Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 300: Installing the sofa, a chicken died

"You come here to eat chickens on a rainy day, right?"

Lin Heng looked at a red snake spitting out snakes next to the box. This thing had red patterns on its body and was a non-venomous snake.

Lin Heng picked up the tongs used for making fire, pinched it by seven inches, lifted it up, walked along the corridor to the door, and threw it into the ground outside the road with a hiss.

Fortunately, it was discovered early, otherwise this little chicken might have been harmed.

After taking a look at the little chicken, he went back to the house to cook, boiled the water and called Xiulan.

There are chopped green onions and fish balls floating in the brown clear soup, as well as white noodles.

Xiulan took a sip and tilted her head and asked, "Why is my food not as delicious as yours?"

Lin Heng said with a smile: "Maybe you didn't add lard. The clear soup noodles need some lard to make them fragrant."

"Then I'll try it next time." Xiulan nodded and started eating. The fish ball sour soup noodles were really delicious.

Lin Heng likes to eat noodles and fish the most, so he is good at making noodles and fish.

After dinner, it was still raining heavily outside, and the wind was blowing, but it was not as strong as in the afternoon.

Lin Heng stood at the door and took a look before going back to the house to rest.

The next morning, Lin Heng opened his eyes. The rain outside had not stopped, and it was still raining heavily, with moderate rain levels.

Just as he expected, it was a continuous rain that would probably last for two or three days.

Glancing at Xiulan who was still sleeping next to her, she took out her arm and got up.

When I opened the back door, a cool breeze hit me. It was a bit too cool for someone wearing shorts and shorts, and I shivered for a moment.

After stretching his body, Lin Heng walked to the pavilion and watched the raindrops hitting the delicate lotus flowers. In the clear fish pond, koi and other small fish chased and played happily.

He leaned on the bench and watched for a while, liking the feeling of silence in the rain.

Until I felt bored, I went to the toilet and came back to wash up.

After going to express fresh milk, he looked at the yogurt made last night.

In the morning, he boiled an extra egg, made some potato pancakes, and mixed a cucumber.

When Xiulan and the others got up and washed their faces, there was a knock on the door: "Son, open the door."

"I'm coming."

Lin Heng walked over and opened the door with a smile, and took his father in.

Father Lin held some carpentry tools in one hand and a vegetable basket in the other and said, "By the way, I picked some leeks and fruits for you."

"Hurry in and eat, it's just been cooked." Lin Heng took the basket and said with a smile. Naturally, his dad came over to help assemble the sofa.

"This breakfast is rich." Father Lin sat in front of the table and said in surprise.

"I just added an extra cucumber." Lin Heng said with a smile.

The four of them enjoyed breakfast together. Lin Heng and his father began to assemble the sofa, while Xiaoxia made trouble next to them.

Xiulan boiled the remaining fish meat and distributed it to Xiong Ba and Fengsheng. She kept half of it when feeding the dogs last night. She thought it would be preserved until today due to the low temperature on rainy days, but it still went bad when she just smelled it.

"Shall we have a box of leeks for lunch?" Xiulan said to Lin Heng after feeding the dog, looking at the leeks in the basket.

Lin Heng nodded: "Okay, put more eggs. You can't keep eggs for a long time in summer. They will spoil if you don't eat them."

"I know." Xiulan waved her hand and went into the room to knead the dough.

Unlike Lin Heng's model, which is all glued, this large sofa still uses a lot of mortise and tenon structure. Father Lin felt that all watering and nails were too worthless, so he insisted on using mortise and tenon joints.

Therefore, the corners and joints of the sofa have been changed to mortise and tenon structures, which is more troublesome to install and requires constant debugging.

After Xiulan kneaded the dough, she pulled the troublesome Xiaoxia aside, sorted out Xiaoxia's baby clothes, and took out the newly bought cloth to make new clothes for her unborn child.

Although she now has money to buy clothes, she is still used to making clothes for her children herself. While saving money, she can also gain a sense of accomplishment. If Lin Heng buys everything, she will feel useless.

At one o'clock at noon, Xiulan walked out of the kitchen and said, "Take a rest, it's time to eat."

"Okay, let's eat first. The smell of the leek box has already made my mouth water." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Although they installed the imperial concubine couch in one morning, which was relatively slow, they still had to eat.

My father shook the installed imperial concubine couch and said, "Although it is slow, it is strong enough. It won't break even if you drop it. The nails will fall apart after two shakes."

"Indeed, this is more useful than nails and glue." Lin Heng nodded in approval. His father's carpentry skills are getting better and better. He seemed to have learned a lot from working for Carpenter Liang before.

Mortise and tenon joints are naturally the best, but he finds them troublesome. However, his father is a man who strives for perfection, and transplanting rice must be done horizontally and vertically.

It was still raining outside, about moderate rain, and the Shiban River had turned into a yellow angry dragon. Many people ran to the rice fields to get out of the water, fearing that the fields would be washed away.

However, rain also has its advantages. The weather has become cooler and not as difficult as before.

After washing his hands, Lin Heng walked into the kitchen to help serve the dishes. When he saw Xiulan sucking her fingers in front of the bluestone chopping board, he walked over and said concernedly: "What's wrong? Let me take a look."

He took her little hand over and looked at it. There was no knife wound on the soft and white hand.

"It was pricked by a needle. The needles at home are not easy to use. I pricked it three or four times in a row when sewing clothes. It hurts a lot when it touches the salt, but it's okay." Xiulan took her hand back and shook her head.

"Let me buy you a new box of needles another day." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"It's okay, let's eat." Xiulan smiled and took the dishes out. Lin Heng helped to bring the leek box and fermented bean curd chili sauce.

For lunch today, I made a sour bean fried with bacon, a cold vegetable stew, and a loofah soup.

After taking a bite, Lin's father was shocked and said, "This leek box is so fragrant!"

The leek box is fried golden and crispy on the outside, and the inside is filled with soft leek and egg stuffing. The mouth is full of fragrance after taking a bite.

Lin Heng likes to spread fermented bean curd chili sauce on one side, which tastes richer. After eating one in one breath, he nodded repeatedly: "My wife's cooking skills are getting better and better."

Xiulan smiled and said, "It's delicious. Everything tastes better with more oil."

"Mom, it's so hot." Xiaoxia wanted to eat but was afraid of the heat, so she could only look at her mother.

"Let me blow it for you." Xiulan leaned over and blew it for her for a while.

The leek box is about a circle with a diameter of ten centimeters. It is filled with leeks and egg stuffing. It needs to be fried in oil when making it, so that it will taste fragrant.

Lin Heng ate four in a row, and Lin's father also ate four. Xiaoxia ate one, and Xiulan ate two.

"Dad, you can take the remaining four and eight back to my mother in the afternoon." Xiulan said as she took a bite of the salad.

Everyone was busy eating leek dumplings, and didn't eat anything else. Now they couldn't eat anything even if they wanted to.

"Okay." Lin's father drank a mouthful of soup and nodded in agreement. He had a big appetite and could have a bowl of loofah soup.

After dinner, they continued to assemble the sofa frame. The afternoon was long, and they worked from 1:30 to 7 o'clock and finally finished the sofa frame.

"It looks pretty good." Lin's father looked at the frame and nodded with satisfaction. He thought it was better than the sofas he had seen in the city.

"Of course, Dad, you can make one over there. It's more comfortable to sit on than ordinary benches." Lin Heng looked at his father and said that there were still a lot of wooden boards left from the purchase this time to make another one.

"Wait until you finish this one and let me feel it." Lin's father said with a smile.

"That's fine, let's push the sofa over there and see." Lin Heng pointed to the wall of the study and said.

His front yard faces north and slightly east, and the wall of the study is on the east side.

Pushing the sofa frame to the wall near the study, Lin Heng found that it was not what he thought. It's not appropriate to put the sofa here because the stairs are above.

Although his wooden stairs are fully enclosed, like concrete stairs, they have no effect on the bottom and will not fall dust, but the stairs give people a sense of oppression and make people uncomfortable to sit.

"This is easy, let's move the big cabinet over here." Father Lin measured the length with a ruler and said with a smile. "The length is just right to put it down."

The big cabinet is 3.5 meters long, 1.5 meters high and wide. Every household in the countryside will have such a big cabinet to store food and other things that are easily damaged by rats.

Lin Heng was not in a hurry to move it, but said: "In fact, this big cabinet can also be put upstairs, and then put a small cabinet here."

A small cabinet does not take up space, and it is enough to put some rice and flour food that we usually eat. The big cabinet mainly contains unshelled grains.

"I think this is good." Xiulan also nodded.

She had the idea of ​​moving this big cabinet a long time ago. It was really a bit out of place with the overall look of the main hall, and Lin Heng Xiaoxia always liked to throw things on it, which looked very messy.

Father Lin nodded slowly: "That's okay. It's not easy to get damp if the grain is placed upstairs, but it's a bit troublesome to move it."

"Then let's wait until later. The sofa is still a long way from being used. Let's put it here for the time being." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Father Lin nodded and packed up his things: "Then I'll go back. It will be dark if I don't leave now."

Lin Heng helped his father pack up his things, and brought the dried raincoat and water shoes. After Father Lin put them on, he left with the chive box he made in the morning.

Lin Heng sent him to the front door and took a look at the rain outside. It has been raining all day today, and it looks like it will rain for another two days.

After closing the door and returning to the house, he picked up the broken wood on the ground and threw it into the firewood pile in the kitchen, and cleaned the ground.

"You go feed the chickens, ducks, cows and horses, I'll make dinner, and we'll eat knife-cut noodles." Xiulan looked at Lin Heng and said, she had kneaded the noodles for knife-cut noodles in the morning and had been awake all the time.


Lin Heng took the chicken feed he had prepared and went to the back mountain to feed the chickens. It was rare for them to lay eggs when fed directly with corn, so he had to have a balanced feed like his.

"Another one died?"

Lin Heng looked at a chicken that fell to the ground in his cage. This was the batch he hatched. Now there are only seven left after this one died.

These chicks weighing about one pound always die for various reasons. There is no way to do this. You can only wait for the weather to clear up and let them out, and then disinfect the chicken coop.

But fortunately, the black chicken with a black body did not die, otherwise Xiaoxia would cry for a long time again.

After taking out the chicken's body and checking it, Lin Heng immediately found something wrong: "Damn, this chicken was bitten to death, what did it do?"

The chicken's neck was torn open and a large piece of meat was missing, and a small hole was squeezed out at the bottom of the chicken coop. The thing tried to drag the chicken out but failed.

"I want to see what bit it." Lin Heng went back to the house and took a clamp and put it under the small hole in the chicken coop, leaving the hole as it was to avoid alerting the enemy.

After feeding the chickens and ducks in the big chicken coop, he counted that there were still seven chickens and three ducks here, and the rest were eaten by them.

Big chickens have strong immunity and rarely die. When all the chickens went to grab food, Lin Heng picked up the eggs again. Today, he laid three eggs in total, which is not bad.

Basically, there are three or four eggs every day now, because there are only six hens.

After feeding the cows and horses, Lin Heng took the eggs and the dead chicken back.

"This chicken was bitten by a wild thing. You boil some water and I will scald it to feed Xiongba." Lin Heng looked at Xiulan and said. Since it didn't die of illness, it can be boiled and fed to the dog, and it won't be wasted.

"What ate it?" Xiulan came over curiously and looked at it. She couldn't help but be surprised, "We didn't hear any movement, and there was a dog in the back mountain. How dare this thing come."

"Maybe it was because of the heavy rain last night, plus the lightning and thunder, it's normal that we can't hear it. I have set the trap. If that thing comes again, it will definitely be caught." Lin Heng nodded, in fact, he was a little confused.

"Then this is the only way." Xiulan said while scooping the boiling water prepared for the next one into the bucket.

Lin Heng carried water to the gate to make chicken soup. After plucking the hair, he looked at the wound. This was the mark of an animal bite, very much like a weasel.

Cut open the intestines, clean the internal organs and chop them all up. When Xiulan's rice was ready, pour the things into the pot and cook.

After eating the sliced ​​noodles, Lin Heng mixed the cooked chicken with the remaining sliced ​​noodles and brought them to the two dogs.

It rained, so they had to go back to the bedroom to rest early. Lin Heng told Xiaoxia a new story and she fell asleep quickly. She had played all day today and slept very early at night.

Lin Heng leaned on the bed and read a book for a while, then felt a little bored. He opened the mosquito net and put the book on the desk.

It was still a little cold in the rain. The two covered themselves with a quilt, and Xiulan leaned against him.

The rain fell all night again, and it was still raining in the morning, just a little less than before, but there was no sign of stopping.

"Sleep a little longer."

Lin Heng wanted to get up, but Xiulan pulled him and fell asleep again, lying on his chest in a daze.

She didn't wear any clothes and she didn't feel anything. The reason for this was naturally related to the long night.

It was such a long night and she couldn't sleep. She could only do something she loved to relieve her boredom, and she could often fall asleep quickly after exercise.

"Oh, you hit me." After sleeping for a while, Xiulan was woken up by something like a stick.

Lin Heng looked at her without saying anything.

"Why are you looking at me with lustful eyes?" Xiulan glared at him, and then said weakly, "Didn't I just..."

It has been a long time since they had in-depth exchanges. She is still a little tired and doesn't want to do it again.

Lin Heng touched her face and smiled, "I was just looking at you. When did you look at me with lustful eyes? I got up to check the clips."

"You go, I'll sleep a little longer." Xiulan yawned. She has been sleepy since she got pregnant.

After washing up, Lin Heng walked to the yard with an umbrella and feed. Under the green grape racks, you can see a few bunches of grapes hanging down, which are already the size of peanuts.

After taking a look, he took the feed to the back mountain.

Looking down at the chicken coop, the clamp was still intact. The guy didn't come again last night.

"What a pity." Lin Heng shook his head and scattered feed to feed the chickens.

When feeding the big chickens, Lin Heng took advantage of them eating and grabbed one of the white ducks.

"Quack, quack, quack!"

The white duck was grabbed by the neck by Lin Heng and screamed with flapping wings. The other chickens and ducks were also scared away.

"I'll roast you today. Don't struggle." Lin Heng grabbed its wings and laughed.

In addition to this white duck, there is also a green-headed duck and a brown duck at home. The other two occasionally lay eggs, but this one just eats dry rice.

He weighed the duck first when he brought it home.

"Not bad, it weighs five kilograms." Lin Heng smiled. This family has also raised it for a year. It must taste much better than the stuffed duck that was raised for half a month.

He went to the back mountain to milk the cow. Today's breakfast is a simple milk and eggs. He is busy roasting the duck.

"Are you going to make roast duck?"

When Xiulan got up to eat, Lin Heng had already killed and boiled the duck.

"Yeah, it's raining and there's nothing to do, so let's eat a duck. I also want to eat it. Let's make honey roast duck." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Xiaoxia ran over and looked for a while, then said, "Dad, I want to eat the duck legs!"

"No problem, then you finish eating the eggs first." Lin Heng agreed.

He had already eaten it. He plucked the duck feathers and burned the down with a handful of pine needles, and then cut open the duck's intestines to deal with the internal organs.

"Xiulan, this duck is actually full of eggs."

After cutting open the belly, Lin Heng saw the small eggs, and a duck egg the size of a ping-pong ball that was about to take shape. He actually killed the wrong one.

Xiulan looked at it and shook her head: "It's a bit of a pity, but it doesn't matter if it's killed. I'm going to light the charcoal fire."

Lin Heng dealt with the duck's internal organs one by one and put them all in a small bowl. He liked to eat chicken and duck offal.

After the duck was marinated, Lin Heng found a bamboo and tied it to the duck, and then slowly roasted it on the charcoal fire. At the same time, he brushed some white vinegar and honey water to make the skin crispy.

As the duck was slowly roasted, the skin gradually turned red, and the oil sizzled and the fragrance was overflowing.

"Dad, can we eat it?" Xiaoxia drooled at the fragrance.

"It's still early. This duck is so big that it will take a long time to roast it. It can only be eaten in the afternoon." Lin Heng shook his head.

"But you can try the roasted venison jerky first." Lin Heng handed her a roasted and softened spiced venison jerky.

This meat jerky is almost gone, only the last two pounds are left, and the rest are all given to Xiulan as snacks during morning sickness.

"Wow, delicious."

Xiaoxia took the venison jerky to her mother to tear it, shaking her head happily.

"Dong Dong Dong!!"

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside.

"Is Xiulan in the house?" Li Caifeng's voice came from outside the door.

"Hey, what is she doing?" Xiulan walked over to open the door with some curiosity.

After opening the door, Li Caifeng said with a smile on her face: "Xiulan, you have ink at home, right? I'm here to borrow some. I'll buy it and return it to you next time when the weather is fine."

"Yes, come with me to get it." Xiulan nodded and turned to go into the house to get something.

Li Caifeng looked at the beautiful bluestone courtyard of the Lin family curiously, and then smelled the tempting fragrance. After a closer look, Lin Heng was actually roasting a duck in the main room.

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