Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 283 As long as it's you, anything is fine

"In a few days, or you can buy it yourself." Lin Heng thought for a while and said.

Mother Lin nodded and said, "Then let's just buy it ourselves. Buy one or two and keep them."

"Okay." Lin Heng said, walked into the incubation room and took a look.

He was on the tree outside the eaves, and there were mercury thermometers hanging indoors. After counting the values, I roughly estimated that the average temperature is now 21-2 degrees, and the indoor water temperature can be stable at 22 degrees.

This temperature is very conducive to the hatching of green shrimps. These fresh shrimps will hatch one after another at the end of this month, and they can be released into the pond after one month of raising them.

Father Lin also strictly monitored the shrimp situation according to his instructions, and there were no problems.

After getting some peanut cakes and feeding them fresh shrimps with fresh eggs, Lin Heng took advantage of the coolness of the evening to go to the mountains to look at ginseng. Ginseng grows very well with almost no problems. The main thing is to check whether there is any animal cruelty.

Thanks to the well-made fence, no animals were found entering the garden.

On the way home, I saw a few red squirrels, one of which was particularly fat. Unfortunately, I didn't have a slingshot.

He planned to go to Sanchagou in a few days to put down a rope and walk around for a while instead of spending the night on the mountain. The purpose was to hunt some small animals.

There was one more thing he had to do, and that was to search again at the place where the century-old ginseng was found. He felt that there might be ginseng that was decades old nearby.

Xiulan was already cooking when she got home, and Caiyun looked at Xiaoxia while doing her homework.

"Second brother, you are back." Caiyun said with a smile.

"Yes." Lin Heng nodded and looked at Xiulan again, "Do you want my help?"

Xiulan shook her head and said, "It's not here. You go and feed the female forest musk deer. I've already cooked the wheat bran."


Lin Heng nodded and went to feed the female forest musk deer with the food. The unfinished food was fed to the female cow.

Then another day of eating, flipping eggs, and sleeping passed.

The next day everything was as usual. After exercising and having breakfast, Lin Heng went to the breeding base to help. Today, Caiyun and Xiulan Xiaoxia went to pick wild vegetables and break wild bamboo shoots together during the day off.

After a busy day, Lin Heng and his father finally sorted out the platform for building sheep and cattle pens on the Hongfeng Mountain side, and cleared the way to clear away the weeds and thorns.

In the evening, Lin's father looked at Lin Heng and said, "Then get up early tomorrow morning and bring Lin De here?"

A good day for him to have someone take a look would be tomorrow.

"Well, I'll get up early tomorrow morning and bring it over." Lin Heng nodded and said.

"Do you need my help?" Father Lin asked.

Lin Heng waved his hand: "No need, Xiulan and I are enough."

Father Lin stopped her and said, "Xiulan is just pregnant. Let her sleep a little longer and I'll come over tomorrow morning."

"You still need to exercise even if you're pregnant." Lin Heng said helplessly.

But he didn't want to argue with his father, so he took a bundle of hay and went back.

Lin Heng took the grass to feed the livestock at home, and when he returned to the house, Xiulan and the others were processing the small bamboo shoots they broke today.

"I think this kind of bamboo shoots for foot soaking is more delicious." Xiulan looked at Lin Heng and said.

She had eaten both the big bamboo shoots in the bamboo garden and the pickled bamboo shoots made from the smaller ones, but it was obvious that the smaller ones tasted better.

"It is indeed the case."

Lin Heng nodded. He first picked one or two cucumbers, washed them and distributed them to everyone, and then came over to help.

In the evening, they ate a piece of fried bacon with fresh bamboo shoots, and then coaxed Xiaoxia to rest as usual. Lin Heng slept next to Xiulan.

Xiulan hasn't come to see her aunt yet, she is almost definitely pregnant. She used to be very punctual.

After lying on the bed and chatting for a while, Lin Heng talked about moving for Lin She tomorrow.

"You don't have to listen to dad. I'll get up with you tomorrow morning." Xiulan said, leaning against him.

Lin Heng smiled helplessly and said, "You'd better sleep peacefully, otherwise dad will scold me."

"Just scold me, and I will get up with you." Xiulan didn't care.

"Good boy, it's time to sleep." Lin Heng patted her, lay down and thought about the advanced books he had read, such as Das Kapital, to calm himself down and fall asleep.

Although Xiulan confirmed that she was pregnant only a few days ago, he was a little panicked. He was only 22 years old and still exercised regularly. He was at his strongest period and was much stronger than at the same time in his previous life.

However, he is also much stronger mentally and is able to control himself.

He got up at dawn the next morning and looked at his watch. The time was only 5:40, but it was already bright outside at this time.

She was gently preparing to put on clothes, but her arm was pulled. She turned around and saw Xiulan looking at him with a pair of big eyes, a little hazy: "You told me to come with you."

"Then get up." Lin Heng smiled and pulled her up.

After taking a look at her daughter who was sleeping soundly, Xiulan took the cooked wheat bran to feed Lin De and the cows, while Lin Heng held two backpacks and prepared to load Lin De.

The two of them finished feeding Lin She, and just as they were about to pretend to be Lin's father, Lin's mother came over. Seeing Xiulan also together, they immediately said unhappy: "Son, I told you to let Xiulan sleep more, why don't you listen?" Woolen cloth?"

"Mom, I just like getting up with Lin Heng." Xiulan said.

"You like it, then it's okay." Mother Lin immediately changed her face.

Lin Heng: "..."

"Start catching forest musk deer." Lin Heng didn't want to say more.

"That's just right for one backpack." Father Lin said.

Mother Lin went over to squeeze some milk. Lin Heng and his father put Lin She into the basket and sealed it with wooden sticks. After doing it, the four of them carried Lin She towards Hongfeng Mountain.


The Musk Deer, which had not barked for a long time, roared again, as if it was a little scared.

"What are you going to do so early in the morning?" The village chief Zhao Xiancheng asked with a smile.

"Wait a minute, why are there so many Musk Deer?" When he approached, his eyes widened with horror.

"Fuck, four!"

"There is also a male and two small ones. When did you do this?"

Zhao Xiancheng was more and more shocked, and his mouth could not close after it opened.

He knew that Lin Heng had caught a female Musk Deer, but he had no idea when he caught another male, and now two more cubs have been born.

Lin Heng's family felt bad. Why did Zhao Xiancheng get up so early?

Lin Heng smiled and said, "I caught it last winter. Luckily, two cubs were born. I won't say more. We still have to go to the breeding base to be busy."

"Village chief, you are busy." Lin's father also said hello politely and left. He was not as awed by the village chief as before.

Watching the four people from the Lin family leave quickly, Zhao Xiancheng was still in shock.

"This Lin family is really going to make a fortune!"

After a long time, he sighed, with a purchasing station, fish and shrimp farming, fruit trees, Chinese medicinal materials, and now a musk deer, how rich they are.

He never thought that the Lin family would become so rich one day, how could this Lin Heng suddenly become so powerful.

"Good morning, village chief, have you eaten!"

At this time, Wang Jin, a beekeeper in the village, came over from a distance and greeted him with a smile.

"Have you been to the Lin family's breeding base?" Zhao Xiancheng asked curiously.

Wang Jin shook his head with some disdain on his face: "I haven't been there, I just heard that cement floors are everywhere, and the appearance is quite fancy. But I don't think it's very good. Raising shrimps and fish is not that simple. Lin Heng is very arrogant. Sooner or later, he will spend all the family property."

Zhao Xiancheng was speechless, thinking that you are the most arrogant one, and you are the one who likes to brag the most in the village.

"What happened, village chief?" Wang Jin asked curiously.

"Nothing." Zhao Xiancheng shook his head and continued to wander around. He was too lazy to remind Wang Jin, thinking that this guy was waiting to be shocked later.

He was now wondering whether the branch secretary Tian Dongfu knew about this. The Lin family had a good relationship with the village branch secretary.

On the other side, Lin Heng and his team had already walked quickly through the village and headed towards Hongfeng Mountain.

"It is estimated that the whole village will know about it soon." Lin's father said helplessly.

Lin Heng waved his hand and said, "It doesn't matter. If you know, you know. It doesn't matter since you have moved to Hongfeng Mountain."

"That's right. There is no one here. If someone is there, you can see it at the first time." Xiulan nodded.

After a while, they brought the musk deer to the outside of the musk deer enclosure in Hongfeng Mountain. The inside of the musk deer enclosure was separated by wood. One side was used to raise female musk deer and young musk deer, and the other side was used to raise male musk deer.

Put Lin Heng down, and then took down the rope. There was no need to worry about the musk deer escaping here.

He designed the musk deer pen very well. There was a wooden fence inside the gate that could be opened directly, so there was no need to worry about the musk deer running out when feeding grass.

"If you are willing to eat and grow, you will be free of disease and disaster!"

Father Lin put the musk deer into the pen while saying auspicious words.

Soon, the female musk deer and the baby musk deer were also put in. Lin Heng picked up some dried grass and threw it into the feed trough. The male musk deer ate it loudly, while the female musk deer was a little indifferent.

"The main thing to raise this kind of thing is to pay attention to hygiene and disinfect it every once in a while."

Lin Heng looked at his parents and roughly talked about the precautions for raising musk deer. He was afraid that his parents would not know what to do when he was not around.

The most important thing in raising musk deer is prevention. If the prevention work is done well, most problems can be eliminated. The success rate of scientific breeding is very high.

He sprinkled lime powder on the musk deer pen to disinfect it when the house was built.

After looking at the musk deer twice, they closed the door and went out. Lin Heng and Xiulan did not stay here for long, after all, their daughter was still sleeping at home.

"The weather is a bit stuffy today. I guess there is no sun." Xiulan said while looking at the sky.

Although it was early in the morning and dew was everywhere, it didn't feel refreshing today.

"It's probably going to rain. It hasn't rained for a few days." Lin Heng nodded.

"It's good to rain. We can pick mushrooms again." Xiulan said happily.

The two of them returned home, talking and laughing all the way. Xiulan turned over the eggs and went into the house to dress Xiaoxia. Lin Heng went to milk and took three eggs for breakfast.

The milk was heated in a water bath, and the eggs were fried. Boiled eggs are a bit boring to eat often.

After dinner, Lin Heng took Xiulan and Xiaoxia to the breeding base again. Today, his eldest brother also came. The three of them dug the foundation for the cattle and sheep pens and reinforced the stone steps outside.

This work takes a lot of time. The three of them worked for two days to build the foundation initially and were preparing to lay the cement floor. It rained on the third day.

Early in the morning of May 26, they got up and looked outside in a daze.

The rain was not small, and the wind was particularly strong, blowing left and right, howling, and the leaves on the mountain were blown upside down.

"It's raining so hard!" Xiaoxia waved her hands and shouted, feeling as if she was about to be blown down by the wind.

"We can only wait a while before milking the cows." Lin Heng shook his head helplessly.

"I'll make a potato pancake for us to eat." Xiulan said, and turned to the kitchen.

What they didn't expect was that the rain lasted all day, and the wind was not strong until noon. Lin Heng went to milk the cow and cooked it to drink in the evening.

If the cows are not milked suddenly, they will feel uncomfortable.

Because it rained, they stayed at home for a day, and there seemed to be no other entertainment options except reading. In fact, playing cards is also possible, but Lin Heng wants to set an example for the children.

In the blink of an eye, it was dark, and the rain became much lighter. It is estimated that it will stop tomorrow. After dinner, he coaxed Xiaoxia to sleep, and Lin Heng lay on the bed and couldn't sleep.

"Let me help you." Xiulan came over and stretched out her hand and said softly.

"Well, it's okay, I can do it myself, but I just don't want to."

Lin Heng took a deep breath and said.

Xiulan blushed. She rarely took the initiative in such things. This was the first time she helped Lin Heng like this.

But she still held it, determined to help her husband make him comfortable.

"As long as it's you, anything is fine." Xiulan's voice was as thin as a mosquito's hum, but full of emotion.

As long as it's Lin Heng, she would be willing to do something shameful that she had never done before.

"Huh." Lin Heng took a deep breath and controlled himself. Xiulan's words almost made him want to turn over and make love with her thoroughly. It was too tempting.

After a long time, Xiulan felt that her hands were a little tired, and finally helped Lin Heng relieve the depression in his heart.

After cleaning up, Lin Heng hugged and kissed: "Thank you, my wife."

"Take a rest, so that we can go pick mushrooms tomorrow." Xiulan responded to him and fell asleep leaning on him.

The next morning, the rain really stopped, and Lin Heng took Xiulan, Xiaoxia and Xiongba to the mountain together.

The mushrooms picked were mainly pine mushrooms, in addition to a small amount of boletus and blue-headed mushrooms, and some morels were also found.

They looked for mushrooms in the morning, and at noon they climbed to the top of the mountain and sat on a big rock on the top of the mountain. Here, the area within a radius of more than ten kilometers is in full view, and Huangtan Town is clearly visible.

The mountain breeze is cool, and countless beautiful green mountains are in full view. The green forests shrouded in mist make people feel relaxed and happy. Standing here also feels like being on the top of the mountain and looking down on all the mountains.

Lin Heng took out the dried venison and handed it to Xiulan. Xiaoxia still needed to tear it to feed it, because she couldn't chew the whole piece.


Xiongba licked his lips eagerly, but did not grab it, just looked at Lin Heng eagerly.

"Here you go." Lin Heng rewarded it with one, it was quite useful today.

"Dad, what mountain is that?"

Xiaoxia asked curiously while eating, pointing to the mountain in the distance.

"That's the mountain we went to during the New Year. Your aunt and her family live there." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Oh, what about this one?"

"You can give it a name for a mountain without a name." Lin Heng said.

Xiaoxia tilted her head and thought: "Then call it Little Frog Mountain."

"It sounds nice, worthy of Xiaoxia!"

"Just spoil her." Xiulan smiled while leaning against Lin Heng's arrow.



The three of them spent a long time on the mountain. Although the sun was not small, the moist mountain wind was particularly charming, and it seemed to have a little bit of floral fragrance.

There is also the blue sky after the rain, cotton candy-like white clouds, and green mountains. In the sun, Lin Heng and Xiulan watched quietly, feeling the tranquility, while Xiaoxia was full of curiosity about all this.

When you are tired, look at the scenery and eat snacks, and when you are in a good mood, go to pick mushrooms. This is the life that Lin Heng wants.

They didn't go into the forest until the sun was getting hotter at noon. They looked for mushrooms for a while and returned home at four o'clock in the afternoon.

"Today's harvest is not very good."

Xiulan said softly after picking the mushrooms.

Weighed on the scale, the good pine mushrooms are about five pounds, and the other mushrooms add up to two pounds. The bad mushrooms add up to two pounds.

"Eat it yourself, these are enough." Lin Heng said.

"The pine mushrooms are about to be out of season, and we have to wait until October to pick them again." Xiulan said.

"Then wait until we come back from the physical examination tomorrow, and I will take you to pick some more." Lin Heng said with a smile.

In the evening, I made a mushroom fried with bacon and had a delicious meal.

Lin Heng likes his current life so much, and he is happy to do anything with his family.

The next morning, he asked his father to take care of Xiaoxia, and drove Xiulan and Lin's mother to the city for a physical examination and buy some things.

His mother had never been to the city. Although she said she didn't want to go, Lin Heng knew that she actually wanted to see what the city was like and broaden her horizons.

"Oh, this is the city. It's so flat, and there are so many brick houses." Lin's mother exclaimed as soon as they arrived in the suburbs.

Xiulan smiled and said, "Mom, this is not the city yet. There are more buildings in the city."

"This is not it?" Lin's mother was surprised.

"Yes, it will take more than ten minutes to get to the city." Lin Heng smiled and nodded.

Lin's mother was looking forward to the city more and more.

At about 7:40 in the morning, they arrived in the city. It was the morning rush hour and the streets were full of people going to work, walking and riding bicycles, densely packed and very crowded.

Although Taibai City is a small city, it has a population of more than 1.5 million people, which is very prosperous.

"Oh my god, the city is too prosperous." Lin's mother exclaimed in a low voice, shocked by the scene, and felt overwhelmed.

Often in the countryside where there are vast land and sparse population, suddenly coming to the city, it is indeed amazing. Compared with this, the market in the town is not crowded.

"Actually, it's the same." Lin Heng introduced it to his mother while walking.

Xiulan also introduced it next to her. She has been here many times and has become accustomed to it.

Soon they arrived in front of the city center hospital. Lin Heng parked the car and took his mother and Xiulan in.

It was the first time for Lin's mother to enter such a large hospital. She was also very shocked, like a curious cat.

When Lin's mother learned that Lin Heng wanted to give her a physical examination, she quickly shook her head and said, "I don't need a physical examination. Just give it to Xiulan alone."

"The order cannot be refunded. Just check it out and don't be stubborn." Lin Heng coaxed.

Xiulan also helped by saying, "Lin Heng also cares about you. We will feel at ease if you do a physical examination."

"Alas, I should have known not to come down earlier." Lin's mother shook her head. She felt that she was fine and didn't want to spend money in vain.

Even though Lin Heng had instilled the benefits of physical examinations in her many times, her concept was still deeply rooted.

However, this time, the first move was obviously effective, and the mother could only helplessly follow them to complete the physical examination.

Then Lin Heng took Xiulan and her mother to see a Chinese doctor. The doctor first examined Lin's mother and then said, "You have a bitter taste in your mouth when you get up in the morning, and you are prone to dizziness, dry eyes and red eyes, and your stool is still very loose, right?"

Lin's mother was surprised and nodded, "Yes, it is a little bit."

The Chinese doctor said, "You are not just a little bit, it is very serious. This is due to excessive liver fire and weak spleen and stomach, and the dampness is still a bit heavy. You need to adjust it well. I will prescribe you a Chinese medicine. Go back and eat more bitter melon, loofah, carrots and yam."

"I understand." Lin's mother nodded obediently, believing in the doctor's words.

"Mom, you won't say you are fine now, right?" Lin Heng looked at her and said.

"I feel that there is really nothing." Lin's mother continued to be stubborn in front of her son.

Lin Heng shook his head and didn't argue with his mother.

Then the doctor looked at Xiulan again, and then he was surprised: "You should have been pregnant for a short time, right?"

Xiulan was a little surprised and nodded: "Yes, my period stopped on the 16th of this month. Is there any problem?"

"No, the pulse is normal. Go back and pay attention to eating some calcium supplements, eat more fish and chicken." The old Chinese doctor shook his head. He just felt that Xiulan's pulse was a little strong.

Finally, Lin Heng also let the doctor take a look. He was as healthy as a cow and had no problems. He was also told by the doctor not to have sex with his wife, at least until the middle of pregnancy.

"Let's go, let's eat, I'm starving."

After the examination, Lin Heng looked at his mother and Xiulan and said.

"Mom, what are you eating?" Xiulan turned her head and asked.

"I don't care, anything is fine." Lin's mother looked at the surrounding buildings and pedestrians and answered casually.

"Then let's eat pulled noodles." Xiulan said.

Lin Heng also wanted to eat noodles, so he found a noodle shop and ordered three bowls of pulled noodles. Lin's mother ate two bites and studied other people's methods, wanting to go back and make them herself.

After dinner, Lin Heng drove to the southernmost part of the city, taking his mother to learn more and inspecting the situation along the way.

Soon they arrived at the edge of the south city, and Lin Heng saw the abandoned factories he had planned. Some of these factories had moved away and some had closed down.

Lin Heng went in and found that there was no one inside. It was empty. A factory covers an area of ​​about 3,000 square meters, about five acres, which is not big. The address is written on the iron gate. If you want to consult, you can go to this address.

Lin Heng found the place according to the address written on the gate, went in and asked about the situation. People said that if the factory is sold, it will cost 25,000.

Lin Heng chatted for a while, but found that the people here were not the real owners and could not negotiate the price, but asked people to convey his meaning.

Then Lin Heng went to ask about the prices of several other factories, and they were all more than 20,000.

This price is obviously too high. This is the southernmost part of the city, a small abandoned factory, and it is not worth so much money at all.

After a few more contacts, he will definitely be able to negotiate a suitable price. He is not in a hurry. There is still plenty of time.

After the viewing, Lin Heng took Xiulan and her mother to Chengli.

"Son, what are you looking for?" Lin's mother asked curiously.

"We'll be there soon." Lin Heng pointed to a factory in front that specializes in making bags.

After asking inside, there are not only snakeskin bags, non-woven bags, but also plastic bags.

Lin Heng bought 200 snakeskin bags, 600 large plastic bags, and 300 large non-woven bags, spending a total of 22 yuan.

These bags are naturally used to hold fodder. Whether it is hay or silage, they all need to be sealed for storage. It is easy to mold if they are directly piled on the ground.

The correct operation is to seal them with plastic bags and then pile them up.

After buying the plastic bags, Lin Heng said, "Okay, let's go back to get the physical examination form and then go buy calves and lambs."

"Today, buy calves and lambs, so how do you pull them back? Rent a car?" Lin's mother asked curiously.

"Of course I rent a car, otherwise we have to use a tricycle and can't pull it back." Lin Heng nodded and said.

He planned to buy more this time to raise them. Anyway, there was enough grass to eat. If not, he could just plant more. Anyway, he would not lose money.

"Mom, let's go to the street later. It's much more fun than riding in the car." Xiulan said with a smile.

The three of them came to the hospital talking and laughing, but they were shocked when they got the medical examination form.

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