Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 296 Looking forward to the rain

His model is still very delicate, 30 centimeters long, divided into three parts, and enclosed into a semi-square.

The total length is 30 centimeters, which seems quite small, because it is too small to see the details.

After finishing it, Lin Heng recalled it carefully and felt at ease after making sure it was the same as the sofa he dismantled in his previous life.

The difficulty of making a sofa is actually very low, not as good as an official hat chair. Just use wooden boards and nails to create a frame, pull springs or elastic bandages and fill them with sponge or polyester.

Rely on the comfort provided by modern materials.

Classical furniture is very skilled in production, and almost all of it has a mortise and tenon structure, which has a different kind of beauty. When Lin Heng originally cut the dark wood, he also chose classical furniture.

After looking at Xiaoxia, Lin Heng woke her up. Now that she had slept for a long time, she couldn't sleep at night.


Xiaoxia was woken up and crawled into Lin Heng's arms. She rubbed her eyes with her little hands and sounded squeamish, as if she was very unhappy.

"I got you honey sweet wine!" Lin Heng had already figured it out and pointed to the small bowl on the table.

This is mainly honey and water, with a little rice wine added to enhance the flavor and drinking aroma.

"Wow, dad is so kind!!" Xiaoxia, who was originally unhappy to be woken up, immediately hugged Lin Heng, kissed her, and kissed her cheek.

"Go drink!" Lin Heng smiled and put her down.

After waking up Xiaoxia, he went to the bedroom to look at Xiulan. She was sleeping soundly on her side on the bed with her pillow in her arms. She looked hazy through the mosquito net.

Lin Heng closed the door without disturbing her, and took Xiaoxia to water the fruits. The weather had evaporated so much in the past two days.

"Dad, when can we eat watermelon?" Xiaoxia asked, looking at the watermelon the size of a human head.

The watermelon shelf now has five large watermelons the size of a human head, and six or seven small watermelons the size of a child's head.

The same goes for the cantaloupes next to them. There are eight large ones. Like the watermelons, they are all hung on the shelf by Lin Heng in a net bag.

Ground-grown watermelons and cantaloupes are nutritious and produce particularly large amounts of fruit.

Lin Heng patted the watermelon and looked at it and replied: "It will be ready to eat in about ten days."

The maturity period of watermelons is about 100 days. The seedlings he planted in March are now almost mature in July.

It is not accurate to judge the ripeness of a watermelon by patting it and listening to the sound. The most accurate thing is to see whether the tendrils at the front or back node of the melon vine are withered and yellow. If they are withered and yellow, it means it is mature.

The self-hanging tendrils were just a little withered, and Lin Heng felt that they were still a few days away from maturity.

Xiaoxia touched the watermelon, ran over, picked a cucumber and started to chew it. Lin Heng didn't stop him. The vegetables grown at home are all pesticide-free, so it's okay to eat them directly.

After watering, Lin Heng came back with a lot of fruits and vegetables, including cucumbers, luffa, green beans, cowpeas, and spinach. They all grew too fast during this period.

There are also a lot of dry cucumbers, pumpkins, winter melons, and gourds in the back mountains, and they are all in season, so it’s impossible to eat them all.

Lin Heng picked the vegetables back, and Xiulan also woke up and came out of the room. She looked at the sofa model on the table and asked curiously: "Is this the sofa model you made?"

"Yes, it's actually four meters long." Lin Heng took it over and explained it to Xiulan.

"It's so big, it's not the same as a bed." Xiulan said in surprise, feeling that it was a bit strange to call this a sofa.

Lin Heng said: "Unlike a bed, this is a large chair for resting. It is very comfortable. You will know it when it is made."

Xiulan didn't object to him tinkering with these novel things, and found it quite interesting: "I'll help you if you want to do needlework."

"I want you to help make pillows then." Lin Heng said with a smile. Putting down the model, he added, "You should have something to eat first. I'm going to Hongfeng Mountain to build a compost pond."

"Then go ahead." Xiulan nodded.

Lin Heng took the ultraviolet lamp and the scorpion catching tool, then took the sofa model and drawings and left.

Father Lin had just finished his lunch break and was preparing to work on the mountain. When he saw Lin Heng coming over with a sofa model, he asked curiously: "What are you holding, a toy made for Xiaoxia?"

"No, it's a sofa model, a kind of chair. You'll know its specific function when you make it." Lin Heng said.

Father Lin looked at the model and asked, "Do you want to make it here again?"

Lin Heng nodded: "Yes, this is simple and we can do it ourselves. Is there any wood left here, Dad?"

"There are only two sections of pine wood and one section of red chrysanthemum wood left. It won't be enough for you to make furniture." Father Lin shook his head.

"Okay, I'll buy some finished wooden boards and come back in two days." Lin Heng said, he didn't want to make this sofa today.

Father Lin looked at him and said, "Please tell me in detail. I'll think about what kind of wood to use. Maybe I don't need to buy it."

"That's okay." Lin Heng unfolded the drawings and explained to his father with the model and drawings.

Because Father Lin had gone to see the house with him and seen some sofas, it was not difficult to understand.

After hearing this, Father Lin shook his head and said: "I don't think you need to make this kind of full cloth wrapping. Let's make it like a flat stool. The sitting surface and backrest are the same as the cushions. The cavity can also store things. "

"Dad, I think you are very talented in carpentry and aesthetics." Lin Heng said with a smile. The design he was talking about can be considered a very fashionable and high-end design, which is much more expensive than a sofa like his.

In his case, it is enough to just use small wooden boards to make a frame. It is very low cost to get a bag of cloth from outside. The kind of sofa his dad was talking about is a solid wood sofa. If the solid wood part is exposed, it must be made very delicate and use good wood, otherwise it will look ugly.

Father Lin glared at him and said, "You kid, don't mess with me. I think it's practical!"

"I didn't cheat on you because I think what you said makes sense." Lin Heng said with a smile. In fact, everyone has what they are good at, which is talent, but most people find it difficult to find it throughout their lives.

He thought his dad might really have a talent for carpentry or design.

"Then you mean to do as I do?" Father Lin asked curiously.

Lin Heng shook his head: "It's better to do it according to my design. What you said takes too much effort, and the production technology is very high."

It's not that he hasn't thought about making a solid wood sofa, but it's just a bit too troublesome. He wants to make it quickly and use it quickly.

"Okay, I think you can just buy thorn cedar wood boards. It's not difficult to make, so we'll do it ourselves." Father Lin nodded.

"I'll buy it in two days." Lin Heng promised. The lumber is sold in the town, and there is a small workshop that makes lumber with a revolving door.

"Then let's build a compost pit this afternoon?" Father Lin asked.

"That's right, let's build a compost pond first." Lin Heng nodded.

After taking a shovel and a gray knife, he mixed some concrete with his father and pushed it under the cattle pen with a cart. Then Lin's father helped him move the stones and bricks, and he was responsible for building the wall.

Because the foundation has been repaired, it is very simple to build a one-meter-two-meter-high compost pit. All you need to do is build a wall. Lin's father was frugal and asked him to use some stones as materials to build them, which caused a little trouble.


Lin Heng had just built a wall when he heard Xiaoxia calling him from below. He looked up and saw his daughter and Xiulan coming over.

"Why are you here?" Lin Heng said in surprise.

Xiulan said: "I was bored at home in the afternoon, so I took Xiaoxia out for a walk and ended up here."

"Then just watch us lay bricks here." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Okay, okay." Xiaoxia agreed happily.

There is no sun in this place now, Xiulan and Xiaoxia are watching them laying bricks. Xiaoxia thought it was so interesting and always wanted to try it, but was stopped by Xiulan.

Even if Xiaoxia caused trouble, they built the wall of the west compost pit in one afternoon and plastered the wall and floor with cement.

There is an opening at the bottom of the compost pit, which can be blocked by a wooden board when composting. When removing fertilizer, the organic fertilizer can be dug out directly by removing the wooden board.

It was almost seven o'clock when the compost pit on the east side was finished. Before it got dark, the two went to trim the foundation of the other compost pit on the west side and laid two circles of stones.

Finishing work on time at 7:30, Lin Heng took some pasture and took Xiaoxia to feed the cattle and sheep. The consumption of pure green pasture was still quite large, but it was still within the plan.

The feeding of the green shrimps is left to his father. He will check the water quality every day. As long as the water quality is good, other problems are minor.

"Son, did you bring an ultraviolet lamp with you?" Mother Lin came over and asked. She had been plowing sweet potato vines in the afternoon. When she was not grazing the cattle, she would do some easier farm work.

"Here you go, I'm going to catch scorpions tonight. Do you want to catch them?" Lin Heng looked up at his mother.

Mother Lin criticized righteously: "Why are you catching scorpions? Take good care of Xiulan, and she is still running around at night."

Lin Heng: "...You want to go, Mom. If you just tell me, I won't disagree."

Mother Lin hummed softly: "I am doing this for your own good, not because I want to go."

"It's just on the table in the warehouse. Show me where you keep your scorpions." Lin Heng sighed.

Mother Lin took a UV lamp and a scorpion catching tool, and took Lin Heng to look at the scorpions she caught yesterday.

She was kept in a large plastic pot and built a nest with two rocks.

"I don't know what scorpions eat, otherwise I would throw some away to feed them," Mother Lin said.

Lin Heng answered: "It's simple. They will eat anything. You can get some meat from frogs and grasshoppers, or you can get wheat bran, rice bran and other things to feed them. Just don't feed them too much."

"Then I'll give it a try tomorrow." Mother Lin looked at Scorpion and said.

Seeing that Lin Heng wanted to leave, she added, "You happen to be here, help feed the shrimps, and your dad and I will go catch the scorpions later."

Being lazy, Lin Heng had no choice but to nod and agree: "That's okay, but remember to wear water shoes, little poisonous snakes."

"Don't worry, we are more careful than you." Mother Lin waved her hand.

Lin Heng walked over and weighed the feed, mixed it with water, took it to the pond, sprinkled it on the water peanuts, and fed the shrimps.

After feeding the shrimps, he took Xiulan and Xiaoxia back, while Mother Lin went to cook and catch scorpions.

Lin Heng and Xiulan didn't have very good appetites at night, so they made a cold vegetable stew, all kinds of vegetables mixed into a bowl.

Then pour a bowl of rice wine, light mugwort incense and sit around the table to eat.

"Look at the stars. The weather will be nice tomorrow. I want to go into the mountains."

After dinner, Lin Heng walked to the yard and looked at the sky full of stars and sighed.

"Then you go, there is nothing going on at home now, I can take care of myself now." Xiulan said.

Lin Heng turned around and said, "Really?"

He missed not going up the mountain for a long time. Apart from other things, he had not yet harvested the local honey that he saw harvested once last year.

Xiulan put her hand on his shoulder and smiled: "Really, hurry up while my belly is small now. If my belly gets bigger later, I will really need you to take care of it."

"Forget it, I'm afraid you'll be angry." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"You're angry, you big head ghost!" Xiulan slapped him.

Lin Heng laughed and said, "Actually, I'm going to wait for a rain before going, so I can pick some mushrooms. I think it's going to rain soon."

"Then you lied to me." Xiulan glared at him.

"I'll fan you." Lin Heng took out the fan and fanned it gently.

After a while, the three of them went back to the room to sleep. After coaxing Xiaoxia to sleep, Lin Heng lay beside Xiulan and was a little moved. He gently leaned over and bit a soft lip.

Xiulan cooperated for a while and stretched out her little hand to help him solve his troubles.

"Can I use...?" Lin Heng whispered in his ear.

Xiulan blushed and didn't say anything. After a while, she crawled over and leaned over.

"Wife, you are so good!"

After a long time, Lin Heng hugged Xiulan comfortably and whispered.

"Sleep." Xiulan snorted softly, turned over and faced away from him. Even after wiping her chest clean, it still felt a little sticky.

Lin Heng leaned over and whispered, "I can help you when it's almost the middle of July."

In fact, Xiulan was also very tempted to help him, and he could clearly feel it. It was just because she had a child that she couldn't do it, which made her feel uncomfortable.

But it doesn't matter. You can have sex after the first three months. You can't have sex only in the early and late stages of pregnancy.

"Go to hell, I don't need it." Xiulan's ears blushed and slapped the hand on her waist.

"I apologize, I apologize, I need it, especially." Lin Heng laughed softly, thinking that he would repay Xiulan well later.

"Sleep, don't say it again." Xiulan turned her head and gritted her teeth to warn.

"Okay." Lin Heng quickly agreed. He thought Xiulan was very interesting. There were some things that she could do, but she wouldn't allow it, unless she was happy and forgetful.

She would definitely not say more when she was sober.

The next morning, Lin Heng got up early to work at Hongfeng Mountain.

But he didn't expect that his elder brother got up earlier than him and sent him a lot of cicada monkeys, which they caught while catching scorpions last night. There were a lot of them.

Lin Heng gave the cicada monkeys to Xiulan and went to Hongfeng Mountain with his elder brother to continue building the composting pool.

After the composting pool was built, the road up the mountain was built, a suitable and relatively flat road.

In addition to working, he spent time with his wife and children, made delicious food, read books and exercised, or relaxed and played.

Life was full of flavor, and Lin Heng was very satisfied. Xiulan was also very good to him. Even if she was pregnant, she would help him solve physiological problems in various ways every now and then, so that he would not feel uncomfortable.

Lin Heng really calmed down and lived a good life with Xiulan, and she was also happy to try those different and unique ways for him. Lin Heng was not really perverted. He took good care of Xiulan and tried some different parts of the body.

Love is to be happy, and the way that makes both parties happy is a good way.

It took a day to repair the remaining composting pond, and then they spent another three days repairing the road up the mountain.

Lin Heng originally said that it would be enough to repair a 40-centimeter wide road, but Lin's father shook his head and said that if they wanted to repair it, they should build it 50 centimeters wide.

In the end, they built a winding path along the east side of the mountain stream all the way to the front of the cabin, with a length of about 1,500 meters.

There was no need to repair small bends until the front of the mountain was two-thirds of the way up, and the slope was only more than 30 degrees when going straight up. The slope of the back one-third became much steeper, more than 50 degrees, and it was necessary to spiral up.

On the evening of July 5, Lin Heng looked at the repaired road at the foot of the mountain and sighed: "It's finally repaired."

Looking down from where he was, a small path with a winding upper half and a gentle lower half led directly to the breeding base at the foot of the mountain.

The road is 50 centimeters wide, with shoulders made of cement and stone on both sides of the road. The shrubs and weeds outside have also been cleared very cleanly. It looks very transparent at a glance, and only some larger trees have not been cut down.

"Then we will lay a layer of cement, and the road will be completed." Lin's father also said with a smile. It took them a lot of effort to build this road.

"Then wait until tomorrow. I don't have the energy to work today." Lin Yue said with a smile.

"Let's go back. It's getting late." Lin Heng also said that he also wanted to go back and rest.

The three of them took the tools and then walked back on the newly repaired road. The road was paved with a layer of gravel brought when the road was repaired. Later, cement and gravel will be used to make a road surface five or six centimeters thick.

The sky was gloomy. After a few days of clear weather, the sky was gloomy these two days. The air was very hot and stuffy, but it didn't seem to rain.

After going down to drink tea and rest for a while, Lin Heng went to feed the cattle and sheep. The feeding of the shrimps was handed over to his father. It was not time yet.

In addition to repairing the road in the morning and evening, they also laid the water pipes in the cattle and sheep pen. The breeding of cattle and sheep is not simple. They need to be fed with salt water regularly, and they need to be dewormed regularly to prevent diseases, etc.

They have already had cattle and sheep feces in the past two days. According to the current situation, they need to clean the feces once a week and then spray quicklime water for disinfection.

After so many days of observation, there are no problems with the cattle and sheep bought back.

At noon, Lin Hengze and his father were cutting and planing the purchased thorn fir wood boards to prepare for making sofas.

"Dad, I'm going back." After feeding the cattle and sheep, Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Go, your mother and I will feed the shrimp." Lin's father nodded.

Lin Heng and his elder brother walked back together. On the way, he looked at the water quality of the shrimp pond. As the feeding progressed, the water level would have to be raised in a few days.

More water can improve the original water quality and increase the total oxygen content, making the shrimp live better and less prone to hypoxia.

The shrimp pond needs to be continuously injected with new water.

"Brother, let's go to the river dam to take a bath." Lin Yue suggested when he was about to return home.

"Okay, wait for me to go back and get a towel and clothes." Lin Heng smiled and nodded. He hadn't gone to the river to swim for a long time.

After discussing it, he went back to his own home. When he opened the door, there was no one in the yard, the ground was clean, and the fruits and vegetables were lush.

Looking up, Xiaoxia was playing on the mat in the main room, and Xiulan was nowhere to be seen.

"Dad!!" Seeing Lin Heng, Xiaoxia cheered, and then buried her head in building the house.

Xiulan came out of the study, looked at Lin Heng and said happily: "Husband, there are two special good news to tell you."

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