Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 287 Annoying things, chicks hatching

"Mom, what's wrong with you?" Xiaoxia ran over curiously.

"Don't bother your mother."

After saying that, Lin Heng quickly brought a glass of water, some toilet paper, and patted her on the back.

"It's okay." Xiulan waved her hand, took the water, rinsed her mouth, and wiped her mouth again.

Lin Heng shoveled some plant ash and covered Xiulan's vomit.

"Mom!" Xiaoxia looked at Xiulan nervously and hugged her thigh.

"Mom is fine, you will vomit during pregnancy." Xiulan touched her daughter's head.

"If you're fine, just eat some more. Don't go hungry." Lin Heng said out loud that he could only take care of this kind of thing and couldn't suffer for her.

"I'll drink after a while." Xiulan shook her head and said, her stomach felt uncomfortable.

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded, first took care of Xiaoxia to eat, then peeled the eggs and fed them to Xiulan.

Xiulan had just finished eating the eggs and was about to drink strawberry honey milk tea when she suddenly ran to the door again: "Well..."

Lin Heng once again brought her water and paper to pat her back, and watched with distress as she vomited up what she had just eaten.

After Xiulan recovered, she shook her head and said, "I can't eat it. I feel like vomiting when I eat it."

"Why is it so serious? I can't eat anything." Lin Heng said distressedly.

Xiulan drank some water and shook her head: "I don't know either. I feel like it wasn't this serious the last time I was pregnant with Xiaoxia."

Lin Heng doesn't have an answer to this question. Everyone's situation is different. He took the strawberry honey milk and said, "Then try drinking some milk first. It won't work if you don't eat it at all."

He didn't even think about taking Xiulan to the hospital, because this was considered a normal situation. It’s hard to detect anything even if you go there. The current medical level in China is so bad.

"I'll give it a try." Xiulan nodded, drank half a glass, and then sat there waiting.

"This seems to be working. I don't feel like vomiting too much." Xiulan said with slight surprise. The more she vomited, the hungrier she became. It was too uncomfortable not to be able to eat.

Lin Heng was also surprised and said: "As long as you can drink a little, let's drink a little first. Do you want something sour? Try a strawberry?"

Xiaoxia quickly brought the biggest strawberry to Xiulan: "Mom, I'll give you a big strawberry. It's so hard to have a baby brother."

Xiulan was a little touched. She usually rushed to eat, but today she took the initiative to give it to herself. Her good daughter was so considerate.

She opened her mouth and took a bite, the sour feeling made her happy.

"It seems the sourness is okay, but I don't dare to eat more, it's a bit nauseating." Xiulan shook her head and put the rest in a bowl.

Lin Heng sighed and said, "Then you can rest on the chair for a while and eat later."

He went to get the cushions Xiulan made himself and put them under the bench and on the backrest.

"I want to go out and bask in the sun." Xiulan said.

"Then I'll move you out."

Lin Heng quickly went to change to a large Taishi chair and put a cushion on it.

Xiulan sat down, patted his hand and said with a smile: "Go and eat quickly. Eat the eggs I didn't eat. I don't want to eat them."

"Do you want to eat dried venison?" Lin Heng asked again.

"I don't want to eat anything, just eat quickly." Xiulan shook her head.

"Okay then." Lin Heng nodded and finished his breakfast in two bites.

After Lin Heng finished eating, he looked at Xiaoxia and said, "Xiaoxia, take care of your mother. I'll go to Hongfeng Mountain and be back soon."

"I will take good care of mom and dad." Xiaoxia said, clenching her little fists.

Lin Heng told Xiulan that he would go to Hongfeng Mountain, and he did not dare to drive for fear that the smell of gasoline would make her nauseous.

He had to go over there and take a look. Shrimp farming was a technical job. Only he could see some shrimp problems in advance, so he could only run in both directions.

He went to Hongfeng Mountain to see the shrimp seedlings. He didn't tell his parents about Xiulan's severe morning sickness. If they knew about it, they could only worry, or run over to care about her or make some home remedies, which might be counterproductive.

After looking at the situation of the shrimp, he found that the water in the pool was a little turbid, so he quickly added 30 centimeters of water.

After finishing it, he took the time to look at the forest musk deer. After a closer look, he discovered the problem. There was a lot of mushy feces on the ground. The forest musk deer pooped in granular form.

"This female forest musk deer has diarrhea!" Lin Heng was speechless.

"Dad, come here and help me. Bring your water shoes," he shouted.

After a while, Father Lin came over with water shoes and curiously asked: "What's wrong?"

Lin Heng took the water shoes and put them on and said, "Lin Shek has diarrhea. Please help me isolate these two little ones."

"Did you have diarrhea?" Lin's father asked doubtfully.

Lin Heng nodded: "Yes, look what happened. You have to tell me next time this happens."

Father Lin said while helping: "That may have happened just last night. Your mother didn't pay attention when feeding grass in the morning."

"But it's okay, I have prepared some medicine." Lin Heng shook his head. The two young forest musk deer were caught and isolated in a nearby compartment, and then the feces in the forest musk deer pen was shoveled out with a shovel, and finally a layer of quicklime was sprinkled for disinfection.

"Let's go back to get medicine. Just feed hay these two days, don't feed fresh grass." Lin Heng reminded. He didn't blame anyone. It was normal for Lin She to get sick.

"I understand." Father Lin nodded.

Lin Heng changed his shoes back and took his father to the warehouse to get medicine. Because he was worried about the livestock getting sick, he bought a lot of medicine at the veterinary station in Ancheng when he went to Ancheng, and he just needed it now.

"Dad, cook some corn paste, let it cool, grind three oxytetracycline tablets and mix them in to feed the other two. Throw one tablet in when feeding the other two." Lin Heng took out a bottle of oxytetracycline and handed it to his father.

"I know, don't worry." Lin's father agreed.

After giving the medicine to his father, Lin Heng went to see the silage that had been sealed before. As soon as he took out the snakeskin bag outside, he saw the silage inside. It looked a little darker than before. The good news was that there was no sign of rot.

"It seems that this will work, Dad. Let's get more grass to make silage later." Lin Heng said happily. If this works, there is no need to buy a vacuum cleaner to extract air. That thing costs thousands of yuan and is too expensive.

It seems that as long as it is sealed well, even if there is a little air inside, it will not affect the fermentation of lactic acid bacteria.

"Then the grass can be cut again in a few days, and we will make silage then." Lin's father nodded and agreed. The grass in the field that had been cut for more than ten days is now growing again, and it is growing so fast that no fertilizer is needed.

"That's it, I'll go back first, Dad. You use red dates to pull bricks and gravel up to the cowshed and sheepfold, and I'll come to build the wall in two days. Xiulan is a little uncomfortable and I need to take care of her." Lin Heng nodded and said that he probably didn't have time to do these things in the next two days.

"Is it nothing serious?" Lin's father asked hurriedly.

"No, it's just a normal pregnancy reaction." Lin Heng waved his hand and said.

After chatting, he went to get some male shrimps raised in the pond and hurried back. When he returned to the village, he ran to an apricot tree to pick some unripe green apricots, which were only the size of a mineral water bottle cap.

After picking the apricots, he asked who had cabbage. He wanted to buy it but was given two large ones directly.

After returning home, Xiulan was still leaning on the armchair to bask in the sun. It was very comfortable to bask in the sun when the sun just came out.

"Why did you take the cabbage and shrimp?" Xiulan asked in confusion.

"I'll make you something to eat." Lin Heng said with a smile, and put the dishes on the stone table. He washed the green apricots and handed them to her: "Do you want to try it?"

Xiu Lan took one to try, and then ate it happily: "It's delicious, give me another one."

Lin Heng felt his teeth were sour, and shook his head and said: "It's not good to eat too much, so I'll give you something to satisfy your craving."

He went into the house, washed the cabbage and made a hot and sour hand-torn cabbage, and processed the green shrimp into shrimp meat and made a sweet and sour shrimp meat. Finally, he took out a pickled bamboo shoot and a pickled radish and put them on a plate.

When he put them together and was about to take them out for Xiu Lan to taste, he found Xiao Xia standing in front of the incubator in the study in a daze.

"What are you doing, Xiao Xia." Lin Heng looked at her and shouted, saying why he didn't see her at this time.

Xiao Xia turned her head and shouted: "Dad, the chicks seem to be born!"

"What? The chicks have hatched?" Xiu Lan in the yard exclaimed first, and got up and ran into the study directly.

Lin Heng put the dishes on the table and went to watch. He saw that a hole had been pecked into an egg in the incubator, and the wet yellow hair of the chick inside was clearly visible.

"It's really hatched!" Xiulan patted Lin Heng in surprise.

Lin Heng smiled and said, "It's been twenty days, and it's time to hatch."

Xiaoxia raised her head and said, "Dad, should we help it? It's been pecking for a long time."

She was stunned when she saw the chick hatching for the first time, and was shocked by the magic of life.

"No, the chick must do this by itself, and work hard to overcome difficulties to survive." Lin Heng shook his head.

"Why?" Xiaoxia tilted her head in confusion.

Lin Heng explained: "Because the chicks will become stronger by pecking the eggshells, so that they will not be eaten by other animals. If you help them, they will not become stronger and will be eaten by eagles."

Xiaoxia still didn't understand, but she was afraid that the chicks would be eaten by eagles, so she nodded and said: "Then I will watch them come out by themselves."

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded. He still believed in Xiaoxia very much. She was not a child who messed around.

After speaking, he turned his head and looked at Xiulan: "Come out first and try the dishes I made for you, and see which flavor you like best."

"Okay." Xiulan nodded. Although she didn't want to eat it now, she still went with Lin Heng.

"It smells so good, and it smells sour." Xiulan said happily as she smelled the dishes on the table.

Lin Heng smiled and said, "Then try them quickly. Which one do you like best? I will make it for you often in the future."

Xiu Lan tasted the cabbage first and was surprised: "This hot and sour cabbage is delicious and appetizing."

She ate two more chopsticks, then picked up a sweet and sour shrimp, and nodded again and again: "This is also delicious, I like both of them."

She also ate two bites of sour bamboo shoots and sour radish, but she liked the hot and sour cabbage and sweet and sour shrimp the most. One was hot and sour and the other was sweet and sour, both of which suited her taste.


Suddenly she dropped her chopsticks and ran out to vomit again.

Lin Heng helplessly brought her water and paper. Xiu Lan rinsed her mouth and said angrily: "It's so annoying. I vomited everything I just ate."

She didn't want to vomit at all, but her body didn't listen to her at all.

Lin Heng was helpless to vomit like this, and could only say: "You should be fine if you eat less, and then eat a little after one or two hours."

"I don't believe it, try it again." Xiu Lan gritted her teeth and went back to continue.

Although she said it fiercely, she only dared to eat two bites this time and put it down, sitting aside obediently.

She thought she could eat as much as she wanted with the sour taste, but now it seems that even the sour ones can only be eaten a little bit.

"Let's go and see the chickens." Xiulan said reluctantly, no longer looking at the food.

"You go first." Lin Heng nodded. He went to burn charcoal and put it in the pottery stove. Xiulan can heat the food anytime she wants.

Then she went to watch the chicks hatch out with Xiulan Xiaoxia. After watching for a while, Xiulan leaned on Lin Heng a little sleepily. After a while, Lin Heng took her to the bedroom to rest.

Lin Heng first went to cover Xiulan's vomiting with plant ash, then dumped it into the vegetable garden, and then accompanied Xiaoxia there to watch the chicks hatch.

"Dad, three more chicks have come out." Xiaoxia raised her head and said happily.

"That's great. I'll let Xiaoxia feed her when they all come out." Lin Heng touched her little face. He felt that Xiaoxia's concentration seemed to be much stronger than that of ordinary children. She could see so much when watching a chick hatch. Long.

"Okay." Xiulan's big happy eyes curved into crescent moons.

Lin Heng sat down and hugged her to watch together. This was indeed a very interesting thing. In the end, only 16 eggs were left here. Now four eggs have been hatched, and 12 eggs have not been hatched.

He looked carefully and saw that six of the 12 were also moving, and soon they all started pecking at the eggshells.

After more than forty minutes, all six of them came out of their shells one after another, but there was no movement in the remaining ones.

Lin Heng found another box, connected it to the 25-watt tungsten light bulb, and poured some warm boiling water into a small dish for Xiaoxia to put in.

Then catch the chicks and put them here, let them drink water to expel the meconium in their bodies. Listening to the chirping of the chickens, Xiaoxia felt happy. She lay beside the box and watched them drink water.

She had watched these chicks since they were eggs, so she felt a sense of accomplishment and pride.

"Dad, why are there still chicks that haven't hatched yet? Are they asleep?" Xiaoxia looked at the remaining six eggs and asked curiously.

Lin Heng took a look at the six eggs. There was a high probability that they were all dead. Even perfectly fertilized eggs were not 100% able to develop into chicks. There were various dangers and difficulties along the way.

"Yes, maybe he will hatch out tomorrow." Lin Heng said with a smile, not wanting to tell his daughter such a cruel thing yet.

Let’s wait until she is older to teach her these things.

"Come on, let's cook for the chicken." Lin Heng pulled her and said.

Upon hearing this, Xiaoxia jumped up and down happily: "Okay, let's cook for the chicken."

The rice for the chickens is very simple, just fine cornmeal and some fine sand. The reason why fine sand is added is because newborn chicks do not have the ability to digest, and fine sand helps digestion.

"Chicken coo coo coo, eat quickly, eat quickly!" Xiaoxia put down the wooden plate with food and watched the chicken eat with wide eyes.

The chicks' hair has long since dried, nine of them have fluffy goose-yellow hair, and one has black hair. They are all black-bone chickens, with their paws and beaks all black.

"This is Xiao Hei, this is Xiao Huang, here is Xiao Huang..."

Xiaoxia looked at the chicks eating and named them. These furry little guys were so cute and she liked them so much.

“Dong dong dong!!”

They were feeding the chickens when suddenly there was a knock on the door outside.

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