"Xiongba, come back."

Lin Heng called Xiongba who wanted to chase him, and shot another arrow from 30 meters away, killing him completely.

He looked up, the blood pheasant on the ground was easy to pick up, but the one on the cliff was a bit troublesome.

He found a way to barely get up, and he spent a lot of effort to climb over and throw it down.

He was very happy to get two blood pheasants. The feathers of this thing are very beautiful, and they can be skinned and sold. One skin can also sell for a few dollars.

But he was naturally too lazy to sell it now. At most, he plucked the chicken feathers. The chicken skin is a very delicious part.

"Come, you two are blessed." Lin Heng let the blood drip on the stone, and the two dogs ran over to lick it.

Going up a little further, Lin Heng saw the figure of his eldest brother, who was holding two brown-yellow pheasants in his hands.

"Brother, I got two pheasants, and I shot them all with one shot." Lin Yue smiled as he walked across the river with the pheasants.

Lin Heng raised the blood pheasant in his hand and said, "I found four of them. It's a pity that you were not here, otherwise I would have killed them all at once."

"Blood chickens, this can be sold for money. You are lucky today." Lin Yue said enviously.

"I am really lucky." Lin Heng smiled. He had killed hazel grouse before, but this was his first time to kill blood pheasants.

After that, he pointed to the deep canyon in front and said, "Keep going, we are almost there."

The two continued to move forward. Although it had just rained heavily, the canyon was only one or two hundred meters wide, and the water flow was only in the middle. The edge areas were relatively dry.

Forty minutes later, they came to the shelter that Lin Heng, Grandpa Gao, and his uncle had built in the canyon.

"If we can't go back today, we will go to the shelter to rest." Lin Heng pointed to the small cave under the rock wall on the opposite bank and said.

This small triangular cave is a natural shelter. It only needs a simple cover to avoid wind and rain.

Lin Yue looked at his brother: "Then we still need to go forward?"

Lin Heng smiled and nodded: "Yes, we will get there after crossing two more mountains, but before that we can go to the shelter to put down some unnecessary things so as not to be a burden on our backs."

"What good stuff is it that you have to run so far to get here?" Lin Yue became more and more curious.

But Lin Heng just smiled and said nothing, and walked towards the canyon.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the dogs were tired and they finally arrived at their destination. Lin Heng went to the bamboo forest where the panda was before and looked at it. There were a lot of bamboo shoots and some panda feces, but they were all from a long time ago.

The panda should not have visited here recently.

"Brother, it's time to tell me now. You can't be here to see panda feces." Lin Yue looked at Lin Heng and asked.

Lin Heng stroked the dog's head and looked at his elder brother, and no longer kept it a secret: "There may be ginseng in this mountain. Let's look for it separately. If you find it, it's your luck."

Lin Yue was stunned: "Ginseng?"

"How did you know?"

"Could it be..."

Lin Yue thought of a possibility and was shocked.

"Yes, I found one here last time, otherwise there would be no money for so much construction." Lin Heng smiled, and he didn't reveal the details.

"No wonder." Lin Yue suddenly realized, patted Lin Heng on the shoulder and said, "You are so amazing."

Lin Heng smiled slightly: "That ginseng is not young, I suspect there are still some nearby, let's separate, whoever finds it will own it."

He didn't care that the ginseng was found by his elder brother. When he decided to tell him, he hoped that he could find it.

Life was too difficult, he was willing to help those who were good to him, and his elder brother was undoubtedly the one who had been good to him since he was a child.

He could often be lazy in the farm work at home, and behind this was the elder brother who helped him do a lot. Not to mention his care for himself since he was a child.

"I found it and I'll give you half of it." Lin Yue said with a smile.

Lin Heng patted his elder brother on the shoulder and said with a smile: "No need, we brothers don't talk about this. I believe if you know such a place, you will tell me."

Lin Yue patted Lin Heng hard and nodded: "Okay."

Lin Heng first took his elder brother to the place where he wrestled last time and found ginseng. No other ginseng was seen here.

Then the two separated and looked for it separately.

The fact that there is no ginseng in this place does not mean that there is no ginseng in the nearby mountains. Birds like to eat ginseng seeds. It is generally difficult to keep them in the original place, but there is a high probability that there are ginseng seeds in the nearby mountains.

Even if it is difficult for the seeds to germinate, this is a hundred-year-old ginseng. In more than a hundred years, there will always be ginseng seeds that germinate and mature.

"Xiongba, try hard. If you find it, I will reward you with a pig." Lin Heng said, touching Xiongba's head. He also loosened Lai Fu's chain, but he didn't expect it.

"Awoo~~" Xiongba called in a low voice and sniffed and searched in front.

Lin Heng looked at the various green plants under the forest, looking for traces of ginseng in them bit by bit.

This is a tiring job. It is too difficult to find ginseng among so many green plants. The leaves of many plants are very similar to ginseng.

Ginseng was not found, but Ganoderma lucidum could be found occasionally. The number of this thing in the primeval forest is relatively large.

As he walked, he saw another tree ear, or black fungus. Unlike the soft black fungus on other trees, black fungus is particularly hard and feels like rubber.

But in fact, it is very good to use it for hot pot. It has a good taste and rich nutrition.

Meimei picked it and put it in the backpack, and then continued to look for ginseng.

I didn't encounter many prey, but there were some squirrels and birds from time to time. This is normal. Most animals are active in the evening and early morning.

It was five o'clock before I knew it. Lin Heng had searched all the mountains, but there was still no trace of ginseng. He only found a few Ganoderma lucidum, two wild lilies, and some deer ear chives.

I saw a lot of turmeric, but it was worthless and heavy, so I was too lazy to dig it.

"Hey, these Lycoris radiata are blooming well." When I stopped to rest, Lin Heng found a large area of ​​Lycoris radiata.

Lycoris radiata is also called the flower of the other shore. The flowers and leaves will never meet, but it is not rare in itself. It can often be found in the mountains. It is blooming beautiful orange and red flowers.

He sat down to rest, drank a sip of water, and rested against a tree for ten minutes. He got up and continued to look for ginseng.

It takes more than a day to find this thing. Don't be discouraged if you can't find it for the time being. And if it is so easy to find, it won't be so precious.

"Woof woof!"

Laifu suddenly roared, and Lin Heng looked up and saw a black snake as thick as his wrist slithering down the mountain at a high speed.

This snake is estimated to be about three or four pounds, and it must be good for making wine or stewing soup.

Although his parents didn't let him eat it, he still wanted to chase it and see.

After walking a few dozen meters, the snake went into the cave, and Lin Heng couldn't do anything about it.

But he didn't want to catch it, because his parents wouldn't let him eat it if he caught it. He looked around and prepared to continue looking for ginseng.

But when his eyes swept from the left front, he was suddenly stunned, and then hurried over to check.

After looking carefully, Lin Heng was a little disappointed: "Sanqi, I thought it was ginseng."

Sanqi and ginseng are both plants of the genus Panax in the Araliaceae family. They look very similar, so it's normal to make a mistake.

When he saw a patch of it growing here, he was sure that it was not ginseng but Sanqi, and he could clearly distinguish it if he looked closer.

"But this is also a surprise." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Compendium of Materia Medica records that ‘ginseng is the best for replenishing qi, and Panax notoginseng is the best for replenishing blood’. These are also extremely precious medicinal materials. Even now, the price of wild premium Panax notoginseng dried goods is about the same as Ganoderma lucidum.

The reason why it is not expensive is that its yield is relatively high, and it is not as rare as ginseng.

For example, the ones found in front of Lin Heng are as large as 20 to 30 square meters. After a careful look, he identified the specific species.

This is Panax notoginseng with large leaves. There are also several other species such as Panax notoginseng with feather leaves, but the medicinal effects are the same.

He took out a short-handled hoe from his backpack. This small hoe weighs two kilograms, but it is a necessary tool in the mountains. Many herbs need to be dug with a hoe.

Digging with a wooden stick or a knife is too inefficient, so even if it is heavy, it has to be carried on the back.

The humus soil under the forest is very soft. Lin Heng took the hoe and dug it twice and saw the root of Panax notoginseng. There are many small heads, which look more like ginger, with a small lump next to a small lump.

So it is also called Lump Seven.

Soon, Lin Heng dug out three or four Panax notoginseng plants, which weighed about four or five kilograms in his hand. If dried, they would weigh about one kilogram.

Panax notoginseng is divided into winter Panax notoginseng and spring Panax notoginseng. As the name suggests, winter Panax notoginseng is picked after the seeds are formed. It is of average quality and has poor medicinal effects.

The best Panax notoginseng is spring Panax notoginseng, which is picked in July, and the flowers are removed. The Panax notoginseng that is dug out contains the highest medicinal effects.

"1, 2, 3... 26, 27, special grade, it is worthy of being wild Panax notoginseng!!"

After counting the number of heads, Lin Heng was shocked. This wild Panax notoginseng is extraordinary. A few plants dug out at random are all special Panax notoginseng with 30 heads.

The quality of Panax notoginseng is distinguished by the bumps on the body. One bump is one head. The fewer the number of heads in the same kilogram, the higher the level. The State Food and Drug Administration divides it into 13 levels.

20, 30, and 40 heads of dried Panax notoginseng per pound are all top-grade products, which are first, second, and third-grade products, respectively. They are all top-grade products and are the Panax notoginseng with the best medicinal effects.

Although Lin Heng's Panax notoginseng is only four or five pounds, it is about one pound after drying, which is definitely a top-grade product.

The fewer heads of the same weight, the older the year, and the higher the nutritional value.

"I can only say that this place is worthy of being the dragon vein of China." Lin Heng grinned, and this Panax notoginseng may have grown for more than ten years.

"You two, be alert, I want to dig Panax notoginseng."

Lin Heng glanced at Xiongba and Lai Fu, and continued to dig Panax notoginseng.

Except for some small Panax notoginseng that were obviously grown in the last one or two years, Lin Heng dug out all the big ones without leaving any.

It took him thirty or forty minutes to finally finish digging out this large area of ​​Panax notoginseng.

Looking at the Panax notoginseng piled up like a small mountain in front of him, Lin Heng grinned, took a snakeskin bag from his backpack, put it in, and weighed it.

"There are about 60 to 70 kilograms, and 12 to 13 kilograms can be dried. They are all top-grade wild Panax notoginseng, which can be sold for at least 60 yuan per kilogram, or at least 700 yuan."

Lin Heng was very happy talking to himself. Although he did not find wild ginseng, it was comparable to a low-year ginseng.

"Today I will reward you with a big meal of meat. It is still useful." Lin Heng rubbed Lai Fu's head and said, thanks to it for finding the snake, otherwise he might have missed the Panax notoginseng.

Don't look at it very close, sometimes you may not find it even under your feet.

Lai Fu is not as humane as Xiongba. When Lin Heng said to reward it, it just licked his hand and didn't understand. It liked him to tickle it.

Carrying Panax notoginseng, Lin Heng turned back. It was too heavy to carry it on his back. This time the search for ginseng can only be temporarily ended, and it will come again tomorrow morning.

It was already past six o'clock when he returned to the canyon where the shelter was located. Lin Heng went back to the shelter without waiting for his elder brother.

Because they had already discussed it when they separated, and when it was time to go home, there was basically no danger for him to bring a dog and a compass.

If a dog warns a large animal approaching, it will definitely be discovered, and then the shotgun will win. No animal can do it better than human technological creations.

Returning to the shelter, Lin Heng put down his things and started to tidy up the place again.

It seemed like rats had visited after they left, and there was a lot of rat droppings on the ground. The wind shelter wall outside has long since decayed and can only be used to burn fires.

In July, the nights deep in the mountains are very cold, so we still need to take precautions against the wind.

Lin Heng went to cut down a tree nearby and made a new frame. Then he took out the film paper from his backpack and spread it on top. He put some small branches of mugwort outside and it was done.

With the shelter in place, he started killing chickens and hares.

The blood pheasant's feathers were very beautiful. He plucked them out and put them in a plastic bag. Xiulan could use them for handicrafts when he returned home. The feathers would look great glued into a painting and hung on the wall.

He didn't take the pot, but the elder brother took a small teapot for boiling water, which he had put here before.

He can boil the skin little by little and remove most of the hair.

While boiling the water, he also skinned the rabbit, slit it from the neck, and then stretched it from the belly to the anus. He scalded the chicken three times before peeling off the rabbit skin.

After scraping off the grease, stretch it up and hang it in a ventilated place to dry.

The rabbit's internal organs were taken out and looked at, but there was no deterioration. The rabbit's liver and heart were left, and the other internal organs were cleaned and roasted together with the rabbit's head to feed the two dogs.

While killing the chicken, the pheasants on the opposite mountain were croaking, which made Lin Heng a little dissatisfied. These guys were too arrogant. Simply ignoring his existence.

After scalding the skin of the blood pheasant and hazel pheasant, Lin Heng also left the chicken liver and heart, and fed the rest to the dogs. He actually wanted to eat chicken offal, but he couldn't fry it without a pot, and it would definitely spoil if he took it back tomorrow.

Chicken hearts, chicken livers and chopped rabbit hearts and rabbit livers were put on wooden sticks and roasted by the fire.

I won’t eat chicken or rabbit today. I’ll rub salt on the surface and inside and hang it in a high place with good ventilation. This way, it won’t go bad even if I go back tomorrow and it can be stored for one more day.

It was already eight o'clock when these were done, and it was completely dark. Lin Heng was a little worried because his elder brother Lin Yue hadn't come back yet.

"Come on, let's go up and look for it."

Lin Heng picked up the flashlight, put on his bow bag, and set off with his two dogs.

“Phew, there are eels here!!”

Lin Heng looked at the waterside and was a little surprised. There were a lot of aquatic life in the river in the canyon this summer. After walking seven or eight meters, he saw two eels and a big crab.

He planned to catch some fish and bake it after he found his eldest brother.

After walking a few hundred meters up, Lin Heng finally saw the light of the flashlight and shouted quickly: "Brother, why are you back so late?"

"Come and help me!"

Lin Yue's voice came down with excitement.

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