"I'll risk my life if I support myself to death." Lin Heng said with a pursed lips.

"Dad, after I finish eating, I am better than mom!"

Xiaoxia tilted her head and opened her mouth, indicating that she had finished eating.

"Yes, yes, you are the best!" Xiulan pinched her little face and said angrily.

Lin Heng drank a glass of milk, poured some of the milk out of the basin and fed it to Xiong Ba and Fengshou.

He was just casually observing the strawberries, but Lin Heng suddenly made an unexpected discovery: "Hey, the strawberries are red!"

He reached out and took a look at the strawberry leaf, and sure enough he found a red strawberry, a small strawberry only the size of a mineral water bottle cap.

Then he found two more small red strawberries. This kind of small ones should be the first ones to bloom and ripen quickly. Those big strawberries, the size of Xiaoxia's fist, were only slightly colored, and it would take a few days before they could be eaten.

"The strawberries are red?" Xiulan walked out curiously.

Xiaoxia jumped up and cheered: "I want to eat strawberries, I like eating strawberries!"

She knew what strawberries were. Lin Heng told her about them when they were planted. They were more delicious fruits than raspberries.

"Three, one for each of us is just right." Lin Heng said with a smile.

After going into the house and washing with water, he gave the two largest ones to Xiaoxia and Xiulan, and ate the smaller one himself.

It has a familiar taste in the mouth, sweet and sour, and the pulp is very chewy and has a rich sweet aroma.

"It's delicious!!" Xiaoxia gave the highest praise, looking at the strawberry field longingly, wanting to eat more.

Xiulan was also surprised and said: "It's really good. It's so delicious but there are no seeds."

She fell in love with the taste after the first bite. The sweet and sour taste was her favorite.

"Actually, there are, but they are very small, just on the peel." Lin Heng explained, and then touched Xiaoxia's head, "In another week, they will be mature, and then Xiaoxia can eat them freely. "

There are at least 70 or 80 strawberries in this field now. Once they mature, they can be eaten for six months without any problem.

Even though the place is small, the fertile humus soil and sheep manure can drive so many strawberries to support so many strawberries. It is not a problem at all.

"Great, I want to eat a lot of strawberries." Xiaoxia jumped up happily.

"You guys play at home first. I'll go over and feed the shrimps and then come back. Then we'll handle the strawberries together." Lin Heng looked at Xiulan and said.

"Okay." Xiulan nodded in agreement.

Lin Heng took the egg yolk and walked towards the Red Maple Mountain. The sun was shining brightly, the breeze was pleasant, and the eye-catching green was everywhere.

Arriving at Hongfeng Mountain, Lin Heng found that his eldest brother and his parents were here. His parents were still eating, and his eldest brother was chatting aside.

"Dad, haven't you fed the shrimps yet?" Lin Heng looked at his father and asked.

Father Lin shook his head: "No, but I took a look and saw a lot of shrimp seedlings appeared again."

"That's okay, I'll feed it." Lin Heng nodded, crushed the egg yolk and filtered it through gauze.

Newly born young shrimp fry are usually fed with soybean pulp or egg yolk.

Two egg yolks are enough, and one egg yolk can feed a pond of shrimp seedlings.

After finishing it, Lin Heng went to the incubation room and first used a flashlight to gather the hatchlings. The size of the grid allowed the newly hatched shrimps to come through, but not the large green shrimps.

After they gathered together, Lin Heng fed them with egg yolks. Under the light, you can clearly see the movements of these newly hatched and still transparent shrimp seedlings, and you can see the small yolk particles being eaten into their transparent bodies.

"Dad, brother, help bring these two grids to the other two incubation pools." Lin Heng pointed at the two grids and said.

Before, it was fine if the shrimp seedlings hadn't hatched and the fresh shrimps were concentrated in one pond. Now that they are starting to hatch, they have to be separated. Otherwise, it would be impossible to support a pond, even with oxygen.

The other three incubation tanks have been completed a long time ago, and the water has been disinfected and put away, but they have not been used because they are too troublesome.

After doing it, Lin Heng fed the seed shrimps again. In about three to five days, all the shrimp seedlings will hatch.

You need to be very careful these days and observe the situation at all times. After about ten days, you can feed them normally, and after one month, you can put them into the pond for large-scale breeding.

"Dad, you work first. I'll go back and pack the strawberries." After feeding the shrimp, Lin Heng washed his hands and said.

"Wait a minute, you and your elder brother are here, let me tell you something." Lin's father looked at Lin Heng and said.

"What's going on?" Lin Heng turned his head and asked curiously.

As Father Lin walked away, he said, "It's a matter of old-age care. Originally, we said we should wait for a few years, but now that the situation has changed, some things need to be explained clearly, so as not to create a gap between you brothers."

"Don't say no, make it clear at the beginning so that your relationship won't be ruined in the end." Mother Lin also said.

Lin Heng and his eldest brother looked at each other and entered the room together.

Father Lin took a sip of water, sat down and said, "I didn't consider this matter originally. After all, your mother and I are still young. It's not too late to wait until we are in our fifties. It's also okay to split up and leave 200 acres of forest and 20 acres of land. I planned to plant it myself first, and then share it with whoever will support me in old age, but now the situation has changed.”

Father Lin looked at his eldest son Lin Yue and continued: "Lin Heng has built so many industries now. Those fruit trees will be worth a lot of money when they grow up. Also, we haven't helped your family here. So I I just want to make it clear now.”

Lin Heng probably understood that his parents were worried about having to work for him all the time, and his sister-in-law Liu Juan had objections.

Lin Yue shook his head and said, "Dad, you think too much. This is nothing. It's normal for you to work for my brother. He doesn't have anyone here. Now the land is planted with fruit trees, and we don't have much work to do."

Lin Heng also said, "I wanted to say this. No matter who works for me, I will pay them, whether it's my parents or my eldest brother."

"It's not this matter. We don't talk about this when we work together." Father Lin waved his hand and said, "We have to make this clear today."

"Then what do you mean, Dad?" Lin Heng asked.

"Your mother and I have thought about it. We will eat by ourselves and not with you, but let's settle the matter first." Father Lin said.

Lin Yue thought for a while and said, "Then parents, you can choose by yourselves. No matter whether it's me or my brother, I will definitely be willing to provide for you two old people in your old age. No one will treat you unfairly."

"Yes, you can choose which family you like. Anyway, there is no difference." Lin Heng nodded. It is impossible to say that the other party will not care about their parents after the separation.

It's better to clarify this issue now, so that there won't be any gaps in the future.

Father Lin thought for a while and said: "We have decided to eat with Lin Heng in the future. We have decided to give you five acres of orchard, Lin Yue, and the big yellow cow at home. The remaining 200 acres of forest, 10 acres of orchard, 5 acres of paddy field, and our property will all be left to Lin Heng, and he will see us off when we are old."

"Similarly, we will mainly help him with work in the future. It doesn't mean that you two brothers will do something from now on, but just divide the property clearly to avoid quarrels in the future."

Father Lin and his wife discussed for a long time and decided to make things clear while they still have dignity and voice.

Mother Lin said directly: "We chose Lin Heng because he needs manpower and he has money to take care of our retirement. And Lin Yue, you will have enough pressure to find wives for your three sons in the future, so we won't add more pressure to you."

They didn't doubt the filial piety of the two, but they thought this choice was the most appropriate.

Although they are now in the labor force, they will become freeloaders in a few years if their health deteriorates. They will be a burden then.

In addition, they know that their eldest daughter-in-law does not want to bear the burden of their retirement, so there is no need to force her to stick to them.

Lin Yue nodded and said, "Okay, listen to my parents. After the separation, we will still live together. As for the cows and orchards, there is no need. Since you are with my brother, just give them to him."

He felt a little disappointed and useless. His parents were right. When the three sons get married in the future, he will be busy enough. He can have the current life with the help of his younger brother. He really doesn't dare to pat his chest and promise that he will let the two old people enjoy a good life in the future.

Lin Heng is happier. It's good for his parents to follow him. It can greatly reduce the burden on his eldest brother, and he can also respect them well. For him now, it is a very easy thing to bear the burden of his parents.

And this is what he should do. In the last life, his parents paid too much to help him pay off the debt. In this life, he should let them enjoy a good life.

"I'll give it to you if I say so. We've already decided on it." Lin's father said firmly.

"Yes, brother, just listen to dad." Lin Heng said.

"Okay then." Lin Yue took a deep breath and nodded.

"That's it, big brother and dad, you guys go to work first, I'll be here in a while." Lin Heng smiled again.

After he finished speaking, he turned and walked towards home.

"Wait a minute, the five acres of orchard to be given to your big brother has not been decided yet, don't you want to hear it?" Lin's father shouted.

Lin Heng waved his hand: "Any five acres is fine, it depends on your mood."

Walking back in the morning sun, Lin Heng cut a few branches and went home. Xiulan looked at the branches he brought back and asked curiously: "What are you going to do?"

Lin Heng explained: "Cut some small forks to fork the strawberry bunches and hang them in the air, otherwise they will rot easily if they are close to the ground."

Those who specialize in growing strawberries lay film paper on the ground, which can also prevent the strawberries from contacting the ground and rotting. It is also feasible for him to do this.

After that, he went back to the house and got two pruning shears. He and Xiulan each took a hand and cut the branches into forks that were seven or eight centimeters long.

Xiaoxia was playing with a wooden cart next to them, and Xiongba was pulling the cart. They were having so much fun that they had no time to pay attention to Lin Heng and the others.

"By the way, my parents suddenly decided to split up and live with us." Lin Heng said while cutting branches.

Xiulan looked up in surprise: "So suddenly, they're living with us?"

"Yes." Lin Heng nodded.

Xiulan nodded: "That's good. I can help you now, and we'll have money to support them when they get old."

Lin Heng was not surprised by Xiulan's attitude, and continued: "Dad gave five acres of orchard and yellow cattle to my eldest brother, and the rest to us. For the time being, they still eat alone and don't come to eat with us."

"I guess my parents are afraid that they can't tell the difference in the future, so they've divided it now to avoid quarrels in the future." Xiulan quickly understood the reason.

There is nothing wrong with dividing the family property in this way. Since ancient times, whoever takes care of the elderly inherits more. As for the extra money she gave away, she wouldn't care either, as long as Lin Heng didn't care. Anyway, the family didn't need that little bit of stuff.

"That's right." Lin Heng nodded.

But in fact, his parents' worries were a bit redundant. His eyes were not on this piece of land at all. The upper limit of this piece of land was just that. If he invested a little bit outside, the return would be higher than this.

When his business is established, if he just gives some convenience to his elder brother, he can become a millionaire or even a multi-millionaire.

After a while, the two of them cut a lot of small branches, stood up and took them to fork the strawberry clusters off the ground. By the way, some old leaves were cut off to increase ventilation and avoid pests and diseases.

"Do you want to add some fertilizer?" Xiulan said while sitting on the bench after finishing.

"I just added some a few days ago, it's definitely enough." Lin Heng lay down and rested his head on her thighs, looking up at her, "I'll take a break and then go to Hongfeng Mountain to work. Do you want to go over to play?"

Xiulan stretched out her slender fingers to pick off a few dandruffs on Lin Heng's head, looked at him with big eyes and shook her head slightly: "No, I'll take care of Xiaoxia at home and read books or something. If I go over, my mother will be too polite and won't let me do anything, which will make me uncomfortable."

"Okay then." Lin Heng changed his posture. Lying on Xiulan's legs and watching the sun was one of his favorite things to do.

"But we can go pick snails in a few days. I heard there are a lot of them in the fields. Or if you want to go fishing, I can go fishing with you in Huangtan River," Xiulan said.

"Okay, let's go catch snails in a few days." Lin Heng nodded.

After lying on the soft thighs for three minutes, he got up and returned to Hongfeng Mountain.

The foundation of the cattle and sheep pen here has been prepared. If it hadn't rained, the foundation would have been laid. The original platform of 30 meters long and 6 meters wide has been prepared and the width has been increased by more than two meters.

Seeing Lin Heng coming, Lin's father asked: "Do we have to enlarge our cowshed, otherwise we can't raise so many cattle and sheep."

"It's enough for now. Let's build it again if it's not enough in two years. Let's lay the cement floor today." Lin Heng thought for a while and said.

The cattle and sheep pen that he built casually is definitely not perfect. It is enough to consider several factors such as cleaning and ventilation for the time being.

"Then let's go with cement." Lin's father nodded.

The rented mixer has been returned, so we can only mix cement manually. After mixing, the three of us pushed it up with a wheelbarrow and poured it on the ground to smooth it.

Work in the morning and afternoon, rest at noon. This job is not easy, but they are not in a hurry. Just take it slowly.

Time quickly came to June 1st, and they finally made the foundation of the cattle and sheep pen and the road down into cement.

The slope to the sheep pen is 30 degrees, which is no problem for cattle, sheep or cars.

In the past few days, Lin Heng has been taking care of the shrimp fry in addition to building this foundation and road. Now the shrimp fry have basically all hatched, and the breeding has entered a new stage. Under his careful care, there were no accidents.

"Brother, do you want to catch eels tonight?" Lin Yue suggested with a smile after washing his hands.

"Sure, let's go catch them tonight." Lin Heng nodded. .

"Then let's go back for dinner and set off. I'll find you then." Lin Yue said.

"No problem, will Dad go?" Lin Heng looked at his father.

"I'm not going. I'm going to have a drink and rest." Father Lin shook his head and continued, "It's just right to rest for two days. I'm going to fertilize the rice, and I'll fertilize the corn later."

"Okay then." Lin Heng nodded and said, "Chemical fertilizer works well, so don't fertilize too much. Just fertilize five or six kilograms of urea per acre."

Now is the time for rice to divide, and excessive fertilization without knowing the dosage will cause rice to grow wildly. There will be three more fertilizations later, including flower-promoting fertilizer, flower-protecting fertilizer, and granular fertilizer. His father has never used fertilizer, so he has to explain it clearly.

"I know, don't worry." Father Lin looked calm.

Walking back, Lin Heng first went to the field to pull some spinach and mustard greens. Spinach was planted when he decided to get pregnant, and mustard greens were planted by his parents.

Spinach has high calcium and folic acid content, while mustard greens have high folic acid content. Every day, he would get some vegetables that pregnant women need to supplement Xiulan's body. There was bacon at every meal, and venison was eaten from time to time.

"Eat these two tonight, and you can choose the rest yourself." Lin Heng walked into the house with the dishes and looked at Xiulan and said.

"Try a strawberry, I saved it for you." Xiulan fed him one.

"This is what I saved for Dad, I'll feed it." Xiaoxia also grabbed one and handed it to Lin Heng.

"Thank you, baby." Lin Heng was very happy eating the strawberries fed by his wife and daughter. Strawberries have been ripening in the past two days and he can eat them every day.

Xiulan said with a smile: "You saved it for Dad. If I hadn't stopped a little greedy cat, he would have eaten it all."

Xiaoxia pursed her lips a little embarrassedly and said: "I just want to help Dad taste it sweet."

"Is it sweet?" Lin Heng asked with a smile and fed her another one.

"It's sweet." Xiaoxia said happily with her cheeks puffed.

Lin Heng fed Xiulan another big one and said: "You should eat more too, it's good for your health."

"I ate a lot, this is for you." Xiulan took it and fed it to Lin Heng again.

"I also fed my mother a lot." Xiaoxia said beside her, she was pretending to take care of her mother.

"Xiaoxia is such a good child, I'll give you another bite as a reward." Lin Heng handed her the strawberry tip.

Xiaoxia's eyebrows curved as she ate the strawberry tip, and she happily played in the yard.

"These strawberries are so delicious, I never get tired of them." Xiulan said with a smile.

"Of course." Lin Heng nodded, and pointed to the remaining seven or eight strawberries and said, "I'll keep the remaining ones and make you something delicious tomorrow morning."

"What delicious drink?" Xiulan asked curiously.

Lin Heng smiled mysteriously: "You'll know when the time comes. After we cook and eat, I'm going to catch eels."

"Okay, I'll go cook." Xiulan nodded.

Lin Heng walked into the house to help Xiulan. Xiulan blanched the spinach and served it cold, while the mustard greens were stir-fried with minced garlic, which looked very tempting.

In addition, there was a green pepper fried with bacon and a stir-fried pumpkin tip.

Xiulan had already prepared the rice in a small pot outside in the morning, so they could eat it directly after frying the dishes.

"Have you felt unwell recently?" Lin Heng picked up two chopsticks for Xiulan and her daughter, and cared about it.

"No, how could I feel unwell when I eat so well? I feel better than the ladies in the past." Xiulan smiled and shook her head.

"It's good that you don't feel unwell. I'll catch some plum fish in a few days and we'll eat them." Lin said with a smile, "It's right to eat well. After all, there are two of us. I won't let you eat fat meat, and you won't gain weight. Eat it with ease."

Xiulan was happy to hear this, and smiled and said, "Eat quickly, be careful when catching eels at night."

"I'm not in a hurry, and there's no danger in wearing water shoes." Lin Heng said with a smile, it's not dark enough now.

After eating and waiting for a while, he put on his water shoes and went to catch yellow eels with his elder brother.

As soon as he arrived at the edge of the field, Lin Yue exclaimed: "Hey, what a big red snake."

Lin Heng took a flashlight and shone it, and a red and black snake crawled under the stone embankment.

"Let's take a look at the yellow eel." Lin Heng said. It was not uncommon to see snakes at night, and you can often catch yellow eels.

Walking towards the field, he saw a yellow eel as thick as a thumb in a few steps. Lin Yue said: "Brother, let's try it first."

Lin Heng walked over and grabbed it quickly and accurately, and threw it into the bag. With his skilled skills, he would hardly make mistakes in catching big yellow eels.

Then the two of them searched along the edge of the field. It seemed that there were endless yellow eels in the paddy field. Last year, they caught nearly 30 kilograms, and this year there were still many big ones.

Although he no longer needed to make money by selling eels, the pleasure of hunting still made Lin Heng obsessed with catching eels.

The two searched inch by inch with flashlights, and no large yellow eel near the edge of the field could escape.

After catching the eels they usually caught in the fields, the yellow eels already weighed six or seven kilograms, and then the two went to the river to look, but unfortunately there was nothing to gain.

"These are enough, they can eat two meals." Lin Yue said with a smile on the way home.

"Three meals are enough." Lin Heng said.

"Then let's kill it tomorrow and ask my parents to come to my house for a meal together." Lin Yue suggested.

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded.

When they got home, the two divided the yellow eels in half. Lin Heng prepared to fry it for Xiulan to supplement. Yellow eels are also a good supplement for pregnant women and can prevent iron deficiency anemia.

Lin Heng put the yellow eels in the bucket and washed up and went into the house. Xiaoxia was already sleeping soundly on the small bed. After all, it was already eleven thirty.

"How many did you catch?" Xiulan asked curiously with her eyes wide open.

Lin Heng was surprised: "You haven't slept yet."

"I can't sleep, I'm waiting for you." Xiulan smiled.

"Then go to sleep, I'm here." Lin Heng took off his clothes and went to bed, "There are eight pounds of eels."

"That's not bad." Xiulan moved her head closer and said.

Lin Heng turned off the light and asked: "Are you going to catch snails tomorrow?"

"Catch, why not catch." Xiulan nodded.

"Then go to sleep, tomorrow your husband will take you to catch snails." Lin Heng hugged her and kissed her.

He just wanted to peck lightly, but she broke the rules and stuck out her tongue, making him addicted again.

However, now he can only eat steamed buns and can't do anything else, which makes him feel bad.

"You are so bad, what should I do now." Lin Heng looked at her.

"I'll help you." Xiulan whispered, she missed it after not being intimate for a long time.

Lin Heng felt Xiulan's little hand and whispered something in her ear.

"Why do you have so many bad ideas?" Xiulan blushed, and she was actually asked to bite.

Lin Heng whispered in her ear: "You started it."

Xiulan stopped talking. This was too challenging for her, and she was not mentally prepared for it yet.

"Next, next time." Xiulan said softly, speeding up her movements.

Lin Heng hugged her and whispered: "I'm just talking, it's okay, this is enough now."

"Yeah." Xiulan blushed and felt her hands trembling. It's not that she didn't want to, but it was too challenging.

After a while, Lin Heng fell asleep holding Xiulan in his arms.

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