Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 275 Wang Family's Ewe Giving Birth

"Xiaoxia has to work hard to tell a good story." Tian Yan touched her face and said with a smile.

Xiaoxia nodded confidently: "I will."

Praise is the best source of motivation for children, but most parents don't know it and only treat their children with endless belittling and criticism.

After all, giving birth does not require a certificate.

"Let's go back to the house to change your clothes." Xiulan said, holding her daughter's hand.

Several people returned to the yard. Xiulan changed Xiaoxia's clothes. Tian Yan wanted to teach her paper cutting. Xiaoxia shook her head and said, "Teacher, I want to recognize words."

Tian Yan smiled: "Okay, I will teach you to recognize words."

Someone looked after Xiaoxia. Lin Heng looked at Xiulan and said, "Then I will drive to Huangtan River to get a shrimp cage."

Xiulan nodded: "You go, be careful of snakes."

Lin Heng nodded, put two shrimp cages and some peanut cakes in the car, and drove to Huangtan Town.

This peanut cake was bought with Xiulan before asking the price. It was specially used as bait.

It felt good to drive alone in the evening and enjoy the breeze. He stopped at Baima Village instead of going to the town. The Huangtan River here was already seven or eight meters wide, enough for the shrimp to survive and grow.

After finding a place with a gentle flow and lush aquatic plants, Lin Heng put the shrimp cage filled with bait peanut cakes into it, and turned around and left after confirming that there was no problem.

The sky was dim and the breeze was pleasant. Lin Heng hummed a little tune and went home.

"Hurry up and wash your hands and eat. Tian Yan is also eating here today." Lin Heng walked into the house and Xiulan looked at him and said.

"You are shameless and are eating for free." Tian Yan said with a smile.

"You are not eating for free, but showing favor." Lin Heng said with a smile, and the dishes were served after washing his hands.

There were still mostly braised meats on the table, as well as fried venison with coriander and fried bacon with Chinese toon.

Tian Yan was surprised to see all this: "Xiu Lan, you are too polite, it's all meat, and venison."

Xiu Lan smiled and said: "It will be bad if you don't eat it, please help me."

"Then I will help you well." Tian Yan smiled and picked up the chopsticks, "This food is so good, it really makes people hungry."

Lin Heng first picked up a chopstick of coriander venison, then ate some tripe, picked up a few slices of venison liver for Xiu Lan, and tasted a slice himself.

Venison tastes very good. He feels that his yang energy is a little too strong after eating it every day recently. He feels hot all over when wearing an autumn coat at night.

He didn't say much, and listened to Xiu Lan and Tian Yan while eating.

After finishing dinner slowly, it was time to go back to the room to sleep after a while of cooling down. After washing up, Lin Heng coaxed Xiaoxia to rest, and then went to Xiu Lan to vent his heat and discuss the plan of making a baby.

After several hard battles, the two fell asleep.

The next morning, at six o'clock, just after dawn, there was a violent knock on the door in the backyard.

"Knock, knock, knock!"

"Son, open the door quickly, the ewe has given birth."

Along with the knock on the door, Lin's mother's voice followed.

"The ewe has given birth?" Lin Heng opened his eyes in a daze and was stunned.

"Then get up and take a look." Xiulan yawned and sat up, looking for the underwear that was thrown away last night and got dressed.

"I'm coming." Lin Heng responded and got up quickly.

"Mom, I want to pee." Xiaoxia also woke up rubbing her eyes and said dazedly.

"You go open the door for mom, I'll dress Xiaoxia."

Xiulan put on her black underwear and lifted the quilt and said.


Lin Heng walked out and opened the back door of the backyard. His mother got up very early every day.

"Have the sheep finished giving birth?" Lin Heng looked at his mother and asked.

"I think it was at midnight yesterday. When I came to milk the cows in the morning, I found that the placenta had already fallen off."

Mother Lin nodded and smiled, "Guess how many were born?"

Lin Heng said casually, "Two, it can't be three."

Sheep usually have two or three calves. This sheep had a big belly before, so he estimated that it was two.

Mother Lin smiled brightly: "That's three. Our family is really lucky this year. This goat gave birth to three calves in the first litter."

"Really three?" Lin Heng's eyes widened. Generally speaking, goats usually have two in their first litter. If they are unlucky, they may have one. Three is definitely a great luck.

"It's true that there are three, but one is not in good health and can't stand up now." Mother Lin said with a smile.

Lin Heng also said excitedly: "That's great. Mom, wait a while, I'll go get some food for the ewe."

After that, he went back to the house to prepare things.

"Did the ewe give birth to three calves?" Xiulan asked in surprise.

"Yes." Lin Heng said while pouring the bran.

Xiulan heard this and said happily: "Fortunately, we didn't kill it for meat last year. This sheep is really good for wealth."

"I want to see the lamb." Xiaoxia waved her hands and said.

"Mom will take you to see it." Xiulan took Xiaoxia there first.

Lin Heng made wheat bran, added white sugar, brown sugar and a little salt, added water and stirred it evenly, and then went to the back mountain.

The ewe has been led out to be raised separately. Two lambs are feeding on the ewe, and another one can't stand up because of weak legs.

Lin Heng put the food in front of the ewe, and it sniffed and opened its mouth to drink. While the ewe was eating, he checked its condition and found that there was no inflammation of the reproductive mouth, so he felt relieved.

Mother Lin supported the lamb that fell to the ground and said: "Son, look, this little ram can't stand up, it's a bit troublesome."

Xiaoxia also squatted down and asked curiously: "Dad, why doesn't this lamb drink milk?"

Lin Heng squatted down and looked at the lamb, judging: "It's not a big problem. It's just that the ewe is pregnant with too many and the nutrition is not enough. We can just use a bottle to feed milk, and there will be no problem in a few days."

If it is in the natural environment, the lamb will probably not survive, but it will be fine with artificial intervention.

"Then keep it alone to prevent it from being trampled. I will feed it milk later." Lin's mother said.

Xiulan said: "Mom, you go to herd cattle, I will feed it later."

"That's fine." Lin's mother nodded.

The lamb was isolated and the three of them squeezed milk first. Xiaoxia looked at her melon seedlings after looking at the lamb, and then turned around to ask a question every day, 'When will the melon seedlings bear fruit'.

Patiently answering her daughter's questions, the three returned home, Lin Heng heated the milk, Xiulan found a pacifier, waited for them to finish drinking, poured some into the bottle and prepared to feed the lamb.

Xiaoxia wanted to watch it together, so Lin Heng had to take her with the three of them to the back mountain.

Xiulan handed over the nipple, and the lamb immediately began to suck, looking very hungry.

"Mom, I want to feed." Xiaoxia hugged Xiulan's arm and said coquettishly.

"Come, let's do it together." Xiulan pulled her over to feed the lamb together.

"Little lamb, little lamb, grow up quickly." Xiaoxia was so happy to feed the lamb, her face full of smiles.

After feeding, Xiulan walked over to look at the female musk deer, and said with emotion: "Fortunately, you planted three acres of pasture, otherwise it would be difficult to raise these livestock at home. But how many livestock can be raised on three acres of pasture? We already have ten livestock now, and when the cows and musk deer have a lifetime, there will be more than ten."

Lin Heng replied: "Under normal circumstances, one acre of pasture can raise two cows and twelve sheep. Our mother often grazes them, so it is not a problem to raise fifty or sixty livestock on three acres."

Xiulan nodded, and after thinking carefully, she probably understood.

She went back to the house to make breakfast. After eating, it was only seven o'clock, which was too early for Lin Heng.

He exhaled, opened the door and walked towards Hongfeng Mountain, taking a slingshot by the way.

He went to Hongfeng Mountain to take a look and found that the water depth of the pond had reached 50 centimeters after a night. When Lin's father saw Lin Heng coming, he smiled and said, "How is it, is the water depth okay?"

Lin Heng nodded: "Okay, wait for me to go back and get some manure, Dad, go and dig some water peanuts for me in the dry land."

Hearing this, Lin's father was immediately confused: "Why do you pull manure?"

"Spread it in the pond to cultivate fertile water, so that it will be easier to raise shrimps." Lin Heng smiled and said that most people really can't understand the use of manure to raise shrimps.

Fermented organic fertilizer spread into the pond can promote the growth of algae in the pond and provide food for the newly released shrimp fry.

Natural bait is very important. The water in the shrimp pond is now clear and the normal visibility for shrimp farming is 30 centimeters, but shrimp farming veterans like Lin Heng will control the visibility to about 15 centimeters.

In this way, the water is more fertile and there are more natural algae, so the cost of investment is lower. However, it requires very mature technology, and it may cause disaster if you are not careful.

After Lin Heng explained it, Lin's father barely understood it and nodded, saying, "As long as you are sure, I will dig peanuts for you after dinner."

"Then I will go back." Lin Heng turned and walked back.

Back to the house, he first went to the old house to get the wooden cart, and then went back to the house to find the snakeskin bag.

In the yard, Xiaoxia and the little girl Yang Qing from the village were playing with a ball. Lin Heng took a look and went into the house to get the bag.

"What are you going to do?" Xiulan asked curiously.

"Dig manure to feed the pond." Lin Heng explained.

"Then I will help you."

Xiulan went back to the house to change her clothes, and then took two pairs of leather gloves to work with Lin Heng.

Lin Heng did not refuse him to like working with his wife, and let Xiulan hold the bag while he shoveled manure.

Xiulan looked at the pile of manure that had been fermented last winter and asked, "Is this enough manure?"

Lin Heng shook his head: "It's definitely not enough. If you only throw manure, one mu of pond will need more than 200 kilograms. Here, there are at most 2,000 kilograms of manure. But it doesn't matter if it's not enough. The rest can be spread with urea or inorganic fertilizer."

There are many ways to fertilize a pond, and it is not necessary to spread manure.

"I understand." Xiulan nodded.

Lin Heng transported the bag to the wooden cart after it was filled. After loading, he took the red dates to pull the cart.

After the manure was pulled to Hongfeng Mountain, it could not be thrown directly into it. It was poured on the edge of the pond. Lin Heng went to the warehouse to get quicklime and sprinkled it inside for disinfection.

After disinfection, the pond needs to be poisoned again to kill all the plankton and small fish, and then fertilize it to increase the water's algae.

Although the mountain stream water is clear and clean, there are many plankton, as well as eggs of some fish and other insects. If the poison is not killed, the algae will be eaten up, and it is difficult to fertilize the water.

Another thing is that some shrimp's natural enemies can be killed in advance to avoid unnecessary losses.

Farming depends on details. Only when the details are done well can we guarantee no failure, and these details are all accumulated little by little, so novices always fail to raise shrimp well.

After a busy morning, Lin Hengcai moved all the manure to Hongfeng Mountain. A bag weighs about 100 kilograms. He moved 15 bags, which is 1,500 kilograms.

Only 100 kilograms of organic fertilizer can be guaranteed for a pond, which is really a bit less for an acre of pond. More inorganic fertilizer will be added later.

"Son, I dug the peanuts for you." Father Lin pointed to the ground and said, there are a lot of this thing on the edge of the field, and he dug five baskets.

"Almost enough." Lin Heng nodded, and after a simple inspection, he threw the water peanuts into the pond.

There are few terrestrial water peanuts. Throwing some into each pond will soon grow a large area. These water peanuts are mainly used for shrimps to hide. Tender leaf shrimps can also be used. Feeding the shrimps with bait sprinkled on the water peanuts is also convenient for shrimps to eat.

You don't need much of this thing. Just one along the edge of the pond is enough. Too much will easily cause shrimps to lack oxygen.

Lin Heng dotted a little here and there, and it will grow into a large area in less than ten days or half a month.

After planting water peanuts with his father, Lin Heng asked again: "Dad, do you have work to do in the afternoon?"

Lin's father shook his head: "No work, the fields are ready, and we are waiting to plant rice tomorrow."

Lin Heng said: "Then you look after Xiaoxia in the afternoon, Xiulan and I will go to the river to catch shrimps."

Lin's father smiled and said: "I was just thinking about taking Xiaoxia in the afternoon. I heard that she told stories to the children in the village yesterday and it spread in the village. I also want to listen."

He wanted to show off his granddaughter.

"She's ready to continue today." Lin Heng said with a smile.

After chatting for a while, Lin Heng turned on the water pump to drain water to the four indoor hatching pools. It doesn't need to be too deep, 30 centimeters is enough, and it will be added slowly later.

After finishing, Lin Heng pulled a cart of hay back, unloaded the horse, and fed the hay to the livestock. By the way, he looked at the lamb and the female musk deer, fearing that something might go wrong.

Seeing Lin Heng coming back, Xiulan said, "I'll be down when I come back. Let's have oil-splashed knife-cut noodles for lunch."

"Okay." Lin Heng said with a smile, and washed his face with a basin of water. Although it was cloudy today, the weather was not cool at all, but rather very hot.

However, Xiulan's knife-cut noodles were really good. After smelling it, Lin Heng was surprised and said, "Are there patchouli leaves in this garlic chili?"

"Yes." Xiulan nodded. She knew that Lin Heng liked to eat this.

"Delicious, I like Patchouli, Garlic and Chili the most."

Lin Heng stirred it and took two deep breaths. This mixed aroma was great, and it was absolutely perfect for eating noodles.

After dinner, Xiulan took some newly bought plastic bags and said, "Help me turn the venison jerky."

This plastic bag is similar to a sugar bag, which can be sealed and is very suitable for storing jerky.


Lin Heng nodded and ate a piece of jerky first. The jerky is now completely dry. When you tear it open with your hands, it is all distinct shreds of meat, with a rich fragrance, and people want to swallow it.

Put it in your mouth and chew it, and it will become more fragrant the more you chew it. After packing the jerky, Xiulan put them in a large cabinet for storage, and you can take them out and eat them whenever you want.

In the sultry noon, except for feeding the lamb, the three of them huddled in the house. Lin Heng took a book and read it, and Xiulan continued to read the book she had not finished before.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Lin's father came to pick up Xiaoxia to go out and play.

After Xiaoxia left, Xiulan couldn't wait to say, "Let's go catch shrimps."

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