Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 274 The joy of showing off your child

After finishing here, Lin Heng took a hoe and tidied the corner of the Galin Musk Deer Breeding Circle. This area was not hardened and overgrown with weeds.

After cleaning up the weeds, Lin Heng looked at the terrain and made a simple plan.

This place is a small slope, and the texture is hard limestone that cannot be dug flat. Fortunately, the slope is not too steep. He can build a platform with bricks and stones, which is about thirty or forty square meters in size. It is enough to temporarily raise forest musk deer.

After removing the grass, Lin Heng dug out several ditches until he reached the rocks below. After preparation, he built stone ridges upwards from the ditches.

"Want me to help you?"

Xiulan came over wearing a hat and gloves and asked.

"I've finished it. Let's pick a good day to do the rest." Lin Heng said with a grin.

"Then wipe your sweat." Xiulan took off her gloves and handed over a square blue and indigo handkerchief.

Lin Heng wiped his sweat with a scented handkerchief, returned to the room and put down the hoe. Then I drove back home and it was too hot to work at noon.

"Dad, you have to hold the fish, and I want to feed the little turtle."

Xiaoxia knew she had to leave and pointed to the fish in the basin.

"Unforgettable." Lin Heng responded with a smile.

"I'll go over with you to get something." Mother Lin said as she picked up a hat.

"Okay." Lin Heng agreed.

Xiulan collected the dried clothes, Lin Heng packed up Xiaoxia's fish, and they returned to the village in the car.

"Woof woof~"

Xiongba didn't have a seat, so he had to run behind him, and his fun was no slower than that of a car.

As soon as she returned home, Xiaoxia ran to the backyard, poured the fish she caught into the turtle basin, and looked at them.

The yellow jade closed-shell turtle immediately retracted its head when it saw Xiaoxia. The grass turtle shrank slowly, as if it had thoughts about the fish.

Xiaoxia puffed out her cheeks and felt unhappy. She just wanted to watch the turtle eat, so she went to find a small bench and sat next to it, holding her chin in her hand and waiting.

Lin Heng entered the house and first looked at the venison that was drying. It was basically dry.

When you tear it gently, you can see the clear red meat strands. It smells rich of venison and spices. If it weren't for the fact that it was still raw, Lin Heng would have wanted to chew it directly.

He looked at his wife and said: "This venison can be steamed in a pot. After it is steamed and dried for two days, it can be stored."

Because the amount of salt used is relatively heavy and it is air-dried without water, there is no problem if you put it in a plastic bag and eat it for half a year.

Xiulan looked at it and nodded: "It's indeed okay. Then go to mom's house and get the big steamer."


Lin Heng nodded, turned around and went out to get it.

The big steamer in the old house is made of bamboo, with a diameter of 60 centimeters and three layers. This steamer was there when Lin Heng was a child and his wife was still alive. It can be said to be an antique.

The one his family bought when they built a new house is much smaller, only 30 centimeters in diameter. After all, there are only three people in the family and they don't need such a big steamer.

Lin Heng took the steamer to Xiulan and went to check on Xiaoxia himself, and found that she was unhappy under the eaves in the backyard.

"Dad, the turtles don't want to eat fish~" Xiaoxia was very worried and begged her father why they didn't eat the fish that they had worked so hard to catch.

"I have a way." Lin Heng smiled mysteriously, walked over, picked up two fish, and put the others in the net and kept them in the secondary reservoir.

Although this thing seems to be very durable, it actually has very high requirements for oxygen and cannot be kept alive in a basin.

Then he cut off the remaining two tail fins of the river grouper in the basin, then took Xiaoxia into the house, took away the things on the window sill, opened the window and hugged her to lie on the window sill to watch.

"Shh, be quiet and don't talk. You'll see the turtle eating the small fish soon." Lin Heng whispered.

Xiaoxia nodded obediently, looking curiously at the turtle in the basin in the distance with her big eyes.

After finding no one, the little tortoise was the first to stick out its head. After a while, the yellow jade closed-shell turtle also stuck out its head and started crawling in the water.

These guys haven't had fish for a long time, especially the little turtle, who hasn't had a serious bite since hibernation ended.

After seeing the creek grouper, they instinctively chase and hunt. Since the creek grouper is missing its tail fin, it is quickly bitten and killed, and then eaten.

Xiaoxia had never seen this scene before and opened her mouth in surprise.

"Don't talk, otherwise you won't be able to see." Lin Heng hugged her and whispered.

Xiaoxia nodded and leaned in Lin Heng's arms and stared blankly. The turtle seemed clumsy, but it was actually very flexible. The yellow jade closed-shell turtle saw the grass turtle killing the creek grouper and ran over to fight for it.

The two turtles were tugging at each other, and Xi Grouper's belly was quickly bitten to pieces, and he was eaten by the two turtles, eating with gusto.

The father and daughter were excited when they saw it. Xiulan opened the door of the nursing home and saw the two of them leaning against the window with puzzled faces: "What are you doing?"

"Oh, mom hates it. We are watching the little turtles eating." Xiaoxia looked at her mother angrily. The two little turtles were so frightened that they retracted their shells when she disturbed them.

Lin Heng also helplessly spread his hands: "We were enjoying watching it, but now we have nothing to watch anymore."

Xiulan shook her head and said, "Just pamper her. You are such an adult and you still watch turtles fight."

"Then let's look at it later." Lin Heng carried Xiaoxia down, closed the window and restored the things.

"I still want to watch."

Xiaoxia went out and pushed her mother into the house. She stood by the door and watched quietly.

Xiulan shook her head helplessly, looked at Lin Heng and said, "I have cleaned the steamer, come and help get the meat."


Lin Heng nodded and went out to help get the meat.

It takes two or three kilograms of fresh venison to dry only one kilogram of dried meat. Of the ninety kilograms of fresh venison, only about thirty kilograms are left. The three-tiered steamer can just fit it all.

After the meat was steamed, Xiulan said again: "Let's go take down the bacon from upstairs and hang it on the first floor. It's too hot in summer on the second floor."

"I wanted to get it before, but I forgot about it."

Lin Heng nodded and Xiulan went upstairs to move the bacon, twenty pieces of bacon and three hams. It took the two of them four runs to get them all.

Xiulan put the meat in a dustpan and looked at it carefully. Although it was very red and bright, there were still many mold spots on the edges. This was inevitable. Even if it was dried in the sun, it would grow longer. If you peel off the inside, you can still eat it. .

"It's really hard to preserve meat in summer." Xiulan lamented. In summer, if the meat is not well preserved, it will not taste good or even inedible.

"How about we buy a refrigerator?" Lin Heng said looking at the bacon. Without a refrigerator and freezer, preserving meat is indeed a problem.

Xiulan shook her head and said: "Forget it, three or four thousand is too expensive. You still have to keep our money to buy feed and stuff."

She and Lin Heng went to the mall and saw that the big refrigerator was good, but the price of three to four thousand was too scary.

Lin Heng thought for a while and said, "If we make money this year, let's buy all the refrigerators and washing machines for the Chinese New Year."

In fact, there is no problem in buying directly. They have 25,000 in cash in the house, and Lin Heng still has 2,500 in his passbook, not counting the money in the passbook dedicated to the purchase station.

"Let's wait until the end of the year. Don't worry about those things. Money is so hard to earn, so there's no need to spend it randomly." Xiulan shook her head and said.

With that said, she opened the big cabinet and asked Lin Heng to help shovel the millet. In the past, the bacon was preserved in the millet by burying it in the millet.

It's just that this year there are so many that obviously can't be put away. Five of them are buried in the millet, and the rest can only be placed directly in the large cabinet. It is also very dry inside and is not easy to damage when stored.

After placing the bacon, the dried venison is almost cooked, and the smell of meat fills the room. Xiulan took it out of the pot and let it cool. Lin Heng took a spiced one and tore it open and tasted it.


After taking a bite, he nodded repeatedly. The spices had completely blended with the meat. The rich aroma of meat mixed with the taste of spices made people want to stop.

The only drawback is that it is a bit salty, so you need to drink more water after eating it. But there's nothing you can do about it. The lack of salt is not conducive to preservation.

"It's really good."

Xiulan also took a taste and nodded.

"It will be delicious when it is completely dried and chewed." Lin Heng said while eating, not forgetting to take one to his daughter.

Lin Heng came to the backyard and found Xiaoxia still looking at the turtle, and was surprised by her concentration.

"Thank you, Dad." Xiaoxia grabbed the dried meat and bit it. The steamed meat was just right for her.

Lin Heng went to catch another stream grouper and threw it into the turtle basin. He thought Xiaoxia would continue to look at it, but she ran away with the meat.

When they arrived at the main room, they saw her climbing onto the wooden cart and driving.

Lin Heng finished eating the dried meat and went to help hang the steamed meat up to dry.

After sunbathing, the two went back to the house to rest and wait for the warm midday sun to pass.

Lin Heng took out the ground cage that he had used once before and looked at it. Then he looked around and found that there was still a lot of leftover mesh. He also cut some bamboo pieces to make a few shrimp fishing nets.

Xiulan looked at his movements and asked curiously: "Didn't you say you were buying shrimps? Did you change your mind and prepare to catch them yourself?"

"I'm going to buy it, but I'm also going to catch it myself and take a look." Lin Heng nodded and said.

There was no telling what would happen if he bought broodstock shrimp, so he had to be prepared.

"When are you going? You and I are together. I used to catch shrimp a lot when I was a kid." Xiulan asked. She was more interested in shrimp fishing than fishing.

"Then let's do it tomorrow." Lin Heng thought for a while and said.

"Okay." Xiulan nodded and came over to help Lin Heng make shrimp nets. The two used up all the gauze and made five nets in total.

When you get to the river, combine them with bamboo pieces, and you can use them to catch shrimps.

After putting the things away, Lin Heng found a mat and spread it out, and the two of them lay on it to rest. Xiaoxia was playing with her little toys next to her, and from time to time she would run to the two of them to let them play with them.

When the sun got smaller, around four o'clock, Xiulan got up to feed the chickens and livestock, while Lin Heng was going to see how the water was being drained over at Hongfeng Mountain.

"Dad, wait for me." Seeing Lin Heng going out, Xiaoxia trotted over and grabbed him.

"I'm going to my grandparents. It's very far away." Lin Heng looked at her.

Xiaoxia tilted her head and said, "I'm not afraid if dad is with me!"

"Then let's go." Lin Heng smiled and nodded, pulling her to say something to Xiulan, and then the father and daughter walked hand in hand towards Hongfeng Mountain.

When he arrived at the breeding base, Lin Heng took a look at the water. The aeration tank was full and he started to put it into the pond below.

He turned on the oxygen pump and took Xiaoxia to look along the edge of the pond. The water is still shallow and only 30 centimeters deep. For normal shrimp farming, it needs to be 80 centimeters deep. He told his father that 50 centimeters of water is enough for the time being, and it will gradually deepen later.

After looking around, he took his daughter and walked back. Xiaoxia was jumping and playing on the road, sometimes chasing grasshoppers and sometimes being scared back by the little lizard.

When they arrived at the village, they could hear a group of children playing in the distance. Xiaoxia followed the sound and saw a group of children playing sandbags. She immediately shouted: "Dad, I want to play with this too."

"That's very dangerous, and it will hurt if you hit it on the body." Lin Heng looked at her and shook his head. Although the sandbag was filled with fine sand, she couldn't play the games played by eight or nine-year-old children.

"Then I'll go hunt the goose!"

Xiaoxia pointed to another group of children who were fighting with the goose with wooden sticks.

Lin Heng held his head and thought, how could the children in the village play such a dangerous game? How dare a three or four year old kid compete with a big goose.

After thinking about it carefully, he remembered that when he was a child, he dared to poke a hornet's nest. It seemed more dangerous than this, but he always couldn't bear to let his fair and tender daughter play these games.

"You should watch it for a while before talking." Lin Heng pulled her and said.

There were three children fighting with the big goose in the distance, two boys and one girl. The girl was about four or five years old. She was walking in front with a wooden stick and used it to hit the majestic big goose not far away.

"I asked you to bite me, and I will knock you down today, you damn goose!!"

He said viciously while beating the little girl.

"Kill you!"

"Kill you!"

The other two children also rushed over and prepared to bite.

Apparently the goose had offended these children before.

“Quack quack!!”

The big goose reacted, spread its wings and squawked towards the three of them. The girl's fierce posture frightened her so much that her hands trembled and the stick was pecked off.

“Quack quack!!”


"Ah, it hurts so much~"

The girl was so frightened that she ran away, and her little brother immediately turned into a ball of loose sand and fled around. He was chased by the goose and nibbled on his buttocks, and he let out a loud and sharp scream.

And two big red roosters also joined in, and the screams suddenly became louder.

Lin Heng looked at Xiaoxia and asked with a smile: "Do you still want to play this kind of game?"

"No, no, I don't want it!" Xiaoxia hid behind Lin Heng, shaking her head like a rattle.

The big goose was so scary that she instantly lost her courage.

"It's okay, dad is here."

Lin Heng said with a smile and pulled Xiaoxia over. The goose and rooster became less arrogant when they saw Lin Hengdun, because the arrogant one last time was already on the table.

He hadn't gone far when he heard tearful discussions.

"Let me tell you, my baby is only two years old and can walk on his own, which makes me extremely happy."

"Hehe, my daughter has been able to speak in the past two days, and she can also speak long sentences very truthfully. I guess she will be a good student in the future, but it is a pity that she is a girl."

"You guys are doing quite well. My son no longer wets the bed and calls me when he pees."

"My baby is also three years old. Now he can wash his face and dress himself."

When I got closer, I saw that women from the village were playing here with their two or three-year-old children, showing off and chatting with each other.

They showed off their children to each other, one trying to smother the other. The woman who spoke first, Zhang Yue, was the worst. She originally wanted to show off, but was overwhelmed by the others.

Seeing Lin Heng coming with her daughter, her eyes suddenly lit up and she shouted loudly: "Lin Heng, your daughter Xiaoxia is already two years old, right? Does she still wet the bed?"

Before Lin Heng could speak, Xiaoxia spoke on her own, and said crisply: "Xiaoxia has stopped wetting the bed a long time ago. I can eat and dress by myself. Xiaoxia can also tell stories, paper-cutting, and draw. Identify plants and animals.”

Zhang Yue was speechless as soon as she heard this. She had heard before that the daughter of Shu Lin Heng's family was very smart, but now she was shocked when she heard this. Even if she spoke Mandarin, her enunciation was still so clear.

When her son was two years old, he would simply call him mom and dad. Ula Ula couldn't hear anything else.

"It's so awesome. Let's tell Auntie about it." Zhang Yue said with a smile again, but she was happy that Xiaoxia was awesome. It was best to suppress all the children.

Anyway, it’s normal for my baby to be little, but it’s normal for your baby to be older than mine, so that’s your thing, so don’t show off in front of me. She was quite proud.

The other women couldn't help but glance at Zhang Yue, a little speechless, wondering what are you doing.

Then they turned to look at Xiaoxia. Although the two-year-old girl spoke more logically than her four-year-old child, they did not believe that she could draw, cut paper, and tell stories.

"Then Xiaoxia, tell us a story."

"Auntie hasn't heard the story yet."

Lin Heng glanced at a few people, then looked at Xiaoxia and said, "Then Xiaoxia will tell the aunties something."

"I'm going to tell about Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf." Xiaoxia said happily, looking at the aunts and children, she said, "The story is like this. Once upon a time, there was a beautiful little girl who was loved by everyone. She liked to carry a certain child with her. Little red hat..."

Xiaoxia also performed vividly while telling the story. She imitated Lin Heng's way of telling stories, pretending to be the big bad wolf howling, and pretending to be Little Red Riding Hood.

As she spoke, some five or six-year-old children playing games next to her ran over, pricked up their ears and stopped. When Xiaoxia told a group of people that her grandmother was eaten by the big bad wolf, Xiaoxia turned pale with fright. When she talked about Little Red Riding Hood being eaten, some children even started crying.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, bad wolf!"

"That's right, Little Red Riding Hood is so miserable."

"Don't worry, everyone, there will be more later." Little adult Xiaoxia patted the crying child and continued, "The big bad wolf ate two people in a row. He was so full that he lay down and fell asleep. At this time Just then a hunter came over and heard the snoring sound..."

Xiaoxia continued talking, and when everyone heard that Little Red Riding Hood was saved and the Big Bad Wolf was killed, even the adults cheered.

"Wow, the big bad wolf died well!"

"That's right, the big bad wolf is too hateful."

Xiaoxia tilted her head and smiled: "I've finished telling my story, thank you all."

She found it interesting to tell stories to everyone, and she kind of liked this feeling.

"Xiaoxia said it very well, let me tell you another one."

"Tell me one more thing, please Xiaoxia!"

Several children gathered around Xiaoxia and looked at her with admiration, waving her hand and begging her to tell another story.

The children in the village have never heard of this kind of story about searching for that, and the adults don’t know much about it. They can only tell them one story about the boy who cried wolf, and then tell them two fairy tales and that’s it.

The fairy tales told by Xiaoxia were so fresh in the rural areas of this era, and the children were completely fascinated by them.

"That's amazing. Is she really only two years old?" Zhang Yue said in surprise.

"Yes, you can speak better than me."

"How smart. Is this really only two years old?"

Several women next to her showed expressions of amazement. Compared to last year, when Xiaoxia only knew flowers and plants, this year's Xiaoxia was obviously more powerful. They had no intention of comparison.

"Two years and two months." Lin Heng said with a smile. He had to admit that Xuanwa was really happy.

Next to them, Xiaoxia had already told them the story of the three little white rabbits and the big bad wolf.

"Awesome, how did you teach me this?" Zhang Yue looked at Lin Heng and asked curiously.

"I didn't teach her much. I just read her stories and answered some of her questions over and over again." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"It's impossible. There must be some secret."

"That's right, I see that Teacher Tian Yan often goes to your house. Is it her who teaches you?"

Several women didn't believe what Lin Heng said and felt that there must be a secret. Lin Heng was a little helpless. The facts were what he said. Although he read more books, including books on education and other books that specialized in educating children, Xiaoxia also ate better than ordinary children and grew faster. Some.

But as long as you have patience and teach her little by little, it is actually not difficult to become like Xiaoxia. Language skills and cognitive abilities can all be developed.

But it's obvious that these women don't have the patience to teach day after day, and they haven't read many books. They are more like letting go. When they think of it, they just say a few words like this.

This naturally widens the gap between Xiaoxia and Xiaoxia.

"Okay, the story of the three little white rabbits is over."

Xiaoxia clapped her hands and said with a smile. There were eight or nine children gathered in front of her, and some children aged six or seven were reading and listening to stories.

"Wow, Xiaoxia is so awesome!"

"That's awesome! Let's talk about it again!"

"Please tell me one more thing!"

The children looked at Xiaoxia with admiration and begged her to tell another one. Xiaoxia's story was like opening the door to a new world for them, which they had never heard before.

Xiaoxia was already a little tired and a little thirsty, but it felt good to be admired and praised, and she wanted to continue telling the story.

"Okay, let's talk about two today. If you want to hear Xiaoxia tell you tomorrow."

Lin Heng interrupted the child, then looked at Xiaoxia and said with a smile: "Don't you want to play hopscotch? You can go and play now."

"Xiaoxia, let me play hopscotch with you."

The little girl Yang Qing in the crowd jumped out first and pulled Xiaoxia towards the ginkgo tree.

"Okay!" Xiaoxia cheered and ran over with Yang Qing, and a group of children quickly started playing hopscotch happily.

Lin Heng had taken Xiaoxia out to play before, but she felt that she had the most fun today.

She played until after six o'clock, then she got tired and followed Lin Heng home.

"Dad, I seem to have soiled my clothes!" Xiaoxia looked at her clothes and whispered.

"It's okay. It's just dirty. You didn't mean it. Dad will wash it for you." Lin Heng patted his chest and said with a smile.

"Okay, dad is so kind!" Xiaoxia happily hugged Lin Heng's thigh and acted coquettishly.

"It's like I hit her when her clothes were dirty." Xiulan's voice came from the front, looking at the father and daughter angrily.

"That's right, Lin Heng deserves to be beaten, Xiulan, you have to deal with him." Tian Yan laughed and cheered from the side.

Lin Heng smiled and spread his hands and said, "My wife is reluctant to hit me."

"Mom, I just told a story to other children!" Xiaoxia saw her mother sharing happily.

"I know, I've seen it from a distance, Xiaoxia is so amazing." Xiulan touched her daughter's face and praised her.

She and Tian Yan saw them all not far away, but Lin Heng and Xiaoxia didn't notice them.

"Then I will tell it again tomorrow." Xiaoxia said happily. The recognition from the children and her father gave her a sense of accomplishment in telling stories.

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