Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 293 Marrying the wrong person ruins three generations, buying cattle and sheep home

"What's wrong?"

Xiulan sat up and asked aloud.

"Hey, it's still raining." Lin Heng said helplessly. Although it wasn't a heavy rain, it was only lighter than last night, which is very annoying.

"Then are you going into the city yet?" Xiulan asked with a yawn.

"It depends on the situation. If it doesn't rain, go ahead. You get some sleep first, and I'll make breakfast." Lin Heng said, it's useless to force him down because the rain is too heavy, and the car won't be able to get on tomorrow.

After getting dressed and washing my face, I went to feed the animals in the light rain and milked the cows.

It is convenient to have hay harvested in advance. You don’t have to worry about the cattle, sheep and horses having nothing to eat when it rains.

"Honey, the chick is born!"

Lin Heng came back with milk, and Xiulan's excited voice came from the study. This was a chick that she had hatched by herself.

"How many are out?" Lin Heng put down the milk and walked over and asked.

"Eight, and others are also coming out." Xiulan raised her head and smiled.

"That's not bad. We don't have to buy chicks this year." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Xiulan nodded: "It's more than enough. I can give a few more to others."

After watching for a while, Lin Heng went to heat the milk, still using a water bath.

There is yogurt made last night in the rice cooker and it is ready to eat. But I ran out of the old yogurt at home, so I had to buy it again.

After heating the milk and boiling the eggs, Lin Heng made another potato pancake and smeared some garlic chili on it to taste crispy and delicious.

"The rain is finally going to stop!" After eating, Xiulan said while looking at the gradually brightening sky.

"Yes, it has finally stopped. Then I will go out to find dad. I will come back before I leave." Lin Heng looked at Xiulan and said.

"Well, you go ahead." Xiulan nodded. She had to take care of the newly hatched chicks.

Lin Heng drove down the road and heard the quarrel as he passed by the center of the village. He looked at it curiously, wondering whose family was quarreling again.

After asking someone about it, I found out that Li Shigui and his wife had a quarrel. It seemed that Li Shigui didn't agree to build a house because he wanted to keep the money for his son to go to school. His wife Zhang Cui thought that it was early for his son to go to school and built a house first.

After a few quarrels, Zhang Cui threw bowls and pots, and the two started fighting.

Lin Heng understood it and left without saying much. Quarrels often happen in the village. People quarrel almost every day, but some are small and some are big.

He had also heard that Zhang Cui, Li Shigui's daughter-in-law, was very keen on comparison. She wanted to have what others had at home. She would get into quarrels if her husband refused to do anything for her, and she also liked to throw things.

Lin Heng shook his head, secretly glad that he married Xiulan and not Jin Yan. What our ancestors said is absolutely correct, marrying the wrong person will ruin your life, and marrying the wrong person will ruin three generations.

Whether a family can become rich, women are also a very important part. A woman with bad character will ruin you no matter how much money you have.

Before he knew it, Lin Heng had arrived at Hongfeng Mountain. Father Lin was squatting under the eaves eating noodles. When he saw Lin Heng coming over, he stood up and said, "We'll leave after I finish eating the noodles."

"Don't worry!" Lin Heng waved his hand, sat down and talked about the village gossip with his parents with a smile. : As soon as Mrs. Lin mentioned the gossip, it was as if she had started chatting, and she spoke with great enthusiasm. "What's this? A few years ago, Zhang Zhigui's mother fell down in the Zhanghe River and needed surgery. When he went to withdraw the money, he found that none of it was gone. When he asked, he found out that his wife had secretly taken it out and used it.

And the Liu family, the daughter-in-law has to manage the money for herself, but when she finally needs to use it, she finds that all the money has been given to her brother..."

She has nothing to do in the village, so she is very interested in this kind of gossip.

Lin Heng ate the melon with gusto. But he guessed that no one could have imagined that this was already the best era, and that when the Internet era came, it would be a chaotic period of chaos.

Although there are many messy things in this era, most people still want to live a good life. In the Internet era, most people are gods brainwashed by capital. Making money and cheating are just basic operations.

Even though I don’t earn a penny, I can still beat and scold my husband with confidence. I have no job and I don’t know how to do housework.

Anyway, you are awakened, your mind is independent, your economy is dependent, and your body is free.

This era was miserable. At the very least, one could only get a first-hand car, but later generations would be miserable. Most of the cars they 'bought' at exorbitant prices were second-hand cars, or even shared cars.

If Lin Heng told his mother this, she would probably be shocked and her teeth would fall out. She couldn't believe what a civilized society is like.

"By the way, Mom, have the chicks you hatched hatched? The chicks hatched by Xiulan have begun to hatch." Lin Heng asked after waiting for Mother Lin to finish.

"So fast?" Mother Lin was surprised, then shook her head, "Mine hasn't hatched yet."

"That's probably going to be soon." Lin Heng nodded. The two litters started hatching around the same time.

"Then I'll be careful not to go out these two days." Mother Lin nodded.

After saying a few words, Father Lin finished his meal. There was milk in the morning, but he preferred noodles.

After simply packing up, the two set off together.

"Honey, I'm leaving. I'll probably be back at noon tomorrow." Lin Heng returned to the house and told Xiulan.

"Wait a minute, use this to wipe sweat. Don't always use clothes to wipe sweat." Xiulan brought him a handkerchief and picked off a big piece of dandruff on his hair.

Lin Heng grinned and happily put the handkerchief into his pocket.

Xiulan didn't know what he was giggling about. She patted his clothes and said, "How many chickens do you think the family has hatched?"

"How much?" Lin Heng was really curious.

Xiulan smiled and said: "A total of eighteen hatched out of twenty eggs, which is much more than you had before. Why don't you come if I come?"

"Oh my God, there are so many. Then your skills are indeed very powerful." Lin Heng was shocked. Generally speaking, half the birth rate of hatching like this is considered good. Xiulan was really lucky.

"I thought." Xiulan blinked happily, pushed him again and said, "Okay, you go quickly. Dad should be waiting down there to get anxious."

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded, turned around and went out. Because it was raining, he started driving by himself, and the road was muddy and slippery, making it difficult to walk.

It was already eleven o'clock when we arrived in the city, and we were walking slowly today.

Stopping at the entrance of the city center hospital, Lin Heng turned around and said, "Come on, Dad, let's go check your body."

"Then let's check and see if there is any disease in my old bones." Father Lin knew that he couldn't defeat Lin Heng, so he readily agreed.

The results of the physical examination will come out tomorrow, but his blood pressure is very high and he needs to take medicine for treatment.

After seeing a Chinese medicine doctor, many problems were discovered. Not only was Lin’s lumbar muscle strain severely strained, he also had liver and kidney deficiency and qi deficiency, which required timely treatment.

"Really? I feel like there is nothing wrong with me. Why do I find so many problems after checking?" Father Lin was holding a bag of medicine and didn't believe that he had so many problems with his body.

"People have to grow old. It's normal to have these problems. Just treat them more often." Lin Heng patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile.

Men in their forties will have various problems to some extent, especially since his father still likes to drink. It’s no wonder that he has no problems.

"Hey, it looks like I'm really old!" Father Lin shook his head helplessly.

Lin Heng put his arm on his father's shoulder and said with a smile, "Let's go eat."

He actually wanted his father to stop drinking and exercise properly, but he knew that it was too difficult to change a person's living habits for decades.

Moreover, there are no entertainment options in the countryside, so he just likes to drink some wine. If he is deprived of this, he may not know what to do and find the meaning of life.

It's better to earn more money and find a good hospital for him to sort out his health.

"Let's eat." Father Lin nodded.

Lin Heng found a restaurant, ordered fried asparagus and stir-fried pork liver, and some rice wine, and the two of them started eating.

"This asparagus is quite delicious. No wonder they have grown a lot of it." Father Lin said with a smile while eating the crispy and sweet asparagus.

"You can eat this stuff for twenty or thirty years once you grow it. We can also buy some and plant it back." Lin Heng said that he had bought it for Xiulan before, but she liked eating it raw and not cooked.

"What are you buying? I'll find a farmer who has some money and exchange it for two grains or something." Father Lin shook his head and didn't want to spend any money.

"That's okay." Lin Heng nodded and started eating rice with asparagus and pork liver.

After eating, they went to the livestock station in the afternoon to inquire about the situation.

"I'll find your director then!" Lin Heng found the female salesperson from before.

The female salesperson smiled and said: "You are here, our director has been waiting for you, the cattle and sheep are ready."

"That's good, I'm here to discuss this matter this time too." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Soon he met the horse-faced director. As soon as he saw Lin Heng, he said: "Boss Lin, are you here to pull cattle and sheep this time?"

Lin Heng's order had been kept with him for a long time. If Lin Heng didn't come for one day, they would have to bear the cost of feeding it.

"Yes, we will pull up tomorrow, and we agreed that you guys will pull up the door." Lin Heng nodded.

"Don't worry, you will come to inspect the goods at eight o'clock tomorrow morning, and then we will transport them to you after we hand over them." Director Ma Lian smiled and nodded.

After it was confirmed, Lin Heng didn't want to stay too long and said with a smile: "Okay, then I'll leave first."

"Hey, wait a moment, let's discuss some other matters." The horse-faced director kept him.

Lin Heng turned to look at the horse-faced director curiously, wondering what else he had to do.

Director Ma Lian poured a glass of water for Lin Heng and said with a smile: "Boss Lin, don't leave in such a hurry. I also have some male Longdong black goat cubs here. The price is cheap recently. Do you want them?"

"No, I think these are enough." Lin Heng shook his head.

Horse-faced director: "..."

"Are you sure you don't want it for seven yuan a piece now?" Director Ma Lian said with a smile, "Actually, we can't keep the sheep in the pen here, otherwise we wouldn't be so anxious to sell them."

They are mainly engaged in the trade of cubs, and do not want to raise sheep to sell meat, which is not cost-effective and takes up space.

"Seven yuan a head!" Lin Heng pondered for a moment, seeming to be hesitating.

Director Ma Lian said again: "I'll give you twenty-two heads for 150, which is less than seven yuan a head. This is the biggest discount I can give. It's also in a hurry, otherwise we wouldn't have this price. You know our units There’s no bargaining.”

Lin Heng thought for a few seconds, then showed a bright smile and said: "Can you give me some more disease prevention medicine? I don't feel safe buying so much."

"That's no problem, I'll give it to you." Director Ma nodded.

Lin Heng smiled and said: "Okay, then I will buy thirty females and twenty-two males. The total is four hundred and fifty yuan?"

The horse-faced director nodded repeatedly: "Yes, plus ten five-month-old Qinchuan calves, the total is one thousand four hundred and fifty yuan. You gave me a deposit of one hundred yuan, and you will bring another one thousand three hundred yuan tomorrow." One hundred and fifty yuan is enough. I will give you some equipment and veterinary medicine as gifts for this big deal."

Such a big deal is rare for him.

"I understand." Lin nodded, chatted with him for a few more words, and then stood up to leave.

After going out, I looked for my father on the street where cattle and sheep were sold, and found that he was chatting with an old man who was selling sheep.

Seeing Lin Heng, Lin's father walked over with a smile: "Have you bought it?"

Lin Heng nodded: "Yes, I bought 22 more male black goats because the price is cheaper."

While walking towards Bisanlun, he explained the specific situation.

"That's okay. It's a good deal to fan and feed the rams for two years and then sell them. When we have time, we can open up some more land to grow pasture." Father Lin nodded.

"Yes, it is very cost-effective to raise the meat for a few years and sell it." Lin Heng nodded. He would definitely have to wait until 1987 or 88 to sell it. Before then, he would have made a huge loss if he sold it.

"Then what are we doing this afternoon?" Father Lin asked curiously.

"Let's take a walk around and find a good place to rest." Lin Heng said.

He originally wanted to discuss the land price with the people at the abandoned factory, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that he was not in a hurry. He was worried about selling rather than buying, and it might be better to wait for a while.

Driving the car, he took his father for a walk around the city. He didn't even have a good stroll last time.

After buying some odds and ends, the two of them strolled to the side of the White River. It had just rained and the water in the White River was extremely fierce. After watching it for a while, the two of them found a good hotel to stay by the river.

After finding a place to stay, Lin Heng took his father around again. He was looking for a suitable house in the city, and if it was suitable, he was ready to buy it directly.

Living without a place in the city is not enough, especially when Xiulan is about to give birth next year and she will definitely have to come down early and prepare to go to the city hospital to deliver the baby.

There are also midwives in rural areas, or you can find a barefoot doctor. But it is definitely far different from that in the city. First of all, the sanitary conditions are far worse. Secondly, if a person with severe bleeding can be treated in the city, he can only wait to die in the village.

Naturally, he would not allow such a thing to happen, so he had to look for a house in advance so that Xiulan would have a place to stay when she came down.

In fact, he doesn't even look at houses in the center of the city now. He is looking for houses near both sides of the Baihe River. Houses near the river will definitely appreciate in value in the future.

"Son, do you want to buy a house or rent a house in the city?" Lin's father followed Lin Heng for a while and asked. He understood his son's intention without Lin Heng's words.

"Buy it if it suits you. Although living in the countryside is comfortable, many things still need to be brought to the city, which is impossible without a house." Lin Heng said.

He is just a reborn ordinary person. He has no ability to transform the village where he lives into a super metropolis. All he can do is adapt to history.

"That's true, but can I buy a house in the city without having an urban household registration?" Lin's father asked curiously.

"Okay." Lin Heng smiled and nodded, "Besides, if you can't afford it, you can still find someone to apply for an urban household registration. It's not difficult if you have money."

"Yes, after all, money can make the world go round." Lin's father said with emotion.

The so-called Jiangnan refers to the south of Baihe, which is the current main urban area, and the north of Baihe is the north of the city, which will be the key development area in the future.

Although Baihe is called a river, its width is more than a thousand meters, which is the size of a large river.

Lin Heng was looking for suitable houses near the river. He first looked at them in the name of renting. Most of those who were willing to rent were also willing to sell, because they were all people with excess real estate.

Moreover, he is also a person who likes fishing. The house is close to the river, which is very convenient for fishing.

"This house is nice." Lin Heng looked at the house in front of him and said in surprise.

This house is made of blue bricks and white ash, covering an area of ​​about 500 to 600 square meters. Outside is a walled courtyard, and there is a plaque on the round gate. It has the feel of a building during the Republic of China.

The main building inside is a two-story blue brick house, and there are also two small side rooms. There are trees planted in the yard, and there are stone reliefs on the walls, which is quite artistic.

"Do you want to rent? The rent is only five yuan a month." The landlord, an aunt, asked with a smile.

"It's a bit old. It doesn't feel as good as the previous one." Father Lin shook his head and said. The previous one was newly built and was similar to this one. He thought that one was better.

"Let's take a look." Lin Heng smiled and went into the house to visit again. The house was not bad, and he thought of buying it again.

After reading it, they walked around again and stayed at the hotel where it was almost dark. The afternoon lap was not in vain, and we initially identified three properties, all close to the river, with a size of about 500 square meters, two old houses and one new house.

There are still very few high-rise buildings and residential areas here, and most of them are still in the ancient courtyard style. This is the style of house architecture in the northwest region.

However, Lin Heng has not decided which one to buy yet. He still has plenty of time, so he can just buy it before the end of the year.

There was no disturbance in the relatively high-end hotel, so I spent the night quietly. The next day was June 28 in the Gregorian calendar. The sky that had just rained was exceptionally blue, and the golden sunrise could be seen early in the plain area.

Lin Heng took his father to have breakfast, and then went to the hospital to get the physical examination report. Apart from the problems detected yesterday, Lin Heng's father had no other additional problems.

In fact, there must be some trace elements missing, but the food has been so good in the past year, which has almost made up for it.

After taking the report, they drove to get the money and then came to the animal husbandry station. It was only nine o'clock, and a truck specially designed to pull livestock was already parked here, waiting for him to come and load the livestock.

The salesman took Lin Heng over, and Director Ma Lian smiled and introduced: "Boss Lin, the cows and sheep you want to buy are kept here. You have to check them before we move them to the car."

"I checked the headgear." Lin Heng nodded.

He and his father first looked at the calves. These calves were not well fed. They only weighed 2,780 pounds at five months old. They were probably fed casually.

Lin Heng started checking them one by one based on his understanding of these things. Nine heifers and one young bull, he inspected one and loaded one here.

Although the ones fed here are not very fat, there is no doubt about their health status and there are no problems.

However, he was not careless. He counted the cows one by one and checked the condition of the lambs. Finally, he felt relieved when all ten Qinchuan calves and fifty-two Longdong black goat calves were loaded into the car.

"Director, where's the promised gift?" Lin Heng asked with a smile.

"It's all over there, a big bag of veterinary drugs, the instructions and everything are put in it. You just need to use it as it says." The horse-faced director pointed to a white snakeskin bag next to him.

"Okay, let's go and calculate the money."

Let Lin's father watch from here, while he and Director Ma Lian went over there to settle the final payment.

After giving the money, Director Ma happily extended his hand and said, "It's a pleasure to work with you. If you have anything you don't understand, you can come to us at any time. There are veterinarians at the station."

"It's a pleasure to cooperate." Lin Heng smiled and shook hands, then left with the receipt, went to drive a three-wheeler and led the way, and Lin's father got on the truck.

After a day of drying, the road was no longer a big problem, but there were still two uphill places where the road was stuck. Lin Heng drove the car from the front, and Lin's father found someone to help push him out of the jam. He also lost two cars for this. Pack of cigarettes.

There is nothing we can do about it, but the national highway is already under construction. It will be much better to just take the national highway after it is completed in two years.

At twelve o'clock at noon, the sun was shining brightly, and the cart arrived at Hongfeng Village in a mighty manner. The little lamb on the cart kept bleating.

"Hey, are you here to sell cows and goats? There are so many black goats!"

Some people at the entrance of the village suddenly became curious when they saw the car.

"No, isn't Lin Heng's car in front? Isn't it Lin Heng's car?"

"It must be. I saw that he planted a large piece of grassland in Hongfeng Mountain, and he seems to have built a cattle and sheep pen recently."

"How much does this cost?"

"Why does it feel like he has endless money?"

The people in the village were once again shocked by Lin Heng. Originally, Jin Yan's family herding seven or eight cows was considered powerful, but compared with Lin Heng, it was insignificant.

This young man’s casual investment is shocking!

"Lin Heng, are these the cows and goats you bought?"

Seeing Lin Heng approaching, someone came to the side of the road and asked.

Lin Heng smiled and said, "Yes, I will keep it and sell it for money."

"Hey, your project is not small." Someone was shocked.

How much will it cost to raise so many cattle and sheep? Lin Heng is so fickle. One buying station is not enough and he dug fish ponds. Now he has bought so many cattle and sheep to breed. Isn't he afraid of losing money?

Lin Heng laughed twice and drove over. Many spectators in the village followed him to the Hongfengshan Breeding Base.

Walking inside the base, I was both envious and shocked. This place used to be a sandy land where few crops grew, but now it looks completely different.

The neat concrete roads, green shrimp ponds, beautiful warehouses and houses are completely different from the previous desolate scene.

"This Lin Heng is really capable!"

All the villagers couldn't help but sigh in their hearts, they would never have had such courage.

"Why didn't I marry my daughter to Lin Heng in the first place!!"

Some people who have been proposed to marry by the Lin family secretly regret it. There is no one in the Lin family who is not greedy for this property.

"Can the car back up to the cattle pen?" Lin Heng asked the driver. There was only a 30-degree slope to the cattle pen, so he thought he could go up.

"I'll give it a try." The driver made a U-turn in the large field near the warehouse, and then fell towards the cattle pen.

Xiulan knew that Lin Heng would come directly here, so she had already brought Xiaoxia over and was waiting. Her elder brother and sister-in-law also came over early and were waiting to help.

"Lin Heng, you have a lot of sheep. I'm afraid it's not thirty, right?"

Lin Heng found Lin Heng and asked.

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