Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 277 The old father who has nothing to do for the first time

Lin Heng was not surprised by Sandie's question. Many older people in this era still have ancient thoughts and do not have a deep understanding of modern technology.

Especially those who live in the deep mountains inland.

"Sandie, how many acres of rice fields do you have now?" he asked with a smile.

Lin Xutao asked in confusion: "There are still 12 mu of paddy fields, what's wrong?"

Lin Heng smiled and said: "Let me put it this way, my father still has more than 4 mu of paddy fields, and the rice production this year is at least more than twice that of your family. If you don't believe it, let's make a bet."

Lin Xutao shook his head repeatedly when he heard this, with a look of disbelief on his face: "If you say that the output is the same as my family's 12 mu of fields, I will believe it, but if it exceeds twice my 12 mu of fields, I will never believe it."

Lin Heng's uncle Lu Honghai also shook his head and said: "I don't believe it either. Can this rice seed be so high-yielding?"

Lin Heng smiled and said: "Then, if I lose, I will give you a bag of rice seeds for free next year. If you lose, one of you will work for me for free for half a month."

"That's no problem, my good nephew, I'll take your bag of rice." Lin Xutao smiled and patted his chest.

Lu Honghai also smiled and said, "That's right, good nephew, I'm not polite to your uncle."

"No problem." Lin Heng smiled and nodded, then looked at his third uncle and said, "Will you bet?"

Lu Honggang shook his head and smiled honestly, "I won't bet, I support Lin Heng."

He didn't believe it, but he didn't want Lin Heng to lose too much. He heard that this grain seed was not cheap.

Lin Yue patted his shoulder and said, "Brother, you are really confident in this grain seed."

Father and mother Lin were also infected by Lin Heng's determined momentum, and they were looking forward to the results in autumn.

"Okay, it might rain today, let's hurry up." Father Lin said with a smile.

"Yes, work, work."

Everyone laughed loudly, then put on slippers and went to the fields to pull up the seedlings together, and then started planting rice from the top field.

Today, there were eight adults and a child, Lin Wei, a total of nine people planting rice.

These people were divided into two groups, one group for a field. Lin's father and other people of his generation were in a group of five, while Lin Heng, his eldest brother Lin Hai, and his eldest nephew Lin Wei were in a group.

Lin Heng was still the same as before, not caring much about horizontal and vertical, as long as the spacing between plants was about the same.

After planting, the two sides formed a sharp contrast. His father's side was horizontal and vertical, neat and tidy, while their side looked messy.

Old father Lin Xuan shook his head helplessly and couldn't bear to look directly, but he didn't have the urge to beat Lin Heng again this year.

They planted the seedlings of Lin's father's four and a half acres of land in one morning.

Before lunch, Lin Heng's uncle and third uncle went to visit Lin Heng's breeding base.

After seeing it, the third uncle Lu Honggang nodded repeatedly: "This place is really clean and beautiful."

The eldest uncle Lu Honghai also nodded repeatedly, with a sense of pride, his nephew is really capable.

Lin Heng smiled and said: "It's okay, the main thing is whether it can make money."

"It will definitely make money." Lu Honggang patted Lin Heng on the shoulder.

After chatting for a while, they went back to the house to eat. Today's meal is also very rich, more luxurious than last year's rice planting. The main course is a stewed catfish, and there is also a plate of fried shrimps, in addition to venison and braised venison offal.

Seeing the venison on the table, Lu Honghai was stunned: "Lin Heng, when did you kill the deer?"

He didn't know that Lin Heng killed a sika deer until he saw the venison. Lu Honggang was also stunned with him.

Lin Heng smiled and said: "Not long ago, I went to Heihe with my brother to try my luck. I wanted to kill a black bear, but I didn't kill it. I killed a sika deer weighing more than 200 kilograms."

"Sika deer, amazing." Lu Honghai took a deep breath.

"You are lucky enough." Lu Honggang was also shocked.

"This time the luck is really good." Lin Yue said with a smile.

"Tell us the details quickly." Lu Honghai urged, shouting that the killing of the black bear had not started yet, and his nephew started first.

"Let's eat and talk at the same time." Lin Heng said with a smile, giving his elder brother the opportunity to speak.

They were a little shocked to learn about the gains of Lin Heng and Lin Yue, and they also admired the two of them for daring to go to the deep mountains and old forests for ten days.

In the end, the two of them gave a thumbs up and admired their two nephews. Then they began to eat the dishes fiercely. This big table can be said to be a feast for everyone.

Lin Heng picked up catfish and prawns for his daughter. Xiaoxia saw her mother eating prawns and peeling the shells, and looked at Lin Heng with big eyes: "Dad, I don't know how to peel the shells."

"It's okay, just eat it directly to supplement calcium and grow taller." Lin Heng smiled and demonstrated to her, one prawn at a time, crunchy and delicious.


Xiaoxia learned to eat one, and soon liked the taste of shrimp, but her little baby teeth could only eat small shrimps, and large shrimps were a bit prickly and couldn't eat.

"I'll peel it for you."

Xiulan shook her head helplessly and fed the peeled shrimp to her daughter.

After more than an hour of lunch, the shrimps were eaten first, followed by the stir-fried venison, and finally the catfish.

Shrimp, a delicious river food, is still too popular. It tastes very delicious even with simple cooking. However, its picky nature on water quality has also led to its high price.

This is also the reason why Lin Heng chose to raise shrimps. Only industries with difficulty and thresholds can make money.

After the meal, everyone found that it was drizzling outside.

"It's okay, let's continue working in the rain." Third father Lin Xutao said with a smile.

"Then let's go."

No one would be deterred by this drizzle. Braving the drizzle, everyone went to the fields to help Lin Yue plant rice.

Lin Yue's family's five-acre field was finished at 4:30 in the afternoon. Because the field had been prepared in advance, it was very simple to just plant a seedling.

After planting, there were more than three acres of seedlings left. Lin Heng had already bought extra seedlings.

In addition to keeping some seedlings for himself, the rest was distributed to Lin Heng's third father, uncle, and third uncle's family.

After dinner in the afternoon, Mother Lin brought out some homemade milk powder and said, "Big brother and third brother, take this back and give it to mom to drink. It's good for her health."

"Okay." Lu Honghai put the things away without hesitation. He really needed these.

Lin Heng brought 50 pieces of deer antlers and said, "Uncle and third uncle, I brought some deer antlers for my grandma. You can take them back and give her water to drink."

The sika deer antlers have already been processed, dried, sliced ​​and packaged.

Seeing the deer antler, Lu Honghai quickly declined: "This thing is too valuable, you can sell it, there is no need."

Lin Heng stuffed it and said with a smile: "Give it to my grandma, that's what I want."

From the top to the root, the velvet antler consists of wax antler flakes, semi-wax antler flakes, white powder flakes, red pink flakes, blood flakes, and bone antler flakes.

The top ones are called velvet antler wax slices. The texture is as fine and oily as wax. One antler can be cut into two or three slices. It is the most expensive. The bone fragments at the bottom have little medicinal value and are generally not recommended for consumption.

Among the thirty antler tablets Lin Heng took out, there were 20 blood tablets, 20 red pink tablets, and 10 white powder tablets. It's not that he is stingy, but one deer antler only has two to three hundred pieces, and the total number of sika deer he hunted is only more than five hundred pieces.

If his grandmother hadn't been very kind to him when he was a child, she would have been reluctant to take it out. This is the antler piece of a rare wild sika deer.

"Just take the child, it's not for you to use." Mother Lin also advised.

"Okay." Lu Honghai nodded and accepted, feeling grateful in his heart, but he didn't know what to say. He just felt that his nephew's heartache was not in vain.

Lin Heng sent his two uncles away with a smile, then looked at his parents and said, "Do you want deer antler slices?"

"You can keep it for yourself. We are not sick or in trouble. Why do we need this?" Father Lin shook his head.

"That's right, you can keep it for yourself." Mother Lin also agreed.

His parents didn't want it, and Lin Heng didn't force it. After chatting for a few words, he hurried back. The rain was getting heavier and heavier.


When he got home, Lin Heng stretched out and lay on the chair. There was little farm work this year, so both his parents could do it.

His next focus is on farming, and preparing for selling shrimp later. When he has time, he will study other ways to make money. As long as he accumulates original capital, he can use the advantage of rebirth to make a lot of money.

When he thought of this, Lin Heng's mood became better again, because everything was undoubtedly moving in a good direction.

"What are you happy about?" Xiulan came over and asked with a smile after feeding the chickens and ducks.

"I feel that life is getting better and better." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"That's true, it's a huge change compared to last year." Xiulan smiled and nodded, sat down next to Lin Heng and asked, "Are you still having dinner tonight?"

It was almost seven o'clock now, it was raining lightly outside, and it was about to get completely dark.

Lin Heng looked at her and smiled and said: "If you want to go back to the house and rest, then let's rest. If you are hungry at night, just eat dried venison and drink some milk powder or arrowroot root."

"Then go back to the house, I want to lie on the bed." Xiulan nodded.

The two took Xiaoxia to wash up and then went back to the house to go to bed. Lin Heng was leaning on the bed reading a book, and Xiulan lay there playing paper-cutting with Xiaoxia.

After playing at ten o'clock, Lin Heng took out the dried venison and shared it with the three of them. Xiulan made three bowls of kudzu powder and the three of them ate and drank.

“What a great time~”

Xiaoxia's big eyes turned into small crescents as she ate the spiced venison.

Lin Heng and Xiulan chewed a piece of spicy food in their mouths, and held the five-flavored food in their hands, tearing it into thin strips the size of toothpicks and feeding them to Xiaoxia.

Her little baby teeth can't chew a whole piece, and her little hands can't tear the dried venison. As long as she waits for her parents to feed her, a mouthful of Lin Heng's and a mouthful of Xiulan's will make her very happy. .

After feeding two venison sticks, Xiulan said: "Okay, that's all for dinner. After drinking the kudzu powder, we can tell stories."

Because the hawthorn cake was gone long ago, I didn’t dare let my daughter eat too much at night.

"Okay then." Xiaoxia pouted and agreed, holding a spoon and slowly drinking the kudzu powder.

Lin Heng and Xiulan ate some more dried meat. The more they chewed, the more delicious it became and they couldn't stop. They finished a pound of spicy venison dried meat before stopping.

After coaxing Xiaoxia to sleep, Lin Heng was tired after a day's work, so he lay down next to Xiulan and fell asleep.

The drizzle was still falling early the next morning. When Lin Heng woke up, he was not in a hurry to get up. He picked up Das Kapital and seemed to be minding his own business.

In this world without the Internet, reading is a great pleasure.

Xiulan leaned next to Lin Heng and continued to sleep. Xiaoxia woke up at eight o'clock, Xiulan dressed her, she went out to the yard to pee, and then came back to bed to play by herself.

"Dad, I also want to read a book." Xiaoxia didn't want to play alone, so she pulled Lin Heng and said.

"Then let me teach you how to read." Lin Heng touched her face and said with a smile.

"Okay." Xiaoxia was very excited.

Lin Heng went to get a children's literacy book and taught her to read aloud. He didn't want to teach her, he just played with her.

However, Xiaoxia studied very seriously and learned spelling from Lin Heng.

After focusing for about forty or fifty minutes, she no longer wanted to study, and Lin Heng was about to get up.

After washing her face, she was not allowed to go to the back mountain because it was raining today. She was asked to feed the little turtles under the eaves. Lin Heng caught two stream groupers and threw them in.

He and Xiulan went to the back mountain to milk cows and took a look at the poor little ram.

After several days of feeding, it was finally able to stand up. He put it back next to the ewe, but it still couldn't grab the other two ewes. Lin Heng had to separate the two ewes and let them eat alone, or feed some. milk.

When returning home after milking, Xiulan looked at the beehive and wondered: "Why are these bees so diligent even when it rains?"

Xiulan didn't say that Lin Heng hadn't noticed yet. When she looked up, it was really strange. There were so many bees working on a rainy day.

"I don't know either. I'll ask the others later." Lin Heng shook his head.

"Dad, the little fish was snatched and eaten by Jinbao."

Xiaoxia watched Lin Heng come back, touched Jinbao's tail and said.

"Then I'll throw in two more and let's take Jinbao to the front room." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Okay." Xiaoxia nodded and wanted to hold Jinbao, but Jinbao weighed nearly 20 pounds and weighed as much as she did. She couldn't hold it up at all, so she could only look up at Lin Heng.

"I come."

Lin Heng picked up Jinbao and touched its round-faced plate. This guy was really fat.

What we eat in the morning is potato pancakes with milk. The potato pancakes only need to be inserted into shredded potatoes with a plug, and then simply add some flour and wine and fry them in a pot. They taste crispy and delicious. Xiulan recently made them. More.

After breakfast, Lin Heng went to the Hongfengshan Breeding Base under an umbrella. Father Lin had nothing to do today. He cut some grass and hung it to dry in the house, and then started carpentry work.

"Dad, what are you planning to do?" Lin Heng asked curiously.

Father Lin raised his head and said with a smile: "I'm going to make a long armchair to use outside the house."

He is really not used to this kind of days without work. There is really no work to do for rice. Rapeseed and wheat are still nearly a month away from harvesting. Early corn has only just emerged and there is no rush to weed it.

In the orchard, Lin Heng had taken care of it before when he asked people to help grow medicinal materials. There was no work for the time being. He didn't know what to do for the first time, so he looked for wood and decided to become a carpenter.

"Then dad, please help me spread the manure." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Okay." Father Lin nodded, stopped what he was doing and walked over.

"Carry the ammonium bicarbonate over first." Lin Heng pointed at the warehouse and said.

Father Lin was confused: "Isn't just excrement enough?"

"Definitely, that little bit of dung is a bit small." Lin Heng nodded.

After carrying the fertilizer, the father and son began to implement the fish pond's base fertilizer. They evenly spread the sterilized manure into the fish pond, and they were done.

Originally, he wanted to use bleaching powder to kill the virus first and then apply base fertilizer. However, since the fertilizer is spread to grow algae, which takes time, Lin Heng decided to apply fertilizer first and buy bleaching powder to kill the virus after a few days when the weather clears.

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