them looked along the ginseng garden and then turned back to the wooden house. Xiulan simply tidied up the wooden bench and sat there to rest. Lin Heng first tried the reliability of the swing, and then started playing with Xiaoxia.

"Husband, do you want to come and live here?" Xiulan asked, stroking Xiong Ba's head.

Except for the inconvenience of using water, and having to walk several hundred meters to fetch water from the nearby mountain stream, everything else is good, especially the environment is very quiet.

"In a few days, there is so much meat in the house now, there is no way to come and live there." Lin Heng said with a smile.

He quite likes living in this kind of cabin in the woods.

"Then let's wait a few days." Xiulan nodded.

After playing for a while and looking at the ginseng, they went to the back mountain to try to pick up fungi. Neither Xiongba nor Xiongba found any fungi.

I finally found a patch of fungus, but they were all killed.

But the main purpose is to have fun, so it doesn't matter whether you pick up mushrooms or not. Lin Heng sat on the stone, watching his wife and daughter looking for mushrooms not far away, enjoying this quiet time.

Xiulan looked for a while, came over and pulled Lin Heng and said, "Forget it, Mom's meal is probably ready, let's go eat."

"Okay." Lin Heng stood up, and the three of them and the dog walked back.

The sun was quite strong today, and it was a bit hot after a while. After leaving the forest, Lin Heng carried Xiaoxia on his back and quickly returned to the warehouse.

Father Lin saw the three of them and smiled and said, "Come in quickly, the meal is ready."

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded, and the three of them walked into the house quickly.

Mother Lin fried four dishes, cut some braised meat, and made an egg yolk soup, which can be said to be very rich.

"It's really rich." Lin Heng said in surprise.

"Then eat quickly." Mother Lin said with a smile.

"Yes, let's have a drink." Father Lin poured Lin Heng a glass of sweet wine.

"Okay." Lin Heng took a bite of the dish, picked up the wine glass and drank with his father.

His father can't live without wine, and he has to drink a small cup at every meal.

"I want to eat black fungus!"

Xiaoxia took chopsticks and wanted to pick up black fungus, but her hands were too short to reach. She now knows how to use chopsticks, and she doesn't need to be fed by someone when eating.

"I'll pick it for Xiaoxia!" Lin's mother smiled and picked up some black fungus for Xiaoxia.

Everyone ate a few bites of food, filled their stomachs a little, and started chatting.

Father Lin took a sip of wine and said, "When will you start raising shrimp? My dad has prepared the field, and the seedlings are very tall, and it's ready to be planted."

Because there are fewer crops planted this year, the planting of rice is earlier than in the past.

Lin Heng shook his head and said, "I'm not sure yet, but it should be soon. But it's okay, it won't affect anything if you plant rice."

He planned to play at home for a few days before going down, and he would first prepare the water these days.

"I plan to plant rice the day after tomorrow." Father Lin said.

"Okay, I'll help you then." Lin Heng nodded in agreement.

After dinner, Lin Heng went to check the water. The vegetables had been placed for such a long time, and the depth was 30 to 40 centimeters. However, the depth was enough to use the aerator, so he asked his father to help him install the aerator.

After the power was turned on, the blades started to rotate rapidly, rumbling and creating a large number of bubbles, and the entire water surface was covered with white bubbles.

"Is that all?" Lin's father asked curiously. He didn't quite understand the principle of the aerator.

"Yes, this principle is actually very simple..." Lin Heng saw his father's confusion and explained it to him.

"So that's it." After listening, Lin's father looked as if he had suddenly realized something, but he was actually a little confused and couldn't quite understand the knowledge Lin Heng was talking about.

Lin Heng nodded, and when he was sure that the machine was fine, he turned it off and turned it on again when the water was deeper. After finishing this, he told his father to turn off the water on a regular basis and prepared to do another job.

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