Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 292 What to do if milk spills on Xiulan's feet

"If you want to pick up the animals, we'll go tomorrow. Let's rest in the city for one night and discuss with them to bring the cattle and sheep back the day after tomorrow. Dad, you can go with me then."

Lin Heng looked at his father and said. It just so happened that his dad could go down with him to check his body and see if there was anything wrong with him.

Father Lin did not refuse, smiled and nodded: "Okay."

After finishing speaking, Lin Heng took some forage and took Xiulan Xiaoxia home. Feed the jujube and ride it to town.

He first went to the acquisition station and checked the ledger. He only comes here once every half a month, but Caiyun often helps check the accounts. Wang Zhou himself is an honest and honest person, so there will be no problems.

"Brother Lin, that..."

Seeing Lin Heng was about to leave, Wang Zhou spoke coyly.

Lin Heng turned to look at him: "If you have any questions, just tell me. A grown man doesn't want mother-in-law."

Wang Zhou mustered up the courage to speak out in one breath: "Lin He, I want to marry Liu Cihua this year."

Lin Heng glanced at him, walked over, patted his shoulder and said, "That's no problem. I'll arrange a matchmaking session for you when I find free time in a few days."

Speaking of which, Wang Zhou was older than him and it was indeed time to get married. It's just that he needs manpower here and doesn't want him to get married so early.

But it doesn't matter. When the time comes to open a pig farm, he and Liu Cihua can be assigned to raise pigs. They are both practical and capable people.

As for the acquisition station, you can find another person to look after it.

Wang Zhou thanked him excitedly: "Thank you, Brother Lin. I promise that even if you get married, your work here will not be delayed."

Lin Heng waved his hand and said, "Don't worry about this. I'll find someone to talk to you in a few days depending on the situation. Within two months at the latest. I've been a little busy lately."

"No problem, Brother Lin, you are busy with your business, I am not in a hurry." Wang Zhou said quickly.

Lin Heng smiled and asked, "Is there anything else?"

"No more." Wang Zhou shook his head.

Lin Heng patted him and led the horse to the Li family's blacksmith shop.

"Boss Lin is here to shod the horses again! Please come in quickly."

As soon as Lin Heng walked to the door, the owner of the blacksmith shop, Li Tie, greeted him with a smile.

"Uncle Li, I want to get another short knife for field use and a bone chopping knife." Lin Heng tied the horse to the tree and said with a smile.

Upon hearing this, Li Tie became even happier. He patted his chest and said, "That's no problem. I'll type it out to make sure you're satisfied."

"The bone-chopping knife can be made of Baidu steel, but I want to use the Damascus pattern for the short knife." Lin Heng took the tea brought by Li Tie's wife and said with a smile.

"What is Damascus pattern?" Li Tie looked confused and didn't understand the meaning of this term.

"Just cutting and stacking steel..."

Lin Heng introduced Damascus steel in detail. In essence, it is no different from Baidu Steelmaking, except that the patterns made using this stacking method are more neat and beautiful.

The patterns produced by Bailiang Steel are not delicate enough.

After explaining, Lin Heng asked: "Uncle Li, can you hit him? How much does such a dagger cost?"

Li Tie smiled and nodded: "It's not difficult, but I have to borrow a welding machine. It will take a day or two to make one. The bone chopping knife and shoe shoe together cost twelve yuan."

Lin Heng immediately took out one yuan as a deposit and handed it over: "It's okay if it's more expensive, but if it's not done well, I won't pay."

Li Tie patted his chest and said, "Boss Lin, don't worry. I, Li Tie, will never make fun of my reputation. I won't charge a dime for any flaws in the forging technique."

Lin Heng nodded, still trusting Li Tie. This blacksmith shop has always been honest.

After drinking a cup of tea, he left with the red dates after the shoe was finished and installed.

It was still early, but at three o'clock in the afternoon, when he was shopping in the town, he was surprised to find that a store actually sold ripe apricots and plums.

He immediately walked up and asked, "How do you sell these plums and apricots?"

"Apricots cost five cents a pound, and plums cost a dime. These are Sichuan plums. They taste crisp and sweet," the woman selling the goods said.

Lin Heng picked it up and tasted it. The plums were indeed Sichuan plums, relatively crisp, sweet and slightly sour.

Apricots are more sour, but they should become very sweet as long as they are kept for a few more days.

These are local apricots. He has eaten egg-sized apricots at a relative's house. They are not only sweet but also glutinous, very delicious.

"I'll buy two catties of plums and two catties of apricots." Lin Heng said, taking out thirty cents.


The woman selling the goods said with a smile, took a plastic bag and weighed the plums and apricots for Lin Heng.

Lin Heng took the apricots and went to the river to check. No one was fishing. It's so hot right now, even Grandpa Gao just goes fishing in the morning and evening.

He didn't want to go fishing either, so he turned over and rode on the red date and went straight home.

After tying the red dates to the horse pen, Lin Heng opened the door and walked into the yard.

Xiaoxia was minding her own business on the mat in the main room, playing with a bunch of small wooden blocks, small frogs, small wooden mice and a lot of other small toys.

Jinbao lay on his back and slept on the mat, snoring very evenly. Even if Xiaoxia put some small pieces of wood on his body, he would not wake up.

Ever since this cat was picked up by Lin Heng, it has started making messes, eating and sleeping, and rarely doing anything else.

Outside the mat, Xiong Ba was lying there, squinting his eyes and twitching his ears from time to time, looking quite comfortable.

"Dad! Look at the big house I built!" Seeing Lin Heng come back, Xiaoxia showed off to him the big house she built with wood blocks.

"Xiaoxia is so awesome. Dad bought plums and apricots and washed them for you to eat." Lin Heng touched her head and praised.

"Xiaoxia won't eat sour apricots!! Xiaoxia wants to eat thornberries!" Xiaoxia shook her little head. She was sore from eating her mother's sour apricots before.

"Okay, I'll pick it for you next time." Lin Heng agreed with a smile, and then asked: "Where is your mother?"

"She's in that room." Xiaoxia pointed to the study.

Lin Heng put down the fruit and went to take a look, and found Xiulan asleep on the table with a book under her body. No wonder there was no movement.

Smiling, he walked over and looked at her childlike sleeping posture, then picked her up and went to the bedroom to sleep.

"'re back!"

Xiulan woke up as soon as she was hugged by Lin Heng and was very happy to see him.

"I just came back, and I saw you asleep and wanted to carry you to the bedroom." Lin Heng said with a smile, and was about to put her down as he spoke.

"No, there's no one else at home, so just carry me over." Xiulan hugged his neck and said softly, her pretty face red.

She seemed to have used perfume on a whim today. She had a faint scent of jasmine and was wearing a floral skirt and white short-sleeves.

"Actually, that's what I thought too!" Lin Heng grinned and carried her into the bedroom. Xiulan Xiulan's soft, white arms hugged his neck, and her bright eyes stared at him.

When she arrived at the door of the bedroom, Xiulan smiled and said, "I'm not drowsy, please let me down."

"But I suddenly miss her so much!!" Lin Heng carried her into the house. He felt that Xiulan, who had just woken up, had a unique beauty and was very beautiful.

Xiulan was gently placed on the bed, looking at Lin Heng with her big eyes, and slowly closed her eyes as he gradually approached.


The two had a big competition on the strength and flexibility of their tongues, leaving each other breathless.

Lin Heng only focused on eating snow-white steamed buns, while Xiulan did some weird things.

"You wash my feet!!"

After a long time, Xiulan stretched out her milk-covered feet in front of Lin Heng, feeling a little angry.

He obviously could avoid it, but he insisted on pouring milk on her feet.

Lin Heng smirked, took out a tissue and wiped off the large spilled milk on Xiulan's feet, straightened her clothes and pulled her up.

"You are so bad!" Xiulan gritted her teeth and patted his face, then took the soap and went out to wash it again.

She originally wanted Lin Heng to clean her up, but found that it didn't seem like punishment.

"Honey, I washed the fruits and bought them for you."

Lin Heng washed the plums and apricots and brought them to the backyard. He actually didn't think anything of it at first, but suddenly his love grew.

"Bring it here!" Xiulan hooked her hand at him and sat in the pavilion to dry the moisture on her feet.

Lin Heng brought the fruit over and placed it between himself and Xiulan. Xiulan picked up a plum and ate one, then picked up an apricot and tasted it.

"This is delicious!" Xiulan held up the apricot and said with a smile.

"My teeth are sore just looking at it!" Lin Heng shook his head repeatedly, still liking the crispy and sweet Sichuan plums.

The young couple completely became a couple, sitting here admiring the backyard, eating fruit and admiring the scenery.

"Mom, I'm hungry!!"

Until Xiaoxia took the initiative to come over when she was hungry.

"Here, try this." Lin Heng broke the plum open and gave her half.

Xiaoxia's eyes lit up: "This is delicious!"

"I'm going to cook. Let's have a vegetable stew for lunch." Xiulan stood up and said. It was hot and she didn't want to eat anything greasy.

Lin Heng took Xiaoxia over to help pick vegetables, and the family of three made lunch together. After dinner, Lin Heng stayed in the house until the afternoon. Lin Heng accompanied his daughter and wife and didn't want to go out.

When the sun passed in the afternoon, Xiulan went out to pick some wild vegetables and take a breather. She made an appointment with Tian Yan and her sister-in-law Liu Juan, so Lin Heng had nothing to worry about.

He told Tian Yan and his sister-in-law to help take care of Xiulan, for fear that she would fall.

"Oh, hurry up and leave, we don't know yet. You're showing off your affection, it's true." Tian Yan waved her hand to indicate that Lin Heng could get out. The display of affection made her unhappy.

"Okay." Lin Heng spread his hands and turned around to go to Hongfeng Mountain.

He came here mainly to check on the shrimp seedlings. If there is no problem, they can start feeding them this evening.


As soon as I walked to the breeding base, I heard the sound of grass carp fry frying in the water. I could see some grass carp beside the water plants. These grass carp now only look like two or three.

But if you feed it this year, it will definitely increase sharply.

In the shrimp pond, only silver carp and bighead carp can be seen on the water, and almost no shrimp seedlings can be seen during the day. But this is also a good thing, it means that there is no problem with the shrimp seedlings.

Father Lin was still building the foundation of the compost pool. When he saw Lin Heng coming over, he asked, "Son, how do you feed these shrimp seedlings?"

"I'm also talking about this. Dad, please stop doing this and come here to help me prepare the feed." Lin Heng nodded.

When I bought so many types of materials, I definitely had to coordinate them.

"Okay, I'll come over right away." Lin's father nodded and agreed. After packing his things, he and Lin Heng came to the warehouse.

Lin Heng made the same ratio he used in his previous life: 50% wheat bran, 30% silkworm chrysalis powder, 10% bean cake, 5% peanut cake, and 5% rice bran.

Finally, add some bone meal to supplement calcium.

The two used a scale to weigh the specific weight, and first prepared a thousand kilograms of feed. The amount of food you need to feed each day during the shrimp stage is about 10% of your body weight.

Feed twice a day, once in the morning, which is about one-third of the total amount, and once in the afternoon and evening, which is about two-thirds of the total amount.

Lin Heng and his father prepared the feed, scooped it out, mixed it with water and started feeding it. The fifteen acres of pond also consumed a lot of feed.

After feeding, the two of them waited until dark to shine a flashlight on them. They felt relieved when they saw all the shrimp seedlings lying on the water peanuts eating the bait.

"When should we set off tomorrow?" Lin's father asked when he saw that Lin Heng was going back.

"Eight or nine in the morning. Let's eat before leaving. Don't be in a hurry. I'll pick you up then." Lin Heng said.

The day for picking up the animals is the day after tomorrow. There is no rush at all tomorrow, you can take your time.

Father Lin nodded and looked at the gloomy sky: "Do you want to go even if it rains?"

"Yeah, I'll go if it doesn't rain too much." Lin Heng nodded. If he went down early the day after tomorrow, he wouldn't have enough time.

After saying that, he turned around and went home. The wind was a bit strong on the road, blowing the leaves on the mountain into green waves, which looked very turbulent.

Lin Heng returned to the house and Xiulan was picking wild amaranth, gray vegetables and Houttuynia cordata that she dug in the afternoon. These two wild vegetables are more delicious in summer.

"Will you go tomorrow if it rains?" Xiulan raised her head and asked.

"Yes, we can't delay the good days." Lin Heng said with a smile, squatting down to help pick vegetables.

Xiulan nodded, and after picking the vegetables, she took them back to cook. The leaves of gray cabbage and Houttuynia cordata are all used for cold dressing, and the wild amaranth and Xiulan are fried with eggs. The taste is also outstanding.

Lin Heng tasted the leaves of Houttuynia cordata and found that this was more acceptable than the root of Houttuynia cordata. Xiaoxia tried to take one bite and spit it out, then started drying the loofah on the plate. She liked this.

"It's going to rain!"

After dinner, Xiulan walked to the door and said, there were heavy clouds rolling in outside, and from time to time there was a big lightning that lit up the entire sky.

"I hope it's a white rain." Lin Heng sighed and ran out to catch the chickens in the yard and put them under the eaves, and then covered them with film paper to avoid damaging them in the heavy rain.

The so-called white rain is heavy but short-lasting rain.

After the three of them had washed up and were getting ready to go to the bedroom, it started raining heavily outside, accompanied by strong winds.

Lin Heng opened the window, bedroom door and back door. He turned on the light and told Xiaoxia a story while watching the rain through the wooden window.

Soon the heat in the house was taken away, and I could have a good sleep tonight.

Xiaoxia gradually fell asleep amidst the sound of rain and Lin Heng telling stories. Lin Heng glanced at the heavy rain outside, closed the window and lay on the bed to rest.

It was a comfortable night because it was raining but not hot, and the white noise made me sleep more peacefully than usual.

"Oh my God!"

Early the next morning, Lin Heng opened the window, looked at the situation outside and exclaimed.

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