Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 299 Father’s talent, relay

[Chapter 297 was killed, is being revised, and will not be released until tomorrow]

Lin Heng was carrying a lot of things, Xiulan was holding Xiaoxia, and Xiongba was leading the way. The three of them and one dog walked up the path.

The road is not crowded after repairs. Looking back, you can see fish ponds arranged as neatly as emeralds. The mountain stream next to it and the Shiban River further away surround it like two ribbons, one white and one green.

Walking up the mountain, the breeze was caressing, the mountain spring was crisp, and the jumping water droplets reflected colorful light from time to time. After looking at the beautiful scenery around them, they came to the tall woods on the top of the mountain.

There are maples, pine trees, aspen trees, and other tall trees such as acorn trees and fir trees mixed in here. As the mountain wind blows the leaves, they make a rustling sound. Walking here suddenly feels much cooler. It's like a completely different world.

"The forest is so beautiful now." Xiulan nodded and said. Without the messy small trees and dead branches, the forest looked transparent and clean. This environment made people naturally happy.

Lin Heng looked at Xiulan. When she was happy, her big eyes would curl up, watery as if she were smiling, with a different kind of charm. Xiaoxia's eyes were inherited from her, and they would also curl up when she was happy. of.

"Then let's stay a little longer." Lin Heng looked at her and smiled.

"Dad, I want to play on the swing!"

As soon as she arrived at the cabin, Xiaoxia pointed to the swing in the distance and said excitedly.

"I'll play with you after I finish cleaning up later." Lin Heng glanced at the swing and said. It's not clear whether it is safe since no one has used the rope in these autumn months.

Let Xiaoxia play on the wooden platform in front of the door. Xiongba explored the surroundings, looking for snakes and other dangerous things. Lin Heng opened the door and walked in.

Everything in the house is as before, and there is only a thin layer of dust. After all, I lived there when I was growing ginseng.

Xiulan walked into the room and said pleasantly: "It's really cool in this room, not stuffy at all!"

"It's much cooler under the tree than inside the house." Lin Heng said as he opened the window.

After briefly checking the situation in the house to make sure there were no rats, snakes or insects, he took a bucket and went to the mountain stream to fetch water, while Xiulan cleaned the house first.

If you want to get tap water here, you have to use a water truck or a water pump. Currently, you can only carry water.

Lin Heng has always wanted to make a waterwheel, but due to lack of time, he has not even built a model yet.

After picking up two buckets of water, Lin Heng and Xiulan began to clean the house, laying out the bed planks and laying the mat and summer quilt they brought today, and then wiping various furniture.

The cooking area is outside the house. The stove is made of stone. When Lin Heng was paving the road, it was reinforced with cement. Now you can put an iron pot on it and cook directly.

There are a lot of firewood piled behind the house, all of which were made when someone was hired to clear the forest this year. It can be burned for two years without any problem.

It took them about half an hour to clean everything inside and outside the house. Lin Heng boiled a pot of hot water and made some honeysuckle and prunella vulgaris herbal tea. Just as he was about to sit on the bench to rest for a while, Father Lin came up.

Father Lin picked up two large wicker chairs and said with a smile: "I brought you two wicker chairs, which I made recently."

"Dad, you really succeeded." Lin Heng said in surprise. When he was making a sofa a few days ago, he saw his father trying to make a wicker chair, but he failed at that time.

He had never learned how to make it. He bought one on the street and came back to study it. He didn't expect to make it by himself so quickly.

The main body of this rattan chair is made of wood, and the sitting area and backrest are made of rattan. In addition, the backrest has a large slope, making it much more comfortable to sit on than ordinary wooden chairs. It is very suitable for lying on your back to enjoy the cool or bask in the sun.

Father Lin said proudly: "Of course it worked. These two are made of hemp rope. You can use them for now. Later I will use bamboo strips and rattan to make a few good ones and bring them back to the house."

"Awesome!" Lin Heng praised. His father is really talented in this area. He knows how to weave bamboo baskets and other things. He just learned it from others a few times or watched people do it twice before he figured it out.

If he had studied since childhood, he must have been a very good carpenter.

Lin Heng took it over and sat on it for a while to try it out. He said in surprise, "This hemp rope is more comfortable and soft than expected. Please try it, Xiulan."

Xiulan sat on it and nodded repeatedly: "It's very comfortable, much softer than ordinary chairs."

"As long as you feel comfortable, remember to come down for lunch." Father Lin said this and wanted to leave home, but Xiaoxia hugged her legs.

"Grandpa, come play with me on the swing!" she said delicately.

Father Lin wanted to leave but had no choice but to pick her up and said, "Then I'll play with you for a while. You should sit down."

He first tried the swing rope to see if the knot was strong, and then started to swing with Xiaoxia in his arms.

Lin Heng moved the wicker chair under an aspen tree nearby, and lay on his back with Xiulan to rest.

Even in such a sultry weather, the forest is still very cool, and with the strong wind today, you can feel it in the forest, which makes it even more comfortable.

"This place is great for barbecue. Let's get something for barbecue next time." Lin Heng leaned on the chair and said, really missing the taste of barbecue.

Xiulan nodded in agreement: "I want to eat it too, last year's barbecue was so delicious."

"We will have a barbecue when I come back from this trip to the mountains." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Then I will cut some bamboo sticks for you in advance, and then we will have a good meal." Father Lin said from a distance.

"Okay!" Lin Heng agreed.

After resting for a while, Lin Heng went down the mountain with his father and continued to bring up some rice, noodles and other daily necessities.

It doesn’t need to be too much, at least enough for half a month.

After moving the things, he took a walk in the woods and took Xiongba around a few times to check if there was any danger.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t look at it. Once you look at it, you will find something.

There are one nest of Hu Feng, three nests of 'Ma Jian' bees, and one nest of snakeskin wasps with long honeycombs.

Hu Feng is the most terrifying, but the nest is on the top of an aspen tree and has the size of a child's head, but as long as it is marked and not provoked, it will be fine.

Mainly snakeskin wasps and arrow wasps. These two hives are very low, and they will be stung if they are accidentally touched.

Lin Heng memorized the location of the nest. He went back to get firewood and tied a torch over it. He also poured some diesel oil and brought it to the beehive. A small flame burst out and the bees were burned to death before they could fly.

Those who are not dead have their wings burned out and cannot fly.

Lin Heng then used the same method to create another three nests of wasps, killing all of them. The last nest almost caused the bees to retaliate because it was not easy to burn. Fortunately, the flames were strong enough to save him.

"There are still bee pupae to eat at noon today." Lin Heng came over with three beehives and said.

Xiulan tilted her head and looked at him: "You haven't been stung, have you?"

"No, I'm being careful." Lin Heng gave the hive to Xiulan, took a small bowl and started to take out the bee pupae, which are also foods with a very high protein content.

When the two of them finished, they only had a small bowl, about one or two bee pupae, which was a little small and barely enough for a meal.

Lin Heng didn't have anti-bee clothing, otherwise he would have climbed up a tree and removed Hu Feng's nest, which could catch several kilograms of bee pupae at a time.

"Come on, let's go down and eat." Lin Heng said after finishing the bee pupae.


Xiulan nodded, they moved the animals back into the house, and then went down with the bee pupae.

When they got downstairs, Lin Heng went over to help cook. Lin's mother's fish cooking skills generally required him to do it himself.

"Are you sure you're coming?" Mother Lin looked at him with distrust.

"Leave it to me, I'm professional in fishing." Lin Heng said with a smile, this is just the basic quality of an old fisherman.

Mother Lin gave him the knife and stood aside to watch: "Then I want to see your skills."

The first thing Lin Heng made was the minced pepper fish head. It had been marinated yesterday and all sources of fishy smell such as black film and fish teeth had been removed.

Now put it on a large plate and put it directly into the pot and steam it for eight minutes. While steaming the fish, he chopped hot and sour seeds, millet peppers, wattle twigs, garlic, and ginger into minced peppers, seasoned them and added a spoonful of lard.

When the time is up, take out the fish head and drain the steamed water from the plate. This is a very important step in making fish head with chopped pepper. Remove the water and add chopped pepper and continue to steam for ten minutes, then pour hot oil on it.

Lin Heng brought some of the fish balls he made last night and added loofah to make a loofah fish ball soup. It was sweet and fragrant, Xiaoxia Xiulan's favorite.

Then there are sweet and sour fish nuggets and oily fish nuggets.

Finally, there is the core dish of pickled fish. There is enough fish today so Lin Heng doesn’t add vermicelli. The fish fillets alone are enough for everyone.

"Okay, everything is done, Mom, what do you think?" Lin Heng said with a smile after finishing.

Mother Lin was a little shocked. Her son actually had such skills, which was completely beyond her expectation. The dishes not only looked good but also smelled delicious. She even wondered if he had secretly learned how to cook outside.

But as a mother, she still said calmly: "Then I will make the remaining fish into dried fish. It would be too wasteful to feed the dogs."

"It doesn't matter, it's up to you." Lin Heng said helplessly. This was his mother's habit and there was no way to change it.

But I still have five kilograms of fish at home, so I can feed Xiongba and Fengsheng some when I go back in the afternoon.

"time to eat!"

Lin Heng brought the pickled fish to the living room and said loudly.

"Hey, it smells so good!" Father Lin said with a smile and went over to help serve the food.

When all the dishes were put on the table, Mother Lin couldn't help but said: "This is more abundant than the Chinese New Year."

"Indeed, there are ten dishes, which is too much. I don't even need to eat today." Father Lin said with a smile.

"Hurry up and start eating, everyone, sit down." Lin Heng was already hungry, so he said this and picked up a greasy bee pupa to taste.

It's very delicious with a little sweetness. You can't stop eating it. It's full of protein flavor.

"It's a pity that there are too few!" Lin Heng said with emotion.

Xiulan gave him a piece of pickled fish fillet with chopsticks and said, "You'd better eat the fish quickly, otherwise you won't be able to finish it at all."

"Don't worry, leave it to me."

Lin Heng smiled and said that the spicy and sour pickled fish appetizer is his favorite, and it is not a problem to solve.

Xiaoxia likes to eat fish balls with loofah today. Father Lin thinks the fish head with chopped pepper is the most delicious. Mother Lin likes fried fish pieces. It is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, which suits her very well.

The fighting power of the five people is still very strong. After eating for nearly an hour, the dishes on the table are almost finished, and the remaining ones can basically be thrown away.

After eating, everyone leaned on their chairs and didn't want to move. They were so satisfied with what they had eaten today.

"It's time to eat today!" Father Lin said with a grin. This was like the Chinese New Year, and it was a dream day for him.

Mother Lin also said: "Your dad really had a good meal today, he didn't even have time to take a sip of wine."

"Next time we have barbecue, that one will be better." Lin Heng said with a smile. He is happy when his family enjoys their meal.

Xiulan walked outside and looked at the sky and said, "Lin Heng, I think it's going to rain. Let's go home quickly."

"Go out and have a look."

Lin Heng also walked out. While eating, he heard the roar of the wind outside, but he didn't pay much attention.

Now I came out and was shocked. Compared with the dark clouds in the morning, the clouds were much lower, and there were flashes of lightning from time to time, which gave me the feeling of a dark cloud covering the city.

You know, it was only one o'clock now, but the sky was almost as dark as evening.

The wind outside was even stronger than in the morning. Trees as thick as wrists were blown crooked, and people felt a little suffocated standing in the wind.

"Please, my epimedium was blown away!" Lin's mother clapped her hands and regretted, she forgot.

The so-called "please" means it's over.

"It should still be over there, it won't blow too far." Lin Heng pointed to the vegetable garden and said.

Lin's father looked at the sky and said, "Son, you guys go back quickly. Xiulan is pregnant and can't get wet in the rain. I'll go feed the cattle and sheep quickly."

"I'll also go get a few bags of hay."

Lin Heng walked towards the warehouse. The sunny weather lasted too long this time. He estimated that it would be a heavy continuous rain, which hadn't fallen this summer.

So he had to get more hay for rainy days, and he felt that the hay stored there was not enough.

After tying the hay with ropes, Xiulan held Xiaoxia and sat behind him. Xiongba could only run home behind the car. After they got on the car, he drove the tricycle quickly to the house. He felt the rain just halfway.

The strong wind made people feel suffocated.

Fortunately, it didn't rain when they got home. After taking the hay to the back mountain to store it, Lin Heng said to Xiulan: "I'll go over again and pull the sofa planks over so that it can be assembled when it rains."

"Take the raincoat." Xiulan stuffed the raincoat into his hand.

Lin Heng put on the raincoat and drove two more times to move all the planks for assembling the sofa back. The rain began to drip on the road, but it was not heavy.

"Hurry back to the house, the rain is getting heavier." Xiulan looked at him and said.

Lin Heng covered the car with a waterproof tarpaulin, walked into the house and picked up a hoe and said, "I'll go clear the ditches near the house to avoid problems when it rains."

If this is not done well, water will enter the house accidentally.

"I'll go with you!" Xiulan said, picking up a hoe.

Lin Heng put the hoe back and looked at her and said, "Stay at home honestly."

"Oh!" Xiulan puffed her lips and didn't argue with him.

Lin Heng took the hoe and went outside to quickly repair the ditch.

Pah! Pah!

The rain started to fall before it was finished, hitting Lin Heng's back in a raincoat, and the frequency was getting faster and faster, so he hurriedly speeded up.

"Finally done." Lin Heng ran back to the house and took a deep breath.

Putting the hoe down, standing at the door to watch the rain, lightning and thunder roared continuously, the ground was already soaked, the heavy rain had poured down, and water formed on the ground in a moment.

"Let's go into the study!" Lin Heng shook his head. They could get wet at the door in this slanting rain.

However, the front and back doors and windows were open, waiting for the wind to blow away the heat in the house.

Lin Heng didn't read the book in the study. He looked at the heavy rain outside through the window and the trees on the opposite mountain that were hit by the rain. He was in a daze, and his mind was empty.

Xiaoxia played with the spring frog, and Xiulan turned on the light and picked up the unfinished book to read it carefully. She read slowly for one or two months to finish a book. At first, she just wanted to understand what Lin Heng was reading, and gradually she was attracted by the story.

Lin Heng felt a little chilly after watching the rain for a while. He didn't want to read when he walked to the desk. He picked up a pen to copy ancient poems.

After copying for more than an hour, he calmed down and picked up the third volume of Das Kapital to check. He was about to finish the book, but he was still a long way from digesting and understanding it.

At about four o'clock, Xiulan walked to the desk and looked at Lin Heng: "What are we having for dinner tonight?"

Lin Heng looked up at her and could see the fine hairs on her snow-white face. Her slightly chubby face looked cute, but the most eye-catching thing was her eyes full of agility like water.

Lin Heng stretched out his hand and pinched her face and said with a smile: "There are still some fish balls, let's make fish ball noodles. If you want to rest, go ahead. I'll do it."

"Okay, I'll go and rest." Xiulan pursed her lips and rolled her eyes with a playful look, holding the book and walking over with her hands behind her back.

Xiulan left, and Xiaoxia ran over after playing by herself and said: "Dad, I want to listen to a story."

"Okay, come here, Dad will teach you to read a story." Lin Heng waved at her.


Xiaoxia happily ran over and sat on Lin Heng's lap. Lin Heng took a children's book to teach her to read and told her a story.

"Dad, reading is so hard." Xiaoxia acted coquettishly in his arms. After all, she was just a two-and-a-half-year-old girl.

Lin Heng touched her little head: "You can only read stories every day if you can read. Don't you want to read more interesting stories?"

Lin Heng did not say that it would be more motivating to give her rewards for recognizing more words. This would cultivate her subconscious mind that learning is for rewards. He wanted her to learn spontaneously for her own reasons and cultivate a good study habit from an early age.

"I just want my dad to read to me." Xiaoxia tilted her head, her eyes were as smart as her mother's, but with more innocence and curiosity.

"But I also want to hear Xiaoxia read to me. Dad won't be able to read books when he gets old." Lin Heng said softly.

Xiaoxia thought for a while and said, "Then I want to learn to read and tell stories to my dad."

"Then let's continue." Lin Heng said with a smile.

After helping his daughter learn Chinese characters for a while, he led her to draw. He drew a big duck, and Xiaoxia learned to draw a small duck. Then he made up a story and asked Xiaoxia to make up another one.

Xiaoxia liked this kind of drawing and story game very much. She played very enthusiastically. Before she knew it, it was completely dark outside.

"Okay, let's end it today. We'll play again another day. I'm going to cook."

Lin Heng looked at the sky outside and said.

"I'm hungry too!" Xiaoxia said, touching her stomach.

"Then I'll go cook. We'll have fish ball sour soup noodles tonight." Lin Heng said with a smile.

After packing up, he took Xiaoxia out and went to the eaves to look at the chickens, but found an unexpected existence.

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