Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 278 Taibai City Fisheries Research Institute

The father and son finished spreading the manure and fertilizer in the drizzling rain.

After finishing, Lin Heng went into the house to look at the shrimps in the hatching pond. They were all alive and well without any problems. He threw a handful of peanut cakes in and left.

He didn't want to go home for the time being. He watched his father do some carpentry and strolled around the area.

It was almost noon when Lin Heng returned home with a large bundle of dried grass. He distributed the grass to the livestock. He looked at the lamb again. The little ram would probably not need anyone to take care of it in half a month.

"Wife, are you going to tan deerskin?"

Lin Heng went into the house and saw Xiulan throwing the dried deerskin in the rain, and asked curiously.

Xiulan nodded: "Yes, I'm idle anyway. After tanning, it can be used as a blanket."

"That's fine. When the weather clears up, I'll go to the city and buy you some alum." Lin Heng nodded.

"Second father!"

"Hello, Uncle Lin!"

In the main hall, Xiaoxia was playing with the little girl Yang Qing and the second nephew Lin Tao from the village. When they saw Lin Heng, they both greeted him politely.

Lin Heng nodded and smiled, "You guys can play as you like, don't be restrained."

Playmates are also very important for children's growth. Lin Heng did not object to Xiaoxia playing with the children in the village.

After that, Lin Heng looked at Xiulan who was doing needlework and said, "Let's go to the backyard to see the bees. I asked and heard that this is a sign of splitting. If it really splits, we can just take it back and raise it, and we can also harvest the spring honey."

"Wait a minute, I'll sew Xiaoxia's protective clothes." Xiulan nodded and said, she made things like protective clothes and sleeves by herself.


Lin Heng nodded, and entered the study room only to find his sister Caiyun lying on his desk doing homework.

"Brother, your desk is so comfortable, and this study room is so beautifully decorated." Seeing Lin Heng, Caiyun tilted her head and said with a smile.

Her parents went to Hongfeng Mountain, and she was not used to living alone in the old house, so she ran over here.

"I haven't enjoyed it a few times yet, and you've used it first." Lin Heng said with a smile, but he still enjoyed his sister's praise. He is really a man with vision.

"If you want to use it, I'll make room for you." Caiyun asked with her head tilted.

"You can use it, I just came in for a walk." Lin Heng shook his head and turned to go out again.

I looked at the fruits and vegetables in the front yard when I was free. Strawberries have begun to bear fruit, and they will mature in more than half a month. Watermelons and cantaloupes have also bloomed, but it is still too early to mature.

There are already finger-long cucumbers on the cucumber vines, and peppers have also produced small peppers. Other green beans, eggplants, cowpeas, etc. were planted late, only ten centimeters high.

After taking a look, Lin Heng went back to the bedroom to get the unfinished Capital and sat in the pavilion in the backyard to continue reading, aspiring to be an excellent people's entrepreneur.

After the rain, the orchids in the yard have all grown many flowers, some of which have already bloomed, emitting a faint orchid fragrance, floating in the drizzle.

There are a lot of water drops on the pink and white lilies, which are more delicate against the green leaves, and seem to have a delicate temperament.

Coupled with running water, fish ponds, calamus, lotus leaves, strange cypresses and strange pines... Now the backyard has become a beautiful small garden, full of vitality and fun.

Lin Heng leaned against the four-corner pavilion, listening to the rain and smelling the fragrance of flowers, reading a book, immersed in this quiet and beautiful world.

At one o'clock, Xiulan made the protective clothes, took the basin and hat to the backyard and walked to Lin Heng, stretched out her hand and poked his head and blinked, saying: "Let's go, we can start harvesting honey."


Lin Heng nodded and put the book on the bench, got up and went under the eaves to get the ladder and put it on the wall.

"Put it on."

Xiu Lan put the bee-proof hat she made on Lin Heng. It was originally a cloth hat, but she made it into a bee-proof hat with gauze.

Lin Heng put it on with a smile, took the basin and the 100-refined steel dagger, climbed up the ladder and came to the beehive. When he opened it, he found something different.

"It is indeed time for swarming. The queen cells have been made. It is estimated that the new queen will be born soon." Lin Heng turned his head and looked at Xiu Lan and said.

"Then let's make another beehive and take it away after swarming." Xiu Lan looked at Lin Heng and said.

Lin Heng nodded: "My dad and I have told you, and he is doing it."

After that, he took out the dagger and started to cut the honey. After a year without cutting, the bees have made seven honey combs, five of which are capped and full. Lin Heng used a basin to catch them, and cut all five full honey combs at once.

"What a great harvest." Xiu Lan looked at the basin and her big eyes curved into crescents.

"It's really a bumper harvest." Lin Heng was also very satisfied with the harvest. He drove away the bees inside and the two of them returned to the main hall with the honey.

"Wow, so much honey?" Caiyun just came out and looked at the honey in shock.

"Dad, I want to eat honey." Xiaoxia smelled the rich honey fragrance and hugged his legs and said coquettishly.

The two children, Lin Tao and Yang Qing, had eyes full of desire and swallowed their saliva uncontrollably.

"All are all." Lin Heng put the basin on the table, took a dagger to cut the honey comb and distributed it to everyone. The honey comb was lightly cut and the light yellow honey could be seen flowing out. Suddenly, the honey fragrance became more intense.

"Wash your hands before eating." Xiulan brought the water at the door and washed the hands of the three children.

"Here!" Lin Heng gave it to Xiaoxia first, and then to Lin Tao and Yang Qing.

"Thank you, second dad!"

"Thank you, Uncle Lin!"

The two wanted to refuse it modestly, after all, their parents taught them so, but when they saw the sweet honey, their mouths and hands were out of control, and they took it and started to eat it.

Sweets are too tempting for children of this era.

Then Lin Heng gave it to Caiyu and Xiulan, and cut a piece for himself to taste. Although the honey is very sweet, it is not very greasy, and it has a rich fragrance of flowers in the mouth.

"It's delicious~"

Xiaoxia nodded while eating, and she didn't forget to suck her fingers after eating. Yang Qing and Lin Tao also had satisfied expressions on their faces, it was so delicious.

"It's really good."

Caiyun and Xiulan also nodded.

"Dad, I want more." Xiaoxia started to act like a spoiled child again after eating.

"No more, children can't eat too much at one time." Before Lin Heng could speak, Xiulan refused her and took the honey to the kitchen with Caiyun.

"There's no way, wait until tomorrow Dad makes some for you." Lin Heng touched her little head.

Xiaoxia hesitated for a while, and was taken by her friends to continue playing games.

In the kitchen, Xiulan and Caiyun took the gauze used to filter tofu and held the honeycomb to squeeze and filter the honey.

There is still a lot of honey left from last year, but honey can be preserved forever, so there is no need to worry about it going bad.

After lunch, Lin Heng continued to read in the backyard pavilion in the afternoon.

In the blink of an eye, it was May 7th of the Gregorian calendar, and the drizzle that had been falling for several days finally stopped.

"It's not raining anymore, let's go pick morels and pine mushrooms today."

When she woke up in the morning, Xiulan put her little face on Lin Heng's neck and said in a tender voice.

Now the family is a millionaire and not as poor as last year, so she doesn't need to sell mushrooms to subsidize the family. But for her, picking mushrooms is a way of entertainment.

"Then let's go pick them after breakfast." Lin Heng nodded in agreement.

When he got up and went to milk the cows, Lin's father came over and handed a finished beehive to Lin Heng, saying, "How about this?"

"Okay, I'll put it next to it later." Lin Heng smiled and nodded.

After milking the cows, while Xiulan was making breakfast, Lin Heng smeared honey on the newly made beehive and placed it next to the old beehive. It would be best if the separated bees could go in by themselves, but if not, he would need to collect them.

He heard that professional beekeepers could directly catch the old queen bee to form a new bee colony, but he was a novice and didn't dare to do so.

After breakfast, Xiulan changed into a loose indigo dress to hide her beautiful figure. Her hair had been braided long ago, and habitually pulled from her neck to her chest.

"Let's go, let's pick mushrooms." Xiulan said with a smile as she picked up the bamboo basket.

"Pick mushrooms!" Xiaoxia cheered happily. She hadn't gone out to play for several days because of the rain.

"Let's go." Lin Heng put on the backpack and untied Xiongba's dog leash, and took the blue wolf dog Lai Fu and the fine dog Feng Shou with him, letting them learn from Xiongba.

"Woof woof~~"

Xiongba excitedly turned around and circled around Lin Heng, and the two puppies, who were already 20 kilograms, began to howl and circled around the three of them.

The three of them opened the door and set off, heading towards the mountain behind the house. Last year, Lin Heng took this road when he and Xiulan went to pick mushrooms for the first time after his rebirth.

There are more pine forests behind this mountain, and you can pick pine mushrooms, also known as pine milk mushrooms. Although the more morels were found in Shuijinggou last year, the two still chose this road.

"Woof woof!"

As soon as they entered the mountain, Xiongba took the two puppies into the forest and searched in front of Lin Heng and the others.

Lin Heng followed Xiulan with Xiaoxia in his arms, stepping on the blackened leaves that fell last year. The forest was not muddy because of these leaves.

"This is an acorn tree, this is a pyracantha tree..."

Xiaoxia looked at the trees passing by and identified them one by one. She looked very cute when she was serious. Whenever she got stuck, she would put her face close to Lin Heng and look at him eagerly. After Lin Heng told her the name of the tree, she continued to identify happily.

Not long after, Xiulan picked a mushroom on the side of the road and showed off with a smile: "It's a blue-headed mushroom. I'm so lucky."

"It seems that there will be a lot of harvest today." Lin Heng said with a smile. A good start is a good sign.

The three walked very slowly. It took more than 40 minutes to go up the mountain and came to the mixed woods of pine trees and acorn trees.

"Oh my God, so many pine mushrooms!"

As soon as they walked into the forest, Xiulan cheered.

"I'm rich today!!"

Lin Heng was also very surprised. He looked up and saw that the orange-yellow mushrooms pushed up the pine needles and revealed their chubby bodies.

"So many mushrooms!"

Xiaoxia cheered.

Lin Heng put her down. She could walk on this flat ground by herself.

Putting Xiaoxia down, Lin Heng took the plastic bag and started picking mushrooms impatiently. Pine mushrooms were the most abundant at this time.

He picked up ten in a row. Lin Heng looked and found that only half of the ten had not been eaten by insects, but it didn't matter. He picked them all up.

Those without insects eat them, and those with insects feed pigs. There is no waste at all.

"Dad, here you go~"

Xiaoxia handed a pine milk mushroom to Lin Heng.

"So good~"

Lin Heng praised and put the mushroom away.

Xiongba and the three dogs were having fun in the forest, not looking for mushrooms, but seeing that there were many mushrooms here, Lin Heng didn't pick them up.

"I still have some here, come here!" Xiulan's voice came soon.

"Okay, I have a lot here too." Lin Heng said with a smile.

The two would always call each other in the woods, and after a while they would get together to see each other's harvest. Picking mushrooms brings a sense of accomplishment and happiness, and constant sharing makes this happiness brew into honey and flow into their hearts.

Baby daughter Xiaoxia followed the two of them, picking up mushrooms and listening to their parents' praise.

Before they knew it, it was already noon, and the two of them gathered together to take a look at the harvest. Today I mainly picked up pine tree mushrooms, as well as a small amount of porcini mushrooms and green head mushrooms. Although there were a lot of red mushrooms, the two of them were not interested.

"It weighs forty pounds, which is not bad." Xiulan looked at the mushroom with big eyes that turned into crescents.

Lin Heng smiled and nodded: "I hope I can pick up some other fungi this afternoon."

Although half of the forty pounds contained insects, the harvest was already considered good.

"Xiaoxia is also very good today." Lin Heng praised his daughter lying on his lap again.

"Dad, I'm hungry~" Xiaoxia said coquettishly, looking listless.

"There is a pool next to it. Let's wash our hands and then eat." Lin Heng touched her face and said.

"Okay, I want to eat." Xiaoxia immediately became energetic and got up and went to wash hands with Lin Heng Xiulan.

After washing her hands, Xiulan opened the bag of food and handed a piece of unfinished potato cake from the morning to Xiaoxia. She and Lin Heng took the dried venison and started eating.

The two of them ate a few mouthfuls, then tore some spiced ones into Xiaoxia's mouth and fed them to her.

When he was full, Lin Heng handed the squirrel skin water bag to Xiulan. After she drank it, she fed it to Xiaoxia, and then Lin Heng drank again.

The three of them were very satisfied with this life of searching for fungi in the forest. After eating, they leaned together and stared at the mottled tree shadows in the forest in a daze. Free your mind and enjoy life.


Next to them, Xiongba, Laifu and Fengsheng squatted and stuck out their tongues, wanting to eat.

"Now you know what to eat. Have a good time in the morning?"

Lin Heng rubbed the bulldog's head and said with a smile, he didn't bring them anything to eat. He fed them very well in the morning and planned to feed them again in the afternoon when he returned to the house.

They were not very hungry, they just saw Lin Heng and the others eating and wanted to beg for it.


Xiong Ba rubbed his big head against Lin Heng's thigh with pitiful eyes. The two puppies were feeding Xiaoxia and Xiulan, and they also wanted to eat.

"If you are able, go catch a prey yourself, and I will roast it for you. Otherwise, just wait until you get home in the afternoon to eat it." Lin Heng patted its head, very ruthlessly.

Xiongba lay on the ground unhappy because he couldn't get anything to eat and didn't want to work anymore.

After resting for a while, Xiulan wanted to continue looking for fungi again. The two of them were not in a hurry and took Xiaoxia to search slowly in the forest.

I couldn't find any more patches of fungi in the afternoon, they were scattered here and there.

"Woof woof!"

Accompanied by a dog barking, Xiulan's excited voice came over: "Hubby, there are morels here!!"


Lin Heng held his daughter and walked quickly over there.

I saw many black-veined morels growing on the ground in the poplar forest here, and they were chubby and beautiful.

"Xiongba finally showed his strength in the afternoon." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Yes, pick it up quickly." Xiulan smiled.

Lin Heng put down Xiaoxia, and the three of them picked morels together. These morels were all freshly grown and very beautiful.

After picking up this place, the two of them looked around again, but unfortunately they didn't find it.

Unconsciously, it was already past three o'clock in the afternoon. Xiulan looked at her watch and said, "Let's go home."

Last year she would have tried her best to pick up some more fungi and not go back until dark, but this year she was just picking up fungi for fun, so there was no need.


Lin Heng also nodded and walked back with Xiaoxia.

"There are thornberries here. They're all red. Come and eat them."

On the way down the mountain, Lin Heng saw a few raspberries growing beside the rocks and said with a smile.

"The ones here are actually red." Xiulan expressed surprise, then pulled Xiaoxia over.

"It's delicious." Lin Heng ate two first. They were sweet with a bit of sourness, and tasted better than strawberries.

Xiaoxia was fed one, her eyes widened, and she remembered the memory of eating this fruit last year, "It's delicious, dad, I want more."

As she said that, she wanted to pick it herself, but when her hand was pricked by a thorn, she immediately shrank back and looked at Lin Heng helplessly.

"Don't be in a hurry, there are a lot of them here. Let's go home after we've eaten enough." Lin Heng said while feeding her.

Lin Heng fed Xiaoxia to eat on the spot, while Xiulan found a small bag and picked it off for her to take back to eat.

The three of them stayed here for half an hour, and it was already four o'clock when they got home.

After returning to the house to rest for a while and drink some water, the two began to pick mushrooms. This mixture of bad and good mushrooms must be dealt with immediately, as they will spoil over time.

It took half an hour to sort out the mushrooms. In the end, the pine mushrooms picked weighed 30 kilograms. It looked like a lot, but ten kilograms of wet mushrooms and one kilogram dried in the sun were actually just over three kilograms of dried mushrooms.

There are two and a half kilograms of morels and three green-headed mushrooms.

"It's not a bad harvest." Lin Heng nodded.

Xiulan smiled and said, "Let's eat bacon and stir-fry mushrooms tonight."

"It's been a long time since I've eaten fresh pine mushrooms. I really miss them." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Then I'm going to steam the mushrooms for cooking." Xiulan took the good mushrooms and went to the kitchen.

Lin Heng took the remaining mushrooms to the back mountain and fed them to his eldest brother's piglets. Neither his family nor his father's family had bought any piglets this year.

For dinner, Lin Heng had fried bacon with pine mushrooms and morel mushroom and crucian carp soup. One was fragrant and the other was fresh, which was quite enjoyable. I finished two bowls of rice.

Rural life doesn’t seem to have so many rituals and romance, but this simple daily life seems to be the greatest romance. After a happy meal, Lin Heng and Xiulan slept together and continued to study the techniques of making a baby.

The next morning, Lin Heng got up earlier than usual because he had to go down to buy broodstock and various shrimp feeds.

Xiulan also got up early to find clothes for Lin Heng, took care of Lin Heng, and made breakfast.

"Be careful." Lin Heng ate, Xiulan looked at him and said.

"Don't worry."

Lin Heng smiled and nodded, and drove out. His elder brother Lin Yue was already waiting on the road.

"Brother, you drive."

Lin Heng gave the opportunity to drive to Lin Yue and sat in the truck bed.

"Okay." Lin Yue agreed with a smile, and asked while driving, "What are we going to buy today? Just shrimp seedlings?"

Lin Heng shook his head: "Today, we will go down to see the shrimp seedlings first. There is no rush to buy them. The main thing is to buy feed bleaching powder and other things such as oxygen."

"Is that so." Lin Yue nodded and drove towards Taibai City.

Although Taibai City has a developed water system, there are not many fish and shrimp farmers. The largest one is Qingshui Town on the edge of the suburbs. Ge Qingshan also introduced Lin Heng to buy shrimp seedlings there.

But Lin Heng did not go there directly, but went to Taibai City Fisheries Research Institute in the city first.

They stopped at the door, and immediately a guard came over to ask: "Excuse me, which unit are you from?"

"We are here to learn about aquaculture and want to come over to ask about the situation." Lin Heng replied with a smile.

"Is that so, then you can go in." The guard glanced at Lin Heng, nodded and let the two in.

Lin Heng took his elder brother straight into the lobby of the building. The female staff in the lobby was attracted by Lin Heng's dress and asked with a smile: "Excuse me, what business do you do?"

Lin Heng was already very fair and handsome, and his physical strength and momentum were much stronger than those of ordinary people due to years of physical exercise. In addition, the maturity and confidence revealed in his eyes attracted anyone who saw him.

Lin Heng smiled and said: "I want to know if our institute has shrimp seed for sale. I plan to invest in breeding."

The female staff was embarrassed to look at Lin Heng, shook her head and replied softly: "Well, we don't have shrimp seed here. At present, there are not enough technical personnel here, so we can only provide some consulting services."

"Then can I visit your leader?" Lin Heng asked again.

He was not surprised by this answer. In this era, many departments in small cities are just decorations, especially technical ones, because there is a lack of relevant technical talents.

"Let me inform you." The female staff nodded and got up to report upstairs.

"Brother, what are you going to do?" Lin Yue asked in a low voice next to him.

"Nothing, just asking about the situation." Lin Heng said with a smile.

After a while, the female staff member came down and said with a smile: "Our Director Zhang is here, he asked you to go up, you come with me."

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded, asked his brother to sit on the first floor and wait for a while, and he followed him to the second floor.

On the second floor, Lin Heng took a look at the office sign, which was a deputy director.

"Hello, Director Zhang, I am Lin Heng." Lin Heng followed the female staff member into the office and said with a smile.

"Please sit down, let's talk slowly." Director Zhang pointed to the bench and nodded. He was a little surprised by Lin Heng's youth, but he didn't dare to underestimate him.

He wanted to start a business at such a young age. Facing him, he didn't look as humble as ordinary people. He felt that this young man was not simple, like someone who had seen the world.

"It's like this, I want to consult all our shrimps that don't have green shrimp or Macrobrachium rosenbergii, and I'm ready to invest in breeding." Lin Heng still started the conversation with this question.

"Due to technical limitations, we don't raise shrimp here for the time being, but if you want to invest, we can help you coordinate shrimp from other places." Director Zhang said with a smile.

Lin Heng smiled secretly, this rhetoric was much more advanced, if you really believe it, then go home and wait.

But he didn't come here for this, and continued: "Then may I ask if there is a company producing feed in Taibai now?"

This is what he wanted to know.

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