Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 291 Lin Heng! Is this how you listen to your mother?


Xiaoxia chewed them loudly in her mouth, took one after another, and showed off to her mother, "I'm better than my mother, I dare to eat them all."

Lin Heng also smiled while eating: "It's really delicious, you can try one or two."

As he spoke, he handed one to Xiulan's mouth.

Xiulan didn't want to eat it at first, but she couldn't resist Lin Heng's temptation, and the smell was indeed strong, so she finally ate one with a frown.

"Hey, it's really more delicious than cicada monkey!"

Her brows stretched, and a look of surprise appeared on her pretty face. This scorpion looked very ferocious, but it really tasted better than a cicada monkey.

It is crispy all over and full of protein flavor. It is delicious even without any seasoning.

"Let you have another one." Lin Heng handed her another one, and he and his daughter took care of the rest.

They didn't do much, and the two of them finished it all quickly. Xiaoxia hugged Lin Heng's thigh and acted coquettishly: "Dad, I still want it!"

"Wait until tomorrow before eating." Lin Heng touched her head and said. You can't eat too much of this thing.

"Okay!" Xiaoxia pouted and was not happy.

After packing his things, Lin Heng took Xiulan Xiaoxia to the river to wash clothes. Xiulan mainly wanted to go out and play, and a few summer clothes could be washed at home.

Xiulan was washing clothes by the water in sandals, and Xiaoxia was playing with sand by the river and building strange little houses.

"I really want to take a bath in this hot weather." Lin Heng said with emotion as he soaked his feet in the water.

Xiulan glanced at him and said jokingly: "You are still bathing in the river dam, you are really not too ugly."

Lin Heng took off his shirt and chuckled: "What's so ugly about my figure? Others will only envy you when they see it."

"Nothing is right." Xiulan looked at her and said.

Lin Heng came up to her, pulled her little hand up, put it on his belly and said with a smile, "You can touch her if you want and look at her if you want."

"I'll beat you if you do this again!" Xiulan gritted her teeth and looked around, fearing that someone was coming.

Bang bang! !

Lin Heng didn't let go, so Xiulan freed up her other hand and patted her twice.

"Is it easy to touch?" Lin Heng laughed and said, it's interesting that she often touches her at night and she still lies on his chest, but she becomes more reserved during the day.

Xiulan glared at him, slapped him in the face and ran over with a smile.

"I'm home, remember to bring your clothes back." Xiulan ran to the field and shouted with a smile.

"You don't have to run, why would I sprinkle water on you? You are a pregnant woman." Lin Heng smiled and spread his hands.

Xiulan then remembered: "Yes! You are right!"

She walked down with a smile and sprinkled some water on Lin Heng. As a result, Lin Heng grabbed him and quickly pretended to be weak and begged for mercy: "Don't sprinkle the water. I'm going to catch a cold. It's not good for the child."

Lin Heng scratched her itch and said with a smile, "I don't want to water it. I can't bear it."

"Hahaha...don't...husband...haha...I haha...wrong!!" Xiulan laughed so hard that her bones softened and she begged for mercy again and again.

Lin Heng was just joking and let her go, saying: "Go home, the sun is getting bigger and bigger."

Xiulan straightened her clothes and shouted to Xiaoxia: "Xiaoxia, let's go."

"Come on, come on." Xiaoxia agreed while continuing to play. She didn't wash her hands and go home until she was patted by Lin Heng.

They had just returned home and their sister-in-law, Uncle Liu Juan, came over and brought a bag of fairy leaves and some thornberries and said with a smile: "Your brother and I went to the mountains to dig for herbs this morning. You can try the small leaves of fairy leaves."

"This thornberry is for Xiaoxia." She gave the thornberry to Xiaoxia.

Xiaoxia happily hugged her thigh: "Thank you, aunt."

"Thank you, sister-in-law." Xiulan took the fairy leaves and said with a smile.

"It's not a good thing." Liu Juan waved her hand, chatted for a few more words, then got up and went home.

Xiulan looked at the fairy leaves, spread her hands and said, "It seems we can only make fairy tofu again."

"Let's eat first and then make the fairy tofu. I'm hungry." Lin Heng said.

Xiulan said: "Then go get some bacon and let's make fried pork with pickled beans."


Lin Heng randomly found a piece of bacon and washed it. The rest were fat and thin bacon. Every piece was good meat and there was no need to choose.

Xiulan first steamed the rice in the rice cooker. Lin Heng cleaned the bacon and boiled it in the pot, then cut it into diced meat to make stir-fried minced pork with sour cowpeas.

"You go and ask the blacksmith to make a bone-chopping knife that time. This kitchen knife is not enough." Xiulan looked at Lin Heng and said.

Lin Heng nodded: "No problem, I'm going to go down and change Hong Zao's shoes in the next two days."

He also wanted to forge a short sword again, and wanted to see if he could have a blacksmith make a steel sword with a Damascus pattern. Every man didn't want a handsome sword.

Xiulan nodded and fried a plate of loofah, a plate of bitter melon, and made a spinach and mushroom soup.

"It's delicious. I'll soak more sour cowpeas this year."

Lin Heng ate the sour cowpea minced meat and nodded repeatedly. It was so delicious that he couldn't stop eating two big bowls of rice. It was one of his favorite dishes.

A bit spicy but very appetizing.

Xiaoxia has a special liking for loofah. Xiulan only took two bites and could only watch. She had already vomited once and did not dare to eat more.

Even if she eats a little bit later or eats smaller meals more often, it won't help. She will vomit if she vomits. As the belly gets bigger day by day, there is no way around the pressure on the intestines and stomach.

"Let's make the fairy tofu." After Lin Heng and Xiaoxia finished eating, Xiulan said.

"Eat a little more, just in case you don't vomit." Lin Heng looked at her and said.

"Go away, it's so uncomfortable to vomit." Xiulan glared at him.

"Haha, my fault." Lin Heng laughed quickly, feeling that he seemed to be a little bit of a pain in the back.

After saying that, he quickly got up to boil water to prepare to make the fairy tofu. They are all familiar with making this thing, because they make it every summer, and it is a rare delicacy in the countryside.

The key point of making it is to use less water, otherwise it will not solidify and become a pot of soup. Wash the leaves and put them in a wooden barrel, pour a bowl of boiling water, and Lin Heng will keep pounding with a rolling pin.

After a while, the leaves were crushed and the thick green slurry came out. At this time, use gauze to filter the residue, then add plant ash water, stir evenly and put it in a cool place to stand.

After checking for more than two hours, the fairy tofu has turned into jelly.

"I'll make it cold." Lin Heng cut a piece and said, without a refrigerator, this thing can only be stored for half a day, and it has to be eaten after it is made.

Xiaoxia is not interested in this, she dislikes it a little bitter, but Lin Heng and Xiulan like this unique flavor.

The two ate some, and in the evening Lin Heng brought some to his parents.

Lin's mother went to herd cattle with the villagers, and Lin's father was busy building the foundation of the composting pool.

"Dad, I brought you some fairy tofu, you can eat it tonight." Lin Heng walked up and said with a smile.

Lin's father looked up and said, "Your mother gave away the unfinished ones made yesterday, you can just eat it."

"Try it, this is freshly made today." Lin Heng said, and then asked, "Dad, are the shrimp fry in the bucket okay?"

"No, we can put it in tomorrow." Lin's father said with a smile.

"Well, let's come over tomorrow morning to put the shrimp fry, and then I'll make you something delicious." Lin Heng said mysteriously.

Father Lin asked curiously, "What is it? We have eaten cicada monkeys several times."

"You will know tomorrow." Lin Heng chuckled.

"Mysterious." Father Lin thought he was just like a child.

Lin Heng turned around and went to the cattle and sheep pen to take a look. He couldn't help but sigh that his father was really hardworking and a great worker.

The cattle and sheep pen had been cleaned by him and disinfected with lime powder.

He usually took care of weeding and fertilizing crops and orchards. He was always busy and would find some work for himself when there was no work.

He got two purple bamboo fishing rods for his father, but he didn't seem to fish much unless he asked him to.

Lin Heng had no choice. Living habits were not so easy to change. Fortunately, he planted fruit trees on the land so that he didn't have so much work to do.

He walked around and looked at the orchard and the Chinese medicinal herbs. The fruit trees planted in the field grew slower than those in the back mountain, but they were also thriving, and no diseases or pests were seen for the time being.

The planted astragalus was growing well, not too lush.

After a round, he touched a few stream groupers and brought them back to Xiaoxia to feed the turtle.

"Thank you, Dad!"

Xiaoxia was very happy to see him catch the small fish and went to feed the turtle herself.

The yellow jade box turtle was still timid, but the little grass turtle had gradually become bolder. Although it could not be fed by hand, it would chase directly if it was thrown to eat, and would not hide from people.

The next morning, as usual, I got up and exercised, and then had breakfast.

"Let's go!"

After dinner, Lin Heng took Xiaoxia and Xiulan to Hongfeng Mountain, and also took the scorpions that had been fried with their tails cut off.

Today is a good day to release shrimps, so they all went there and had lunch at Hongfeng Mountain at noon.

"Brother, what did you take?"

As soon as Lin Heng went out, he met his eldest brother Lin Yue, who looked at the bag in Lin Heng's hand and asked curiously.

"Fried scorpions, do you dare to eat?" Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Fried scorpions?? How did you catch so many?" Lin Yue opened his mouth in shock.

He had previously tried to catch a few to make wine for his father-in-law, but he only found a dozen after turning over rocks for half a day. And there were at least a hundred in Lin Heng's bag, which was too many.

Sister-in-law Liu Juan was also shocked: "This thing is not cheap, why did you fry it? Aren't you afraid it will be poisonous when you eat it?"

Lin Heng smiled and said: "I caught it in the mountains. As for how to catch it, I will tell you at noon. Do you want to eat it?"

"Dad, this is delicious." Xiaoxia said like a greedy cat.

Liu Juan didn't dare to eat it at all. She felt numb all over when she saw it, but she also learned her lesson and didn't say anything sarcastic. She had been slapped in the face by the cicada monkey incident last year.

Lin Yue picked it up and tasted one, and then said in surprise: "This scorpion is more delicious than the cicada monkey, but it's really not poisonous."

"Xiaoxia and I ate two taels yesterday and nothing happened." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Liu Juan asked curiously: "Xiu Lan, have you eaten?"

Xiu Lan nodded and said: "I ate two. Lin Heng said I can't eat more of this because I'm pregnant."

"You're so brave." Liu Juan shook her head. She didn't dare to eat it when she saw it.

"It's nothing. I'm just scared." Xiu Lan said.

The crowd walked and talked, and soon came to Hongfeng Mountain. Lin's mother didn't go to herd cattle and sheep today. Putting shrimp seedlings is a big project and requires a lot of manpower.

"Lin Heng, this is the surprise you gave me?? You listen to me like this?"

When Lin's mother saw the food Lin Heng brought, she was furious and slapped him directly.

"You eat this poisonous thing, you are so brave." Lin's mother glared at him.

Lin Heng had no choice but to pick it up and eat it: "Mom, if you die from eating it, I will pay for your life. This thing is very delicious when fried."

"Yes, mom, he ate a lot of it yesterday. It is not poisonous if fried, and the poison needle in the tail is removed." Xiulan also said.

"Really?" Lin's mother didn't believe it. She heard that this thing is poisonous.

Xiaoxia took one and stuffed it into her mouth and said, "Grandma, I also ate a lot. It tastes good."

Lin Heng looked at his mother and explained, "How can I eat it carelessly? I only eat it after seeing others eat it. This thing is made into Chinese medicine, but people still eat it."

Lin's mother reached out and rubbed Lin Heng's shoulder and smiled, "Does it still hurt?"

"Who wouldn't be scared when you suddenly made this thing? You can't blame me." She defended.

Lin Heng: "..."

"Start putting the shrimp seedlings. I'll measure the water temperature first. You prepare the wooden barrels."

After saying that, Lin Heng took a thermometer to measure the water temperature. The shrimp seedlings are very fragile. If the temperature difference is too large, they will easily die. The temperature must be measured.

He first measured the temperature of the hatchery pool, which was 23 degrees Celsius. Then he measured the water temperature outside, which was 22.5 degrees.

The difference of more than one degree is enough for the release of shrimp seedlings. According to Lin Heng's breeding density, about 70,000 to 80,000 shrimp seedlings can be released per acre. The shrimp seedlings he raised are more than enough, and can be released to the extent of 100,000 per acre.

The shrimp breeding technology is relatively good, and there are many shrimp seedlings left.

Lin Heng used the light to attract the shrimp seedlings, and then scooped them up with a ladle and put them in the bucket. In this process, you must be careful to be gentle. If you shake too much, the shrimp seedlings will die easily. After all, they are only one-month-old shrimps.

Similarly, you need to be gentle when pouring into the pond. You can't pour it in high, otherwise the shrimp seedlings will die in large numbers.

After Lin Heng demonstrated from beginning to end, he looked at everyone and said, "Do you remember it all?"

"Remember it. There are so many details to pay attention to when raising shrimp." Lin Yue sighed.

"Indeed, it feels like it will die if you don't pay attention at all." Lin's father nodded. He had a deep understanding of the process of feeding shrimp fry.

At the beginning, he fed a little too much, which caused the water quality to deteriorate and all the shrimp fry floated to the surface. If it wasn't for the timely insertion of oxygen and asking Lin Heng to solve it, almost all the shrimp fry in the pond would have died.

Since then, he never dared to feed more bait again.

Another time, he almost let the shrimp fry in the whole pond die because he forgot Lin Heng's instructions and didn't add water.

"So everyone should slow down, take your time and don't rush." ​​Lin Heng nodded and said, there is a reason why shrimps are so expensive, because the breeding technology is high and the feed required is also relatively expensive.

"Okay, I understand." Everyone nodded.

Lin Heng took Xiulan to the hatchery to teach her how to scoop shrimp fry. He didn't want her to work, but she felt bored and wanted to do some.

They all used plastic buckets of similar size. Lin Heng calculated how many shrimp fry there were in one poke, and then he could calculate how many buckets to release for one acre of pond, which was very easy to quantify.

After the calculation, everyone started to release the shrimp fry.

Lin Heng first put the silver carp and bighead carp fry he bought before into the pond. Silver carp and bighead carp and green shrimp are very good mixed breeding partners. Silver carp and bighead carp can purify the water quality and clean up the bait residues left by shrimps to prevent water quality from deteriorating.

One of the silver carp and bighead carp fry he bought was raised in the pond and not released. It can be released today.

Sixty fish in a pond is a bit small, and it can be kept for about 200 days, but Lin Heng is afraid that it will be difficult to keep more, so he habitually releases less.

Releasing shrimp fry is a hard job, that is, putting them in bucket by bucket, and you have to be careful.

By noon, they had only released one-third of them, and it is estimated that they will need another day tomorrow.

Xiulan and Lin's mother cooked lunch together. Lin Heng also killed a chicken, prepared a plum fish and a plate of shrimp. It was a very rich meal, and everyone was very happy.

"Mom and Dad, is this fried scorpion delicious?" Lin Heng looked at his parents and said with a smile.

After trying it, they all accepted it and couldn't help eating a few more.

Father Lin smiled and said, "It's really good. You can make these strange things."

Mother Lin shook her head while eating, "I suspect you will even eat locusts if you continue like this!"

Lin Heng looked at his mother in surprise and smiled, "Mom, you are really amazing. You guessed this. I really plan to catch locusts to eat. It's really edible."

"Don't, I won't eat it. That thing is disgusting." Lin's mother frowned and wanted to beat her son again.

"It's really edible." Lin Heng wanted to be firm, but Lin's mother was about to take his chopsticks.

"Don't talk about you, or don't eat." Lin's mother said angrily.

Lin Heng spread his hands helplessly and didn't say anything for the time being. But fried locusts are really good, with a very crispy texture. He had eaten them in his previous life.

"Don't eat this." Xiulan also advised, she hated that thing.

"No problem, I won't eat it." Lin Heng nodded.

Lin's mother sneered: "Sure enough, now that you have a wife, you don't listen to your mother anymore."

"Then mom, do you mean that I don't listen to Xiulan?" Lin Heng asked back with a smile.

"Are you deliberately trying to piss me off?" Lin's mother slapped him and turned to bring a plate of food over.

The family talked and laughed happily. Rural life is still very wonderful as long as you have enough food and clothing.

After eating a large table of dishes, everyone was a little full. The only one who was not full was poor Xiulan. She didn't dare to eat more.

Therefore, Lin Heng had to classify and arrange the food to ensure balanced nutrition.

"Let's go, keep working, and try to finish it today."

After eating and resting for a while, Father Lin got up first.

Lin Heng actually wanted to take a rest, but he had to get up and continue working.

He wanted to observe the shrimp seedlings released in the morning. After confirming that there were no problems, he felt at ease and continued to release the remaining shrimp seedlings.

As Lin Heng expected, only six acres of ponds were stocked in one afternoon, leaving four ponds without shrimp seedlings.

The unfinished work can only be done tomorrow, but Lin's father and eldest brother want to catch scorpions with him, and they all want to see them.

When it got dark, Lin Heng took them out with an ultraviolet lamp. When he shined a light on the stone ridge, he immediately discovered the scorpion.

"Well, can you see clearly now?" Lin Heng looked at his father and eldest brother and said with a smile.

"It's clear. Catching scorpions is too easy." Lin Yue said in shock. He had to turn over a lot of rocks just to catch one.

"It's really amazing. I can see clearly with just one photo." Father Lin was so shocked that he didn't understand the principle.

"Let's catch him quickly." Lin Heng said with a smile.

After grabbing it for a while, Lin Yue said, "Brother, we can definitely sell it for money. How much does your UV lamp cost?"

Father Lin also nodded: "Yes, this is more profitable than digging for Chinese herbal medicine."

"This ultraviolet lamp is not cheap, it costs more than ten yuan." Lin Heng said, "As for selling money, I will have to wait for a while before I figure it out."

He explained what he had said to Xiulan and the others before.

"That's true. I'm afraid I won't be able to sell much if I just sell it to a traditional Chinese medicine store." Father Lin also nodded.

The three grown men ran much farther than yesterday, going to all kinds of rocky places, and caught them until twelve o'clock in the evening.

When I got home, I weighed a pound and six ounces, half more than last night. Lin Heng caught six taels, and his eldest brother and father both caught five taels.

"Our house is much hotter than the old house."

Xiulan sighed as she slept on the bed. She felt comfortable with the fan on, but it was too hot if she didn't turn it on.

"There's no way this is a wooden building." Lin Heng said helplessly. The second floor of the old house is made of earth, which can effectively insulate heat.

He thought for a while and then said: "Let's buy some thermal insulation cotton in our district in a few days and install it under the tile roof. Then the house will not be so hot and it will be cooler in winter."

The earth walls are thick and it is not easy to conduct heat. The high temperature mainly comes from the roof. It will be much better if you use insulation cotton to insulate it. With another layer of wooden peaks, people can live on the second floor in winter, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

"No, let's go to the wooden house in the woods. It'll probably be cooler there." Xiulan said.

"Okay, let's give it a try in a few days." Lin Heng nodded. He also thought it would be cooler there since there are trees for shade.

It's just that the road is not repaired, which is inconvenient, especially since Xiulan is pregnant. However, they are going to build a small dam on the stream in a few days, and they just want to build a cement step to make it easier to walk.

After saying a few words, the two fell asleep. They were far apart in the heat, but they could reach out and touch each other.

The next morning they got up and had dinner, and they took Xiaoxia to Hongfeng Mountain to continue releasing shrimp seedlings.

After a busy morning, I finally put in all the shrimp seedlings. The rest of the time, breeding will be simpler, just feed regularly and pay attention to the condition of the shrimp.

These shrimps will be ready for sale around October.

"It's finally done." Father Lin took a deep breath.

Lin Heng took a breath and said, "I'm going to town in the afternoon, is there anyone with me?"

He went to the town to change the shoes for Jujube, and also picked up a bone cleaver and a new dagger.

"Today is not a market day, you can go alone." Mother Lin said.

Everyone else nodded, and no one wanted to go with him.

"The day after tomorrow is the day to take care of the animals. Son, when are you going to go down?" Father Lin asked, he took this kind of thing very seriously.

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