Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 298 Lost my way home, my father's caring little cotton-padded jacket

Standing by the side and observing carefully, you can see the heads of the big green frogs floating out one by one.

Take out a stone and aim and shoot it. With a snap, the frog turns white. The efficiency of this killing is simply too high. After a while, Lin Heng got six big frogs back.

Take out the newly acquired Damascus short knife and lightly cut open the frog's belly. Take out the frog's liver to catch catfish, and use the other internal organs to make nests.

The frog meat is not wasted and taken back to feed Xiongba Fengshou. This is also a big meal.

He took out five sets of five-meter-long fishing lines, tied a big fishhook like the No. 10 Ise Ni, put on the frog liver and threw it into the water, tied it to a bamboo piece at the back and inserted it into the soil.

The best way to catch catfish is to fish like this, just check it every half an hour, if there is a fish hook, the line will be tight.

Back to the fishing position, he hit the frog's internal organs in front of the three adjustment positions. Catfish have an extremely sensitive sense of smell, and they can quickly find this bait containing blood.

"Oh, I caught a crucian carp first."

Grandpa Gao lifted the rod and said with a smile, a silver crucian carp was hooked.

"Wow, Grandpa Gao is so awesome!" Xiaoxia cheered like a cheerleader.

"Hahaha!" Grandpa Gao was also amused and laughed.

Xiaoxia walked back and asked curiously: "Dad, why don't we catch fish?"

"Wait a little longer and we'll catch fish." Lin Heng looked at the watch and said.

It's half past six now and the sun has already set. At seven o'clock, catfish will come out to look for food, and we can fish until eight o'clock.

It's eight o'clock now and it's completely dark.

Grandpa Gao's small earthworms are often caught by crucian carp, but Lin Heng's earthworms are too big, and ordinary fish can't eat them.

Soon, the last bit of the sun also set, and large patches of blood-red sunset clouds remained on the western mountaintops. The more cloudy the weather, the more beautiful the sunset clouds are.

Grandpa Gao had already caught five crucian carps and three yellow thorns, but there was still no movement from Lin Heng. He stood up and looked at the five lines with frog livers hanging on them, and there was no fish either.

Lin Heng changed the hook and threw two fresh black earthworms in again and waited. This time there was a bite, but he couldn't pull it up at all. It seemed that the small fish was biting the earthworms.

"How about you change to red earthworms like mine?" Grandpa Gao asked with a smile.

"I'll try!" Lin Heng smiled and took two. It was already 7:30, and Grandpa Gao caught two small catfish weighing half a catty, but there was still no movement from him.

Xiaoxia was so tired of cheering for Grandpa Gao that she ran inside to play with the sand.

"It's okay. If you can't catch anything, it's good to have a breeze." Xiulan winked at him. It was cool by the river in the evening, and the environment was good and comfortable to stay in, but the mosquitoes were annoying.

"I'm sure you can catch it." Lin Heng said confidently. The fish in this river have never been caught before, and they are not very alert to the hooks.

After throwing the relatively small red earthworms into the water, Lin Heng went to check the ground hook line group again.

When he reached the fourth line group, he suddenly quickened his pace because the strong 12-strand nylon line was pulled tight.

He pulled out the bamboo piece and felt a dull hand feeling, as if something was pulling him into the river.

"I caught a fish, Xiulan, bring the scoop net!" Lin Heng cheered excitedly.

"I caught a fish here too!"

At the same time, Xiulan also picked up the fishing rod, and it looked like it was bent quite a bit.

"I'll do it, I'll do it!" Grandpa Gao picked up the scoop net and walked towards Lin Heng.

Because the hook was big and the line was thick, Lin Heng pulled it back violently. As soon as he pulled back some fish, they rushed out with a bang, and he couldn't pull them back for a while.

"Damn, this one is not small!!" Lin Heng said excitedly.

"Be careful and walk more, don't run away." Grandpa Gao reminded him quickly.

"Dad, how big is the fish?" Xiaoxia asked excitedly.

"Don't fall, stay away." Lin Heng said as he kept trying to pull the fish. His hands were shaking with excitement. This fish was really big and had great strength.

"I pulled up a catfish weighing more than one pound!"

Lin Heng was still in a stalemate. Xiulan pulled the fish up first, and then ran over to watch Lin Heng fishing.

After five or six minutes of pulling, Lin Heng finally pulled the fish out of the water with his strength. A half-meter-long catfish swung its tail and went back into the water.

"Oh my God, this fish weighs more than ten pounds. Let me pull it!"

When Grandpa Gao saw such a big fish, his hands immediately itched.

"No problem!"

Lin Heng handed the bamboo stick to Grandpa Gao to pull for a while, and then he pulled for another two minutes. The fish finally had no strength to turn over and was scooped up on the grass by the scoop net.

"Oh my god, it's really big!" Xiulan said in surprise. This one fish is worth it today, and it's not in vain that she got bit by mosquitoes.

Xiaoxia jumped up with joy: "Big fish, such a big fish, Dad is really awesome!"

Grandpa Gao shook his head helplessly and smiled: "This one of yours may be 20 kilograms. I really can't catch it in the whole afternoon. Is frog liver so useful?"

"It's my first time using it, but I didn't expect it to be so useful."

Lin Heng was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear. He didn't expect to catch such a big fish. It was so cool. He was going to break the record of his fishing career.

Carp and grass carp are not delicious when they are too big. They are full of fat, but catfish, especially local river catfish, are delicious no matter how big they are. The meat is like garlic cloves.

"I'll try it next time. This fish is really big." Grandpa Gao said enviously.

Lin Heng found a rope and passed it through the gills to hang it up. He would kill it and eat it when he got home. There was no place to keep it.

"Uncle, I won't fish anymore. It's getting dark and I have to go home." Lin Heng said with a smile. He actually wanted to catch more after catching such a big fish, but he didn't want his wife and children to continue feeding mosquitoes.

"I'll take it too. It won't fall off when it gets dark." Uncle Gao sighed.

After quickly packing up his things, Lin Heng walked back with the big catfish.

There were many people enjoying the cool air on the street at this time. They were all sitting in front of the door in groups of three or two. They were all surprised to see the big catfish Lin Heng was carrying.

"Hey, this fish is big!"

"It must be more than ten pounds. How did you get it up?"

Lin Heng showed a mouthful of white teeth: "I caught it. It took me more than ten minutes to pull it up."

"Awesome, this is actually caught by fishing!!"

Hearing this, everyone was even more shocked. Lin Heng felt comfortable all over after listening to it, and he couldn't help but walk to more crowded places when he walked.

"Just go forward and you'll pass it."

When they reached the store entrance, Xiulan looked at Lin Heng and reminded him.

"Haha, I didn't notice." Lin Heng turned around and went into the house with regret, hanging the fish behind the sidecar.

"Brother Lin, this fish is too big!" Wang Zhou was shocked when he saw the fish.

"It's OK, it's OK." Lin Heng laughed, said a few words and drove away. Today was really a great harvest.

It was completely dark when they returned to the house. They parked the car and took the things in.

"Honey, this little catfish I caught is still alive." Xiulan said as she looked at the little catfish in the plastic bag.

"Then keep it and kill it and eat it in a few days." Lin Heng said.

He put the big catfish on a small scale and weighed it, and immediately laughed: "22 pounds, super big stuff, breaking the record!"

This is the biggest one he has ever caught since he went fishing.

Xiulan also said happily: "We are so lucky today. I thought we would get nothing, but a big fish came."

"Dad, how do we eat such a big fish?" Xiaoxia poked with her finger and asked cutely.

"I have thought about it. I will chop the fish head with pepper, make pickled fish with the fish body, and make fried fish nuggets and fish balls." Lin Heng responded that he had already thought about how to eat it on the way back.

"Great, I want to eat them all!!"

Xiaoxia ran around happily like a puppy.

Lin Heng glanced at Jinbao who was staring at him, and asked Xiulan to put the small catfish in the fish pond temporarily, and then take the big fish to slaughter under the eaves.

Before slaughtering, he ran to his eldest brother's house and shouted: "Brother, I caught a 22-jin catfish, come and see."

"22 jin, so fierce?" Lin Yue stood up.

"Is it true, second father?" Lin Wei, who was doing his homework, jumped out.

"Hey, why don't you just go to my house and have a look?" Lin Heng said with a smile.

The eldest brother's family followed him immediately, and they were all stunned when they saw it in the yard.

"Oh my God, it's so big, did you really catch it?" Sister-in-law Liu Juan's mouth is so big that she can put eggs in it.

"Damn, second father, you are so invincible!!" Lin Wei simply admired him to death.

"Awesome!" The eldest brother Lin Yue had to give a thumbs up.

"Haha, you just wait here, I will give you some after I kill it, otherwise I can't finish it." Lin Heng said with a smile, feeling very happy.

The new dagger was extremely sharp, and it was also very easy to kill fish. The fish belly was cut open with one knife, and the internal organs were taken out and cooked with frogs, and then mixed with some leftovers and fat meat to feed Xiongba and Fengshou.

The fish body was scalded with boiling water to remove the mucus, and the head was cut out and split, and placed in a basin and marinated with onion, ginger and yellow wine to eat tomorrow.

Then he cut a three-jin piece of fish meat and gave it to his elder brother and his family. After killing the fish, there were still 18 or 19 jin left. His family could not eat it all before it rotted.

"Thank you, brother!" Lin Yue took the fish and said with a smile.

"Don't you often give me food?" Lin Heng said with a smile. His elder brother would also share some of what he caught or caught.

"Haha, then I'll leave." Lin Yue laughed and left with his son.

After his elder brother left, Lin Heng cut another piece for Xiulan to cook tonight, and cut the rest into pieces, rubbed salt on them and put them there for tomorrow's meal. There was too much meat, so there would be a lot left for his parents and elder brother tomorrow.

Xiulan went to make dinner, and Lin Heng took about two kilograms of catfish meat to make fish balls. To make handmade fish balls, just use a knife to scrape the meat from the fish, scrape it off one by one until only a piece of skin is left.

Then put the fish wool in the onion and ginger water and stir it constantly. Finally, keep the water in the pot slightly boiling and put the squeezed fish balls in. After cooking, the chewy fish balls are ready.

The fish balls were cooked but not eaten at night. They were put in cold water for tomorrow’s meal.

The dinner was cornmeal fish, which was rinsed in cold water. The dishes included sweet and sour fish cubes, cold cucumber salad, and stir-fried mustard greens.

The sweet and sour fish cubes were made by coating the fish with starch, frying it, and pouring sweet and sour sauce on it. Xiaoxia and Xiulan both liked this taste. Lin Heng didn’t like it, but he didn’t hate it either.

“Fish, fish, it’s delicious!”

Xiaoxia didn’t eat anything else, just the sweet and sour fish cubes. Her little face was full of satisfaction, as if she hadn’t eaten it for a long time.

“You should eat more too.” Lin Heng also picked up more for Xiulan. Fish meat is also very nutritious for pregnant women.

As for himself, fish with cucumber and mustard greens is delicious, and some soul-stirring garlic and chili.

He only ate two pieces of fish meat, and he was looking forward to the chopped pepper fish head tomorrow morning.

“Are we going to move to Hongfeng Mountain tomorrow?”

Xiulan asked while enjoying the cool air after dinner.

"Okay, let's go there and clean up tomorrow morning, and then we'll live there." Lin Heng said with a smile.

In addition to picking up knives when he went to town today, he also picked up some things, including pots and pans used in the red maple mountain cabin, screens and door curtains, and some animal traps.

"Go back to the house, Xiaoxia. Today I will tell you about the finale of Journey to the West. Monk Monkey King Sun Wukong is about to become a Buddha." It was almost ten o'clock, Lin Heng looked at Xiaoxia and said.

"Wow, wow!"

Xiaoxia couldn't wait for a long time, so she quickly went back to the house, took off her clothes and lay down on the bed.

Xiulan was going to take a shower, but she also wanted to hear the finale, so she sat there and listened together.

Lin Heng talked for half an hour before finally ending. Xiaoxia asked a lot of questions after listening to the ending, and then fell asleep.

Lin Heng and Xiulan went out to get cold water and took a bath in the main room. After returning to the room and lying on the bed, Lin Heng pulled Xiulan and whispered: "It's time for you to fulfill your promise."

It wasn't that he forced her. A few days ago, when Xiulan leaned against him to cool herself, she threatened to bite him. As a result, she just forgot about it after that day.

Xiulan shyly moved her face to the side and said nothing. That kind of thing was still too challenging for her.

Lin Heng glanced at her and lay down to sleep. He just thought it was fun to tease her by mentioning it.

Just when Lin Heng was about to fall asleep, Xiulan suddenly turned to him and whispered in his ear: " my mouth...or you will be dead!"

Before Lin Heng could answer, she shrank. After a while, Lin Heng felt that he... was being grasped...

Only when some things really happened did he understand what it felt like and how happy it was. I'm afraid even heaven wouldn't care about it.

After a long time, Xiulan wiped her chest and leaned over, hugged Lin Heng's face, and kissed her.


After a while, Lin Heng looked at him helplessly. Fortunately, there was nothing in her mouth, otherwise she would have eaten something like a tiger's poison.

"What are you..., what's wrong with letting you have a taste? Do you dislike me or yourself?" Xiulan snorted and looked at him.

"As for that, I haven't eaten your food before, and you didn't even kiss me at that time."

Lin Heng looked at her and smiled.

"My pleasure!"

Xiulan snorted and moved closer, quite vindictive.

Lin Heng didn't care at all and was very cooperative, which made Xiulan feel bored.


After a while she snorted quietly, then turned away angrily.

Lin Heng lay on the bed thinking about how he couldn't sleep just now. Although he was scratched from time to time, the feeling was incomparable.

It's over, he feels like he won't be able to forget it for a long time.

I don't know how I fell asleep, but I woke up early the next morning. Lin Heng opened his eyes and looked at Xiulan next to him. He recalled what happened last night, and he still felt a bit hungry.

"Don't talk nonsense, nothing happened yesterday!"

Xiulan warned with wide eyes.

"I didn't say anything." Lin Heng is innocent, you don't have three hundred taels of silver here, right?

"I'm warning you." Xiulan poked his chest and climbed up.

Lin Heng laughed and was warned again.

I know that it is normal to have breakfast after washing and exercising.

"The weather is a bit gloomy today." Xiulan said, looking at the sky outside.

Compared to the past few days, the clouds today are much darker and there is quite a bit of wind.

"Then let's go clean up first. If we can't wait until the rain has passed and the sky has cleared up, we can move in again." Lin Heng nodded and said.

"Okay, I'll pack my things. You can pack the fish first and take them over to give some to Third Dad." Xiulan nodded.

"Okay." Lin Heng walked over with a fish weighing about three kilograms.

This catfish is still 19 pounds after killing it. I ate one pound last night, made two pounds of fish balls, almost two pounds of fish head, and gave three pounds to the elder brother. There are still ten pounds of meat left.

These must be eaten today, otherwise they will spoil. Not only must they be given to his parents, but he also has to send some to his third father's house. The remaining ones will have to be fed to the dogs.

After Xiulan had packed up the things she needed to settle down in Hongfeng Mountain, they took Xiongba directly to Shanghe San's father's house in their three-wheeler.

After giving away the fish meat, he did not forget to tell his third father about his experience of catching fish.

"Lin Heng, buy me some fishhooks too. I want to try them too."

After hearing this, the third father, Lin Xutao, said excitedly that he had never expected that fishing could have such a promising future.

"That's no problem. You can come to my house to get it later and I'll give it to you for free." Lin Heng said with a smile.

After showing off here, he took Xiaoxia and Xiulan back to Hongfeng Mountain. Father Lin was feeding shrimps. Lin Heng stopped the car and said loudly: "Dad, you lost a lot if you didn't go fishing with me yesterday." ”

"What's wrong?" Father Lin was confused.

"I caught a 22-pound catfish!!" Lin Heng said loudly.

"22 pounds?" Father Lin was stunned.

Lin Heng couldn't wait to start telling the story again, and he was even more excited than when he shot a sika deer.

Xiulan looked at him and felt a little funny. Her man was really interesting, she was so excited about catching a fish.

"I testify that my dad caught a huge fish!!"

Xiaoxia is also Lin Heng's caring little treasure. When meeting someone, she will show off that her father caught a 22-pound catfish, and will also ask if your father can catch it.

When they arrived at the house, Lin Hengyu and his mother were shocked when he took it out.

"It seems that we are full of fish today." Mother Lin sighed, this is a bit too much.

"It's okay, there's still a dog." Lin Heng said with a smile. He never hesitates to give good food to dogs.

Leave the fish here and let Lin's mother marinate it first. He will do it himself at noon. Then he took Xiaoxia and Xiulan to the mountain.

The cement road surface laid yesterday morning has completely solidified today. Although it is still a little damp, it is completely safe for people to walk on.

"This road is really well built!" Xiulan sighed as she looked at the cement roadside. She would never have thought that Hongfeng Mountain would become what it is now in a year.

"I also plan to plant a row of forsythia outside the road. It will be more beautiful when it is full of flowers." Lin Heng said with a smile.

He recently had another idea, which is to plant a circle of roses along the fence outside the fish pond, or outside the entire Hongfeng Mountain, so that people can enjoy the flowers and use it as a fence to prevent people and animals from approaching.

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