Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 303: Rare Item ‘Flying Dragon’

The next day, at around three in the morning, Lin Heng opened his eyes, picked up the watch on the bedside table and found that it was only three o'clock.

He looked at Xiulan who was sleeping beside him, closed his eyes and continued to sleep. When he opened his eyes again, it was already past four o'clock.

Because he was always worried that he would oversleep, he didn't sleep very well, and yawned and sat up.

After a while, Xiulan also woke up with a yawn, pulled his arm and got up and said, "I'll go heat up breakfast for you."

The summer quilt slipped off her shoulders, revealing a large area of ​​snow-white skin, and a magnificent sight that could not be restrained by underwear.

"No, you continue to sleep." Lin Heng patted her and smiled.

"I want to make you a meal, and I will sleep during the day." Xiulan looked at him with sleepy eyes.

Lin Heng touched her face happily and couldn't help kissing her: "Thank you, my wife."

Xiulan smiled, put on a dress, washed up, and went to cook for Lin Heng.

Lin Heng came to help add fire, Xiulan heated up two soft pancakes for him, heated up the sour beans and mushrooms fried meat left over from last night, and finally made a loofah soup.

After serving the food on the table, Xiulan propped up her chin and watched Lin Heng eat.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Lin Heng looked at her and asked.

Xiulan shook her head: "I'm not hungry."

"Don't be afraid of getting fat, have some mushrooms." Lin Heng picked up two chanterelles and touched her rosy lips.

Xiulan could only open her mouth for him to feed, and then it became Lin Heng eating one and she eating one.

"I'll get you chopsticks." Lin Heng said.

Xiulan shook her head: "No need to get them, I won't eat."

Lin Heng picked up one for her, and she immediately opened her mouth and ate it.

"But you feed me so much that I want to eat it." Xiulan blinked her big eyes.

Lin Heng smiled and said: "Is it delicious when I feed you?"

"Then don't you want to feed me?" Xiulan propped up her side face and looked at him, her eyes moist.

"How could it be." Lin Heng smiled and fed him another one.

It was almost 4:30 after breakfast. Lin Heng also fed the dog, but only half full. If it was too full, it would lose its enthusiasm for hunting.

"Be careful, come back early." Xiulan said as she tidied his clothes.

"No problem." Lin Heng leaned in and kissed her. The soft lips could be savored for a long time. He put on his backpack and walked out with Fengshou and Laifu. Xiongba didn't need to be led, so he could play freely.

Xiulan blinked and sent him to the door.

As soon as Lin Heng walked out of the door, Lin Yue came over: "Brother, you are also packed. I was just looking for you."

Lin Heng shone the flashlight on his elder brother and said: "Brother, go back and change your clothes. The shoulders of this clothes are a little reflective. Green clothes are best."

When hunting in the wild, you must not bring reflective items. If you bring them, you must put them in your backpack. Because these things will easily expose yourself and be discovered by prey in advance.

Military green clothes are the best, and they are not obvious when hiding in the bushes.

Also, try not to have any smell on your body, and don't apply some strong-smelling mosquito repellents. These details seem insignificant, but they actually greatly affect the success rate of hunting.

Generally, only experienced old hunters know these, and novices like his brother don't pay attention to them at all.

"I know, I'll go back and change." Lin Yue didn't question it, and turned back to change clothes.

"I'm going back to sleep." Xiulan waved at him.

"Go." Lin Heng nodded in agreement.

Xiulan went back to the house and locked the door to continue resting. Lin Heng calmed the dog's emotions and waited for his brother to change clothes.

"Is this one okay?" After a while, Lin Yue changed his clothes and came out and asked.

"This is completely okay."

Lin Heng nodded, handed Fengshou to his brother, and the two set off together.

The target is still Sanchagou, where there are swamp wetlands and there will be no shortage of animals nearby. In addition, he is going to the place where he dug ginseng last time today, and he will mainly travel in the morning.

While traveling, he explained some details about dog hunting to his brother.

Moving forward, it was soon five o'clock. At this time, Lin Heng had already walked over Hongfeng Mountain and climbed another mountain with his elder brother. Because they did not explore on the road, the two big men were still very fast.

At this time, the sky was slightly bright. In summer, it was already bright at 5:30. The forest in the early morning was also very lively, and all kinds of birds began to chirp and make noise.

The dew in the forest was very heavy, and the pants of the two were soaked from the thighs down. By 5:30, the two of them were not far from the Sanchagou Swamp.

"It's finally bright." Lin Yue took a deep breath.

Lin Heng nodded and said, "You have to be careful when walking now. It's the time when prey is out. Try not to make any noise."

"Understood." Lin Yue nodded.

Just after walking a few steps, he suddenly heard a noise. Lin Yue looked up and saw a red squirrel appearing on the top of the tall acorn tree in front of him.

"This is really big." Lin Yue whispered.

"I'll set a trap." Lin Heng took a look, picked up a tree trunk and placed it diagonally on the tree, and then used a thin wire to set a noose trap on the trunk.

He had no interest in squirrels, but this squirrel had particularly bright fur and a large body, so he became interested.

Looking at his elder brother's puzzled expression, Lin Heng explained in a low voice: "This kind of cash is very useful. Squirrels are accustomed to taking shortcuts. If you build a branch diagonally, it will most likely take this branch."

This is also what he learned from the hunting manual, and he is going to try it today.

Lin Yue nodded, and the two continued to move forward. Xiongba led the way in front, and the two did not find anything good along the way.

Xiongba found two footprints that looked like roe deer and yellow muntjacs. Lin Heng found traces of them chewing leaves yesterday and set traps and noose nearby.

His elder brother found wild boar footprints and also set noose.

Lai Fu Feng Shou and the two dogs did not bark after entering the forest. They followed Xiongba into the search and hunting state, which showed that their genes were still relatively good.

In a blink of an eye, golden clouds appeared in the sky. It was the morning sun, and the sun was about to rise.

For Lin Heng and the others, Sanchagou was also within reach.

Xiongba suddenly stopped in front and looked up at the tall trees in front of him.

Lin Heng raised his hand to signal to stop, pressed the blue wolf dog's butt to let it sit down, and slowly took out the bow and arrow while watching the hazel grouse on the tree.

This guy is a very precious species of grouse, nicknamed "Flying Dragon", and is very popular in the market. The upper class likes to eat "Flying Dragon Feast", so one can be sold for more than ten yuan.

After the arrow was pulled out, the guy didn't move. Lin Heng breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it was a bird. Generally, as long as they didn't get close to a certain distance, they would not fly away, which gave people a great opportunity.


Even though he hadn't hunted for a long time, Lin Heng still shot arrows very quickly. It took less than three seconds to aim and shoot.

With a sporadic plop, the grouse was shot and fell from the tree and stuck in the middle of the waist.


Lin Yue gave a thumbs up, walked over and kicked the tree a few times, and poked it with a stick before taking it down.

"It's more than a pound." Lin Yue smiled and handed it to Lin Heng.

"It's a good start." Lin Heng took out a dagger and cut off the carotid artery in its neck. All the blood was given to Xiongba as a reward.

If you don't bleed it, one is that it won't taste good, and the other is that it will drip everywhere when walking, which will affect hunting.

After the blood was drained, Lin Heng put it into his backpack and the two continued to move forward. Soon they arrived at the entrance of Sanchagou. It was already seven o'clock, but unfortunately they met the hazel grouse on the road.

Although it is very suitable to hunt in the morning and evening, the forest is too big and it depends on luck.

"Should we go into the ditch to have a look or go directly from the side?" Lin Yue asked Lin Heng.

"Go directly from the side and come back to see." Lin Heng said. His goal is to dig ginseng and he doesn't want to stay here for too long.

Walking through the forest on the side, the two quickly shuttled and found two traces of prey on the road. They set deep traps and clamps respectively.

At ten o'clock in the morning, the two people and three dogs came to the river above Sanchagou. The shelter they built last year was still there, but it was already in tatters.

Just as Lin Heng was about to speak, Xiongba suddenly chased him out, and then a big yellow rabbit emerged from the thatched grass by the river and ran upstream.

"Let the dogs go, big brother!"

Lin Heng released Lai Fu, the blue wolfhound, at the first moment, and big brother was a little later.

"Woof woof!"

The two dogs were very excited to chase prey for the first time and ran very fast, but this time they had no chance to show off. Before they could catch up with Xiongba, they made a handsome detour and bit the hare.


Then it walked back with a proud step, looking at Fengshou and Lai Fu with some disdain.

"Great!" Lin Heng praised and touched Xiongba's head, holding the rabbit in his hand and was very happy.

This is the advantage of bringing a dog. It is easy to catch prey such as rabbits and foxes, which is better than using a hunting rifle.

"It must be four or five kilograms." Lin Yue looked at the yellow-haired rabbit and said enviously. He had not found a suitable prey today.

"Got it." Lin Heng smiled and nodded, pointing to the riverside, "Sit down and have a rest and eat, we are so tired."

Since they set out at 4:30, they have been walking for six hours. Even the two big men who often run in the mountains have tired legs and can't stand it anymore.

"Yeah." Lin Yue nodded and walked to a large clean bluestone in front to rest. Both of their pants were dry.

Putting the equipment on the bluestone, Lin Heng took out the fishing line and hook, put on the earthworms he brought from home, tied them to the top of the branch and threw them into the still turbid and turbulent river.

This is not for himself, but to catch some fish for the three dogs to eat. The scallion pancakes they brought are not enough for them.

"Brother, I brought fermented bean curd, do you want some?" Lin Yue took out a small glass bottle.

"Of course." Lin Heng took out chopsticks and put some on the scallion pancake, which tasted much better.

The two exchanged steamed buns again. Lin Heng's was the scallion pancake stuffed with fennel, and the eldest brother's was the steamed bun stuffed with leek.

"Caught a fish!"

Just halfway through his meal, Lin Heng saw the fishing line being pulled, and he went to pull the fishing rod and caught a plum fish weighing two taels.

"Xiongba, this is for you." Lin Heng threw it to Xiongba, who jumped up and grabbed it and swallowed it, while the other two dogs licked their tongues and watched.

Throwing the rod down to continue fishing, Lin Heng continued to eat, and after eating, he lay down to rest for a while. The sun was already very hot, and lying on the stone for ten minutes would make your body warm.

After basking for a while, he took off his shoes and sat by the stone to fish. The fish here were not very big, but there were many of them.

There were horse mouth, plum fish, spotted mandarin fish, and stream grouper. Lin Heng could catch one in a short while, and Xiongba was fed 80% full with the fish, and the remaining two dogs were also 50% full.

At 11:10, Lin Heng put on his shoes and stood up and said, "Let's go, big brother, this time you go to the left bank, and I'll go to the right bank, and we'll meet up at the top."

Lin Yue nodded, looked at Lin Heng and said: "Brother, you keep wanting to go up, are you looking for something?"

Lin Heng smiled mysteriously: "You will know when you get there. If you find it first, it will be your luck."


Lin Yue nodded and set off with Fengshou.

Lin Heng led Lai Fu, and Xiongba led the way.

There are many mushrooms in the forest, and all kinds of mushrooms can be seen. Except for Ganoderma lucidum, he did not pick up the others. He was in a hurry to go to the forest where he dug a hundred-year-old ginseng last year.

After a while, Lin Heng came to the place where he found a tree of shiitake mushrooms last year.

"It would be great if I could take this tree back!"

Lin Heng looked at the big tree and sighed. Although the number was not as much as last year, it was still not small. It was estimated that he could pick 20 to 30 kilograms.

It's just too far from home, otherwise I really have to move back. Wild shiitake mushrooms are one of the most delicious wild mushrooms.

Because he had to continue on his way, he chose not to add burden to himself and waited until he came back to pick them.

Boom! !

After walking for a while, a gunshot suddenly came from the other side of the river. Lin Heng looked over with some curiosity. His elder brother was actually in front of him, but he couldn't see him completely because he hadn't shot him.

Speeding up, as the river valleys on both sides became higher and higher, they gradually entered a large canyon, not far from the shelter cave set up by Lin Heng and Grandpa Gao.

It was at this time that Lin Heng suddenly looked up and found movement. He saw the movement of tumbling mud under the bushes on the cliff above, but he couldn't see the prey.

Taking out the bow and arrow, he walked towards a small box in front of him. When he saw the prey, he was shocked. He thought it was an ordinary pheasant, but he didn't expect it to be another rare bird.

The red head, chest and tail feathers, and the blue-gray feathers on the back, this is not an ordinary pheasant, but the famous blood pheasant, because the feathers are shaped like willow leaves, they also call it willow leaf chicken, in addition to Taibai chicken.

Blood pheasants like to live in groups. There are five of them under this bush. Lin Heng only regrets that he didn't bring a gun. His elder brother was also on the other side of the river, otherwise he could have shot them all.

After aiming for a few seconds, he shot an arrow directly. One of them fell to the ground the moment the sharp arrow passed by, flapped its wings and couldn't get up. The remaining three let out a terrified roar and flapped their wings to fly away.

Lin Heng frowned slightly. He actually made a mistake and failed to shoot two with one arrow.


Accompanied by a scream, one of them flew out not far and suddenly fell down. Its body seemed to be injured.

"I said it, it's impossible that nothing happened." Lin Heng became happy.

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