Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 276 Going shrimp fishing with my wife

Lin Heng drove the car to the road, Xiulan took the things and put them on the truck bed, then sat behind Lin Heng and hugged him.

She naturally changed into long pants to go to the river to catch shrimps, and it was impossible for her to wear a skirt.

She tied her hair into a braid, leaned on Lin Heng, and looked at the scenery in the wind, with the broken hair on her forehead swaying slightly in the wind.

After a while, the two drove to the place where Lin Heng set up the ground trap yesterday, stopped the car, and took the fishing rod and some other tools to the river.

"This place is good, suitable for catching shrimps." Xiulan looked around and nodded.

"I don't know the specific situation yet, let's put away the ground trap first and see." Lin Heng replied with a smile, maybe there are often people catching shrimps in this place, then they may have nothing to do.

He took Xiulan to the first place to set the net, found the rope and pulled the ground trap back.

"Wow, there are quite a few."

Xiulan said excitedly, and the sound of shrimps and small fish jumping could be heard as soon as the ground trap came out of the water.

After pulling it out and taking a closer look, Lin Heng was half happy and half worried: "There are indeed quite a few, but they are too small. These are not suitable for hatching shrimps, but they taste good."

"Pour it out and take a look." Xiulan squatted down and untied the rope at the head of the cage, and then took the white plastic bucket.

Lin Heng shook it a few times, and a bunch of shrimps and small fish were poured into it. These shrimps out of water began to jump wildly. There were only a dozen shrimps of four or five centimeters, and most of the others were half-grown shrimps of two or three centimeters.

Xiulan lifted it and said with a smile: "Not bad, not bad, this cage is almost two kilograms."

Lin Heng picked up the big shrimp and took a look. The quality was not bad, the gonads were well developed and full of vitality, but the number was a little less.

It was just May, and the shrimps would take about ten days to lay eggs. It would be best to catch shrimps now if they were to be artificially bred.

"Let's take a look at the other cage." Xiulan filled the bucket with some water and said with a smile.

"Well, I'll go take a look."

Lin Heng nodded, and pulled up another trap with his wife, and the familiar snapping sound rang out again.

"This cage is not bad." Lin Heng said with a smile. Because this cage is close to the water plants, there are more prawns than the previous one, and the total weight is also larger, about three pounds.

"This cage is very beautiful." Xiulan also nodded, and then asked: "Then let's continue to catch shrimp here?"

"Go down a little, see if the situation is not good, then go back." Lin Heng shook his head and said that this place is still not good, there are too few prawns.

"Okay, let's put the shrimp in the net bag first." Xiulan nodded and took out the fish guard she made for Lin Heng. It was made of mosquito nets, and the shrimp couldn't run away.

Shrimp have a great demand for oxygen. If they are put in a bucket, they will die in ten minutes.

Lin Heng said as he dumped the shrimps: "The pond was not dug well last year. I should have caught a batch of shrimps last year. Now I don't have to worry about the shrimp seedlings."

Xiu Lan said softly: "It's just that the shrimps here are small. The shrimps in the Heihe River downstream of Huangtan River must be big. If not, we can just go there and catch them."

"I'm not worried about this, I just think I didn't plan well." Lin Heng laughed and said.

Going down, the two found another fairly good flat river section, put peanut cakes in the ground trap and threw them into the river. They took out five lifting nets, installed them, put peanut cake bait wrapped in gauze, and placed them about one meter away from the water.

Then all you need to do is wait quietly. The two took out the fishing line and tied it to the purple bamboo fishing rod, and sat by the river to fish.

The water here is not deep, only about one meter and two meters, so they threw some peanut cakes to make a nest, hung earthworms and started fishing.

As soon as Lin Heng threw it down, there was a bite, but he couldn't pull it up. He guessed that it was some stream grouper, white bar and other small fish that were disturbing the nest, which was very annoying.

"I caught a fish!"

Xiulan suddenly cheered, and a small crucian carp was thrown directly onto the shore by her.

"Awesome." Lin Heng smiled and gave a thumbs up.

"It's a little small, not as big as the one I caught before." Xiulan looked at it and threw it into the bucket. This crucian carp was at most two taels.

"Be content, it's good to have such a big one near the village." Lin Heng said with a smile.

As he said this, he suddenly pulled hard, and a white bar was pulled up, and it was still caught by the fish hook. After taking it down, Lin Heng directly threw it to death and threw it aside.

After fishing for ten minutes, he finally caught a small crucian carp weighing two taels.

"It's not easy." Lin Heng took it and threw it into the bucket. Xiulan had already caught three, and her luck was better than his.

"Work hard." Xiulan said with a smile.

"I don't want to fish anymore. I'll just fish for catfish and yellowtail when it's getting dark." Lin Heng smiled and shook his head, threw the fishing rod there, and sat next to his wife.

"Then watch my performance."

Xiulan blinked, her eyes focused on the seven-star float.

Lin Heng watched for a while before he understood his wife's fishing method. He would not lift the rod unless the fishing line was pulled away, but the earthworms would be easily eaten up. Now he sat next to her and became a special person to hang earthworms.

Unknowingly, the sky gradually darkened, and Xiulan lifted a rod and a yellow figure appeared.

"The yellowtail is coming." Lin Heng said in surprise, reaching out to get the ditch.

Seeing his wife catch the yellowtail, Lin Heng also went to get the rod and started fishing again.

After a while, Xiulan caught another yellowtail weighing more than two taels. She looked at the fish and smiled, "There are fish for planting rice tomorrow."

"Damn it!!"

Lin Heng was getting her fish and suddenly found that his fishing rod was about to be dragged away, so he quickly threw the fish down to pull it.

"Big fish, big fish!!"

Lin Heng was excited when he pulled it. He clearly felt a strong pulling sensation, and the purple bamboo fishing rod was bent instantly.

"What should I do if I don't have the scoop net?" Xiulan excitedly looked around for something to hold the fish.

Lin Heng said while controlling the fish: "It's okay, my line is thick enough to pull it up."

"That's good." Xiulan nodded and put her fishing rod aside to watch Lin Heng's movements.

After pulling for a long time, the fish was finally pulled to the water's edge. Although it was already dark, the big fish was still very clear.

"It's a catfish, so big!" Xiulan was shocked. There was such a big catfish in this place.

Lin Heng didn't give it a chance to struggle anymore. He pulled it to the shore directly. He grabbed the fish in his hand and couldn't help laughing: "This catfish must be three pounds. There is such a heavy rain in this place."

"This time you surpassed me with one." Xiulan smiled.

"Xiaoxia is lucky." Lin Heng laughed. Xiaoxia can eat this boneless fish without worry. The taste of the four-bearded river catfish is no worse than that of the plum fish.

"Keep going, I want a big one too." Xiulan put the earthworm on herself and threw it into the river impatiently.

Lin Heng threw the fish into the bucket and hurried to fish again. There was no luminous float in this era. The float would be completely invisible in half an hour at most.

"I caught a fish again!!"

After a while, Xiulan caught another fish, but it was just a small catfish weighing half a pound.

There was no movement on Lin Heng's side. Soon it was completely dark and the float could not be seen clearly. The two had to put away the rod.

However, both of them had smiles on their faces, especially Lin Heng. He didn't expect to catch such a big catfish here. He was really lucky.

After putting away the fishing rod, Lin Heng said, "Let's go to collect the net and see what's going on."

Xiulan nodded and walked up with Lin Heng to the place where the net was lowered. It is very simple to collect the net, just slowly lift the bamboo strips up.

As the net emerges from the water, you can see the shrimps resting on it to eat, because the net has edges, most of these shrimps can't escape.

"Not bad, there are more than a dozen shrimps in this net, and they are all big ones." Xiulan nodded.

"Indeed, this method seems to be better than the ground trap." Lin Heng said with a smile, it seems that there are a lot of shrimps in this place.

After catching the shrimps and putting them in the fish guard, the two moved the net to another place and put it down again, and then went to pick up the other four nets.

Except for one of the nets that was not very ideal, the other three nets were pretty good, with about fifteen shrimps and some small shrimps.

After collecting the shrimps and putting the net back again, the two climbed up a large white rock to rest and wait for the shrimps to bite again.

Even though there were many clouds in the sky today and the stars could not be seen, the two still enjoyed this time. Xiulan leaned on Lin Heng, and the two of them blew the cool river breeze with a slight fishy smell, listening to the increasingly dense insects and frogs around them.

"It's time to harvest."

Half a quarter of an hour later, the two of them lifted the net again. The number was higher than the first time. There were nearly thirty large prawns in one net. This was normal. After all, shrimps gather light and are most active at night.

Then the two of them collected once every half an hour, and collected four nets in succession. In a blink of an eye, it was already nine o'clock. The two of them also collected the ground cage and prepared to go home.

There were only a few small shrimps in the ground cage, and there was almost no harvest. Compared with the open platform of lifting the net, the entrance of the ground cage is difficult to find, and it takes a long time for the shrimp to enter.

"Hua La!!"

Accompanied by Daoshui Peanut, the familiar snapping sound rang again. Lin Heng lifted the fish guard and weighed it and smiled: "Today's harvest is not bad, there are seven or eight kilograms of shrimp."

This is mainly because the ground cages set yesterday caught a lot, more than four or five kilograms, and they caught about two kilograms in the evening.

"It's really good." Xiulan said with a smile, took another white paint bucket and filled it with half a bucket of water, poured the shrimp into it, screwed the lid on and handed it to Lin Heng.

After carrying it to the road, the two of them got in the car and walked back quickly.

After returning, they didn't go home, but went directly to the Hongfengshan breeding base, and the car stopped at the door of the indoor hatchery.

"You are back, how many shrimps did you get?"

Lin's father and mother came out of the house and asked.

"There are seven or eight kilograms of fish and six or seven kilograms of shrimps." Xiulan said with a smile.

"Dad, bring two basins." Lin Heng said again.

"Okay." Lin's father agreed and came to the hatchery with two iron basins.

There was already 30 centimeters of water in the hatchery pool, but Lin Heng couldn't throw the shrimp in, and he had to pick them.

"So many." Lin's father was surprised when he saw the shrimps in the bucket.

"It's a pity that most of them are small." Lin Heng said as he filled two iron basins with water, and then picked out the big green shrimps and separated the male and female.

The male and female prawns are very easy to identify. The male has long claws, while the female is very short and about the same length as the other legs.

After some effort, Lin Heng picked out all the larger male and female ones and then screened them again, leaving the best ones.

Then he found a net to surround the hatching pond with an area of ​​two square meters and threw them into the pond in pairs.

"One hundred and eighty-two pairs, three hundred and sixty-four, more than three kilograms of large prawns, which is not bad."

Lin Heng nodded as he looked at the seed prawns he had selected in the net. The largest of these wild prawns is only five or six grams, and there are nearly a hundred prawns in one kilogram.

Although the resources in the river are not good, they are much better than those in later generations.

"Don't you want the rest?" Lin's mother asked curiously.

"Yes, keep it for tomorrow." Lin Heng nodded.

"That's just right." Father Lin nodded with a smile.

Then Father Lin looked at the fish Lin Heng caught and said in shock: "This catfish of yours is not small, it's amazing."

"Mainly because of Lin Heng's good luck." Xiulan said with a smile.

After chatting for a while, Lin Heng left two kilograms of fish with his parents and took the rest home.

"Mom and Dad!!"

As soon as the two of them returned home, Xiaoxia broke away from Caiyun's arms and rushed towards them, hugging them delicately.

"Where have you been? Do you not want me anymore?"

"Xiaoxia and her grandfather told stories to the children in the afternoon, and many children cheered."

Xiaoxia hugged the two of them and whispered a lot of words.

"Even if I don't want you, my parents still have to work." Xiulan picked her up and said.

Lin Heng then went to the back to release the fish and shrimp to raise them. They would not taste good if they were dead.

“All the fish were poured into the second sister’s reservoir, and the shrimps were put in fish protectors and placed in the secondary reservoir.

"So many." Caiyun, who was watching along, said in shock.

Lin Heng smiled and said: "Of course, you will be lucky enough to eat it tomorrow being Saturday."

Things like transplanting rice seedlings definitely require a lot of people. Father Lin chose a day when Caiyu was out of school, so he could help.

"That's great, I like to eat shrimp." Caiyun said with a smile.

Lin Heng thought for a while, caught a few small fish, threw them to the turtle, and then returned to the front with Caiyun.

Xiulan coaxed Xiaoxia to start cooking. In the evening, she simply made a cold dish based on braised pork and offal. The staple food was noodles.

After drinking some wine and eating noodles, I washed up and went to bed. Lin Heng inevitably had another technical exchange with Xiulan about human creation in the evening.

He was already in the youth period when a man has the strongest physical strength. He exercised every day, ate venison, and played and sang every night.

Early the next morning, when I got up, my sister-in-law Xiulan Caiyun prepared the meal, Lin Heng's eldest brother Haiyu's father, and my uncle, third uncle, third father and cousin Lin Hai came to help plant the rice.

His eldest uncle and third uncle wanted some rice seedlings bought by the Lin Heng family, and the third uncle's family came to help and they would be sent over to help them in a few days.

In the early morning, after everyone arrived, they went directly to the fields. Third uncle Lu Honggang put his hand on Lin Heng's shoulder and said, "You will take us to see your breeding base at noon. I heard that it is very beautiful now."

"It's no problem, Third Uncle, I will introduce it to you slowly when the time comes." Lin Heng patted his chest and smiled.

"Okay." Lu Honggang nodded honestly. He had always been proud of Lin Heng and always talked about his powerful nephew when he met everyone.

When they came to the field, Lin Heng's third father, Lin Xutao, and his father were pulling seedlings. When they saw Lin Heng, Lin Xutao shouted out of curiosity: "Lin Heng, the grain seeds you bought look no different from those grown at home."

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