"Sure, there's not much farm work these two days, so you can do anything."

Lin Yue agreed with a smile.

"Xiu Lan, I went to Hongfeng Mountain." Lin Heng turned around and said, and then went to Hongfeng Mountain with his elder brother Lin Yue.

When they came over, Lin's father was having breakfast, and saw the two of them and said, "Are you going to come here to build a composting pool today?"

"Let's go see how to build a dam first." Lin Heng said.

Father Lin nodded and said, "I haven't fed the shrimps and cattle and sheep yet, you can feed them first, and after I finish my meal, we'll go to the mountain to see where it's more suitable to build a dam."

"Okay." Lin Heng agreed, and went to the warehouse with his elder brother to get feed to feed the shrimp.

He really missed the pellet feed made by the machine, which could be thrown in directly, and this kind of powder needed to be mixed with water.

However, building a feed factory is not a one-time effort, and it has to be done slowly. He plans to find an opportunity to see if he can borrow or rent the pellet machine from the Fisheries Research Institute and make a batch himself to feed the shrimp.

After feeding the shrimp, Lin Heng took up the two bags of silage he had used for the first experiment. The two bags had already fermented.

Even after a night, the smell in the cattle and sheep pen was still not very strong, which showed that his ventilation facilities were done well.

"This silage is really magical." Lin Yue was amazed after pouring out the silage. There are very few large-scale cattle and sheep breeding in the mountains, and no silage has been made. This is his first time seeing it.

Lin Heng explained: "This thing preserves the nutrients completely, much better than hay."

The new crop of forage is about to grow again, and then some silage and yellow storage can be made and stored. If more forage is stored, there is no need to worry about the cattle and sheep having nothing to eat.

"It's time to eat! Dinglingling!!"

Lin Heng shouted while shaking the bell, calling the cattle and sheep to eat grass.

After a night's rest, the cattle and sheep have basically adapted to the environment here. When they see the grass, they squeeze over, obviously they are hungry.

The reason why the bell is used to call for food is to train muscle memory. After many times, they will know that this is the order to eat. Even if you call and ring the bell in the wild, they will come around, which is convenient for grazing.

It is the same when feeding chickens in the countryside. You have to call them every time, and then you can call all the chickens back by calling.

Whether it is the black goat or the Qinchuan calf, they are very cute. Lin Heng likes to touch the cow's chin the most, which feels very good.

Unfortunately, these calves are not familiar with them yet, and he took their heads away as soon as he stretched out his hand.

"Let's go!" Lin Heng glanced at the silly cow, and then walked out with his eldest brother.

Lin Yue looked at the foundation of the composting pool outside the cattle and sheep pen and sighed: "Dad is really diligent. The foundation is ready."

"Yes, too diligent." Lin Heng affirmed. Father Lin has built the foundation here in the past two days. The remaining work is to use bricks to build a one-meter-high front to block the manure.

There is no need to seal the top of the composting pool, just cover it with tarpaulin or film paper.

"Let's go over and take a look. By the way, build a big pond and connect a tap water pipe to the cowshed. It's too inconvenient to feed cattle and sheep without water." Father Lin came up and said after finishing his meal.

The cowshed and sheepshed only lacked the composting pool and tap water.

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded, and each of them went down and took a tool to go up. Father Lin took a knife to cut a road.

Lin Heng planned to build a small road from here to the cabin. It was only 40 centimeters wide. After it was repaired, it was paved with cement, and it could be unobstructed even if it rained.

Bigger trees were cut with knives, and bushes with a diameter of three or four centimeters, such as thorns, were directly dug out violently with a hoe. It took three big men nearly an hour to open a road up the mountain, which was more than 1,000 meters long.

However, this road is not very good. It is too steep. It needs to be repaired later and it would be better to make a few turns.

The road was repaired, and they came directly to the forest on the mountain. The dendrobium on the tree had already sprouted new buds. The forest was particularly transparent because the small trees had been cleared, and the mottled shadows of the trees seemed like a paradise.

Lin Heng opened the cabin and walked over to feel it. He found that it was indeed very cool here. The insulation cotton in the interlayer of the wooden board prevented the heat from penetrating.

"Let's clean up today and live here for the next two days." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"This forest is indeed cool." Father Lin looked at the tall maple trees of 30 to 40 meters in front and behind the cabin and said that there is nothing that can absorb heat better than trees.

"Let's go to the ginseng garden to have a look." Lin Yue suggested.

Lin Heng and the other two naturally had no objection. The three of them came to the ginseng garden together. The ginseng seeds sprouted very well, but they just looked a little dense.

"It doesn't matter. You can wait until next year to see it." Lin Heng said.

Now there are many weeds and small trees growing in this ginseng garden, but he has no intention of taking care of them. The ginseng under the forest imitates the wild environment and will not be taken care of as long as it is not a big problem.

"Something is coming in here!" Father Lin said from a distance. The fence on his side was damaged.

Lin Yue saw the footprints on the ground and said, "Someone must have stolen the ginseng seedlings."

Lin Heng saw it at a glance and nodded and said, "Someone must have stolen them. The seedlings here are much scarcer."

Ginseng is so precious that it would be strange if it was not stolen.

Then he shook his head and said, "But these people have no experience in growing ginseng. It's hard to grow it if they steal it now. We have to wait until autumn to dig it."

"What should we do then?" Father Lin said worriedly.

Lin Heng patted his father on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Just steal, there are only a few. When they grow for three years and have medicinal effects, it won't be too late to get a dog to guard them."

He thought that by that time he would almost have built a villa, so he could build an iron fence to enclose the entire forest.

"That's the only way." Father Lin nodded. He knew that this kind of thing could not be avoided. Thieves are everywhere.

After cutting the thorns and enclosing this side again, they walked around the ginseng garden to check the situation. After confirming that there were no other problems, they went out to the mountain stream to investigate the location suitable for building a small dam.

"This place is not bad. I think it's good to build a dam at this opening." Father Lin pointed to the location next to the dendrobium.

This place is already at the top of the mountain stream. The opening is a whole blue-gray granite mountain, which is semicircular. There is a three-meter drop from here, similar to a small waterfall.

Build a dam with cement in this semicircular place, and a small reservoir about 30 meters long and five or six meters wide can be formed inside.

Lin Yue also said: "This place is indeed good. It has natural advantages and does not require much stone. I estimate that the three of us can complete it in ten days and a half months."

Lin's father also said: "And once it is built, we can bury the water pipes here, and there will be no need for water pumps at the foot of the mountain."

"Then let's go down and take a look." Lin Heng nodded. He wanted to build a dam here.

Going down a little, there is a flat area of ​​60 to 70 meters on the mountainside, and both sides can be widened to more than 10 meters.

The slope is 30 to 40 degrees. This place can completely build a large dam and form a water area of ​​about one acre.

Lin's father shook his head: "This place is good, but it takes too much effort to build it. Not to mention three people, even if it is 30 people, it will take two months to build it, and the materials needed are also very large."

"This place will not be repaired for the time being. The workload is too large." Lin Heng said directly. If this place is to be repaired, an excavator will be invited to come, and manpower is not suitable.

The last choice is the foot of the mountain at the bottom, inside the road and west of the shrimp pond.

A three-meter-high arch dam built at this location can also form a water area of ​​30 to 40 meters long and 7 to 8 meters wide, which is about 300 square meters.

After looking around twice, Father Lin said: "Although the construction difficulty here is lower, it is not simple. I estimate that it will take more than a month for the three of us to build it. The only convenience is that it is close to the road and the sand and gravel are easier to transport."

Lin Yue also nodded and said: "I think it's about the same."

Lin Heng roughly drew these three places when he drew the planning map. Now after careful inspection, only these three locations are suitable, and other locations are not very reliable.

"Then should we choose the top of the mountain or the middle of the mountain?" Father Lin looked at his two sons, seeking their opinions.

Lin Yue spread his hands and smiled, "It depends on what my brother chooses. Even if it is difficult to repair, we just need to take time to do it."

Lin Heng thought for a while and decided, "Then let's repair the upper part first, and talk about the lower part later. Even if we repair the upper part, I think there are not enough three of us. I will go and call Sandie and Lin Hai."

In addition to using water, he also wants to raise some plum fish (Qinling fine-scale salmon) for experiments to see how to artificially breed this fish.

The water temperature for plum fish is not easy to exceed 20 degrees, so the top of the mountain is naturally more suitable. After the repair, we can raise fish and use water, and the road to the mountain is also built, which can be said to kill three birds with one stone.

"I also think it's good to repair the top of the mountain." Lin's father grinned, "After the dam is repaired, we will open up wasteland and plant forage grass, and then we will have to harvest crops. The mountainside and foot of the mountain can only be repaired next year."

After confirming, the three of them went back. They didn't dare to work in the sun at noon.

In the house, Lin's mother was picking vegetables. She didn't raise cattle and sheep anymore, and raised them all at home. There is enough grass to eat, and it is not cost-effective to take so many cattle and sheep out for a trip.

The male dairy cow will be kept in the cowshed here for feeding later. Four white goats, one big and three small, are tied outside and are not gregarious with the black goats.

Originally, the small male white goat was intended to be kept as a stud, but now there is no need, so it is directly fanned and raised for meat.

There is no need to keep the young ewe, either, they can be killed for meat. Longdong black goats are much better than local white goats. Although white goats have better fur and higher wool yield, they are not as good as black goats in other aspects such as meat yield.

In addition, every family has white goats, and if they are gone, they can be easily bought.

Lin Heng did not eat lunch here. He chatted with his parents for a few words and then went home.

"Woof woof~"

When Lin Heng opened the door and returned home, Xiongba came to greet him. It hugged one of Lin Heng's legs and rubbed it, as if saying that they had not been to the mountain for a long time.

"Wait a few days!" Lin Heng rubbed its head.

Hearing Lin Heng's voice, Xiulan came out of the house and said with a smile: "The meal is ready, come and eat."

She was wearing a one-piece strap dress with red tea color and white flowers that Lin Heng bought for her when he went to the city this time, revealing her snow-white arms and calves, as well as a small area of ​​the collarbone below her neck.

She looked very elegant and intellectual, looking at Lin Heng with joy in her eyes.

"Okay!" Lin Heng nodded and smiled again: "You look really good in this dress, so beautiful."

This is one of the clothes he bought that is more suitable for pregnant women. The straps of the skirt can be adjusted according to the waist size, and the skirt is also easy to wear.

Xiu Lan touched her belly and smiled, "It's starting to get bigger, it won't look good soon."

"Your face will still look good even if your belly gets bigger, and it will recover quickly after you give birth." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Lin Heng was about to serve the dishes, but Xiu Lan pulled him and stood on tiptoe to pick the spider silk from his hair: "Where have you been? There's spider silk on your head again."

Lin Heng looked at the pretty face close at hand and smiled, "On Hongfeng Mountain, we opened a road from the breeding base to the mountain, and then investigated the location of the dam, and prepared to build the dam later."

Xiu Lan has been bored at home recently. Not only has she read books and practiced calligraphy, she has also studied makeup. Her paintings are becoming more and more natural, and they look good up close, with a faint scent of perfume.

"Where did you finally decide to build it?"

After Xiu Lan picked the spider silk for Lin Heng, she went into the house to serve the dishes.

"The top, where we grow dendrobium." Lin Heng said while helping to get the bowls and chopsticks.

The two of them brought the food and bowls and chopsticks. Xiaoxia was still playing with building blocks and puzzles on the mat. Those were the new toys that Lin Heng bought for her when he went to the city this time.

"Put on your shoes and come over for dinner, Xiaoxia!" Lin Heng shouted.

"I'm coming." Xiaoxia put on the last two building blocks and came over in her sandals. Just as she was about to start, Xiulan looked at her and hurried to wash her hands in the basin next to her.

Lin Heng saw her washing her hands and squatted down to help her and taught her the correct way to wash her hands.

For lunch, Xiulan made rice and fried sour cowpea and minced meat, which Lin Heng liked to eat. In addition, there were braised chicken with scallion oil, stir-fried bitter melon, stir-fried mustard greens, and soup made with loofah.

After Xiulan finished cooking, she ate a little, and then ate a little more and watched Lin Heng and Xiulan eat, chatting with him from time to time.

After dinner, he cleaned up the bowls and chopsticks. Lin Heng went to get two two-meter-long large spotted bamboos back to the house, sawed them into 30-centimeter lengths with a saw, and then cut them into bamboo slices and cut them into different lengths.

After cutting, he went to get glue and started to paste.

"Dad, what are you doing?" Xiaoxia asked curiously with her head tilted.

"I'm making a sofa model. You'll know when it's done." Lin Heng said with a smile.

He had never worked in a related profession such as sofa making in his previous life, but he had repaired sofas several times and knew their internal structure. Now he is trying.

Although he drew a picture, he was not completely sure, so he planned to make a small model to see the shape first, and then make the real thing after it was done.

This busyness took a whole afternoon and two hours. The watering was slow to dry, so he wasted a lot of time.

Xiulan couldn't wait to go back to the house for lunch, and Xiaoxia also fell asleep on the mat.

"Finally it's done!"

Lin Heng took a deep breath as he looked at the small model sofa in front of him. It took him a lot of effort.

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