Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 302 Deer Ear Chives, Training Dogs into the Mountains

"Let's go home. Today is really a fruitful day."

Lin Heng put the silvergrass into the basket and said happily.

His goal in going into the mountains this time was to harvest some Ganoderma lucidum and randomly pick up some fungi.

Although the harvest of Ganoderma lucidum was not as large as last year, the unexpected discovery of Silver Anchorage was a worthwhile trip.

Walking back with Xiongba Lin Heng, they were already out of the forest at around three o'clock in the afternoon.

"This is down to the river."

Lin Heng looked around and found that his location was still below the apple forest.

He was familiar with this place and quickly found the way. He could go home by walking upstream along the forest path.

After walking through the forest for a while, I suddenly heard someone talking. After taking two steps forward, I saw a few people picking up fungi.

"Hey, I got rich today, so many chanterelles."

"Come here, I have some too."

These people were in the woods on the path and their voices were so excited that they didn't notice Lin Heng at all.

Lin Heng took a look and found that he was not familiar with it either, so he smiled and walked straight over.

After climbing over a mountain, he saw his house and the tall ginkgo tree in the center of the village.

The small basin in their village looks very beautiful from a distance. It can be said that it is a combination of fertile farmland and beautiful houses.

Lin Henggang took two steps down and met Li Yan, a woman from the village. With her was her five-year-old daughter.

Seeing Lin Heng, Li Yan smiled and said hello: "Hey, Lin Heng, have you picked up fungi too?"

"Yes, pick some up and take them back to eat." Lin Heng agreed casually.

Li Yan's daughter ran over to see Lin Heng's harvest.

"Wow, Uncle Lin, you even got a silver anemone!" The little girl exclaimed and looked at Lin Heng with envy. She knew it was very valuable.

Li Yan also came over to take a look curiously, and looked at Lin Heng in surprise: "Why do you feel like you can often pick up good things?"

She was extremely envious. Such valuable medicinal materials were so rare. She was just lucky if she could pick up a few chanterelles. She didn't expect to encounter these things.

"No, I'm just lucky." Lin Heng said casually.

After saying a few words, he quickly ran away. A large part of the reason why he was able to pick up good things was because of Xiongba.

"Honey, I picked up something good today."

Lin Heng said eagerly as he opened the courtyard door.

"What are you so excited about?"

The first person to speak was Mother Lin.

Lin Heng was stunned for a moment and then smiled: "Mom, you are here too. Do you think this is a good thing?"

With that he placed the basket and bag in front of them.

"Chanterelles, shiitake mushrooms, yellow head mushrooms, green head mushrooms...wait, why are there such anemone, and there are so many Ganoderma lucidum!!"

The two of them looked at each other one by one, and their mouths opened wide in shock.

Mother Lin turned around and looked at Lin Heng: "Recruiting truthfully, how do you get such good results every time you go out?"

She finally discovered something was wrong.

"No, it's just good luck. This is the place where I picked it up last year, and I went there again this year. I went to Baishigou." Lin Heng smiled and spread his hands.

Mother Lin still didn't believe it and turned to look at Xiulan: "Xiulan, you must know. Please tell me, good daughter-in-law."

Xiulan blinked her big, smart eyes and looked at Lin Heng, as if asking what to do.

Lin Heng had no choice but to look at his mother and say, "In fact, Xiong Ba is partly responsible for his nose being very sensitive."

"Let me tell you, no wonder you take the dog with you every time you go up the mountain, and you even hide it from your mother and me." Mother Lin suddenly looked clear.

"I'm not hiding it from you, because I mainly rely on myself." Lin Heng said with a smile.


Xiongba seemed to understand and protested a little.

"Even dogs don't believe it!" Mother Lin rolled her eyes, then pointed to the bamboo basket next to her and said, "But you are not the only one who got the good stuff, I got it too."

Lin Heng looked at the wild vegetables in the basket and said in surprise: "Mom, you actually picked deer-eared leek, that's amazing."

This is a very delicious wild vegetable in the mountains. It is rich in nutrients and contains a variety of amino acids and minerals. It can also clear away heat and detoxify, regulate physiological functions and improve immunity.

The most important thing is that it tastes good and has a unique taste.

"Of course." Mother Lin said proudly. She just came here to give Xiulan some food and share her joy.

"Awesome." Lin Heng gave a thumbs up.

"These are for you to eat. I will also go back to dry the mushrooms. In addition to these deer-eared leeks, I also picked up two baskets of porcini mushrooms and more than ten kilograms of chanterelles." Mother Lin waved her hand and walked out.

"Leave it to me." Xiulan poured the things on the ground and started picking.

"Then I'll plant these ten silver-leaf lilies first."

Lin Heng went to the backyard with a hoe and ten silvergrass plants with soil balls.

Anemone, like other orchids, likes a moist environment. If it grows in deep valleys or under forests, it will die easily when exposed to the sun.

Lin Heng planted a few trees in the corner and some under the orange tree.

Whether you can survive or not depends on your fate. Logically speaking, the climate here is quite suitable.

After planting the anemone, he went back to help deal with the fungi.

The sun is very hot today, so pick out the dirt and bad fungi, keep some to eat at night, and take the rest out to dry.

There is no need to cut chanterelles and mushrooms, just dry them directly. Boletus and green head mushrooms need to be cut and dried.

Ganoderma lucidum needs to be steamed slightly and then dried to avoid worm growth.

Silver thread lotus was also dried directly. He weighed the wet ones and found that they weighed two taels. Five jins weighed one jin. The dry ones weighed less than half a tael. He could only keep them for himself or slowly save up one jin.

He kept some of the mushrooms of various varieties to eat. Xiulan cut them and soaked them in salt water for a while, drained the water, and then put them in a pot to stir-fry to remove the water.

Fresh mushrooms will taste fresher if they are not blanched.

After stir-frying, pick them up and add some sour cowpeas to stir-fry pork belly in the evening. The taste is so delicious that it can make your tongue fall off.

Lin Heng ate a piece of watermelon and went to pack up and prepare to go into the mountains.

This time he would not stay in the mountains for half a month like before. He would go and come back quickly. At most, he would only stay for about three days.

Therefore, he did not need to bring so many equipment, no pots and pans, and only water bags and food for survival.

In addition to bows and slingshots for hunting, they mainly carried ropes and iron clamps for trapping.

It was also simple to pack up and it was done quickly.

When the equipment was ready, he went to find his eldest brother. It's almost five o'clock now, they must have come back.

Pushing open the door, I saw the eldest brother and his family processing mushrooms.

"Brother, do you think our harvest today is not bad?" Lin Yue pointed to the pile of mushrooms in front of him and said with a smile.

"So many, you are awesome today." Lin Heng was shocked. They must have picked all the porcini mushrooms, two small hills.

The eldest nephew Lin Wei smiled and brought a bench to Lin Heng: "Second Dad, sit down."

"But my luck is not bad today..." Lin Heng said with a smile when he sat down. If there is anything good, it has to be his shiitake mushrooms, ganoderma lucidum and silver thread lotus.

Porcini mushrooms can only be eaten by themselves, and they can't be sold for much money.

Liu Juan was stunned for a moment, then smiled helplessly: "Compared to you, we are just a pile of scrap metal."

"Not really, I don't have much either." Lin Heng waved his hand, then looked at his elder brother and said, "Brother, are you going to the mountains to hunt tomorrow?"

Lin Yue immediately became excited, looking at Lin Heng and said, "You want to go hunting? You don't take care of Xiulan?"

He had wanted to go a long time ago, but without Lin Heng, he couldn't go too far away alone, so he could only hunt pheasants near the village.

Lin Heng nodded: "Yes. But it's not the kind of hunting that lasted for ten days or half a month before. This time it will be at most two days. Let's put down some noose and clips, and check every few days."

"Is that so? That's fine. Xiulan is pregnant and you are really not suitable to stay in the mountains every day. So what time should we leave tomorrow?" Lin Yue looked at Lin Heng and smiled.

"Let's set off at four o'clock tomorrow morning, so we can catch an early morning in the mountains." Lin Heng said, hunting is morning and evening, most wild animals are active during this time period.

After a rainy day, it is also a very good time. The old marks and smells in the forest have basically disappeared. On a sunny day, new wild animals reappear, leaving new smells and footprints, which is the best time to identify them.

He has also studied the hunting time he chose, which can play the greatest role of Xiongba.

"Okay, I will get up on time then." Lin Yue smiled and nodded.

"Then I will leave first. I will go to Hongfeng Mountain to lead the dogs. Tomorrow, dog hunting will be the main thing." Lin Heng nodded. Now Lai Fu and Fengshou have grown up, and after his initial training, they can be taken into the mountains to hunt.

After saying that, he turned and left, walking towards Hongfeng Mountain.

After seeing Lin Heng leave, Liu Juan said very actively: "I will prepare food for you now."

She has been working hard to make money recently. She digs herbs and picks mushrooms every day, and she doesn't even eat all day long when she picks honeysuckle.

For nothing else, she wants to save enough money to ask Lin Heng to help open a store in the village. For this reason, she and her husband have been running around.

But they didn't have a treasure hunting weapon like Xiongba, so the profit from digging herbs and picking mushrooms was not great. Liu Juan was so excited to be able to go into the mountains now. Even if she killed a squirrel in the mountains, it would be equivalent to her digging ordinary herbs for ten days.

"Well, I'll also pack my weapons and get ready." Lin Yue also stood up and said. He also valued the opportunity to hunt and wanted to make money by himself. He couldn't always rely on his brother to lead him.

"Dad, what are you doing?"

When he arrived at Hongfeng Mountain, Lin Heng saw his father holding a fishing rod by the grass carp pond and asked curiously.

Father Lin glanced at him, turned back and smiled, "Let me see how big the grass carp is. This fish is really easy to catch."

Father Lin pointed to the grass carp seedlings in the bucket.

Lin Heng walked over and saw that the fry was smaller than he thought, about the length of a palm and weighing about one or two taels.

"You can feed more feed later, and you can also cut the grass and throw it in to feed. Grass carp likes to eat grass very much." Lin Heng said.

"I know that, and I'm going to do that." Father Lin nodded, and looked at him again, "Why are you here?"

"Take the dog to go hunting early tomorrow morning." Lin Heng said with a smile, and explained the general situation.

After listening, Father Lin nodded slowly: "It's okay to go for a day or two, but you should pay attention to safety."

"Don't worry." Lin Heng nodded, walked to the warehouse and took the blue wolf dog Lai Fu down.

Its body is a little stronger than the fine dog Fengshou, and it walks very majestically. In a few months, it will probably be about the same as Xiongba.

Seven months is half-adult, but the body has almost developed, and it can go into the forest to practice.

Lin Heng walked back with it, and it was already past five o'clock when he returned to the house.

It was still early for the sun to set, and Lin Heng pulled Lai Fu and Fengshou to his side for another pre-departure training.

The so-called dog hunting method is very simple, that is, take the dog into the mountains to find prey. It is difficult for one dog to catch up, but if there are more dogs chasing and intercepting, the possibility of catching will increase greatly.

Lin Heng trained some basic commands such as stand up, sit down, and run. Fengshou, the thin dog who is often by his side, has no problem and already knows the rules, but Lai Fu, the blue wolf dog, has some problems.

"Woof woof!"

Lin Heng gave it a bone, and when he reached out to take it, it suddenly bared its teeth and roared.

Lin Heng frowned slightly and watched it reach out again: "Be good, give it to me."

"Woof woof!"

This time it struggled more violently and bit at him. If he hadn't dodged quickly, he would have been bitten.

The next moment he kicked the dog in the mouth, pulled the iron chain with one hand and grabbed the dog's mouth with the other hand and slapped it a few times.

"Ah... Ah!"

Looking at Lai Fu who was screaming, he threw the bone over again and reached out to take it.

"Come on, keep barking, and show me how to protect the food again?"

"Hiss... roar!!"

After the last lesson, it dared only to bark its teeth and dared not to make any other movements.

However, the next moment, Lin Heng's fist came again, hitting its mouth with a few expressionless big fists.

"Come on, keep going!"

Lin Heng went back and changed a piece of meat, and continued to throw it over.

This time, Lai Fu didn't even dare to make a sound.

Lin Heng smiled: "Keep going, isn't it awesome?"

This dog was a little protective of food when he was young, and he corrected it, but he didn't expect it to become serious now.

For this, he would only strike with a ruthless iron fist. No matter whether it was Lai Fu or Xiong Ba, as long as they dared to protect food, there would be a consequence.

He was raising a dog, not an ancestor. If you have a bad personality, he would change it for you. If you can't change it, you will die, especially if you have a bad personality like stealing and biting people to protect food.

It's the same with other animals. The premise of raising you is that he is the owner. There is no such thing as a naturally obedient dog. They are all beaten by fists. Thousands of years ago, the ancients tamed wolves in this way.

It seemed to have remembered the past memories. Even if Lin Heng took the meat from its mouth, it would not resist. At this time, Lin Heng would comfort it.

Then he threw another piece of bacon to Xiongba, and when it was halfway through eating, he said, "Give it to me."


Xiongba looked at Lin Heng, walked over and spit out the remaining meat.

"Okay, you can continue eating." Lin Heng touched its head and said with satisfaction.

Then he tried the black greyhound Fengshou, and tried the blue wolfhound Laifu again.

Until dark, he would test Laifu every few minutes. If he dared to protect the food, he would be beaten. If he was good, he would be touched.

In the afternoon, Xiulan was making soft pancakes and palm-sized scallion pancakes with fennel leaves.

"The soft pancakes are for us to eat in the evening, and you can take the scallion pancakes into the mountains to eat." Xiulan looked at Lin Heng and said.

"I see." Lin Heng nodded and asked, "Do you need my help?"

Xiu Lan shook her head gently: "No, I'll just stir-fry a garlic-flavored deer ear chive and a sour bean mushroom with meat, and we'll be ready to eat soon."

"Let me do it, you go out and take a rest."

Lin Heng pulled her out of the kitchen and started cooking by himself.

The two dishes were quickly cooked and served on the table. Spread the soft pancakes and put the deer ear chives and sour bean mushroom with meat, and finally spread a little bit of fermented bean curd and spicy sauce and roll it up to eat. One bite makes the whole person feel satisfied.

"Delicious!!" Lin Heng nodded repeatedly. This is a perfect dinner that is fragrant and nutritious.

"Eat more meat." Xiu Lan ate by herself and picked up some dishes for Lin Heng and Xiaoxia.

The three of them finished dinner with laughter and chatted, and went back to the house to rest after a while of cooling down, because Lin Heng had to get up at four o'clock tomorrow morning to go hunting.

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