Lin Heng was stunned when he heard his elder brother's words.

"What did you catch?" he asked while walking up.

Lin Yue's somewhat excited voice came down: "Badger, I caught a badger."


Lin Heng was shocked. This thing is not easy to catch. It has a very sensitive nose. His elder brother is so lucky?

Badgers and wild hogs are basically the same, but the badger's nose is black and looks like a dog's nose, so it is called a badger, while the wild hog's nose is flesh-colored like a pig, so it is called a badger.

The other difference is the fur color.

He walked up quickly and saw his elder brother carrying a brown-haired, pointed-mouthed animal that looked about the same size as a one or two-month-old piglet.

"Great, elder brother, how did you catch it?" Lin Heng asked in shock as he looked at the badger.

Lin Yue put the badger on the ground and said with a smile: "It wasn't me, it was Fengshou who found it and chased it and bit it, and then I helped to stab it to death."

"Fengshou?" Lin Heng shone the flashlight at Fengshou, the greyhound who had returned to his side at some point. Its black hair was completely invisible at night. A closer look revealed that it had wounds on its neck and shoulder blades, which were obviously caused by fighting.

Lin Yue looked at Fengshou and nodded: "Yes, I used to think that this thin and skinny dog ​​was not good, but today I have finally seen it. Not only does it run very fast, it can catch up with the badger, and its fighting power is also fierce enough. I feel that even if I don't help it, it can bite it to death."

Lin Heng also looked at Fengshou. He knew that the greyhound had good hunting ability, but he didn't expect it to be so fierce. It caught such a big prey the first time it went into the mountains.

"But this is normal. The greyhound is an ancient hunting dog breed. Many ancient kings and nobles used greyhounds for hunting. Even the prototype of the Roaring Sky Dog in Journey to the West was a greyhound." He nodded and said.

Although the greyhound looks a little strange, it is very capable, has a strong desire to hunt, and is loyal to its owner.

As soon as Lin Heng came over, it ran back to him.

"Yes, it's so fierce, I must raise one too." Lin Yue nodded in affirmation.

"Let's go, let's go back and talk about it."

Lin Heng touched Fengshou's head and carried the badger back.

Not long after, they returned to the shelter. Lin Heng put the badger down, and Fengshou circled around it twice, looking up at Lin Heng and sticking out his tongue.

"Not bad, very powerful, I'll make you something delicious later." Lin Heng pulled it over and touched its head, then took out iodine and trauma treatment powder from his backpack.

These were all bought in the city and were necessities.

After applying iodine to Fengshou and then applying the powder, Lin Heng picked up a skewer of barbecue and tasted it. The roasted chicken liver tasted pretty good, but the rabbit liver had a fishy smell.

Lin Yue drank a mouthful of water, ate a string of barbecue and asked: "Brother, did you find ginseng today?"

"No, but my harvest is not bad. I dug 50 to 60 kilograms of Panax notoginseng." Lin Heng shook his head and pointed to the snakeskin bag next to him.

Lin Yue walked over and opened the bag and was stunned: "Such a big Panax notoginseng, this bag should sell for 500 or 600 yuan, right?"

He was convinced. He thought he was lucky enough to get the wild hog badger, but now he didn't know what to say.

"They are all top-grade goods. It's easy to sell them for 500 or 600 yuan." Lin Heng smiled and nodded, and took out the last two scallion pancakes to eat.

"I must go and look for it tomorrow." Lin Yue clenched his fists and said that although he didn't see ginseng, this Panax notoginseng is also very good, maybe there are more.

Lin Heng smiled and said: "Let's deal with the badger quickly and rest early."

This thing still needs to be dealt with immediately, otherwise it will be difficult to deal with when it becomes hard, and it is easy to deteriorate.

After peeling the skin and setting it aside to air dry, they continued to gut the badger, hanging up the liver, kidneys, and lard to dry. The temperature was low and the wind was strong at night in the canyon, so it was not easy to spoil.

The badger's lungs were directly fed to Fengshou as a reward.

The intestines and stomachs were taken to the river to be washed clean, and then put in a plastic bag with some salt.

"Should this badger be cut up or left as a whole?" Lin Yue looked at Lin Heng for advice.

"Cut it up, cut it up." Lin Heng took the dagger and started cutting it into strips. His eldest brother rubbed some salt on it and hung it on the rack outside the cave to dry.

After the badger was cut up, Lin Heng looked at his watch and it was already 9:30 in the evening. Although he was very tired, he still asked his eldest brother to go to the shallow water of the river to set up a maze with stones, and put some badger meat in the center as bait.

"Okay, go back to sleep." After the maze was set up, Lin Heng shook his head. He really didn't have the energy to continue catching fish.

Back in the shelter, Lin Heng lay down on the grass mat, rubbed his legs and missed the soft bed in the house.

Today's exercise can be compared to the military training. I walked at least 30 or 40 kilometers, and my legs are sore now.

Hunting is really a physical job, and most people can't hold on.

I fell asleep in less than two minutes after lying on the grass. I was really tired today.

Because there was a dog, there was no need to be alert, so I slept very soundly. It was not until I was woken up by the cold in the middle of the night that the two of them caught a dog and held it in their arms to rest.

The next morning, at about five o'clock, countless birds of all sizes started to sing, like a symphony orchestra. Even if I wanted to sleep in, I couldn't sleep.

Getting up irritably, Lin Heng rubbed his sore legs, took the slingshot and quietly went out, and soon saw the "green beard tiaozi" singing happily in the bushes on the cliff.

He picked up the slingshot and fired one. In an instant, one fell down, and the surrounding area suddenly became much quieter.

Then Lin Heng hit four more in a row before finally feeling relieved.

"Brother, we caught a lot of fish last night, including a mandarin fish weighing about seven or eight taels." Lin Yue also got up and shouted from a distance.

"This place is rich in species." Lin Heng came over and looked at the fish in the beach and smiled, then caught the small fish and threw them to the three dogs.

After feeding them half full, they grabbed some more and roasted them for themselves. All the food they brought yesterday had been eaten.

Several green-bearded scoundrels burned off their fur. He took two bites of the meat and fed the rest to the dogs.

Then the green wolf dog Laifu was tied here to watch the meat. Lin Heng and his eldest brother set off to find ginseng and hunt along the way.

It was still the same place as yesterday. This time the two of them were not too far apart, but were looking for each other at a distance.

It was less than six o'clock when we set off, and we found it until nine o'clock in the morning, but still nothing was gained.

Lin Heng found some Ganoderma lucidum and dug up two Astragalus membranaceus trees, but found nothing else.

The situation at his eldest brother's side was not good either. He dug up three Codonopsis pilosula and more than ten Pseudostellariae heterophylla, but saw nothing else.

Finally, the two stopped in a valley. There was a lot of red cohosh in this place, which was extremely beautiful. The fluffy clumps of foxtail grass formed a beautiful pagoda shape, and the color was still pink.

Lin Heng thought for a while, walked over, dug out three or four trees and put them in his bag.

"This thing is not valuable, why are you digging it?" Lin Yue asked in confusion.

"I dug it back and planted it in the house to look at the flowers. They look beautiful." Lin Heng said with a smile. Gardening is also a hobby of his and he wants to grow some pretty things.

"Are we still looking for it?" Lin Yue asked.

Lin Heng shook his head: "No, go back and come back next time. Don't end up with the ginseng smelling bad after not finding the prey."

"Okay, I'll drink some water and leave."

As Lin Yue spoke, he ran to the mountain stream nearby and squatted down to drink.

"You can't drink this water, brother. You have to find spring water that just seeps out." Lin Heng shook his head and wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

Lin Yue waved his hand after drinking: "It's okay, this water is clean, it's all mountain spring water."

Lin Heng was helpless: "The water must be good, but I'm afraid there are dead things or feces upstream."

Shaking his head, he found a spring that had just seeped out, dug it out and drank some. The water in the water bag had already been finished.

After drinking the water, they turned back and arrived at the shelter not long after. Laifu was lying on the ground a little bored. When he saw them coming back, he stood up and stuck out his tongue happily.

Lin Heng touched Laifu's head, looked at his elder brother and said, "Eat something and go back."


Lin Yue nodded, and the two caught some fish and grilled it. They quickly packed it up and walked back with their things on their backs.

I stopped hunting on the way and went straight back. I briefly looked at the nooses and traps arranged. Unfortunately, I didn’t catch any prey.

"No, I have to go to the bathroom."

Just when he was approaching Hongfeng Mountain, Lin Yue suddenly dropped his things, clutched his stomach and ran away.

After waiting for a while, he slowly walked out and complained: "Drinking water is really bad for your stomach? Suddenly you have diarrhea."

Lin Heng smiled and spread his hands: "Most likely, it is best to boil the mountain spring water in the wild or drink it near the spring."

"You're really on to something." Lin Yue shook his head, looked at things and continued walking.

Not far away, he pulled again, which made Lin Heng want to laugh.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, they finally returned home.

"You're finally back. I thought you were going to rest on the mountain today." Xiulan saw him pushing the door open and walked out of the main room with a smile.

"The harvest this time is not small, so we delayed it." Lin Heng put down the burden and took a deep breath.

Xiulan handed him a cup of cooled honeysuckle and prunella vulgaris herbal tea, looked at him from side to side, and felt relieved when she found that he was not injured.

"Dad, did you go up the mountain to hunt?" Xiaoxia also ran over wearing sandals, blinking her big bright eyes.

"Of course I got it. You have something delicious to eat today."

Lin Heng went to the house to get a basin, then opened the bag and took out three chickens, then half a pig badger, and large and small intestines.

"So many! You even hit a pig badger!" Xiulan was a little surprised.

"Isn't it awesome?" Lin Heng asked with a smile.

Xiulan gave a thumbs up: "Awesome!"

"Awesome, awesome, daddy is the best!!" Xiaoxia cheered jumping up and down.

Lin Heng was satisfied with the praise from his wife and daughter. He took another sip of water and explained with a smile: "I shot the hazel pheasant and the two blood pheasants. The pig badger was shot by my eldest brother and Fengshou together. I gave half of the meat."

"But this is nothing. My main gain today is this." Lin Heng pointed to another bag and said.

Xiulan walked over and opened it curiously, looking at him doubtfully: "Is this Sanqi?"

"Yes, it's Panax notoginseng. Special grade Panax notoginseng. It can sell for five to six hundred." Lin Heng said, spreading his hands.

Xiulan blinked: "Then you have gained a lot from this trip to the mountains."

"It's a pity that we couldn't find ginseng." Lin Heng shook his head.

"If you want to be satisfied, this is good enough." Xiulan patted him and said, "Hurry up and take a shower. I'll take care of this."

"Just rest. I'll come over after I take a shower." Lin Heng looked at Xiulan's belly and said. When he got home, he immediately felt less tired.

"Hurry up and take your bath, it stinks." Xiulan pushed him over.

Lin Heng went to the backyard to take a bath, and Xiulan took a frozen watermelon from the well and carried it to the main room.

When Lin Heng came back after taking a bath, he could eat the cold watermelon, and he felt cooler.

Xiulan took out the mushrooms and fungus he picked to dry, poured the Panax notoginseng into a basin, washed it, and put it on a bamboo dustpan to dry.

Lin Heng went over to organize his tools and put them upstairs, and planted the red cohosh he dug.

"How do you eat these chickens?" Xiulan looked at Lin Heng and asked.

Lin Heng thought for a while and said, "Stew the whole hazel grouse. I happened to have codonopsis pilosula, and add a few red dates. Fry the remaining two blood pheasants, otherwise they will go bad. The same goes for the badger meat, all fried."

There is another way to prevent them from spoiling, that is, after frying, heat them twice a day. Each heating is equivalent to sterilization, and it can be eaten for a long time.

But the taste of the meat is not as good as before.

"Okay." Xiulan nodded and went to the kitchen with the things.

Lin Heng drank a cup of herbal tea and went to help. Xiulan was not strong enough to chop the meat, so he took it and broke it with one knife. He chopped it with a few bangs.

"Go and rest after you're done. Leave the rest to me." Xiulan looked at him and said.

"It's okay. I'll help you add more fire." Lin Heng shook his head and said with a smile.

Xiulan tilted her head and looked at him: "Aren't you tired?"

Lin Heng blinked: "I'm not tired when I see you."

"You're so smooth-talking." Xiulan glared at him.

"It's okay. Just rest in the evening." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Then I'll give you a massage in the evening." Xiulan said, and didn't stop him anymore.

The two of them were in the kitchen, and Xiaoxia couldn't stay outside, so she ran in to make trouble.

They were busy for more than an hour, blanching and cooking. Fortunately, Lin Heng used a charcoal casserole to stew the chicken, otherwise it would take longer.

The kitchen was very hot, making the two of them sweat like a sauna.

At seven o'clock, Xiulan prepared the meal, including a fried chicken, a fried badger meat, cold dishes, and stir-fried deer ears and chives, a total of six dishes.

Lin Heng and Xiulan drank the sweet wine Xiulan had just made, and Xiaoxia drank honey watermelon juice. The big watermelon she had cut before was not finished and was just squeezed into juice and some honey was added. Xiaoxia loved it very much.

After a full meal, the sweet rice wine made people feel refreshed.

"It feels so good to be home." After dinner, Lin Heng lay on the back of the chair and sighed, watching Xiulan and Xiaoxia clean up the dishes.

He didn't want to enjoy the cool tonight, so he took a cold shower and lay on the bed to rest. He turned on the fan and waited for Xiulan to come and give him a massage.

After a while, Xiulan took Xiaoxia into the room after washing up, and got on the bed together to give him a massage.

Two pairs of soft hands massaged him on his body, not to mention how comfortable it was. It felt like a water pump was pumping out the fatigue and soreness in his body bit by bit.

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