Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 301 Discovering Treasures in the Mountains

Li Caifeng looked around and asked curiously, "Do you have guests today?"

Lin Heng was puzzled: "No."

"Then do you eat the roast duck yourself?" Li Caifeng asked in disbelief.

Lin Heng smiled and nodded: "Yes, it's raining and there's nothing to do, and everyone wants to eat it, so I killed one and roasted it."

"Okay." Li Caifeng took a deep breath, thinking of the cornmeal steamed bun she had eaten in the morning, she felt a little uncomfortable. She couldn't bear to eat chicken and duck unless it was the New Year.

"Try the venison, this is what I caught before." Lin Heng handed over three pieces of venison jerky. He was not a stingy person, but the premise was not to offend him.

"I can't take this." Li Caifeng waved her hands repeatedly. Although she was poor, she was very face-saving.

"Just try it, it's nothing." Lin Heng said sincerely. He really wanted to share instead of giving alms condescendingly, and finally stuffed it into her hand.

After tasting it, Li Caifeng suddenly wanted to swallow her tongue. It was so delicious and fragrant. She had never eaten such fragrant meat.

Thinking about it carefully, the last time she ate meat was when she was transplanting rice a month ago.

But she didn't eat it after tasting it, and prepared to take it home for her son and husband to taste.

Xiulan took a bottle, and Mo Shui came out and smiled: "This bottle should be enough, you can use it, and just return the rest to me, don't return this worthless thing."

"Thank you." Li Caifeng said hurriedly, feeling a little ashamed. She used to target Xiulan because she was beautiful, but she was still so kind even though she was so rich, and never retaliated.

"It's okay." Xiulan waved her hand.

After sending Li Caifeng away, Xiulan glanced at the river, and then looked at her watch. It was already eleven o'clock in the morning, and the rain was still not stopping.

She went back to the house and continued to do the needlework that she had not finished yesterday, making new clothes for the unborn child in her belly.

Lin Heng continued to roast the duck. After another hour of roasting, the duck turned into a pleasant caramel color, exuding the aroma of fat and honey.

Lin Heng took it out and unloaded it from the bamboo tube, and went to the old house to get a rice bucket with a height of one meter and a diameter of fifty centimeters.

Hang the duck upside down at the bottom of the bucket, and put the big bucket on the brazier to roast it in a closed way. In this way, the temperature is high and it will cook faster, and no one needs to watch it.

After the roast duck was done, he went to prepare the barbecue sauce for eating roast duck, a dry dipping sauce made of cooked peanuts, cumin, fennel, sesame and other spices, and a soup dipping sauce made of vinegar, soy sauce, garlic and chili.

He went upstairs to take a look, and after confirming the position of the big cabinet, he lay on the windowsill and looked at the vast world outside.

"I really hope the rain will stop soon!" Lin Heng went downstairs to get a book to read. He didn't disturb Xiulan who was sewing clothes on the desk.

"Dad, play with me." Xiaoxia ran over and stuck to him.

"Then let's play drawing." Lin Heng took a pencil and paper to the mat to play with him.

"Okay!" Xiaoxia said happily, as long as there are people to play with, it's fun.

It was already one o'clock in the afternoon before she knew it. Xiulan put down her needlework and came over to ask: "Are we having roast duck for lunch?"

"I think it's enough, we can add some cold dishes." Lin Heng nodded, walked over to open the bucket, the charcoal fire was almost extinguished, and a strong aroma of barbecue wafted out.

"Is this color okay?" Lin Heng said with a smile, the wine-red roast duck can be said to be full of color, fragrance and taste.

Xiulan nodded: "Very good, I'll go make cold dishes now."

When Lin Heng took the roast duck to cut it, a little tail followed behind it, and the big eyes blinked at her.

"Dad~ I want to eat~"

Xiaoxia said coquettishly.

Lin Heng cut off a piece of duck skin, blew it and fed it to her, and the smart big eyes suddenly turned into a crescent moon.

"Wow, crispy and sweet, so delicious!"

Xiaoxia jumped up, and after eating, she hugged Lin Heng's legs and continued to act like a spoiled child.

"Let's wait for your mother, and we can eat soon." Lin Heng touched her little head and said.

He poured some boiling water from the pot, and quickly fried the fresh cowpeas, bitter melon, and spinach. After cooling, they were mixed and served on the table.

Lin Heng also cut the roast duck into long strips, which were still steaming and tasted just right.

Xiu Lan dipped a little barbecue seasoning and tasted it, praising: "It smells very good, and it's roasted with great skill."

"Good!" Xiaoxia gulped as she ate.

The roast duck has a crispy and sweet skin, and the meat is soft and chewy. It tastes much better than the stuffed duck that is fed for half a month.

Lin Heng likes to eat it with vinegar, garlic and chili, which tastes richer.

A bite of roast duck and a bite of cold vegetables, the combination is not greasy at all. The three people spent half an hour to kill this big duck that weighed more than three pounds.

Xiongba and Fengshou, the two dogs, were eating bones below and were very happy. They scrambled for them, but they didn't dare to snatch them from people. They could still distinguish between a full meal and a full meal.

Fengshou didn't understand before, and was taught a lesson by Lin Heng many times, and Xiongba also cleaned him up several times. Now he is much more honest.

"The rain has stopped!"

After dinner, Lin Heng walked out and found that the rain had turned into a weak drizzle, and he was immediately happy.

Xiulan looked at the sky with dark clouds and shook her head and said, "I guess it's just a break. It will rain again like this."

"Who cares, it's good that it doesn't rain anymore. I can go out for a walk. Are you going?" Lin Heng turned his head and asked.

Xiulan shook her head: "Wait until the sky clears up. It's all muddy outside now. I'm going to continue making clothes."

"Okay, I'll go to Hongfeng Mountain and get some grass." Lin Heng said with his hands spread out.

When he went outside, the cold wind mixed with drizzle hit his face, and the cool feeling was very comfortable. The air after the rain was no longer so hot.

Lin Heng walked along the road to Hongfeng Mountain, looking at the scenery inside and outside along the way.

On the Hongfeng Mountain side, it was not raining at this time, and Lin's father and mother also came out. Lin's father ran to check the water level of the shrimp pond, and Lin's mother went to the vegetable garden to pick vegetables.

Seeing Lin Heng coming, Lin's father said: "I'm afraid this shrimp pond doesn't need to add water anymore. The water level has risen by 20 centimeters after this rain."

"Not for the time being." Lin Heng nodded, looked here and then looked at the musk deer and cattle and sheep, and observed their health.

"There are enough mushrooms!"

Lin Heng looked at the several delicious porcini growing on the roadside and talked to himself. This period is the season when porcini mushrooms grow in large quantities, and the yield is super large.

He walked around the area and picked up seven delicious porcini mushrooms the size of a palm, and two blue-headed mushrooms, enough for tonight's dishes.

"I wonder what the mushroom tree from last year is like this year."

Holding the porcini mushrooms, Lin Heng thought of the mushroom tree full of mushrooms he encountered last year. He had a great time picking mushrooms that time.

He decided to go to the mountain as soon as the rain stopped and it was sunny for a day. His hands were itching and his hunting heart was thirsty. He wanted to go into the mountain immediately to teach those prey a lesson.

These days, he also read several hunting books and learned a lot of hunting knowledge, and he couldn't wait to verify it.

Because fur could not be artificially manufactured in this era, resources such as wild animal fur were extremely precious and were resources for export and foreign exchange, so there were also special hunting books for sale.

Lin Heng originally disdained this and thought that those scholars should know nothing about hunting. But after reading it, his attitude changed. There were indeed many practical methods on it, which benefited him a lot.

On the pasture, a new round of grass has grown again under the influence of the rain. The grass seeds have been harvested, and the scale of planting can be expanded in the second half of the year.

After cutting a bundle of fresh grass and going home, Lin's mother came over with a bag and handed it to him: "Take these pumpkin tips back to Xiulan, she likes to eat this when she is young."

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded, carrying the grass and pumpkin tips back home.


The red dates, who had eaten hay for two days, neighed when they saw the grass, and wanted to eat it very much. The cows also raised their heads and looked at the grass on Lin Heng's shoulders.

"All, all!" Lin Heng smiled and put down the grass and took it to share with them.

After taking a look, he went over to let Kunkun out for a walk. It was not good for their health to be locked up for a long time. More exercise would not make them depressed.

Although there are many fruits and vegetables in the back mountain, chickens only peck at the seedlings when they are young, and they don't peck much when they grow up. Even if they peck them to pieces, they just feed them to pigs. Anyway, they are planted everywhere.

And compared to vegetables, they prefer insects and earthworms.

Lin Heng found a big, plump green caterpillar on the konjac. This guy had eaten half of the leaves of the konjac.

"Cuckoo, cluck, cluck!"

He caught the worm in his hand and called out. A group of chickens ran to him. The leader was a big rooster with white feathers, black beak and black feet. It stretched its neck and looked at him.

"Eat it!"

Lin Heng threw the worm, and the big white rooster flew up, pecked the worm in mid-air, and then fluttered its wings and ran away. A group of hens behind it chased it, cackling, trying to grab the food.

The big white rooster found a place and pecked the worm in two bites and swallowed it, then turned back and looked at the hens arrogantly. Catching one and jumping on its back is a breeding method.

After taking a look, Lin Heng turned back to the house and handed the bag to Xiulan, saying, "Pumpkin tip and some mushrooms I picked, you can cook them tonight."

Xiulan took it and looked at it and said, "These mushrooms are beautiful. I really want to pick them when the weather is fine."

Lin Heng looked at her and said, "Stay at home and pick some at most near Hongfeng Mountain. I will accompany you to pick them every day after the baby is born."

Before she was pregnant, she could stroll in the mountains, but now she dare not run around. The leaves in the forest are very slippery. If she falls, he will be heartbroken.

Besides, the mountains are far away from the hospital, and it is difficult to deal with any problems.

"I know, I'm just talking." Xiulan pursed her lips, a little unhappy.

Lin Heng looked at her and said, "I'll take you to the Black River to fish in a few days, and I'll help you."

The riverside is much safer than the mountains. It is generally flat and not easy to fall.

Xiulan looked at him: "Okay, then you have to listen to me."

"No problem, I'll listen to you." Lin Heng said with a smile.

The rain stopped for a while, and the three of them were playing in the yard, picking some vegetables.

But the rain didn't stop for long before it started again. It was a light rain that didn't splash water on the ground, but it kept falling.

It wasn't boring at home. I read books with Xiaoxia, or chatted with Xiulan and discussed the contents of some books she read. As she read more books, the two of them had more topics in this regard.

In the evening, they had rice and bacon fried with mushrooms picked by Lin Heng.

After dinner, Lin Heng suddenly wanted to write a diary, so he found a notebook and started writing in the house.

He also conceived a novel he was going to write, a novel based on his miserable life in his previous life.

However, the more books he read, the less he knew where to start. It took him a long time to write an outline.

Time flies, and soon it is the morning of July 17th.

"The rain finally stopped."

When he got up in the morning, Lin Heng walked over and opened the window and took a deep breath. It had been raining for too long this time.

Seeing the blue sky and sunshine for the first time in a long time, I felt a little excited. He doesn't hate rain, but he hates it when it rains endlessly and makes people feel depressed.

"Honey, get up and go out to exercise!"

Lin Heng returned to the bed and shook Xiulan.

"Ah~ It's nice that the weather is sunny~"

Xiulan pulled Lin Heng up and yawned loudly.

After getting up and washing up, the two of them ran to the front yard to exercise, because here they could get the long-lost sun. After being away for so many days, they really missed the feeling of the sun on their bodies.

"Stretch me!"

Xiulan stretched out her hand in front of Lin Heng and said coquettishly.

"Okay." Lin Heng took her hand and stretched it, and then Xiulan did breast expansion exercises on her own, exposing the huge outline of her breasts.

After the two of them finished exercising, Xiulan held up a small bucket and said, "I'm here to milk the cow today."

"Okay." Lin Heng went to the back mountain with her to take a look, and found that there were two ripe watermelons here, so he picked them back.

"Let's have some in the morning, I haven't eaten for a long time." Xiulan said looking at the watermelon, she was greedy.

"I just picked something to eat. The melon happened to be cold in the morning." Lin Heng nodded.

Breakfast only consisted of eggs, milk, and a watermelon. The watermelon grown on the farm was particularly tangy and sweet, and the three of them couldn't put it down.

After eating, the sun was getting stronger, and the water on the green bricks in the yard quickly evaporated. Lin Heng uncovered the three-wheeled tarpaulin and dried it in the sun.

It was just a clear day and it was impossible to do farm work, and people in the village gathered in groups on the mountain to pick mushrooms. Lin Heng went to his eldest brother's house to discuss with him about going hunting in the mountains tomorrow.

"Second Dad, my parents went out to collect fungi on the mountain early in the morning. My brother and I are the only ones at home." When he opened the door, there were only Lin Tao and his brother in the yard.

"Okay." Lin Heng was helpless, thinking that brother and the others were really proactive, running to pick up fungi so early.

Back at the house, Xiulan saw that he was bored and said, "Hurry up and pick up the fungi. Let's eat some for dinner. I'll be at home. You don't need to accompany me."

She had already seen that Lin Heng wanted to go out for a walk. After all, they were both people who couldn't stay at home.

"Then I'll go to the back mountain to pick up some." Lin Heng said with a smile. He really wanted to go into the mountain.

"Go ahead, go ahead." Xiulan waved her hand.

Lin Heng picked up the basket and took two bags, then took Xiongba and set off into the mountains.

This time he did not go to the back mountain, but headed straight towards Shuijinggou. He just hurried on without picking up anything on the way. His goal was the place where a large amount of Ganoderma lucidum was found in Baishigou last year.

We set off at half past nine. One person and one dog traveled very fast and arrived at the mountain of Baishigou at half past ten.

"It's just ahead!"

After walking for a while, Lin Heng discovered the X-shaped mark he made last year. Although the wound on the big tree had healed, he still recognized it at a glance.

I came to the tree with excitement and took a closer look, but I was a little disappointed. Last year, I couldn't see the red Ganoderma lucidum everywhere. I only found some Ganoderma lucidum that had arrived late and was infested with worms.

Ganoderma lucidum is only useful if its back is white. The black ones don't have much medicinal effect anymore, let alone the ones with worms.

Picking up several in a row was not enough, which made him a little depressed. The reality was too different from his imagination.

"Woof woof!"

At this time, Xiongba made a sound from somewhere below.

Lin Heng came over and saw two very beautiful Ganoderma lucidum. He happily picked them up and touched Xiong Ba's head.

Xiongba stuck out his tongue and was very excited. He liked to come to the mountains with Lin Heng. Staying at home was too boring.

One person and one dog continued to search nearby and found a few more. Lin Heng also found a few very beautiful wrinkled porcini mushrooms, which were much more delicious than delicious porcini mushrooms.

"Not bad!"

In the end, Lin Heng was satisfied. Although it was not as good as last year, he still picked up twelve very good red Ganoderma lucidum.

Putting the Ganoderma lucidum into the bag, Lin Heng led Xiongba towards Baishigou. Nothing had changed since he had been here for more than half a year, except that today the water flow in the mountain stream was very fast, and a white waterfall could be seen.

When he came to the forest on the edge of Baishigou, Lin Heng saw many fragrant mushrooms on the rotten wood. They were light yellow and not big, but they were all very plump.

This is a very delicious mushroom, and it is also a purpose of his coming here.

After picking up a circle along the edge of the ditch, his basket could no longer hold it. He estimated that he picked up seventeen or eighteen kilograms of mushrooms, as well as some green-headed mushrooms and white fungus.

"Let's go home."

After touching Xiongba, Lin Heng walked back with him.

I wasn't as anxious when I went back as I was when I came here. I just found a road and looked for fungi along the way.

"Oh my God, so many chanterelles!"

When he came to an acorn forest, Lin Heng was shocked by the swarms of chanterelles in the forest. They were not only big but also numerous. They were here to repay a favor.

"Damn, it's been raining for too long!"

Lin Heng knelt down and picked up some and was immediately disappointed. Many of them had insects. The fried meat with chanterelles was especially delicious, but it was also very insect-friendly. As long as it rained for two more days, most of the things he picked up would have insects.

After giving up at least one tenth, Lin Heng finally picked up ten kilograms of chanterelles. The resources in this deep mountain are so good.

The mushroom resources in this deep place were so good that he didn’t even bother to pick up the most delicious porcini. Only chanterelles, green head mushrooms and so on were enough to pick up. From time to time, there were also egg mushrooms and wrinkled cap mushrooms. Appear.

In addition, he also dug more than a pound of wild Gastrodia elata. It's not that there are only so many, but he is only willing to dig so much. He can't eat too much.


When he was about to leave, Lin Heng suddenly saw a special thing. When he walked in, he was stunned.

"It's really silver thread lotus!" Lin Heng was stunned when he approached.

This is a good thing. Even in the Qinling Mountains, there are not many. It can not only be used for medicine but also for viewing.

Although it is called silver thread lotus, it is actually an orchid, which is very beautiful when it blooms.

As a traditional Chinese medicine, it has the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, promoting blood circulation and relieving pain, softening and dispersing nodules. It is used in rural areas to treat joint pain and trauma.

The purchase price is not low, 20 to 30 yuan per pound.

He looked around again and found a lot of them, which made him excited.

"If I see it, I will dig you back home." Lin Heng found a wooden stick, dug it back with the soil at the root and put it at the bottom of the basket.

He got ten with soil on them and pulled out the other twenty or so with their roots. He didn't dig up the remaining small ones. He was not the kind of person who would drain the pond to catch all the fish, unless he was extremely poor and had no other choice.

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