Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 294 If you don't work, you won't have anything to eat. Hesitation

Lin Heng nodded and replied: "There are 52 black goats in total, 22 of them are male. Because they were cheaper, I just bought them all at once."

Counting the purchase of cattle and sheep this time, he only had 500 yuan left in his bankbook. In addition to the cement, gravel, feed, shrimp fingerlings, and a lot of other things he bought before, he didn't calculate it specifically, but in the end he only had 700 yuan left in his bankbook, and he still had 35 yuan in cash.

From five thousand to seven hundred, the shrinkage is too fast. If the people in the village would never do what he did, then why not save the money for something good?

The only money left now is the 25,000 yuan hidden in a secret compartment at home, and the money in the bankbook that is used to store the revenue from the purchasing station.

It seemed like a lot, but Lin Heng wanted to buy an old factory and open a feed production plant. The money was not enough. However, when the shrimps grow in October and an income is recorded, some of the pressure can be relieved.

"How much cheaper is it?" Mother Lin asked curiously.

Lin Heng replied: "Twenty-two heads, one hundred and fifty yuan."

"If you don't pay seven yuan, that's fine." Mother Lin nodded.

Lin Heng glanced at the seven or eight villagers who came to watch, touched Xiaoxia's head, and turned around to direct the truck to reverse.

After the car backed up to a suitable position, everyone began to unload the goods, starting with Yangzizi.



The little lamb let out a miserable roar when he was caught.

"I want to catch the lamb too!!" Xiaoxia was pulled up and down by Xiulan, thinking that catching the sheep was fun.

"Don't come over here. I'll catch you another day." Lin Heng glanced at her, then grabbed the sheep and entered the pen.

"Brother, do you want to raise the male and female lambs separately?" Lin Yue asked, grabbing a wailing little ram.

Lin Heng nodded: "They must be raised separately, otherwise it is easy for the ewes to become pregnant early."

Father Lin pointed to the tall sheep pen at the edge and said, "Put the males here. From the back, pick out one or two strong ones to keep, and stir up the rest."

When talking about cattle and sheep, they like to say "fan", and when talking about pigs, they like to say "qiao" (qiao), both of which mean castration.

"Okay." Lin Yue smiled and threw the goat into the pen. As he walked away, he asked, "How big can this black goat grow?"

Lin Heng smiled and replied: "The male's weight is one hundred kilograms, and the female's weight is eighty or ninety kilograms."

Lin Yue was shocked and said: "Hey, this is bigger than our own white goat."

"Of course, these are all good varieties." Father Lin came out and said with a smile.

A few people were talking and laughing while carrying the lambs. Onlookers in the village wanted to help, but Lin Heng refused. If they confused the male and female, he would have to choose again.

However, the villagers were shocked when they saw the cattle and sheep pen, and they were all speechless with envy. The red brick walls and cement floors are actually for cattle and sheep. They all live in mud houses, and it is really annoying to compare people to each other.

Some people originally thought that this was a house built, but they didn't expect that it was actually a cattle and sheep pen. In comparison, their life was worse than that of the Lin family's cattle and sheep.

It took half an hour to transport all the fifty-two lambs back to the pen. For the calves, it was as simple as just holding the rope and rushing them into the pen.

There are only ten cows now, and the cow pen can accommodate them easily, and there is still a lot to spare.

After the count was completed, Lin Heng gave the driver a pack of cigarettes and sent him away. Seeing that there was no excitement, the villagers also left with him.

In the end, only the entire Lin family was left in the cattle and sheep pen, looking at the cattle and sheep in the pen with smiles on their faces.

"So many lambs and calves!!" Xiaoxia was the happiest, looking here and there. Xiulan kept holding her back for fear that she would be hurt by the cows and sheep.

"This investment is really big, and we need to take good care of it." Lin's father said with emotion.

"No, fifteen hundred yuan is enough for us to earn normally for seven or eight years." Mother Lin also sighed, which she would not have dared to think about in the past.

Lin Heng opened his mouth and said: "As I said before, prevention is the first priority in breeding. Regular disinfection and ventilation are better than anything else."

There are a lot of vents in his breeding pen, so he must maintain air circulation. If there is not enough ventilation after two months, he will install a ventilation fan, and the installation openings are reserved.

Lin Yue asked curiously: "Brother, you won't engage in other investments for the time being, right?"

"We won't do it for now." Lin Heng nodded, but he was still ready to continue. After all, he was still far from his goal.

"Are these cows and sheep going to be taken out to herd?" Xiulan asked curiously. It would not be easy to herd so many cows and sheep.

"Just pull them out occasionally, or leave them at all." Lin Heng thought for a while and said, "Actually, my idea is to enclose the 100 acres of grassy slopes halfway up Hongfeng Mountain and let them out when they want. Let it go for a walk.”

Mother Lin agreed after hearing this: "I think it is a good idea to fence this place. It will be difficult to take care of such a large group of cattle and sheep if they are released into the mountains. There are crops everywhere in the village."

"I also think it's a good idea to enclose this area." Father Lin also nodded and said.

"Actually, it's perfectly fine to keep them in captivity. They're for sale anyway." Lin Heng said with a smile.

But letting them run around is also good for your health. And it’s actually not difficult to let them go. Cattle and sheep don’t run around when they are in groups, and there’s no problem in going to the barren mountains and ridges behind Hongfeng Mountain to let them go.

Father Lin decided: "Let's start building railings in a few days. It will be good to surround this area and prevent other people from running past."

Lin Heng nodded in agreement and said, "Hurry up and eat. I've been busy all morning and I'm starving to death."

"The vegetables have been cut and are waiting for you to come back." Xiulan said with a smile, habitually reaching out to pick the spider webs on his clothes.

"Son, do you want to feed the cattle and sheep with water and grass?" Father Lin looked at Lin Heng and asked. He now completely believed in his ability and habitually asked him about everything.

Lin Heng shook his head: "Don't feed them for the time being. Let's feed them some light salt water after we finish our meal, and then feed them a small amount of hay in the evening. Let them rest well now."

Normally, sheep are fed with concentrated feed in order to be marketed quickly, which is feed made from grains such as corn and wheat bran. But he is not in a hurry to sell them in three or four years, and simply feeds them with grass and fodder.

It is enough to add some concentrated feed when you are pregnant and giving birth.

Of course, when his feed factory is opened in the future, he can completely expand the scale of cattle, sheep and pig breeding to form a preliminary industrial chain.

"Then go down to eat." Father Lin nodded and said, closing the door of the cattle and sheep pen and everyone went down to the house together.

Lin's mother and sister-in-law went to the kitchen to cook. Lin Heng, his father and his brother moved some of the purchased odds and ends into the warehouse, and then talked about breeding in the house.

Lin Heng had just rested for a while when Xiaoxia got into his arms. It was hot in the summer, and fortunately there was an electric fan.

After saying a few words, Lin Heng suddenly remembered something and turned his head to look at Xiulan: "By the way, wife, are the chicks you hatched?"

Xiulan pulled him and whispered: "Don't say it, mom is going to settle accounts with you. She only hatched five chicks out of twenty eggs, and she was so angry."

However, the next moment, Lin's mother came out of the house, put her hands on her waist and looked at Lin Heng and said: "I seriously suspect that you have hidden something and didn't tell me. Why did I only hatch five, and Xiulan hatched 18?"

She seriously suspected that Lin Heng had forgotten his mother after getting a wife.

Lin Heng was surprised and said, "It shouldn't be like this. Mom, your incubator is better than mine. It shouldn't be so few."

Looking at his mother's expression, he spread his hands and said, "As for Xiulan, it's pure luck. I only hatched 12 out of 30 eggs. It's good enough that we can have a hatching rate of half."

"Okay, then I'll go and change a few goose eggs in a few days and try again." Lin's mother looked at Lin Heng and reluctantly believed his words.

"Let's go see the chicks." Lin Heng pulled Xiaoxia over.

Lin's mother still kept the five chicks in the incubator, and the tungsten filament lamp illuminated them. Unlike those at home, these five chicks are all black in hair, all black, very strange.

"Why are all the chicks here black?" Xiulan asked curiously.

"Mutated." Lin Heng smiled and spread his hands. Chickens have too many genes that control their hair color, which is different from humans.

After taking a look, Xiulan said, "Another chicken was killed today, but I think our duck can be killed too. It's useless to keep it if it doesn't lay eggs."

"Chickens and ducks can be killed. The number of eggs they lay will start to decline in the second year." Lin Heng nodded. It's really not good to keep the ducks at home and lay eggs.

"Let's make a roast duck in a few days." Lin Heng added.

Xiulan asked, "Honey roast duck?" She likes to eat this.

"Make honey crispy roast duck when the time comes." Lin Heng smiled.

Xiaoxia cheered, "Great, I want to eat duck!"

After watching the chicks for a while, they went back to the main room and sat down. Soon the food was ready and served on the table. Today, there was not only a chicken that had just been killed, but also fresh beef that Lin Heng bought in the city.

Lin Heng picked a little bit of each one for Xiulan, fearing that she would vomit if she ate too much. But what she didn't expect was that she ran out with a whine after just two bites.

"I'll go check it out, you guys continue eating." Lin Heng said, and the table was cleared. Lin's mother also hurried over to take care of it.

"It's okay, I'll eat later." Xiulan shook her head, tears in the corners of her eyes.

Lin's mother sighed, "I'm afraid this is the son she is really pregnant with, he's too noisy."

"Take a break and eat something." Lin Heng patted her and said.

Xiulan nodded and sat back at the table, but she didn't dare to eat much more.

Lin Heng picked up chicken liver and a little beef for her, and motioned her to eat slowly.

After taking care of Xiulan, everyone continued to eat and drink to celebrate today's livestock. This was a big deal, and everyone was very happy.

It was already two o'clock in the afternoon after a meal. Lin's father and eldest brother were a little drunk. Lin Heng didn't like white wine and only drank a little rice wine.

He went to see the cattle and sheep, and pulled a few buckets of light salt water up with a sidecar to feed them.

After these two hours, the cattle and sheep had a lot of feces, but the smell in the house was not very strong, which shows that the ventilation of the cattle and sheep pen is not bad.

However, this time is still short, and it will take two or three days to see the real effect.

I looked at the sheep again and found two "problem" sheep. These are two male rams, and they have already started fighting in the pen, and they seem to be fighting for the leader.

"Fighting is not good for growing meat!" Lin Heng laughed, but at this stage, they can fight casually, and after the strongest one is competed, the others will be fanned, and only one male will be left.

In normal breeding, they can be fanned one to two weeks after birth, or they can be slaughtered after eight months without fanning, because if they are not more than eight months old, even male ram meat will not become smelly.

Moreover, sheep that are not fanned grow faster than those that are fanned, and they will not grow fat.

Lin Heng plans to wait until they are six or seven months old and separate the leaders before fanning them, so let them fight if they like at this stage.

After feeding the cattle and sheep, Lin Heng drove down and looked at Xiulan Xiaoxia and said, "Let's go home."

"Come on, come on!" Xiaoxia had long wanted to get in the car, so she ran over with small steps and stretched out her hand to let Lin Heng pull her into the car.

Xiulan took something, walked over slowly, picked up Xiaoxia and sat in the car. She doesn't like to let her hair down, but likes to tie it into a braid and hang it on her chest, giving people a gentle and peaceful feeling.

Lin Heng started the car and the three of them walked towards home.

"What are you going to do in the next period of time?" Xiulan turned around and asked.

"Then it will be easier. There is nothing important to do. I will just build dams and raise shrimps and cattle and sheep." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Don't be in a hurry when it comes to things like opening a feed mill and buying a house. Just take your time. It won't be done in a short while.

"That's good." Xiulan became happy.

After a while, they returned to the house and took the fruits and some scattered supplies back to the house and put them away. Lin Heng looked at the roof. Although it was better than the brick house, it was still quite hot in summer.

"Let's go live in a cabin in two days. You can still run around while your belly is not big." Lin Heng said.

Xiulan nodded: "Okay, I've already thought about it."

Lin Heng washed some plums and apricots and put them on a plate. He drank herbal tea and sat in the room to rest. He didn't want to do anything at the moment.

"It's better to go back to the bedroom and lie down. I bought two more mats." Lin Heng stood up and said after sitting for a while.

He felt that this living room was really useless without a sofa. If he wanted to rest, he could only go back to the bedroom. He wants to take the time to make a sofa by himself. He can just make a frame and fill it with sponge cushions. It shouldn't be too difficult.

Having a soft sofa is a kind of enjoyment for the whole family. It's okay if you haven't experienced it. Once you experience it, you won't forget it.

"Xiaoxia, let's go back to the house." Xiulan called Xiaoxia and Lin Heng went back to the bedroom together.

Put the mat on the bed, open the window and turn on the fan, and the room will be much cooler.

Lin Heng got up after an hour's lunch break. He didn't want to sleep too much or he wouldn't be able to sleep at night. He glanced at Xiulan who was sleeping, stretched out his hand to smooth her messy hair, and then got up and took Xiaoxia out to play.

"Dad, I want to play with Yang Qing!" Xiaoxia said eagerly.

"Then I'll take you to find it." Lin Heng pulled her and said.

Yang Qing's family lived below the village party secretary's house. Lin Heng brought Xiaoxia over and met Yang Qing at the edge of the bamboo forest.

"Yang Qing, come to my house and play with cars!" Xiaoxia excitedly ran over to invite Yang Qing when she saw her.

Yang Qing pulled Xiaoxia and shook her head: "I can't go. My dad asked me to shoot pigweed. I'll play with you tomorrow."

"Why?" Xiaoxia tilted her head and didn't understand.

"If I don't weed the pigs, the pigs will have nothing to eat." Yang Qing shook her head. She did not dare to disobey her father's order.

In the end, Xiaoxia walked back gloomily. She looked up at her father and said, "Dad, why does Yang Qing want to kill pigs?"

"Because she won't have anything to eat if she doesn't weed pigs." Lin Heng touched her head. Xiaoxia didn't understand much about this because of him, but she would understand it when she grew older.

People are different. His family can eat rice, thin noodles and meat. Many families in the village still eat corn flour and buckwheat noodles.

It was because after his rebirth that he used his precognitive advantage to choose the right direction and make money, Xiaoxia was able to grow up happily and have no worries about food and drink.

He doesn't want to say this for the time being, but when Xiaoxia grows up, he will understand that the world is too mixed.

Lin Heng asked Xiulan to play with Lin Tao and his brother from next door, and then used a ruler to measure the size of the main room to see what size sofa would be suitable.

After measuring, I found that a three-and-a-half-meter-long sofa would be more suitable in the main room, and it would be suitable to lean against the east wall of the study room. After making his decision, he went back to the study to get a pencil and start drawing a rough sketch.

In fact, you can go to the city and buy it directly. There are already sofas in this era. But he felt that he could make a better one, and the price wouldn't be so expensive.

"What are you drawing?" Xiulan woke up and walked into the study and asked curiously.

"Draw another sketch of the sofa and prepare to make a sofa." Lin Heng raised his head and said.

"What is a sofa?" Xiulan leaned her head over and looked at it curiously. She didn't understand Lin Heng's drawings.

"It's just a chair for sitting, but it's more comfortable than a wooden chair. You'll know when it's made." Lin Heng explained while smelling the faint jasmine fragrance on her hair.

It’s not that wooden chairs are bad, they are naturally comfortable to sit on. It's just that the application scenario is different from the sofa. The sofa can be used for people to lie down, which is more comfortable when they want to rest.

"Okay!" Xiulan blinked and smiled playfully.

She went to get a stool and sat across from Lin Heng, resting her chin on her hands and watching him paint.

"By the way, have you found a buyer for your scorpion?" Xiulan remembered this and asked again.

Lin Heng nodded while drawing: "Yesterday, my dad and I asked around, and the Chinese medicine doctor accepted it, and the price was only thirty-eight pounds per catty. If the quantity is large, the price will probably be lowered."

"That's it." Xiulan nodded in disappointment and added, "You can go and catch it then. You should be able to sell it for a lot of money if you lower the price."

"Okay, you can grab it when you have nothing to do." Lin Heng nodded. Although there is no large-scale acquisition, it can indeed be sold for a lot of money.

Xiulan said regretfully: "It's a pity that I'm pregnant, otherwise I really want to go out and catch her every day."

Lin Heng glanced at her: "You'd better stay in the house and go out to play during the day. Don't run away at night."

After finishing the drawing, Lin Heng and Xiulan went together to put the batch of chicks he had hatched before into the chicken pen in the back mountain, and locked them up in a separate chicken coop.

These chickens are only half a catty small. If they are kept in the yard, chicken poop will be everywhere, which is not good for human health. Xiaoxia was reluctant to give up and reluctantly agreed after seeing Lin Heng locking them up alone.

After settling the chicks back, Tian Yan came to play with Xiulan and taught Xiaoxia how to read and draw. She still comes here every now and then, and she and Xiulan have developed into good friends.

In the evening, the eldest brother came over, looked at Lin Heng and said with a smile: "Brother, come here, your sister-in-law and I have something to ask you."

Lin Heng nodded and followed his eldest brother to his home. His sister-in-law Liu Juan enthusiastically poured him a cup of tea.

"What's the matter, brother?" Lin Heng put the tea aside and asked.

Lin Yue looked at his wife, then at Lin Heng, and said sheepishly: "Brother, we called you here because we want to cooperate with you on something."

Liu Juan smiled and said, "We want to borrow your ultraviolet lamp to catch scorpions. Every time we catch a scorpion, we will give you half of it. What do you think?"

Ultraviolet lamps are not available in Taibai City. Lin Heng bought them in Ancheng. As long as he doesn't sell the scorpions, the business belongs to him alone. But Lin Heng didn't catch him often, so they wanted to borrow it and catch it themselves, but they didn't borrow it in vain and gave him half.

Lin Yue was afraid that Lin Heng would be embarrassed, so he added: "Just lend it to us when you don't need it. If it doesn't work, it doesn't matter."

Lin Heng nodded and said, "No problem. Just give me one-third of the reward. I'll just lend you one."

Not many people are catching scorpions now. The resources are very abundant, and their family alone cannot catch them all. It doesn't matter even if he brings his eldest brother and his family with him. It's a small amount of money for him, but it's a big income for him.

Lin Yue said happily: "Thank you, brother. Don't refuse the reward. It's half, or I'll be embarrassed to speak. We agreed that we'll settle the accounts tomorrow."

"Just one-third will be enough, and I won't borrow it any more." Lin Heng waved his hand and said, he didn't like to give in, it was pointless.

"Then thank you, brother." Lin Yue nodded helplessly. He knew that this was Lin Heng's help to him, and silently kept the kindness in his heart.

After taking a sip of water, he said again, "Brother, are you going to catch me today?"

Lin Heng shook his head: "I won't arrest you. You can take Mom with you. If she wants to arrest her, I'll go back and get the lamp for you."

He was a little tired and didn't want to bother tonight.

"Okay, you and I will go get it." Lin Yue said with a smile.

Lin Heng took his eldest brother over to get something and asked them to try it with their mother.

After Tian Yan left, Lin Heng told Xiulan about it.

Xiulan hesitated and said, "Isn't it bad for us to do this?"

Lin Heng shook his head: "There's nothing wrong with it. It's called a channel fee. One-third is a small amount. I can find anyone in the village and he will be willing to pay two-thirds. This way of making money is not easy to find."

That is to say, his brother only takes one-third. If outsiders don't have two-thirds, they won't let him take it.

"That's fine." Xiulan nodded.

Lin Heng glanced at the sky, went back to the house, took out his Boshan stove, and lit some incense made from mugwort powder to repel mosquitoes. After taking advantage of the cool weather for a while and looking at the stars, he went inside and made dinner.

In the summer, everyone didn't have a very good appetite, so they made a cold cucumber and a cold bitter melon. They ate and digested it for a while before going back to the house to sleep.

With the mat, sleeping at night was more comfortable than before, but he still couldn't sleep. Lin Heng decided to go to the red maple mountain cabin tomorrow.

The next morning after they finished breakfast, the eldest brother Lin Yue came over to return the things and said happily: "Your sister-in-law and I caught six taels of scorpions last night. This ultraviolet lamp is really magical."

Lin Heng handed him an ultraviolet lamp and said, "Take this lamp first. I'm going to catch it and ask you for it. You guys also keep the scorpions first. When we catch four or five kilograms of them, we'll take them to the city and sell them all at once." "

"That's okay." Lin Yue smiled.

Lin Heng looked at his elder brother and said, "Brother, if you have nothing to do today, let's go to Hongfeng Mountain to discuss digging a dam."

Now he wants to dig a dam, but also wants to find ginseng in the place where century-old ginseng was found before. He is a little torn.

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