I originally wanted to use normal terracotta tiles for the cattle and sheep pens, but found that the quantity was not enough. I then thought of using slate to supplement it, but found that slate was too difficult to mine.

In the end, we decided to use a waterproof tarpaulin. This thing will not be a problem for four or five years. After four or five years, it will most likely be demolished and rebuilt. Waterproof tarpaulins are easier to build.

They first built the top with wood and rafters. Because they used tarpaulin, the wooden rafters were denser.

After it was done, Lin Heng took the waterproof tarpaulin and laid it out with his father. He just laid it on three layers and nailed it down.

After the paving was completed, Father Lin said: "Son, let's move some more slates and bricks to hold them down. I'm afraid the strong wind will blow."

Lin Heng felt that this was completely okay, but he didn't bother to defend his father. He put slates and bricks in the big basket and then hung it up with a rope to hold down the waterproof tarpaulin.

"Okay, it's settled now."

An hour later, Father Lin looked at the roof made of stones and bricks and smiled happily.

Lin Heng also nodded with satisfaction: "Now we just need to tidy up the inside and then build two compost pits for stacking excrement."

This cattle and sheep pen is a whole, a long breeding shed that is 30 meters long from east to west and eight meters wide from north to south. It is surrounded by red bricks. Except for some vents, there is a door in the middle of the east and west directions.

There is a two-meter aisle in the middle that connects the two doors in the north and south directions to facilitate feeding or cleaning up feces. There is a breeding pen three meters wide and thirty meters long on both sides of the corridor, that is, in the north and south directions. One side is used to raise cattle and the other is used to raise sheep.

The breeding pens are separated by wooden railings, and only the bottom is made of red bricks. The thirty-meter-long large breeding pen was also divided into six-meter-long small breeding pens. Of course, this can be moved freely and can be divided into new sizes at any time according to the situation.

The hay troughs are on both sides of the aisle, which is very convenient for people to feed.

Father Lin looked at Lin Heng and asked: "Then where do you think the best place to put the excrement is? Outside the doors on the east and west sides?"

"That place is not good, it will affect the ventilation." Lin Heng shook his head and pointed to the lower part and said, "Build it under the cattle and sheep pens. Use bricks to build two compost pits. When the time comes, pour the cattle and sheep dung into it and cover it with tarpaulins. Or cover with film until cooked.”

In this way, the odor of cattle and sheep manure can be well isolated to prevent it from causing pollution, and decomposed organic fertilizer can also be used.

"Okay, then should we build a compost pool first or bring back the cattle and sheep first?" Father Lin asked while checking the situation around him.

"Let's wait for a good day first. If we have enough time, we can build it first. It won't take much effort to build." Lin Heng said that for such a big thing, you still need to find a good start, and you won't lose anything in metaphysics.

"Okay, I'll find someone to show you a good life tomorrow." Father Lin said with a smile.

Lin Heng nodded and walked back with the tools. It was already six o'clock in the afternoon, and the two of them had been busy for another day.

The forsythia saplings on the edge of the field have grown a lot taller, but the pasture not far away is somewhat bare. Only two rows of pasture are left on the edge, which are used to save seeds for expanded planting next year.

All other pastures were cut a few days ago, packed in plastic bags and fermented into green storage to prepare fodder for winter.

After returning to the house, Lin Heng took a towel and soap and went to the mountain stream next door to take a bath. The water in the mountain stream was a bit cold, but it was very comfortable to wash in such a hot summer.

After taking a shower, Lin Heng walked into the incubation room to look at the shrimp seedlings. After nearly a month of feeding, they have grown to more than one centimeter, and they can be put into the pond sometime soon.

The slender water peanuts on both sides of the pond have grown very luxuriantly, and Lin Heng even cleaned them up a few days ago. He also vomited some fat water and poured it in. Now the water in the pond is green. Visibility is about fifteen centimeters.

Lin Heng was about to walk back when he suddenly saw Xiulan pulling Xiaoxia from the gate.

Xiulan was wearing crystal sandals, her floral skirt fluttered in the wind, and her hair was tied into braids and fell from her shoulders to her chest. She had a smile on her delicate face, and her autumn-like eyes were watching Lin Heng from a distance.

"Dad!" Xiaoxia shouted from a distance, waving her little hands.

Lin Heng took it and said with a smile, "Why are you here?"

"I'm bored at home, so I went out for a walk when the sun sets." Xiulan said with a crooked eyebrow, and handed the fruit she was holding in her other hand to Lin Heng, "I gave it to my parents on the way. Come over with some food.”

"Dad, I grew the cucumbers here." Xiaoxia proudly said with her head held high.

At the end of June, all fruits and vegetables entered their peak fruiting period, including the cucumbers and pumpkins planted by Xiaoxia.

"That Xiaoxia is so amazing." Lin Heng picked her up and spun her around in the air.

"Dad, I also want to ride a horse." Xiaoxia giggled, very happy.

"Okay, okay, let's ride a horse." Lin Heng smiled and put her on his neck. Xiaoxia was too light for him. He could easily pick up his wife Xiulan and do squats.

Xiaoxia waved her little hands around Lin Heng's neck, feeling the happiness from the heights. Lin Heng turned to look at Xiulan: "You didn't vomit badly today, did you?"

As time went by, Xiulan's belly began to bulge slightly, and morning sickness became more and more serious. In the past two days, she would suddenly vomit if she didn't eat anything, which made Lin Heng feel distressed.

Xiulan smiled and shook her head: "It's okay, I just vomited once."

"Have you finished the sweet and sour plum fish I made for you?" Lin Heng asked again.

Although he has been busy building cattle and sheep pens these days, he also found time to go fishing several times with Uncle Gao.

He brought the fish he caught alive using an oxygen bottle to add oxygen, and kept it in the well water with very low temperature inside the house. Xiulan and Xiaoxia can catch it and eat it anytime they want.

"Eat. I heated it up three times in the rice cooker and finished it with Xiaoxia." Xiulan squeezed Lin Heng's hand and nodded.

"That's good, I'll take you to see the cattle and sheep pen we built." Lin Heng nodded.

When they arrived at the house above the breeding base, Xiaoxia got off Lin Heng's neck and ran towards the house, shouting as she ran, "Grandma, grandma, I've brought you cucumbers."

"Xiaoxia is such a good girl, let grandma give her a hug." Mother Lin walked out of the house and said with a smile.

After praising Xiaoxia, Mother Lin looked at Xiulan and asked, "Has the chick you hatched come out?"

"Not yet, it will probably take a few days." Xiulan shook her head and said.

"Mine hasn't been born yet, so I don't know how many will come out." Mother Lin shook her head and said.

Lin Heng smiled and said: "Mom, don't worry. Now that the temperature is higher than before, your batch will definitely be able to hatch."

"I hope, if it comes out I will sell a few." Mother Lin said with a smile.

After chatting for a while, Mother Lin took Xiaoxia to eat the sweet wine she had just made, while Lin Heng took Xiulan to see the shrimp seedlings and the cattle and sheep pens.

Lin She and the pig pen didn't let her go, it was not very hygienic. The diarrhea symptoms of the female forest musk deer and the little ewe have been cured. The young forest musk deer is already half the size of the female forest musk deer at one month old and is growing very fast.

Over in the pig pen, Mother Lin bought two piglets. Now they eat fruits and vegetables every day. There are too many people in the field to eat them all.

"The work here is very good. When are you going to bring the sheep and calves back?" Xiulan asked after reading it.

Lin Heng said: "Dad is looking at the date and is not sure yet."

Xiulan nodded and said as she walked down: "Now you can catch the cicada monkey, do you want to catch it?"

"If you want to catch us, go tonight. I was planning to catch scorpions." Lin Heng put his arm around her shoulders and said with a smile.

Xiulan blinked and said, "Then go tonight, I really want to eat cicada monkey."

After the two of them discussed it, they went down and took Xiaoxia home together. It was still very cool in the evening after the sun had passed, and it was very comfortable to walk back with the wind.

Many children in the village were playing under the ginkgo tree, and many people greeted Lin Hengxiulan. Compared to last year, Lin Heng kept a much lower profile in the village and didn't show much of himself.

"What are you having for dinner tonight?" Lin Heng turned around and asked when he got home.

The vegetable garden in the yard is full of fruits and vegetables. The watermelon and cantaloupe are as big as a small bowl, and there are even more cucumbers, green beans, cowpeas, tomatoes, etc. to eat.

"I'll just eat a little, and you can do whatever you want." Xiulan said with a smile.

"Then let me think about it." Lin Heng looked at the vegetable garden and first picked some green peppers, then some cucumbers and some spinach.

Green peppers are made into tiger-skin green peppers, cucumbers and spinach are eaten cold, and there is no need to eat, just these vegetables are enough.

After eating, they took a while outside to cool off, and it was almost ten o'clock after they returned home and put Xiaoxia to sleep.

However, this was a good time to catch the monkey. The two of them took their flashlights, mesh bags and water shoes and set off.

No need to run around, you can find them in the woods at the back of the mountain.

"There is a white cicada here." Xiulan found one as soon as she entered the forest. It was a white cicada that had just finished shedding its shell.

"This is good." Lin Heng reached out and grabbed it.

Lin Henggang caught two, and Xiulan was surprised and said: "There are more white cicadas here, too."

It was the first time this year that I went up the mountain to catch cicada monkeys, and the number was a bit too many. What I caught now were white cicadas that had just shed their shells, which are of the best quality.

Lin Heng caught more than 30 of them in a short time, then turned on the ultraviolet lamp he bought in Ancheng and shined it on the stone wall and ridge.

"Xiulan, look."

Lin Heng pulled Xiulan and shouted.

"It's true, it's so magical." Xiulan said in surprise.

When the ultraviolet light shines on the backs of these scorpions, they emit a bright green light. The scorpions that were originally hidden and the same color as the stone now become clearly visible.

"It seems there are quite a few on the mountain." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Xiulan looked at him and asked, "Do you want to arrest me? I have to use a wooden stick to clamp him, right?"

"It requires a stick and a plastic bottle. But let's take a look tonight and catch it another day." Lin Heng nodded.

After a few glances, he turned off the ultraviolet light and Xiulan continued to catch the monkeys. There were a lot of white cicadas at this moment.

The two of them got a little excited, and when they saw the time, it was almost midnight.

"Going home." Xiulan said with a yawn.

"I'll pull you."

Lin Heng pulled her back. There were no stars or moon to be seen today, so the two of them walked faster.

When they got home, they divided the cicada monkeys and found that there were twenty-five white cicadas.

"Just fry it now." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Xiulan accompanied Lin Heng. After cleaning the cicada monkey, they put it in a pot and blanch it for a few seconds. Then they took it out and drained it before frying it.

There is no skill in frying, just fry it once and then fry it again. After it was fried, Lin Heng took out the white cicada, sprinkled some salt and cumin powder on the chili noodles, picked it up and ate one.


This thing can be said to be crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. It tastes crispy and delicious, and is full of protein flavor.

"Try it." Lin Heng fed one to Xiulan.

"White cicadas are more delicious than golden cicadas." Xiulan commented, but she didn't dare to eat anymore after eating five, which was a little regretful.

Lin Heng buttoned up the things, rinsed his mouth and said, "Let's rest, it's quite late."


The two simply washed up and then went back to the house to rest.

The weather is very hot now and there are mosquitoes. The fan has to be turned on until midnight every time. The two of them closed the mosquito net and lay on the bed almost naked, covering their bellies with summer quilts.

Xiulan leaned next to Lin Heng and felt the strangeness in his body, and took the initiative to crawl over and help him with her big chest.

Although he couldn't have sex due to pregnancy and morning sickness and couldn't bite him, Lin Heng used it on other parts of his body.

For Lin Heng, this seemed to be more enjoyable than before Xiulan was pregnant.

He felt that Xiulan was really a bit love-minded, she was too kind to him, and she could always sweep away all his fatigue with her gentleness.

"Oh, you didn't tell me. It's been a long day today."

After a long time, Xiulan wiped her neck and chest helplessly with paper and glanced at Lin Heng angrily.

"Sorry, wife."

Lin Hengman helped her clean up apologetically.

"You apologize every time and don't change, right?" Xiulan pinched his face, this guy liked to do it to her, it was really disgusting.

Apologize every time, and then don’t change it every time.

"No, I can't help it." Lin Heng held her close and said.

"Go to sleep."

Xiulan looked at his face, kissed him, and slept next to him.


Lin Heng smiled happily. In fact, sometimes he didn't say anything and didn't want to trouble Xiulan, but she could always feel her situation. She was so good.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Heng woke up early the next morning and found it was raining lightly outside. She looked at the beautiful person sleeping next to her and covered her with a quilt to get up.

"Sleep a little longer, don't worry about cooking."

Xiulan hugged him with a pair of white arms and said in a daze.

"Okay." Lin Heng looked at her. He also liked Xiulan holding him and pressing on his chest.

He lay down silently and slept for a while. It wasn't until Xiaoxia woke up and wanted to use the toilet that he quickly got up and took her out to use the toilet.

"Dad, the cicada monkey is delicious."

During breakfast, Xiaoxia caught the cicada monkey and said it one by one.

"Eat less. It's delicious, so don't eat too much." Lin Heng looked at her and said.

"Okay, I won't eat until I eat three." Xiaoxia nodded in agreement, and then three and three.

Xiulan took a sip of milk and didn't want to drink it anymore. After eating a cicada, the monkey looked at Lin Heng and said sweetly: "Husband, I want to eat the yogurt you made."

"Then you eat the vegetables first. I'll cook them for you in a moment and you can have them at noon." Lin Heng said with a smile that he now fully masters the method of making yogurt, but it can't be stored for a long time without a refrigerator.

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