Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 279 Everything is ready, but new problems are discovered

"I don't know about this. Now that the aquaculture industry is booming, maybe someone will do this?"

Lin Heng's question did not get a definite answer from Director Zhang.

But Lin Heng actually knew the answer. It must be no, because the construction focus of Taibai City at this stage was textile industry, handicraft workshops, etc.

The main focus was on developing the textile industry, investing in various electromechanical factories, and supporting small handicraft workshops. There was almost no investment in aquaculture.

But in fact, the environment here is very suitable for the development of planting and aquaculture, and later it did transform in this direction.

He does have an advantage in this area now, and can be the first to eat crabs. But because of the different cities and development directions, he did not get any major support.

Just like this Fisheries Research Institute, it only set up such a department and did not care about the others.

"Then may I ask if we have all the feed production equipment?" Lin Heng asked again.

"We only have one medium-sized pellet machine here." Director Zhang said.

Although this person did not say it, Lin Heng actually understood that there were not many shrimps, and the pellet machine must be idle.

"Can I rent this pellet machine?" Lin Heng asked with a smile.

"Well, we don't have such a rule here." Director Zhang shook his head, obviously thinking it was too troublesome and unwilling to help.

Lin Heng chatted for a few more words, but the other party just said that they would hold a meeting to study and asked him to wait patiently.

Helplessly, Lin Heng had to say goodbye and leave.

After leaving the door, Lin Yue couldn't wait to ask: "Brother, have you negotiated?"

Lin Heng shook his head and told him the general content of the conversation.

After listening, Lin Yue couldn't help but complain: "This is equivalent to saying nothing. I haven't accomplished anything here."

"The main thing is to recognize a person. I didn't think that I could get things done now. It's better to be familiar with it the first time." Lin Heng said with a smile, he was not in a hurry.

This time I know him, and I can learn more about him when I visit him privately next time.

"Then let's go to Qingshui Town next?" Lin Yue asked again.

"Yes, let's go to Qingshui Town first." Lin Heng got in the car and nodded.

Soon they arrived at Qingshui County. Entering the town, they could see many canals, ponds, and pits that were obviously dug by themselves.

You can see at a glance that this is a raw farming, with low yield and average economic benefits.

I randomly found an uncle on the roadside and handed him a cigarette and asked: "Uncle, do you know where to buy shrimp?"

The uncle took the cigarette and smiled and said: "My family only raises green shrimps, how many do you want to buy?"

"How do you raise green shrimps here?" Lin Heng asked with a smile.

"How?" The uncle looked strange, and then replied, "Just spread some manure every year, feed some wheat bran and rice bran in summer, how else can you raise it?"

"I see, I want to buy some big shrimps, the kind that are five centimeters long, not small ones." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Lin Heng was not surprised by the farming model here. Without scientific guidance, it is basically free-range farming.

There is no need to raise seedlings, just rely on natural hatching, and then feed them casually, and then eat according to the weather. If the shrimps get sick or die, I don’t know why, and I can’t save them.

The uncle lit the cigarette with a match and took a deep puff, then said with a smile: "You want to buy seed shrimps, right? This is 2.5 yuan per catty."

"Yes, if you have any at home, I'm going to buy 20 catties, no need to distinguish between male and female." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Then I'll put a cage in it for you today, and you can come and get it tomorrow?" The uncle said with a smile.

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded, and first went to his pond to take a look and recognize the door of his house.

Then he found three other houses in the town, all priced at 2.5 yuan per catty. He also asked people to put cages in it and catch them. He would buy from whichever one has better quality tomorrow.

After that, he would come back to check the quality tomorrow. It was already 1 o'clock in the afternoon when he turned back to the city. He found a place to eat and wanted to rest, but found that there was not even a place.

Lin Heng was thinking about whether to buy a house in the city. In this era, houses in the city did not have financial attributes and were very cheap. It only cost two or three thousand yuan to buy a house in the center of Taibai City, and more than one thousand yuan for a house in a slightly remote area.

The average house price is only a dozen yuan per square meter, but in this era, few individuals buy houses. They are distributed by units. The procedures for individual purchases are cumbersome, but it is much simpler for units or collectives to buy.

Lin Heng knows which places will have valuable land in the future, and where demolition will occur. Buying real estate is a very cost-effective investment.

He can only register as an individual business owner now. If he wants to register a private enterprise, he will have to wait until after 1987. However, he can use the individual business to buy some factory buildings. If the area is large, he can make a lot of money from demolition in the future.

But if you want to buy, you have to find the right person, otherwise it may be difficult.

Sitting under the shade of the tree, Lin Heng gradually recalled the past. The memories of his previous life passed through his mind quickly, and finally turned into a sigh.

"What's wrong?" Lin Yue, the eldest brother who was watching Bai Heshui next to him, turned his head curiously.

"Nothing, just a casual sigh." Lin Heng smiled and shook his head.

He just lamented the horror of the great power of the times. Even if he was reborn, he could only follow history. If he had the idea of ​​going against the current, he would feel the bondage of the net.

That saying is true, a speck of dust from the times is like a mountain when it falls on a person.

He felt that he had to go back and think carefully about the future development path and write a plan. This kind of nonsense would not work.

Although my memory is much stronger than that of ordinary people, I still have to sort out the context.

"Well, let's go with the times."

Lin Heng sighed in his heart. In his previous life, he had already accepted the fact that he was mediocre. All he could do was to follow the trend of history.

Thinking of this, he felt the power of those great men who led the nation to rise.

"It's almost time. Let's rent a car first and then take the things back." Lin Heng looked at his watch and said.

After that, he took the initiative to drive himself. His eldest brother came to the city too seldom and didn't know the way.

Lin Heng first went to the silk factory and asked and found that there was indeed silkworm pupa powder here. They usually beat it into powder and took it to Ancheng to sell it to the feed factory.

One catty and two cents, it is much more expensive than peanut cakes, but after all, it is made of silkworm pupae, and the value of animal protein is not too low.

"What if I buy it by tons?" Lin Heng asked with a smile.

"Then it's still the same price, four hundred yuan." The salesperson said with a smile.

"I see. Then I'll buy 500 kilograms first. Is there any in stock?" Lin Heng asked.

"There is in stock." The salesperson said with a smile.

"That's fine. You guys load the goods first, and I'll call a car to pick up the goods." Lin Heng nodded.

"No problem, I'll arrange for you to load the goods right away." The salesperson nodded with a smile.

Lin Heng went out and called a large cargo tractor, which came in and pulled 500 kilograms of silkworm pupa powder and paid 100 yuan.

Then Lin Heng went to buy 500 kilograms of wheat bran, bean cake, peanut cake, and rice bran, each for a total of 1115 yuan.

Finally, he spent another 40 yuan to buy 500 kilograms of bone meal.

After buying these, the big tractor was almost loaded, but not finished.

Lin Heng bought five more cans of oxygen, and spent 25 yuan on the bottles. They are all pure oxygen, which can be released into the water when the shrimp fry are lacking oxygen to quickly increase the oxygen concentration in the water. He also spent five yuan to buy five sets of pipe fittings and gas stone equipment for releasing oxygen.

"Let's go back." Lin Heng said after buying all these.

His elder brother drove a sidecar in front, and he sat on a big tractor and walked behind.

With the roar of the diesel engine, Lin Heng set out on his way home.

It was 3:30 pm when he left the city, and it was already 5:30 pm when he returned to the village slowly. It had been raining for a while, so the road was not easy to walk on.

The people in the village were used to seeing tractors. They didn't need to guess that it was brought by Lin Heng, but even if they knew it, they were still curious about what he was pulling.

"This is feed, so much."

"I don't know how much he can make from raising shrimps. This investment is terrifying."

The villagers stood by the courtyard, watching curiously. They saw all the things Lin Heng did and looked forward to the final result.

"Hey, your breeding base is well built!"

When they arrived at Hongfeng Mountain, the tractor driver was surprised.

"It's okay, let's drive directly to the warehouse above." Lin Heng said with a slight smile, and his elder brother had already opened the door in front.

"Okay." The tractor driver smiled and stepped on the accelerator. With billowing black smoke, the tractor climbed up the hillside and arrived in front of the warehouse.

"So much feed?" Lin's father stood beside and asked with a smile.

"I'll buy more in the future." Lin Hengtian said as he got off the car, went to open the warehouse door, and then said, "Each bag has the category written on it, just put it on the shelf according to the category."


Lin's father and Lin Yue came over to help unload the goods.

Lin Heng took down the oxygen cylinder first and put it aside.

"Son, what is this?" Lin's mother asked curiously.

"Oxygen cylinder, for shrimp." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"How to use it?" Lin's mother was puzzled. She didn't even understand oxygen.

Lin's mother didn't think her mother was annoying. She smiled and patted her: "I'll explain it to you in detail later."

After that, he went to move the feed. The price of the feed this time was relatively expensive, but it was difficult to bargain for small-scale purchases, or you had to find the right person.

Next time I have free time, ask someone to expand my network.

It took half an hour to move all the bleaching powder and feed into the warehouse and put them on wooden shelves. Then Lin Heng paid the balance of the transportation and sent the tractor away.

After the tractor left, Lin's father asked curiously: "Son, where are the shrimp seedlings you bought?"

"I'll go and get them tomorrow. They are still catching them today." Lin Heng replied.

"Is that so."

Lin's father nodded, and then asked about the price of the feed. Lin Heng drank a sip of water and answered these questions one by one.

After a rest, Lin Heng and his eldest brother walked back together.

The gate of his yard was half-closed, and Lin Heng drove the tricycle directly in. In the yard, Xiaoxia was playing hopscotch with three or four children. Seeing Lin Heng, she ran over excitedly: "Dad, I want to ride a car."

"I'll take you riding a horse after I'm done with these few days." Lin Heng hugged her and asked with a smile, "Where's your mother?"

"I want to ride a horse." Xiaoxia first clenched her fists excitedly, and then said: "Mom went to the backyard with Teacher Tian Yan."

Lin Heng comforted her, took off his coat and went to the backyard.

"Hey, you're back. Did things go well?" Xiulan asked Lin Heng in surprise when she saw her holding a hoe in her hand.

Lin Heng nodded: "It went well. Did you go to dig melon seedlings?"

Tian Yan held a plastic bag with a few watermelon and cantaloupe seedlings in it. She smiled and said, "My mother wants some, so she asked me to come over and get two. Boss Lin won't mind, will she?"

"There are a lot of seedlings. You can dig two more." Lin Heng waved his hand.

After finding Xiulan, he turned back to the house to change clothes. Actually, there was nothing to do, but he wanted to see what she was doing.

Xiulan washed her hands and went into the house and said, "Are you hungry? Do you want me to cook for you now?"

"I'll have dinner with you later. I'm not hungry." Lin Heng smiled and shook his head.

"Okay." Xiulan agreed and went out again.

Lin Heng changed his clothes, went out to the backyard and sat down in the pavilion to rest, staring at the lively little fish in the water.

Xiulan brought Lin Heng a glass of water and turned away. She was not the kind of woman who wanted to order her husband around as soon as he came back.

Lin Heng rested on the railing for a while, went to get some feed to feed the koi, and then went to the back mountain for a walk to see the musk deer and the lambs.

As the temperature gets hotter, fruits, vegetables, flowers, plants and trees are all in the peak growth period, and they look the same every two days.

Back in the front yard, Xiulan was picking gray vegetables. Lin Heng looked at her and said, "Would you like to go to the city with me tomorrow to buy some summer clothes?"

"No, it's too sunny." Xiulan shook her head.

"It's better to have a tanned skin." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Xiulan looked at him and explained softly, "I really don't want to go. It's too hard to run."

"Okay then." Lin Heng spread his hands and didn't force it. He reached out to help pick vegetables.

During the chat, Lin Heng and Xiulan talked about what they saw and heard today. Xiulan listened carefully and talked about her boring daily life.

After picking the vegetables, Xiulan clapped her hands and said, "By the way, buy me a piece of cloth tomorrow. I'm going to make pillows and cushions."

Lin Heng thought for a while and said, "Then you might as well go with me. I don't know what kind to buy."

Xiulan was very happy to hear that Lin Heng kept inviting her. She smiled and spread her hands and said, "I have to take Xiaoxia with me. My mother asked me to go pick bamboo shoots tomorrow, but I can't go. So you just pick the ones that look good. I believe in your vision."

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded helplessly.

It was dark soon, and Xiulan started cooking. There were three dishes and one soup for dinner. The rice was steamed buns made with oil residue.

The dishes were fried bacon with pine mushrooms, cold gray vegetables, hot and sour potato shreds, and fish soup made with yellow croaker.

"Delicious!" Lin Heng nodded repeatedly while eating the steamed buns and vegetables. Xiulan's cooking was really to his taste.

Xiulan was very happy and said softly, "I'll keep a few for you to heat up tomorrow morning. If it's not enough, I'll get them."

"Enough, enough, there are still so many dishes." Lin Heng waved his hand.

After the meal, Xiaoxia hugged Lin Heng and said coquettishly, "Dad, I want to listen to mythological stories."

"Okay, okay, I'll tell you later." Lin Heng smiled and nodded, took her to wash up first, and then told her a few mythological stories to coax her to sleep.

"Oh, you're not tired!" Xiulan was surprised when she saw Lin Heng crawling over.

"I'm just tired in my heart, but my body is very strong." Lin Heng smiled and stuck to his wife.

And if you don't enjoy it now, you won't be able to enjoy it for a long time when Xiulan is pregnant.

Looking at Lin Heng's face approaching, Xiulan took the initiative to hug her neck, and soon they stripped each other of the last bit of clothes.



In a blink of an eye, it was already the next morning. Because there were not as many things as yesterday, Lin Heng didn't rush to get up early.

He got up at eight o'clock on a normal schedule, and after breakfast, Xiulan patted him on the shoulder: "Don't forget what you want to buy, and drive slowly and pay attention to safety."

"Don't worry." Lin Heng smiled and nodded.

He drove to the road first, and was about to call his elder brother when he saw him coming out with two plastic bags.

"Didn't I see a lot of ripe mulberries on the road yesterday? I plan to pick some today." Lin Yue said with a smile. The city has a low altitude and high temperature, so the fruit trees ripen faster.

Mulberries are mulberries, also called mulberry and mulberry dates.

"Get in the car." Lin Heng nodded, and he also took a bag to pick some. The mulberries there are much larger than those in the village.

The mulberries in the village are mostly two centimeters long, and the trees seen on the road are all three or four centimeters long.

Driving, they took an hour and twenty minutes to the city, first bought what Xiulan wanted, and bought a few summer clothes for her family. Then they bought a can of oxygen, some plastic boxes for shrimps, and large plastic bags.

After shopping, they came to Qingshui Town and first went to the uncle's house yesterday.

"You are finally here. I almost thought you were not coming."

Seeing Lin Heng coming, the uncle hurriedly said.

"Have you caught all the shrimps?" Lin Heng asked with a smile.

"The shrimp cages were confiscated and are still in the pond. I am afraid they will die if I take them back." The uncle said with a smile.

"Then go and have a look." Lin Heng said with a smile.


The uncle took a scale and two large buckets to his own pond. When he arrived at the pond, he took off his shoes and pants and went into the water to fish out the shrimp cages.

After a while, five shrimp cages were fished out. Each cage had nearly five or six pounds of shrimps, which was more than Lin Heng caught in the wild river.

"Some of these shrimps have spawned." Lin Yue said as he looked at the shrimps in the cage.

"It's warm down here, it's normal." Lin Heng nodded. He looked carefully and found that not all female shrimps were carrying eggs.

"Is the quality of this shrimp okay?" The uncle smiled and poured the shrimp into the bucket, and then the three of them picked the big ones into another bucket.

After picking one, they poured the unwanted ones back. They took the bucket home and found a large plastic basin to pour it into. Lin Heng carefully selected three females and one male.

Lin Heng first looked at the shrimp carefully, and continued to select after finding that there was no problem. Normally, you would not be allowed to choose like this when buying shrimp, but Lin Heng bought the seed shrimp at a high price, so he naturally had the right to choose.

"Okay, weigh it." Lin Heng said.

"Don't want the others, there are still many good ones." The uncle smiled and said.

"Just buy this much." Lin Heng shook his head.


The uncle poured out the shrimp and weighed it with a beam scale. There were a total of six pounds of seed shrimp, which was fifteen yuan.

Lin Heng divided the shrimp into six large plastic bags, filled the bags with one-third water and the remaining two-thirds with oxygen, and then tied the bag mouth tightly and sealed it.

After buying from this store, Lin Heng went to several other stores, and finally bought 15 kilograms of shrimp fry, but this was more than enough.

In addition to buying shrimp, he also bought a thousand silver carp and bighead carp fry, all of which were small fry weighing one or two taels. After buying them, the two drove back quickly on a sidecar.

Originally, the mulberry picking on the road was cancelled. The sun was too strong at noon and I was afraid that too many shrimp fry and fish fry would die when I returned. However, this mulberry tree is not far from Huangtan Town, so it will be the same next time I come to pick it.

Rushing back to Hongfeng Mountain, Lin Heng opened the door and quickly came to the outside of the hatchery.

"Mom and Dad, come and help move things."

Lin Heng looked at his parents and said hurriedly.

"Okay, I'm here." Lin's father and mother nodded and came to help move things.

In the hatchery, Lin Heng had separated several two or three square meters of grids with gauze, opened the plastic bags and poured the shrimp and fish into these small grids.

After pouring, he began to pick the dead shrimp. As long as it was transported, death was inevitable.

There were about one pound of dead shrimps picked out, but they were all dead for less than an hour, so they could be taken back and eaten.

"Son, why did you buy so many fish fry?" Lin's mother asked, looking at the fish fry next to her.

"Those are silver carp and bighead carp, which purify the water quality. They can eat the bait that the shrimp can't finish eating." Lin Heng explained, turned on the small aerator in the pond, and then went out for tea and rest with his parents and eldest brother.

"So now everything is done, and then we can just raise them?" Lin's father asked curiously.

"Yes, that's right." Lin Heng nodded, "The next step is to cultivate shrimp fry, and then raise shrimp. The green shrimp will grow up in September, and then we can sell them."

"May God bless everything to go smoothly this year." Lin's mother said beside her.

After resting for a while, Lin Heng went into the house again and began to sort the green shrimps.

Put the best quality in one grid, and the others in another grid.

"Are so many shrimps enough?" Lin's father asked curiously.

Lin Heng smiled and explained, "In fact, these are more than enough for female shrimps. A female shrimp can produce three to four thousand small shrimps. Generally, one mu of pond can only put 50,000 to 60,000 shrimps, which means that only two kilograms of female shrimps are more than enough. That's why I picked out the best shrimps."

"One or two kilograms is enough?" Lin's mother was shocked. This number was too small.

"Yes, there are no natural enemies in our pond, and the survival rate of shrimps is very high. However, for safety reasons, I still bought some more. You can't believe everything written in the book." Lin Heng nodded.

If you pour the seed shrimps directly into the pond and let them reproduce freely, it will indeed require a lot. One mu of pond will have to pour hundreds of kilograms.

However, Lin Heng uses seedling development. First, the shrimp seedlings are hatched and grown in an indoor hatchery and then put into the pond. This intensive breeding method requires high technology and high returns.

My parents don't know about these, so they think it's amazing. To Lin Heng, they are all basic knowledge, but they have to be said to be read in books.

Through his observations over the past few days, he discovered a not-so-good problem that troubled him greatly.

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