Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 280 Future Plans, Picking Mulberries

The problem is that it seems that there are too many wild resources now. Even if I have good shrimp farming skills, it is useless and I can't seem to achieve the expected income.

Not only is there a problem with the abundance of wild resources of green shrimp, but there is also the problem of transportation difficulties. There is no cold chain transportation in this era. There are only a few cold storages in the entire Taibai City, which also leads to some problems.

He plans to raise it this year to see the situation. If it doesn't work, he will raise the more difficult Macrobrachium rosenbergii next year. Compared with green shrimp that only weighs five or six grams when grown, Macrobrachium rosenbergii is a large shrimp that can grow to 100 grams, or two taels, when grown.

And the difficulty of breeding is higher. It should be easier to sell than green shrimp.

"Take your time."

Lin Heng sighed in his heart and turned to walk out. He was not discouraged. The shrimp pond can definitely make money, it's just a matter of how much.

"Don't you need to feed these shrimps today?" Lin's father asked.

"No, wait until tomorrow to feed them." Lin Heng shook his head and pointed to the shrimps in his hand, "Let's deal with these shrimps."

Back in the house, several people poured out the pound of dead shrimps, removed the shrimp threads, divided them into three portions, and everyone took them home.

"Mom, I bought one for each of you too." Lin Yue handed over a paper bag. Although he didn't earn as much as Lin Heng, he had a few hundred yuan in savings, so he could still afford cheap clothes.

"Mom and Dad, these are clothes for you to wear in summer." Lin Heng also took out two bags and handed them to his parents.

"Why did you buy us clothes again? We all have clothes to wear." Lin's mother blamed.

Lin Heng smiled slightly: "Isn't it normal for me to buy clothes for my parents?"

"That's right." Lin Yue also smiled and nodded.

"This child." Lin's mother didn't know what to say for a while. She felt like crying but stopped abruptly.

Lin Heng looked at his parents and smiled and said: "Don't eat burnt rice crusts and other things that are bad for your health. Eat well. You can enjoy happiness when my brother and I have money after living a long life."

Lin's father and mother opened their mouths, not knowing what to say for a while, but they could really feel Lin Heng's wish for them to live a hundred years.

"Let's go back. Remember to eat the shrimps at noon." Lin Heng smiled and waved his hand. He got in the car and took his brother out of the breeding base.

Lin Heng drove back to the house. Xiulan was processing the bamboo shoots she had broken today under the eaves. Xiaoxia was riding a small car in the main room and talking to herself, as if she was humming a nursery rhyme.

"I bought everything you wanted, and I also bought two clothes for you and Xiaoxia." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Xiulan looked at him curiously and said, "What's wrong with you? Why do you feel a little unhappy?"

Lin Heng was surprised: "I can feel this, it's true."

Xiulan nodded: "Because you are always dull when you are unhappy, and your smile is different from usual."

"Really?" Lin Heng was shocked. He felt that he was not dull.

Xiulan nodded deeply: "Tell me, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, what do you say if you lose money in shrimp farming?" Lin Heng looked at his wife.

Xiulan tilted her head, as if she didn't understand, then smiled and said, "It's fine if you lose money. It's not like you will make money if you do business. We haven't had hard times before, so what are you afraid of?"

"Or do you think I will blame you?" Xiulan looked at him with big eyes.

Lin Heng was stunned for a second, then suddenly smiled, and then said, "Let's go in and look at the fabrics and clothes. I bought you another skirt."

"Okay." Xiulan nodded and agreed happily.

The gate of the courtyard was locked, and they looked at clothes in the bright hall. One piece of fabric was sky blue with light plaid, and another was red with peony patterns.

In addition, there was a green satin-textured bed sheet embroidered with peony and peacock patterns, and a pink printed bed sheet.

"How are these? Do they meet your requirements?" Lin Heng asked with a smile. This era was almost all of this style, and the ones he bought were already very good.

Xiulan touched the texture, nodded and smiled: "You have good taste, these are all very beautiful."

"Then let's take a look at the clothes?" Lin Heng said with a smile.

First, a set of skirts, with a white shirt with a lapel on the upper body, printed with a yellow rose pattern on it, and a yellow short skirt that reaches the knees.

"Such a short skirt?" Xiulan opened her eyes wide, and then said, "Then I can only wear it at home."

Although she saw many women in the city wearing it, she was still embarrassed to wear it out in the village.

"Do you want to try it?" Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Then I'll take it back to the house and change it."

Xiulan took the clothes into the house, she knew Lin Heng wanted to see it.

After a while, she came out. Lin Heng thought it would be the style of an urban beauty, but it already had the temperament of a sister next door. The delicate collarbone could raise fish, and the snow-white calves were very dazzling.

"Very beautiful! Wear it like this today!" Lin Heng nodded vigorously.

"Dad, where are mine!" Xiaoxia saw her mother wearing new clothes, and she also wanted one.

"I bought it for you, wear it tomorrow." Lin Heng touched her little face and took out a bag of shrimp crackers.

"Okay~" Xiaoxia agreed happily. For her, food is more attractive than clothes, especially the shrimp crackers she loves.

In addition to this set, Xiulan also has a regular set of gray trousers and a navy blue striped shirt with a round neck and short sleeves. Xiaoxia is like her mother, one dress and one ordinary summer dress.

Lin Heng also bought two sets of clothes for himself, and he didn't save much, mainly because he didn't spend much money.

In addition, he also bought sandals, two pairs for each person. One pair of slippers for wearing at home, and one with heels and laces for sports.

His parents also have both. Now the temperature is very hot, wearing sandals will be much more comfortable.

On the spot, the three of them changed their sandals. Xiulan put on purple crystal sandals. Her small and round toes were clearly visible, and most of her instep was exposed. The blue blood vessels inside her snow-white skin could be seen clearly.

"It looks so good." Lin Heng couldn't help but said in his heart, thinking how good would those high-heeled sandals look on Xiulan's feet?

Xiulan glanced at Lin Heng, packed up the things and took them into the house, and came out and said, "I'll go downstairs. We haven't had lunch yet because we've been waiting for you."

"Here are shrimps, which have been processed." Lin Heng took the shrimps to the kitchen and helped to add fire. After a while, three bowls of fresh shrimp noodles were ready.

After dinner, Lin Heng didn't want to work in the afternoon, so he lay on the bench to rest. Xiulan took out the cloth he bought and began to cut it to make cushions and pillows.

There was always a faint smile on her face.

Lin Heng knew why, that was because he was happy with the clothes he bought. She was so easy to satisfy, and she could be happy for a long time with just one compliment.

After watching Xiulan make cushions and pillows for a while, Lin Heng got up and went to the study, took out paper and pen and began to write a future plan.

He felt that he was too anxious before. The next forty years were so long, and he could take it step by step. Now that he had become a ten thousand yuan household, the living standards of his family had changed dramatically, and there was no need to be so anxious in the future.

At present, he would quietly maintain his strength and wait for the trend of the times to really come before he could take advantage of the wind.

In the past three years, three nodes have been sorted out. The first one is to buy land. There are several old factories on the southern edge of Taibai City that will be demolished in three years, and now they are in a state of no one caring. He can buy them for feed production and wait for the demolition at that time.

This is the nearest one. The land in the downstream area of ​​the southern city and the large amount of land in the north of the city can be purchased. Later, real estate development will begin. The land in these places can be sold in large quantities, and you can even develop real estate yourself.

In the 1990s, the investment in the provincial capital Ancheng and even Shanghai, the capital and other big cities only needed to buy a house. The future appreciation would be thousands of times, and there would be no loss at all. The more you buy, the more you earn.

As long as you accumulate enough original capital, wealth is a simple thing for the reborn Lin Heng.

But he still wants to rely on his own hands to do something.

In addition to buying factories and opening feed factories, Lin Heng is also preparing to build a large pig farm in the next two years to raise thousands of pigs.

Pork is cheap and many people buy it. In the next few years, the economy will improve and everyone can afford it. His large-scale breeding can effectively reduce costs and make more money than shrimp farming.

In addition, there is another point, which is to engage in forest musk breeding. The price of natural musk has always been very expensive, and selling musk is also a very profitable industry.

In addition, you can raise more cattle and sheep, and you can sell a lot of money in the future.

In addition, you can also look for those who will rise in the future and invest in them in advance.

Just like the knife seller, a small investment now will be your own network in the future.

After writing the plan, Lin Heng put it in his diary and put it in the drawer. He was not afraid of being seen by anyone. There were only some symbols on it, and no one could understand it except himself.

After writing, he took Das Kapital to continue reading when he was in the mood.

In the afternoon, Lin's mother came back from herding cattle and took Xiaoxia out to play. It was obvious that she took Xiaoxia to tell stories to the children in the village.

"So serious?" Xiulan said with a smile as she walked into the study.

Lin Heng hooked his hand at her and patted the empty seat of his armchair: "Come here, I'll take you to see it together."

Xiulan came over and sat next to Lin Heng. The wide armchair could accommodate two people. She hadn't changed out of the short skirt suit yet. Just when she sat down, she found an extra hand on her thigh.

She lifted her hair, put one hand on her chin and smiled innocently at Lin Heng: "You are taking me to read books?"

Lin Heng laughed: "It doesn't affect reading, who makes these legs so beautiful."

Sitting on the chair in the study also has a completely different feeling. He even wondered how exciting it would be if he came on the chair.

"I really read a book. The story in the book is very interesting." Xiulan blinked.

"Yeah, I read a book too." Lin Heng nodded in agreement, but did not retract his hand.

After a while, Lin Heng's hand came to the place where it should not be, and after a while, Xiulan was forced to sit on Lin Heng's legs to read.

Later, she lay on the armchair, her skirt was lifted up and her chest was wide open. The whole person buried her head like an ostrich, and her neck was red.

Later, Lin Heng wiped the water on the table, and the two sat on the chair to continue reading, but Xiulan's body was weak and couldn't stand up.

The impact brought by the different environment was too great.

"I will never read with you again." Xiulan said with gritted teeth.

She couldn't believe that she had done this with Lin Heng on the chair and table in broad daylight. It was too indulgent. She was deceived by his sweet words.

Lin Heng didn't respond. If you get the advantage, don't act cute, otherwise you will be beaten.

"Will you go pick mulberries tomorrow?" Lin Heng asked softly while hugging Xiulan.

Xiulan glanced at him: "You don't raise shrimps anymore?"

Lin Heng waved his hand: "Just feed them now. It doesn't take much effort. I see that there are big mulberries on the edge of the field."

"Okay." Xiulan nodded and agreed. She originally wanted to punish him for not going, but when he invited her, she couldn't help but agree.

"Great." Lin Heng said happily, hugged Xiulan and kissed her.

Xiulan said helplessly: "Are you still reading?"

Lin Heng smiled and spread his hands: "Obviously, people are more interesting than books, I can't read them."

This made Xiulan happy again, but she still snorted: "Then read the book carefully, I'm going out."

If she didn't leave, Lin Heng's hands would be restless again.

Lin Heng originally wanted to read seriously, but his wife came to sit next to him, the touch was soft and fragrant, and in the end he accidentally went too far.

Without the heart to read, he got up and walked out. When he came to the backyard, he found Xiulan leaning against the railing to feed the fish. She seemed to be in a good mood.

"Why don't you continue reading? You're a follower." Xiulan turned her head and asked curiously.

"Come and feed the fish together." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Xiulan looked at him and stopped talking. She fed the fish for a while and turned around and said, "If you want to follow me so much, then come and help me cook."

She didn't give Lin Heng a chance to refuse. She directly pulled Lin Heng to the kitchen to cook.

After the two finished cooking, Lin's mother brought Xiaoxia back and ate here together.

There were shrimps in the evening, and the three of them were full of food.

"Do you think we can find cicada monkeys now?" Xiulan asked while lying on the bed after washing her face.

She wanted to catch cicada monkeys with Lin Heng.

Lin Heng shook his head: "We have to wait a few days. I guess it's not possible now."

This year, not only cicada monkeys can be caught, but also scorpions. He went to Ancheng to buy ultraviolet lamps before.

"Okay." Xiulan puffed her lips and turned over to lie down.

After Lin Heng coaxed Xiaoxia to sleep, he also went to bed to rest.

The next morning, after exercise and breakfast, Lin Heng looked at Xiulan and said, "I'm going to the breeding base, are you going?"

Before Xiulan could speak, Xiaoxia hugged Lin Heng's thighs and said, "I want to go, I want to go!"

"When are we going to pick mulberries?" Xiulan asked.

"In the afternoon, it's not far, it's only two hours round trip." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Xiulan nodded, "Then let's go together, I'll go to the stream over there to wash clothes."

After that, she turned around to pack her clothes, and the family of three walked towards Hongfeng Mountain with a basket.

When they came here, their parents had just finished breakfast. Lin's mother was going to herd cattle, and Lin's father was going to continue his carpentry work.

Seeing Lin Heng, Lin's father said, "Some shrimps died again yesterday, and I fished them out."

"This is normal, don't worry, just throw away the ones you fish out and feed them to the fish." Lin Heng waved his hand, walked into the house, opened a bag of peanut cakes, weighed three taels with a scale and poured them into a basin, and then walked towards the hatching pond.

"Is this enough?" Lin's father asked curiously. He had been following him to learn.

Lin Heng nodded: "Yes, 3% of the weight of the shrimp is enough. Just make sure they can finish eating it within two hours."

As he spoke, he wet the peanut cake with water and evenly sprinkled it in according to the number of shrimp in the grid.

"Let's go. Our task this morning is to sprinkle bleach on the pond." Lin Heng said to his father after feeding the shrimp.

Lin's father nodded: "Then I'll help you."

The two of them moved the bleach out together, calculated the approximate dosage, mixed it with water, and then sprinkled it evenly into each pond. The two of them were busy with the fifteen ponds until noon.

"How do you feed this grass carp pond?" After finishing, Lin's father pointed to the grass carp pond in front of him and asked.

Lin Heng thought for a while and said: "For the time being, just feed five or six pounds of peanut cakes."

It is best to feed grass carp with granular feed with a good ratio. It is very wasteful to feed it in a scattered way.

"Got it." Lin's father nodded.

Back in the house, Lin's mother had already let the cows out and started cooking. Because there was a large area of ​​pasture, the cows were just allowed to roam freely, and then they just needed to cut grass and feed them.

After washing clothes, Xiulan took Xiaoxia to play under the eaves. Seeing Lin Heng coming over, she said, "Mom said she would go pick mulberries too."

Lin Heng nodded, "Okay, let's go after dinner."

"The meal is ready, just stir-fry one more dish." Lin's mother's voice came from the house.

After Lin Heng washed his hands, the dishes were already on the table. It was a simple three dishes and one soup. Everyone ate and chatted.

After dinner, Lin Heng looked at the big sun and turned his head and said, "Are you going in such a big sun?"

"It's a bit big, let's go later, it's a little cloudy." Lin's mother nodded.

"Wait until three o'clock before going." Xiulan also said that the sun was too hot at noon.

Lin Heng nodded, drove Xiulan and her husband back to the village first, rested until three o'clock, and then the three of them set off with bags.

Soon, Lin Heng drove to the destination. There were many mulberry trees growing under the road, and the mulberries on them were black and red.

"So many?" Xiulan was surprised.

"Yes, I asked the owner to pick them at will." Lin Heng smiled and nodded. There is no need to say that fruits like mulberries are actually too much to eat. Generally, except for children, they will fall off and rot naturally.

Only a few people will make them into dried mulberries and keep them.

"Dad, can this be eaten directly?" Xiaoxia asked curiously as she looked at the mulberries on the tree.

"I have to feed you, you can't pick them by yourself." Lin Heng looked at her and said that his task was to take care of Xiaoxia, and picking mulberries was the job of Xiulan and Lin's mother.

"Okay, I want to eat it." Xiaoxia pointed at the mulberries and said.

Lin Heng first took Xiaoxia down to the field, went to a far place on the roadside, and then picked two mulberries that had just turned black, one for each of them.

The ones that are too old will have a lot of worms crawling on them, and the ones that are too tender and purple have no taste or are sour. Only the ones that have just turned black are the best.

Xiaoxia ate one, and her big eyes suddenly curved into small crescents: "So sweet!!"

"That's right, Dad will pick another one for you." Lin Heng said with a smile, and his fingers turned purple after picking a few.

However, he knew a secret to remove the juice of mulberries, which is to rub your hands with mulberry leaves, and the purple on your hands can be removed quickly.

"I want more~" Xiaoxia acted like a spoiled child after eating. These mulberries are too sweet, and they are simply the favorite of children.

Lin Heng counted them and fed her about thirty mulberries, and he didn't dare to feed her more. No matter what you eat at one time, it is not good for your health, let alone children.

"Let's pick them and save them for tomorrow. Also, don't you want to give some mulberries to your friends? You can share them together then." Lin Heng said, touching her little head.

Xiaoxia thought about it, nodded and said, "Then I'll pick some for Qingqing. She's good to me."

"Watch me pick them for you." Lin Heng picked up the bag and picked them for Xiaoxia.

Xiulan and the others picked some fresh ones, and then spread them on the ground with their film fingers and hit them with sticks. This is much faster than picking them one by one.

After picking, Xiulan came over and said, "I've picked enough. Come and help me pick them."

"This should be fifty or sixty families, right?" Lin Heng said in surprise as he looked at the two large bags of mulberries.

"That's about right. I wanted to pick a little more, but it couldn't fit." Xiulan nodded.

Lin Heng nodded, handed the two small bags of mulberries he had picked to Xiulan, then carried the big bag up, and helped his mother move it again after putting it away.

After everyone got in the car, he drove directly home.

Back home, Xiulan and Lin's mother poured out the mulberries for selection, while Xiaoxia wanted to take Lin Heng to find a good friend.

After seeing people from a distance, Xiaoxia shouted: "Qingqing, I picked mulberries for you to eat."

"Aren't the mulberries not ripe yet?" Yang Qing stopped skipping rope and asked curiously.

The children next to him couldn't help drooling when they heard this, and their eyes revealed desire.

"My dad took me to a far place to pick them. They are so sweet. Come here quickly." Xiaoxia said with big curved eyes.

"Okay." Yang Qing turned around and said, and ran to find Xiaoxia.

When she arrived at Lin Heng's house, she was stunned to see so many mulberries: "Oh my God, so many."

"This is what I gave you." Xiaoxia pointed to the washed mulberries on the stone table.

Yang Qing was stunned and said in surprise: "Thank you."

"Eat it quickly." Xiaoxia said happily.

Yang Qing washed his hands, took the mulberries and started eating them. Xiaoxia watched from the side. She felt the joy of sharing with her friends.

"Don't you want to eat?" Yang Qing asked curiously, handing over two mulberries.

Xiaoxia wanted to eat but didn't dare. She shook her head: "I ate a lot today. My mother said that if I eat more, I will have a stomachache."

"Okay then." Yang Qing nodded, and ate a little stiffly and stopped eating.

"Take it out and share it with others." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Thank you, Uncle Lin." Yang Qing took the mulberries and went out with Xiaoxia. Xiaoxia also told stories to the children in the village.

The next morning after dinner, Xiulan washed the mulberries, steamed them, and dried them. Lin Heng took some and washed them and soaked them in wine. The taste of mulberry wine was also very good.

At noon, Yang Qing brought a lot of raspberries to Xiaoxia, making Xiaoxia jump happily all day long.

Lin Heng's daily life now is to raise shrimps, take his daughter to accompany his wife, and there is nothing else to do for the time being. His life is comfortable and stable.

After Lin Heng carefully fed the shrimps in the hatching pond, they began to bear eggs two days after returning.

In the blink of an eye, it was already May 17th of the Gregorian calendar. That afternoon, Lin Heng went to see the livestock in the back mountain as usual.


Suddenly, Lin Heng let out a surprised sound, then showed a look of surprise, turned around and ran to Wang's house, calling Xiulan's name.

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