Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 297 Reasons for not buying a TV

"What good news?" Lin Heng asked curiously.

Xiulan first pulled Lin Heng to the watermelon rack and pointed at the largest watermelon and said, "Look, this watermelon is ripe. Is this good news?"

Lin Heng took a closer look and found that the two tentacles in front and behind the vine were all withered. The watermelon was indeed ripe.

"This is indeed good news. We can eat watermelon." Lin Heng picked the watermelon with a smile, picked it up and went back to the house to weigh it on the beam scale.

"A full fifteen pounds of watermelon, enough for all of us to eat a meal." Lin Heng smiled happily.

Xiaoxia didn't want to play games when she saw the watermelon, and ran over to act coquettishly: "Dad, I want to eat watermelon!"

"You can eat it at noon tomorrow. Let's freeze the watermelon here." Lin Heng touched her face, found a net bag to put the watermelon in, took it to the backyard and put it in the well.

In summer, it was more than 30 degrees outside, and the water in the well was still cold. After measuring, Lin Heng found that it was only 14 or 15 degrees, which was very cold.

Put the watermelon in the well and freeze it overnight, and you can enjoy the iced watermelon tomorrow.

After the watermelon was put in, Lin Heng covered the mouth of the well with a wooden frame. This was mainly to prevent Xiaoxia from accidentally falling in. Just like the fence beside the fish pond, he isolated all dangers.

Xiaoxia was obsessed with watermelons and wanted to eat them since she planted them. Now she was a little angry that she couldn't eat them even after picking them, and she didn't want to pay attention to her father.

Lin Heng looked at her helplessly but didn't care. He looked at his wife and asked, "Is there another surprise?"

"I don't seem to vomit much from today, and you see, my stomach has started to get bigger." Xiulan took his hand and touched her stomach happily.

"It's great that you don't vomit, and you can eat well in the future. I felt sorry for you when you were so uncomfortable before, so let's have a good meal tonight." Lin Heng said happily.

"Okay, I haven't felt full for a long time." Xiulan nodded.

Lin Heng helped Xiulan sit down on the bench in the pavilion, opened her clothes to look at her, and then leaned over to listen.

Xiulan touched his head and smiled, "This time, I may be pregnant with a boy. It's not even three months yet, but my belly has grown a lot. I feel like I can still do it."

Xiulan's belly is already slightly pregnant, and her originally flat belly has a small belly.

"Maybe it's a naughty girl." Lin Heng smiled.

Xiulan pulled down her clothes and sighed, "Oh, I really want to know if it's a boy or a girl soon."

"Then eat well and take care of yourself. You'll know in February next year." Lin Heng smiled and said. According to the date of menopause, Xiulan's due date is February next year.

"There are still seven months left, it's so long!" Xiulan sighed.

"Let's go, let's cook." Lin Heng pulled her up and said.

"Okay." Xiulan agreed happily and went to the kitchen with Lin Heng to cook.

The two worked together to make four dishes and a soup. Lin Heng also caught the last plum fish in the well and steamed it.

"This fish is so delicious!" Xiulan felt a long-lost feeling of fullness while eating the fish, and was very happy.

Lin Heng smiled and said, "I'll go to the Black River to catch some in a few days and keep them. We'll eat one every two days. I'll see if I can catch two mandarin fish and make some stinky mandarin fish."

"I want to eat stinky fish too."

Xiaoxia said, holding chopsticks and opening her mouth. The unhappiness just now has disappeared.

"No problem, let your mother make it for you later." Lin Heng added a piece of fish meat and said with a smile.

After the meal, Lin Heng washed the dishes and the three of them went out to enjoy the cool air and digest the food. Xiulan really didn't vomit, and both of them were very happy.

Lin Heng told Xiulan about the progress of Hongfeng Mountain. Xiulan was very happy that she could live there soon. She felt a little bored after living in the house for a long time and wanted to change the environment.

After enjoying the cool air, they returned to the house to rest happily. Lin Heng told Xiaoxia that he had already talked about Tongtian River when he told her about Journey to the West, and it was not far from the end.

Xiaoxia's progress was also obvious. She learned paper cutting and building blocks. She knew thirty or forty words and could write her own name and count from one to ten.

Lin Heng didn't force him, it was just that she was interested and they occasionally taught her.

Xiaoxia's best skill was still speaking. She often told stories to other children and her speaking ability was very well developed. She could talk for a long time without stopping.

After coaxing Xiaoxia to sleep, Lin Heng took a cold shower and went to bed to rest.

Xiulan put her hands and legs on him and sighed: "It's so hot!"

"You put your hands and legs on me when it's hot!" Lin Heng took them back from him, he was also hot.

"Then you should be cooler and let me cool." Xiulan leaned half of her body over again.

"Okay, okay, you put it on me." Lin Heng was helpless, but his hands began to become restless, wanting Xiulan to leave unbearable.

But today he didn't get his wish. Xiulan just whispered a word in his ear, and he was controlled by her.

The next morning, the weather was still gloomy. After exercising and eating breakfast, Lin Heng went to Hongfeng Mountain to build the unfinished road.

In the morning, they mixed cement and gravel and started laying from the top. After experimentation, they found that a thickness of three centimeters was also fine, so they used a thickness of three centimeters.

Anyway, this road is not used by cars, only pedestrians, and there is also a layer of gravel on the ground. As long as it is hardened and not muddy on rainy days, it will be fine.

Lin Heng was responsible for smoothing and carving anti-slip lines, while Lin's father and Lin Yue were responsible for mixing concrete. The three of them laid a distance of 300 meters in one morning, and it would take about two and a half days to complete.

At noon, when Lin Heng and his father were planing the wood board, Lin's mother ran back and looked at them and said, "Something big happened in the village today."

"What happened? Who quarreled with whom again?" Lin's father looked up and asked.

Lin's mother shook her head and said, "No, it was the village chief Zhao Xiancheng. His son Zhao Hai bought him a black and white TV. It is said that it cost four or five hundred yuan. Many people went to watch."

"That's good, but I won't buy it." Lin Heng said with a smile. He was determined to develop a family tradition of loving reading and let his children understand themselves and the world in books.

Entertainment products such as television cannot appear at home. Children cannot control themselves and are prone to develop bad habits. At least wait until their own personalities and habits are formed.

If you are poor, and then you are controlled by entertainment and waste time, then you really can't think of turning over in this life.

Just like the short videos in later generations, many adults let their children use their mobile phones to take care of them. It does reduce the trouble of taking care of children, but the children are basically ruined.

Later, when the children could not concentrate on their studies, the parents beat and scolded their children, not knowing that all these were caused by themselves.

Compared to those, he would rather his children indulge in sports, at least they can exercise their bodies.

"I'm just saying, we may not buy it. What's the use of buying that thing for hundreds of dollars that can't be eaten!" Lin's mother shook her head.

Lin's father was surprised: "This Zhao Hu actually made money, which is also strange."

"I heard that he made a lot of money. He bought a TV for An Hao and left, saying that he was very busy." Lin's mother said.

Lin Heng explained: "This is not strange. In this era, as long as you go out to do business, you will definitely make some money."

In fact, there are more opportunities to go out, but he is unwilling to give up such a peaceful and happy life now, and as long as his family has no worries about food and clothing, other reliance can be accumulated slowly.

The ultimate purpose of making money is to enjoy life, so we can't put the cart before the horse.

"Keep working, our family doesn't need to envy others now." Lin's father said with a smile.

"Stop working, I've got something good to eat." At this time, Xiulan came in from outside with Xiaoxia, holding half a watermelon in her hand.

"The watermelon is ripe!" Lin's father said in shock.

"Yes, come and eat it quickly." Xiulan put the watermelon on the wooden board, took Lin Heng's 100-refined steel dagger and cut the watermelon to share with everyone.

Xiaoxia took a bite and said happily: "So sweet, so delicious!!"

Lin's mother took a bite of the watermelon and sighed: "This watermelon is good, it tastes so sandy, it's the most delicious fruit I've ever eaten!"

Lin's father also said repeatedly: "This well water tastes so good after being frozen. No wonder people say that watermelon is delicious. It turns out that it doesn't taste sour at all."

Lin Heng and Xiulan didn't say anything and ate the watermelon in big mouthfuls. Watermelon is the only fruit that has no acidity. It is not actually very sweet, but because it has no acidity, it seems very sweet, and the sandy taste is also unparalleled.

Lin Heng bought the latest watermelon seeds. The price was not cheap, but it was worth it to see the smiling faces of his family.

Everyone's cheeks were covered with watermelon juice, and Xiaoxia's face was stained with watermelon seeds. It was so enjoyable to eat an iced watermelon on such a hot day.

"It's so refreshing!"

After eating the watermelon, Lin Heng touched his stomach with satisfaction.

"This watermelon makes my whole body cool." Xiulan said with a smile. This kind of fruit is really hard not to love.

Lin's father and mother also nodded. Several people finished more than ten kilograms of watermelon. It can be seen that it is really delicious.

"It's delicious, I want more!" Xiaoxia shouted, and a watermelon seed was on her face.

"Eat it next time. There are still many watermelons this year, enough for you to eat." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Xiulan and Xiaoxia did not go back at noon. They ate a bowl of cold noodles ordered by Lin's mother and watched Lin Heng and his team repair the road in the afternoon.

In the afternoon, they paved another 300 meters. It was not until the morning of July 8 that the road was completely completed. It will be much more convenient to go up the mountain in the future, even if it rains.

The weather has been cloudy and hot these days. There are obviously many clouds in the sky, but it has not rained yet.

Lin Heng looked at the paved path and felt happy. After the road is repaired, they will go to the cabin on the mountain to stay for a while to escape the heat.

"Will we continue to make sofas in the afternoon?" Lin's father looked at him and asked.

The wood needed for the sofa has been basically processed these days and can be installed immediately.

Lin Heng shook his head: "I will go to the town in the afternoon and don't have time. Let's install it after it rains and take a break for two days."

"That's fine. I'll go to do farm work." Lin's father agreed.

Lin Heng went to help feed the cattle and sheep and went home. The watermelons at home have begun to mature in the past two days. He gave one to his parents and eldest brother, and there are still three at home.

In two days, the ones planted by Lin's father and eldest brother will also mature one after another, and there are still many in the back mountain.

"Come and eat watermelon!"

As soon as Lin Heng returned to the house, Xiulan waved at him. She and Xiaoxia had just killed a watermelon.

"I'm here." Lin Heng smiled and walked into the house and took a watermelon to eat.

"Will you go fishing in the town this afternoon?" Lin Heng asked after eating the watermelon.

Xiulan took a bite of the watermelon and nodded, "Sure, I want to fish a little too."

"Then let's go dig for earthworms later!" Lin Heng said.

After having lunch and waiting for the sun to pass, they went to dig up earthworms at 4:30, and then went to the cattle pen in the back mountain. What they dug out were all big blue-black earthworms as thick as Xiulan's little finger, which are particularly good at catching big fish.

Then at five o'clock, we set off to the town to go fishing, and brought a watermelon to Uncle Gao.

"Second brother and second sister-in-law, what are you going to do??"

On the way, Caiyun, who was coming back from school, saw Lin Heng and the others and asked curiously.

"Auntie, let's go fishing! Are you going?" Xiaoxia asked, raising her little hand.

"Fishing, then I won't go, I want to go back to eat." Caiyun shook his head.

Lin Heng glanced at Liu Ciwen and two other students, a boy and a girl, who were with her, and said with a smile: "Then go back quickly."

Caiyun walked back, and Lin Heng drove quickly to the town. Uncle Gao did not go fishing today and was still enjoying the cool in the house.

"Uncle, I brought you a watermelon. Let's go fishing later." Lin Heng said with a smile as he carried the watermelon into the house.

"Hey, how can I finish eating this watermelon that's so big?" Uncle Gao said cheerfully.

"If you can't finish it, you can share it with your neighbors. I have grown a lot at home, and I will get some for you later." Lin Heng looked at him and said.

"How about we cut it up now and let everyone eat it." Uncle Gao added.

Lin Heng smiled and shook his head: "We just ate one today and we don't dare to eat it again. I'll find you a bucket to keep it cold. You can eat it tomorrow."

After chatting with Uncle Gao for a few words, Lin Heng chatted with Wang Zhou again, patted his shoulder and said, "I have already arranged the matchmaking matter you mentioned. You can see the day by yourself. I will take you up when the time comes. "

He entrusted this matter to the village party secretary Tian Dongfu. When the time comes, he and Tian Dongfu will just take Wang Zhou there.

Wang Zhou was a little excited and said repeatedly: "Thank you, Brother Lin!!"

He thought Lin Heng would take a long time, but he didn't expect that they would arrange it for him in half a month.

"Little things." Lin Heng smiled and waved his hand. He could understand Wang Zhou's feelings, so naturally he would not use this as a handle to control Wang Zhou. If he wanted to make people surrender, he would use upright methods.

After talking about this matter, Lin Heng took Xiulan Xiaoxia to the blacksmith shop.

"Uncle Li, are my swords ready?" Lin Heng shouted loudly as he walked into the yard.

"Okay, okay, I'm just waiting for you to pick it up." Li Tie stopped what he was doing and said with a smile.

Since Lin Heng hadn't been here for so many days, he even thought that he didn't want the knife anymore, and he was still very worried.

"That's good." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"I'll go into the house and get it for you." Li Tie said and turned back to the house to get something.

After a while, he came out with a bone chopping knife and two short knives. The scabbards of the daggers were also wrapped with a layer of brown leather, which looked quite handsome.

Li Tie handed the knife to Lin Heng and explained: "I made two short knives. You decide which one you like. The blades are made according to the method you said. There are wavy patterns after acid dipping. This thing is difficult to make. I failed five or six times before I succeeded, but it looks really good. The handle is made of red jujube wood and fixed with nails and water. "

Lin Heng pulled out the knife and took a look. The blade was fifteen centimeters long, which was longer than his hundred-smelted steel dagger. The tip of the knife had a large slope, as if it had been cut off. Wave-like black and white colors could be seen on the blade. Pattern, very handsome.

"I have to test the skill of such an expensive knife first." Lin Heng said after reading it. This knife is not cheap, so naturally he can't just pay for it based on its appearance.

"No problem, you can experiment as you like." Lin Hai nodded.

Lin Heng first took a prepared deer leg bone to test the sharpness of the machete. With one cut, the bone broke into two sections. Then he cut three more times and looked at the blade. He nodded with satisfaction when he found that it was intact.

Then I used mugwort growing on the roadside outside the yard to test the sharpness. It was no problem to cut off one piece at a time. This bone chopping knife is of good quality.

He first tested the dagger with bones, then chopped down a hard acorn tree, and finally chopped mugwort to test the sharpness, and it turned out to be no problem even after a circle.

"I won't take out a knife that doesn't work. What we rely on is integrity." Li Tie patted his chest and said.

"It's not bad." Lin Heng was very satisfied, looked at Xiulan and said, "Give me the money."

Xiulan took out the money from the bag she was carrying and gave it to Li Tie. After paying the money, she drove away in a tricycle without lingering in the envious eyes of Li Tie and his family.

Lin Heng is quite famous in Huangtan Town now. After all, households with ten thousand yuan as young as him are extremely rare.

After going back and parking the car in Uncle Gao's yard, Lin Heng called Uncle Gao and took Xiulan and Xiaoxia to go fishing in the Huangtan River.

"Xiao Lin, what kind of fish do you want to catch this time?" Uncle Gao asked with a smile while holding a small bucket.

Lin Heng turned around and replied: "The target is spineless fish such as catfish and yellow bone mandarin fish. I also prepared a ground hook for fishing through the revolving door."

"Then let's go fishing next to the water inlet downstream. There are many catfish there." Uncle Gao suggested.

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded with a smile.

"I love catfish!" Xiaoxia said excitedly next to her.

"Grandpa will fish for you later!"

Uncle Gao liked Xiaoxia very much and played with her, talking and laughing all the way to the downstream fishing spot.

This is a place where shallow green grass grows evenly on both sides of the bank. There is a small stream nearby that merges into the main river, forming a huge backwater bend at their location. This place has a lot of humus and is the favorite environment for catfish.

Putting the things down, Lin Heng first took out the fishing line and tied it to the Zizhu fishing rod. He threaded a thick and large blue-black earthworm on the fishhook and threw it into the water.

After he finished, he helped Xiulan thread the earthworms, threw the bait down, and pressed the bamboo pole with a stone before doing other things.

There is no need to make a nest to catch catfish, just wait.

"Xiulan, you watch, I'll get some frogs to catch catfish." Lin Heng looked at Xiulan and said.

"No problem." Xiulan nodded and agreed while sitting on the stone.

Lin Heng picked up the slingshot and looked for the small puddle covered with green moss by the river to look for the traces of frogs.

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