Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 284 Mother's illness, buying cattle and sheep

"Mom, you said you're fine." Lin Heng looked at his mother and said.

"I don't know, I don't feel anemia myself."

Lin's mother shook her head innocently.

The doctor said her anemia was a bit serious, but she didn't feel anything.

Xiulan said: "I guess Mom has made up for it by eating more meat in the past year, and she's used to it, so she doesn't feel it."

"I used to feel a little dizzy and weak, but I didn't think it was a big deal." Lin's mother also said

Lin Heng: "... You're just used to it, not that you're not sick."

He remembered that in his previous life, his mother was a little sleepy and couldn't do heavy work. Because she didn't eat well, she generally had some problems.

"Take medicine and eat more lean meat and pork liver." Lin Heng looked at his mother and said.

He felt that the fact that his mother could still be diagnosed with severe anemia had a lot to do with her dislike of lean meat, pork liver and pork heart.

Otherwise, she would have made up for it in a year, but she just liked to eat fatty meat but still couldn't gain weight, which showed that her stomach was not good.

"I don't think you need to take medicine. Nothing has happened in all these years." Mother Lin said, looking at the medicine in her hand.

"That won't do." Lin Heng shook his head. "Everyone in our family will have to come to the city for a physical examination every year in the future, and no one is allowed to refuse."

Mother Lin said with a smile: "If you can call your father, I will come for the examination as well."

"I promise to call him when the time comes." Lin Heng waved his hand.

As for Xiulan, the doctor told her to take more iron, calcium and folic acid during pregnancy. There was no problem with other things. She was no longer anemic.

After leaving the hospital, Lin Heng drove a sidecar and took his mother to the street to look at the cattle and sheep market at the animal husbandry station.

Compared with the Fisheries Research Institute, the animal husbandry station has at least a lot of cattle and sheep breeds. The main cattle breeds are Qinchuan cattle, Nanyang cattle, Luxi cattle, Jinnan cattle, and Shaannan water buffalo.

Among them, Qinchuan cattle is their local breed, with a large physique, strong working power, and good meat production performance. The big yellow cattle used for farming in his family are Qinchuan cattle, weighing up to 1,000 kilograms. It is said that the largest can grow to 1,500 to 1,600 kilograms.

As for sheep, they are mainly white goats in southern Shaanxi, black goats in Ziwuling, black goats in Longdong, Hanzhong sheep, and fine-wool sheep in northern Shaanxi.

His family raises fine-wool sheep in northern Shaanxi, which is a breed for both wool and meat, and the milk production is also good.

"This Longdong black goat is much bigger than the Ziwuling black goat." Lin's mother said as she looked at the black goat kid in front of her.

At the same age, it is obviously much bigger than the Ziwuling black goat just seen.

"This kind of sheep can grow to 200 kilograms, which is definitely bigger than our local fine-wool sheep." The person at the animal husbandry station introduced.

Lin's mother nodded, and then continued to look at several other goat breeds.

After looking around the animal husbandry station, they went out to look at the lambs and calves sold by individual traders.

The ones in the station are more expensive than those outside, but they are guaranteed. The two-month-old fine-wool lamb sold by retail traders costs six yuan a piece, and seven yuan is required.

The big Longdong black goat just now costs ten yuan a piece, and the others are eight or nine yuan.

Calves are more expensive. A two-month-old calf weighing two hundred kilograms costs forty yuan, and a five-month-old calf costs one hundred yuan.

Cattle have never been cheap. Now an adult yellow cattle can be sold for five or six hundred yuan a piece, and the price will be even more expensive in the future.

After watching, the three returned to the car and sat down. Lin's mother asked: "How much do you think is appropriate to buy?"

Lin Heng calculated and said: "One acre of pasture can raise three cows and fifteen sheep. We only have three cows and seven sheep in our house, and this is counting the musk deer. At least six more cows and forty sheep can be raised. When we open up more pasture next year, it will not be a problem to raise hundreds of sheep."

"Are you going to buy so much at once?" Lin's mother was a little worried. This investment seemed a bit too big.

Forty lambs and six calves would cost at least 600 yuan, which is the income of a normal family for three years.

"I think it's still not enough. I want to buy more than a dozen cows and hundreds of sheep at a time." Lin Heng said.

Money is just paper if it is kept in your hand. It will become less and less valuable as it expands. It is best to change it into assets, even if you buy it into gold.

Beef was one yuan per catty in 1980, but now it is one yuan and fifty-six yuan, and in 1989 it has risen to nearly ten yuan per catty.

Especially after 1987, the price system was implemented in a dual-track system, the market economy recovered, and many prices soared.

This is the dividend of the times. You can make a lot of money by seizing a wave of opportunities.

He thought so when he sold 100-year-old ginseng. Although it could be worth millions in the future, he felt that the millions were not even as good as the current 5,000 yuan.

If you buy gold with 5,000 yuan now, it can be sold for millions in the future. If you buy a house, it will be easy to make tens of millions.

Mother Lin looked at Xiulan and asked, "Xiulan, what do you think?"

"I think it's okay. It doesn't matter how many or how few you raise. It's still troublesome to feed them." Xiulan thought for a while and said.

Mainly, she felt that 600 yuan was not much. After all, the family still had 25,000 yuan in savings. It could afford to lose money.

"You two are really of the same mind." Mother Lin smiled and shook her head, then said, "How about this, you make a reservation first, and buy them all at once after the cattle and sheep pens are built. Otherwise, there is no place to raise them now."

"Okay, I guess we won't have enough to buy so many at once today." Lin Heng nodded.

After discussing it, the three of them came to the front to find the salesperson.

"Excuse me, what are you going to buy?" The female salesperson looked at Lin Heng and the other two and asked with a smile. Her attitude was very respectful because she saw that Lin Heng came here on a sidecar.

Lin Heng said, "Ten calves of Qinchuan cows, fifty calves of Longdong black goats, two males and the rest are all females."

Because calves and calves eat less grass than adult cattle and sheep, they simply buy an integer at one time.

"So many?" The female salesperson opened her mouth wide. She knew that Lin Heng might buy more, but she didn't expect to buy so many.

She took a deep breath and replied, "The calves are enough, but the number of Longdong black goat calves is definitely not enough. There are probably thirty or forty calves of two or three months old."

"If I make a reservation, how long will it take?" Lin Heng asked.

"Hey, wait a moment, I'll contact our director." The female salesperson poured a glass of water for Lin Heng and the other two, and then turned and left.

He couldn't make the decision on such a big business.

After a while, the female salesperson came again and invited Lin Heng and the other two into the office. A man in his forties with a horse face received them.

After a few polite words, the horse-faced director smiled and asked: "How old are the calves you want to buy?"

"Five-month-old." Lin Heng replied. Two-month-old ones are too small to raise.

"There are enough five-month-old calves."

The horse-faced director nodded, and then said: "There are only 38 Longdong black goat lambs, only 15 female lambs, and the rest are rams. If you raise them, sterilization is the same."

"No, I want female lambs." Lin Heng shook his head. His batch of sheep is mainly for breeding, and he is not in a hurry to sell them.

"I can give you a discount on rams." The horse-faced director said with a smile.

"How much cheaper can you give?" Lin Heng asked curiously.

"One yuan cheaper, the male lamb is originally nine yuan, I can decide to sell it to you for eight yuan." The horse-faced director said.

Rams are not easy to sell. He finally met a big customer and wanted to get rid of them all at once.

"What about another month? Will there be enough female lambs?" Lin Heng asked.

It is better to raise a single breed of sheep. It is difficult to manage multiple breeds.

"I can't guarantee it in another month. I can only guarantee 30 female lambs at most." said the horse-faced director.

"Then let's do this. I will buy 30 two-month-old female black goats and two male lambs instead of 50." Lin Heng thought for a while and said.

The total is 1,320 yuan.

A simple contract was drafted and Lin Heng paid a deposit of 50 yuan.

After all this was done, Lin Heng took the receipt and left with his mother and Xiulan.

"Son, why did you buy a five-month-old one?" Lin's mother asked after walking out.

"Five-month-old ones are easier to raise. It's troublesome if they are too young." Lin Heng said.

"That's fine. It's your money anyway." Lin's mother said and stopped discussing this topic.

Xiulan looked at the watch. It was already three o'clock. She looked at Lin Heng and said, "Shall we go back now?"

"Let's go to the market and buy some fruits and daily necessities." Lin Heng got in the car and said.

"Okay." Xiulan got in the car and hugged Lin Heng. Lin's mother sat in the truck next to him.

The three of them went to the market and bought some daily necessities and fruits. Lin Heng drove back.

At half past five, they returned to Hongfeng Village. Lin Heng sent his mother back to Hongfeng Mountain. Xiaoxia rushed over and hugged them tightly. She missed them so much after not seeing them for a long time.

"I bought you delicious cherries. Let's go and eat cherries." Xiulan picked her up and said with a smile.

"Where's Dad?" Xiaoxia turned her head and looked at Lin Heng.

"I'll go too." Lin Heng touched her.

Back in the house, Lin Heng talked to his father about his mother's health and the cattle and sheep scheduled for today.

"I told you that your mother had a problem and needed to see a doctor, but she didn't go. Fortunately, the examination has been done now." Lin's father looked at his wife and said.

"We didn't have money before, and it's not a serious illness." Lin's mother shook her head.

Before last year, we were still worried about having enough food and building a new house every day. How could we dare to go to the doctor? As long as we didn't lie down and couldn't get up, we wouldn't say we were sick.

Lin Heng said: "But now we have money, we all have to have a physical examination. Dad, you should go with me for a physical examination in a few days."

Lin's father sighed and nodded, "Okay, I'll listen to you. It's good to check it out."

"The sun is rising from the west." Lin's mother was surprised. She knew her husband well. He was even more stubborn than her.

"Do you think I'm the same as you? I have to wait until my body is not good before going." Lin's father said sarcastically, but in fact he was afraid that if he didn't go, his wife Hongmei wouldn't go either.

"Don't argue, let's talk about other things." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Father Lin took a sip of water and said, "When will the cows and sheep you ordered arrive?"

"There's still enough time. I told you it will be no more than one and a half months after one month." Lin Heng waved his hand and said.

"Then we have to speed up the construction of the cowshed and sheepfold." Father Lin said.

Lin Heng said, "Take your time. If it doesn't work, call someone. It's not worth it to tire yourself out."

After chatting for a few more words, he took the bag into the house to pack the grass. The grass that had been broken up before the rain had been dried, and the house was dry and not damp.

Put a plastic bag inside the snakeskin bag and put it on the wooden rack.

After finishing these, Lin Heng took a look at the shrimps. Some of them had already started to hatch. He changed the water first, then made a few more grids to separate the shrimps more.

"How do you feed the hatched shrimps?" Lin's father asked curiously.

"I'll teach you tomorrow. Don't worry about it today." Lin Heng answered and asked again: "Have you fed the cows at home?"

"I fed a bundle of grass in the afternoon. You can take some back to feed. I have cut the grass." Lin's father said.

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded, went out to tie the fresh grass on the car, and took a bag of dry grass.

"Here, there are some peas here. I picked them today." Lin's father took out another bag of vegetables.


Lin Heng took it and threw it in the car and took Xiulan and her daughter home. On the way back, there was another red glow in the sky and a blood-red sun setting in the west. The people working in the fields have also returned home, and most of them have picked up their bowls.

"What should we eat tonight?" Xiulan looked up at the sky, a little tangled.

"I'll do it. Let's have a cold cucumber salad with fungus and fern root powder. We can have rice or noodles for dinner." Lin Heng said.

"I like to eat rice." Xiaoxia waved her little hand and said crisply.

"Then let's eat rice." Xiulan said with a smile.

When they arrived at the door of the house, Xiulan and Xiaoxia got off. Lin Heng drove up the slope to unload the hay, drove the car into the yard, and the three of them went to feed the cows together.

Lin Heng first poured some hay for the cow, and found that it also liked to eat it, so he was relieved. After the hay was put on, they found two water cucumbers in the back mountain and another one in the yard. Three were enough.

Wash the cucumber with water, pat it, and then cut it into small pieces. Boil water in a pot and add fungus and fern root powder. After cooking, remove it and cool it.

Use minced onion and garlic for cold salad, add some sesame oil, salt, MSG, aged vinegar, and sugar, and finally add a little patchouli leaves and mix well. A very delicious cold dish is ready.

"It smells so good." Xiulan tasted it and praised.

Lin Heng said with a smile while frying peas with minced garlic: "If you want to eat, I will make it for you. I will make whatever you want to eat."

"Okay." Xiulan's eyes curved with joy.

Lin Heng fried the peas, added water to make rice, and then went out to drink some water and cool off. Soon, all the rice and dishes were served on the table.

The sweet peas and the sour and slightly spicy fern root powder fungus mixed with cucumbers are both good dishes to go with rice.

Xiaoxia likes to eat cucumbers and peas, but Xiulan has a special liking for fungus and never eats peas.

"I told you to eat more peas." Lin Heng picked up two large chopsticks for her.

"Oh, I forgot." Xiulan blinked and said happily. In fact, she just wanted Lin Heng to pick up food for her. She liked the feeling of being cared for.

"Eat more cucumbers, too." Lin Heng picked up some more for her. He also knew that Xiulan often deliberately waited for him to pick up food for her, and he was very happy.

"I want a dad too!"

Xiaoxia was a little jealous and also extended her bowl.

Lin Heng smiled and picked up a few cucumbers for her, then ate his favorite fern root powder. After Xiulan and Xiaoxia were full, he finished the rest of the dishes by himself.

After dinner, they went to the yard to digest the food and cool down. Tonight, the starry sky could see the Milky Way hanging upside down. The three of them leaned on the wooden bench and looked at it intoxicated.

In the era of poverty, few people looked up at the starry sky. In the era of material desire, few people cared about the starry sky above their heads, but in fact, it has always been hanging above our heads, but the light from life has obscured it.

Lin Heng didn't know when he liked to look at the starry sky, but he could always find a kind of tranquility in it, and there was a little more warmth when he looked at it with his family.

It's just that the damn mosquitoes are a bit annoying, and they have appeared before summer.

Life seems to be repeated every day, but every day has a different meaning.

It was almost nine o'clock, and Xiulan said sleepily: "Go back to the house!"

"Go back and see how the chicks are hatching." Lin Heng nodded and said.

"Can you see it now?" Xiulan asked curiously.

"Yes." Lin Heng nodded.

He went back to the house and got a flashlight. He turned off the light and took out the eggs in the box and shone them one by one.

"Look, this is a good egg. There are bloodshot and veins on it, which means it is incubating. It will eventually become a chick as time goes by." Lin Heng showed it to his wife and daughter.

"Wow, it's amazing!" Xiaoxia opened her eyes wide.

"You can actually see it this way." Xiulan's beautiful eyes revealed surprise. Like Xiaoxia, she saw this phenomenon for the first time.

"Let's change one." Lin Heng returned the egg and said with a smile.

In his previous life, he had seen a video of peeling off some egg shells and placing them in a sterile room for incubation and observation. In the video, you can clearly see the body of the chick taking shape little by little. That's really amazing.

"This kind of egg without bloodshot is a bad egg. It can't be hatched. You can cook it and eat it." Soon Lin Heng found a bad egg.

"Why is it bad?" Xiaoxia asked curiously.

Lin Heng shook his head: "It's hard to say. It could be that the fertilization is not sufficient, or it could be that it has been left for too long."

Xiaoxia tilted her head and didn't understand. Lin Heng could only say that she would have to grow up a little bit before she could understand.

After irradiating all the eggs, 11 out of 30 eggs were undeveloped bad eggs.

"Okay, wait for more than ten days and check again, and remove the bad eggs little by little." After finishing, Lin Heng clapped his hands and said.

Xiu Lan nodded, memorized the corresponding steps and tried it independently. The three of them went to the toilet and went back to the house to rest.

After returning to the house, Lin Heng told Xiaoxia about Journey to the West, and she fell asleep soon.

Lying on the bed, Lin Heng leaned towards Xiu Lan, and his heart immediately settled down.

"Are you uncomfortable? Do you need my help?" Xiu Lan looked at him and whispered.

"No, just sleep like this." Lin Heng said, holding her soft little hand.


Xiu Lan nodded, and they both fell asleep quickly.

The next morning, when making breakfast, Lin Heng cooked two more eggs.

"Here, one for each of you." Lin Heng took out the egg yolk and gave the egg white to Xiaoxia and Xiu Lan.

"What are you going to do? Eat egg yolks specifically?" Xiu Lan asked curiously.

"No, this is for shrimps. Newly born shrimps can survive easily by eating this." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Eat quickly." Without giving her the opportunity to continue speaking, Lin Heng stuffed the egg into her mouth.

"I can't eat anymore." Xiulan said helplessly with a gurgling mouth.

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