Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 288 The lamb got into trouble, convenient electrical appliances

"Mom, why are you here?"

Lin Heng opened the door to let his mother in, and asked curiously.

Mother Lin took out a triangular talisman sewn with indigo blue cloth and said, "I went to the Guanyin Mother Temple to ask Xiulan for a peace talisman."

Not only did she beg for it, she also sewed the peace charm out of cloth.

"Thank you, Mom!" Xiulan happened to wake up at this time, came out and said with a smile.

Mother Lin handed the peace talisman to Xiulan, and took a brooch and said, "Just pin it on your clothes."

"Okay." Xiulan nodded with a smile and pinned the things on her clothes.

"Grandma, come and see the chickens." Xiaoxia ran over and pulled Lin's mother into the house.

Mother Lin was surprised and said, "Has the chick hatched?"

"Yes, there are ten of them now. Grandma, I gave them names." Xiaoxia said with a smile.

Mother Lin walked into the house and said happily, "You can really hatch chicks like this. That's great. We won't have to buy chicks anymore. We can even sell chicks."

The chirping little chicken in the box is really cute.

"Then I will teach you how to hatch them in a few days. Mom, you can hatch a batch in Hongfeng Mountain." Lin Heng said. He knew that his mother was interested in this and was planning to teach her.

Mother Lin said happily, "Okay, tell me what you need and I'll go back and prepare it. We'll start hatching tomorrow. I've picked up a lot of eggs recently and haven't eaten them yet."

"You don't need anything, just prepare a box. I have everything else," Lin Heng said.

"Then I'll just free up the box for clothes." Mother Lin said happily, and after saying that, she wanted to go back and prepare.

Xiulan pulled her out and brought her a lot of strawberries: "Mom, don't worry, eat some strawberries and go back."

Mother Lin ate one and said, "I've eaten this before, and it's really delicious. But I'll just eat two, and leave the rest to Xiaoxia."

"Mom, take these back and eat them with my dad. There are still many in the fields." Lin Heng said. His strawberries are the only ones that are red now. The strawberries planted by his eldest brother and his father outside have just begun to bear fruit because of the low temperature.

"That's okay." Mother Lin didn't refuse. She put the things down and played here for a while, eating a few strawberries.

After a while, Caiyun opened the door and came in.

When he discovered that his mother was also there, he immediately said curiously: "Mom, you are here too."

"Why can't I be here anymore? I'm not welcome." Mother Lin asked with a smile.

"No, no, how dare I? I just find it strange." Caiyun smiled and waved his hand.

Xiulan waved to her and said, "Come over and eat strawberries."

"Thank you, sister-in-law." Caiyun said happily.

Lin Heng looked at Caiyun and asked, "When will you guys have a holiday?"

Caiyun ate a strawberry and said, "It will probably take another month. We won't have a holiday until the beginning of July."

"Got it." Lin Heng nodded, and when Caiyun could help take care of Xiulan during the holiday, he could do other things.

"Auntie, look at the chicks that my father and I hatched." Xiaoxia pulled Caiyun into the house again. She wanted to show off to everyone she saw.

Caiyun played with her for a while, and then returned to Hongfeng Mountain with her mother at dusk.

Lin Heng looked at Xiulan and asked, "Honey, what do you want to eat tonight?"

Xiulan thought for a moment and said, "I want to eat sour soup noodles. I feel so hungry but I don't dare to eat."

"I'll eat the hot and sour cabbage and sweet and sour shrimp first, and I'll cook later." She thought for a while and added.

"Okay, let me heat it up for you." Lin Heng nodded and went to heat up the food he made in the afternoon.

Xiulan still didn't dare to eat more. She had to wait for a while before eating again, otherwise she would vomit easily. She didn't know why she had such severe vomiting during this pregnancy.

Lin Heng waited for an hour and made sour soup noodles and brought them out. Xiulan took two small bites and then went back to the house to rest.

After Lin Heng washed Xiaoxia, took off her clothes and continued to talk about Journey to the West, put her to sleep and turned to bed.

Xiulan wanted to hold him but didn't dare, for fear of irritating him and making him uncomfortable.

"You can hug her if you want." Lin Heng held her in his arms.

Xiulan leaned on Lin Heng's chest and whispered: "Then don't you feel uncomfortable?"

"No, that's good too. Life isn't all about those things." Lin Heng smiled.

The weather was a bit hot, so Xiulan lay down next to her for a while.

"Would you like something to eat?" Lin Heng turned to look at her and asked.

"No need, I'm not very hungry now." Xiulan shook her head.

Lin Heng stood up and said, "That's why I want to eat it. I'll get you some strawberries and bring you the last bit of hot and sour cabbage."

He went out without waiting for Xiulan to say anything, washed the strawberries, and then heated the cold cabbage with water until it was warm and brought Xiulan in.

"Thanks husband."

Looking at the food Lin Heng brought in, Xiulan smiled and picked up her chopsticks to eat, feeling warm in her heart. While eating, I thought that when I stopped feeling sick, I would satisfy my husband's previous wish for her to bite it and make him feel comfortable.

She originally wanted to try to satisfy him in the past two days, but she suddenly started to have morning sickness and there was no other way.

The next day, Lin Heng got up early and prepared food like yesterday, and then asked his wife and children to eat.

Xiulan's situation improved after yesterday's experience of choosing to eat less and more meals. Xiaoxia wanted to take her friends to see the chickens. She wanted everyone she knew to know that she had a group of chickens.

After dinner, Lin Heng rode the red dates to Hongfeng Mountain to see the green shrimps and forest musk deer. Compared to yesterday, the forest musk deer's condition had improved, and he should be fine if he continued taking the medicine.

However, another unexpected situation occurred, that is, a little lamb also suddenly had diarrhea, and the situation was somewhat serious.

"Look, son, water is flowing down your butt for some reason." Mother Lin grabbed the lamb and showed it to Lin Heng.

This is a little ewe with loose feces flowing down its buttocks. The situation is not ordinary and serious, and it can’t stand up on its hind legs.

"I gave him a pill of oxytetracycline in the morning but it didn't seem to work." Lin's father said.

"You can't just take oxytetracycline in this situation. Where can we get Guanyin soil in our village?" Lin Heng asked.

The montmorillonite powder used for acute diarrhea is made of Guanyin soil. Making it into water and giving it to the lambs to drink can relieve this acute diarrhea.

"We have them in our old house. They are folk remedies. I have some." Father Lin said.

"Dad, go back and get it," Lin Heng said.

"Okay." Father Lin nodded in agreement and turned back to look for him.

Lin Heng put the sheep aside and looked at his mother and said, "Mom, have you finished the box? I'll teach you how to hatch eggs."

"It's done. Do you think the new wooden box your dad made recently will work?" Mother Lin nodded and took Lin Heng back to look at the wooden box.

This is a square box, with a side of forty centimeters, made of pine wood.

"This is good." Lin Heng nodded.

Then I started to wire the modification, installed the tungsten bulb, and tested the temperature. After it was done, I put twenty eggs that I had picked up recently, and then told the mother how to hatch the eggs and related precautions, and that was it.

After he finished it, Father Lin came back with two round pieces of Guanyin soil. He handed the things to Lin Heng and asked, "How about this? Will this work?"

Lin Heng took it and looked at it. It was gray-white in color and had a special smell. Its main ingredient was montmorillonite, which could be used on lambs.


Lin Heng nodded, knocked off some of it, crushed it, mixed it with water and gave it to the little lamb to drink.

He left the red dates with his father to pull gravel up to the cattle pen. He took some male green shrimps back and prepared to make sweet and sour shrimps for Xiulan.

Seeing that he was back, Xiulan felt happy and said, "Just keep busy with things over there. I'll be fine here. It's just normal morning sickness."

"Let's see another day today. I'll go there to work tomorrow." Lin Heng said.

Xiulan had already finished yesterday's shrimp, so he went to make some sweet and sour shrimp and spicy and sour cabbage.

While Xiulan was eating vegetables, Xiaoxia ran over and pulled Lin Heng to ask: "Dad, where are the unhatched chicks yesterday? Are they really dead?"

"Why do you ask that?" Lin Heng asked curiously. He had peeled those eggs apart early this morning and found that they were all dead eggs. He was about to make an excuse when he didn't expect Xiaoxia to ask directly.

Xiaoxia said sadly: "Because if Yang Qing can't tell her to come out of her shell, she is dead and will never come out of her shell again."

Lin Heng thought for a moment and nodded, "That's right, they're dead."

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" In an instant, Xiaoxia's tears burst into tears, and she hugged Lin Heng and cried sadly. Lin Heng's words shattered her last fantasy.

Lin Heng held her and coaxed her for a while, and then began to tell her fairy tales.

"Dad, will we die too?" Xiaoxia asked a more pointed question after she stopped crying.

Lin Heng simply answered directly, nodded and said: "Yes, everyone will grow old and die, including mom, dad, and you. This is the law of nature, and therefore life is precious. Don't give up life at any time, and love yourself well."

Xiaoxia cried even more sadly: "Uuuuuuuuah... I don't want my parents to die, I don't want everyone to die..."

This time she cried so much that she couldn't be coaxed, and even Xiulan's coming to coax her was useless.

"Why are you telling her this?" Xiulan asked helplessly.

Lin Heng pursed his lips and said: "Sooner or later, you will know. It is not good to lie to her. When the children in the village tell her, it will be even more difficult for her to find out that we lied to others."

"Mom and dad are here. They won't die and will always be with you." Xiulan hugged her and rocked her.

Lin Heng tried to tell her stories and principles, but she refused to listen and cried. She had never experienced death before, and she often watched Lin Heng kill fish and chickens, but this was the first time she understood the meaning.

Eventually she cried herself to sleep, and when she woke up, she held Lin Heng and Xiulan together. Through stories, Lin Heng helped her gradually understand that humans and chickens are different, and they will never leave her for a long, long time.

After a day of observation today, Lin Heng also basically understood Xiulan's situation. There was no big problem, except that she was vomiting a lot. Insisting on eating small meals often can only relieve the pain, and sometimes you will still vomit unconsciously.

Xiulan planned to exercise more, thinking that the situation might be better.

On the third day, Lin Heng made breakfast for Xiaoxia Xiulan, and then drove him down to the city. This time he made an appointment with the owner of the abandoned factory to discuss the purchase.

But the price is still not suitable, and Lin Heng is not in a hurry. He didn't know the purpose of going to the city today, but to buy a rice cooker, some glucose and vitamins, and some meat and pork liver.

In this era, rice cookers are not cheap. The cheapest ones cost fifty or sixty yuan. Lin Heng bought a good quality one for a hundred yuan.

In addition, I bought two electric fans for fifty yuan.

After returning home, Lin Heng excitedly said to Xiulan: "I have a rice cooker. You can use this to heat food in the future. You don't have to keep lighting fires or burning charcoal. You can also use this to make rice."

"This thing isn't cheap." Xiulan looked at the sea blue rice cooker Lin Heng was holding. It looked very high-end.

Lin Heng waved his hand and said: "It's okay, it's only a hundred yuan here."

In this era, because the domestic industry is underdeveloped, electrical appliances are not cheap. A hundred yuan would require a normal person to work for half a year.

"It's not expensive." Xiulan was helpless, but she still came over to study. After all, she bought everything.

Just before lunch, Lin Heng showed Xiulan how to make rice. Just put the rice in the pot and add water, and it will be ready in ten minutes.

"No wonder it's so expensive. It's really convenient." Xiulan nodded and said.

Lin Heng said with a smile: "The advantage of this is that it will never burn. If you want to heat the food, just put a small steamer to heat it. If you want to cook porridge, just add more water. When it is done, just turn off the power."

"I understand." Xiulan smiled and nodded.

After the rice was done, Lin Heng went to stir-fry vegetables. Turning on the electric fan while eating makes it even cooler.

"It's so cool!" Xiaoxia stood in front of the fan and was very happy.

"It's good to have money, it's so enjoyable." Xiulan also said with emotion.

Lin Heng said with a smile: "Making money is for enjoyment. If you don't enjoy money, it will be a piece of waste paper."

After dinner, he warned Xiulan about using electricity safely, and then went to Hongfeng Mountain with a fan and pork liver.

"Mom and Dad, is this comfortable to use?" Lin Heng said with a smile after turning on the electric fan.

The brick houses here are much hotter than the earthen walls at home, especially in summer. It is impossible to sleep without an electric fan.

"Okay, okay, isn't it cheap?" Lin's father asked curiously.

Lin Hengdao: "This one is cheaper, twenty-five yuan each."

"It's still cheap." Mother Lin opened her eyes wide.

Father Lin nodded: "The price is not bad, I can accept it."

"Mom, I got this pig liver for you. If you are anemic, you need to take a supplement." Lin Heng handed the pig liver to his mother and said. He originally wanted to give Xiulan a supplement, but she would get nauseated after eating it.

"I feel much better after taking the medicine." Mother Lin took it over and said helplessly.

Lin Heng smiled and said, "Just take supplements. I don't want you to be in poor health."

"I understand." Mother Lin nodded. She couldn't refuse her son's words.

After enjoying the fan for a while, Lin Heng went to see the lamb that had severe diarrhea yesterday. Fortunately, his treatment had initially alleviated the situation, and the symptoms of diarrhea were reduced a lot.

As the sun set in the afternoon, they began to build a cattle pen. The eldest brother Lin Yue had been busy picking honeysuckle and prunella vulgaris for the past two days and did not come to help.

While Mother Lin was herding cattle, she was also busy picking honeysuckle. After all, this thing was quite valuable. Lin Heng and Xiulan picked some for themselves this year. Xiulan wanted to go, but Lin Heng was worried and didn't let her go.

After Lin Heng and his father finished laying the concrete, they started laying bricks. The work was not difficult but time-consuming. The two chatted while working.

"Dad, let's dig a hole after the cattle and sheep pens are built. I'm going to build a biogas digester to try." Lin Heng said while laying bricks.

Today he saw a revolving-door spherical biogas pit in the city. Just buy it, dig a hole, bury it, pour in the manure and ferment it. He is going to try it out here now.

"Biogas pit?" Father Lin still didn't understand this thing.

"You will know when I finish building it." Lin Heng said with a smile. Regardless of whether the biogas tank is built or not, he will have to find a place to pile cattle and sheep dung.

"Okay then." Father Lin nodded, knowing that there were many new things he didn't understand.

In the next half month, apart from taking care of Xiulan every day, Lin Heng built a cattle and sheep pen with his father in Hongfeng Mountain and took care of the hatched shrimp seedlings.

In addition to being busy with things here when it rains, the cattle and sheep are not simply building houses. Lin Heng also studied how to ventilate and clean them, which took a lot of time.

In the blink of an eye, it was already June 22nd, and they finally completed the construction of the cattle and sheep pens. This morning they began the final capping work of the cattle and sheep pens.

It's just that this time it's a little different from the past. The clay tiles are no longer used.

PS: Friends should learn to love themselves.

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