Lin Heng squinted his eyes to enjoy it, and soon fell asleep.

"Mom, Dad seems to be asleep, but he hasn't told me a story yet." Xiaoxia complained softly while pressing her waist. She hadn't listened to a bedtime story in two days.

Xiulan looked at her and said: "Absolutely, he is tired. The meat you and I eat was obtained by him after walking a long, long way. Without him working so hard, you wouldn't be able to eat delicious food." Too much food and no nice clothes.”

Although she was not with Lin Heng, she knew very well how tiring hunting was. It was normal to walk dozens of miles a day, but she could not eat well in the mountains and suffered from the cold.

Xiaoxia tilted her head and thought for a while. When she thought of Yang Qing, she especially envied her father. She thought her father was invincible and powerful, and she thought she was super happy.

"Then let me tell Dad a story!" Xiaoxia said, touching her dad's back.

Xiulan was a little surprised, then smiled and said: "Then keep your voice down, don't wake your dad up."

"Okay." Xiaoxia nodded and told her favorite fairy tale, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

Xiulan pressed Lin Heng's legs for a while, trying to turn him over but found that she couldn't turn him over. Finally, she changed the direction and used her feet to turn him over.

"Like a pig."

Seeing Lin Heng who didn't wake up after being tortured like this, she wanted to laugh, but also felt a little sad.

"Mom, I want to sleep in a big bed tonight!" Xiaoxia said, holding Xiulan's hand after telling her story.

"Then sleep here, next to me." Xiulan nodded and held her over.

After coaxing her to sleep, she was put back on the crib. It was too hot to be crowded together and it was easy to get prickly heat.

After glancing at Lin Heng, Xiulan also lay down to rest.

Early the next morning, Lin Heng woke up and found that it was almost nine o'clock. He turned around and saw that Xiulan Xiaoxia had already gotten up, and there was a set of clean clothes beside his head.

After putting on his clothes, Lin Heng walked out and found some birds on the grape trellis in the backyard, while Jinbao was watching eagerly on the ground under the trellis.

"This guy is of some use." Lin Heng thought to himself, thinking that when the grapes are ripe, he can tie it under the shelf and guard it.

He went to the toilet and came to the main room. Xiulan was picking vegetables and Xiaoxia was playing with the village children in the yard.

"Your rice is in the pot, take it out and eat it yourself." Xiulan raised her head and said.

Lin Heng nodded, walked into the kitchen and opened the pot lid to take a look. It was a rich breakfast, including a glass of milk, potato cakes and cold cucumbers.

When Lin Hengduan went out to eat, Xiulan asked: "Mom and sister-in-law asked you when you were going to the city. Some of the scorpions they caught couldn't be raised, and they started to die recently."

"Just for the next two days, I have to go down to restock. I'm probably running out of shrimp feed." Lin Heng raised his head and said.

"Then tell them later." Xiulan nodded.

Lin Heng thought for a moment and said, "I'll call them over for lunch at noon. We won't be able to finish eating with all the food."

"You say it's too late. My eldest brother has already called us and called us. My sister-in-law even picked up a lot of snails and has been raising them for two days." Xiulan spread her hands and said.

"That's fine. It'll be the same if we call them that night." Lin Heng nodded and looked at the hazel chicken that was stewed last night. He turned around and asked, "Why don't you eat it? I just stewed it for you."

"Let's eat together later." Xiulan said with a wink.

"I'll heat it up for you." Lin Heng went to light some charcoal, put the already cold hazel chicken on it and heated it up. He also added some water and adjusted the salt.

The hazel chicken was only eighty ounces after being killed cleanly. The meat had been stewed until it was completely tender. The light yellow soup was rich and fragrant, with a unique aroma of hazel chicken, somewhat similar to the fragrance of hazelnuts.

Pheasants and golden pheasants are not heavy at all. They only cost about one kilogram when killed. In addition, the internal organs can weigh a little, and rarely exceed two kilograms.

The blood pheasant had already eaten one last night, and there was one left to invite his parents with him. There was quite a lot of badger meat, which was fried and left floating on top of the water tank.

Lin Heng took some out and threaded three skewers. After the chicken soup was hot, he put it on the charcoal fire and grilled it.

He took out the hazel chicken soup and then tore half of the hazel chicken into it. When the meat was roasted, the hazel chicken soup was just warm.

"Eat quickly." Lin Heng looked at Xiulan and said.

"I just ate not long ago and I'm not hungry yet." Xiulan blinked and smiled.

"There's not much oil in this. You won't gain weight if you eat it." Lin Heng handed it to her.

Xiulan had no choice but to take it and sit on the bench to finish it. She burped and felt a little satisfied. The chicken soup was delicious and the hazelnut meat was stewed very firm. It left a fragrant taste in her mouth.

Lin Heng handed Xiaoxia a skewer of barbecue and ate it himself. Dog badger meat was similar to pig badger meat, with a unique smell. He said it was earthy but that was not accurate because it didn't taste disgusting. , and a little fragrant.

It seems to be a unique taste that can only be obtained by eating grass. It is slightly browned and oily when grilled. It is very satisfying to eat with some barbecue ingredients.

Xiaoxia put some salt on the bunch and chewed it very fragrantly, which fully proved that it was not an earthy smell, but the unique flavor of dogs and badgers.

"Try it." Lin Heng handed over the half-eaten stick.

Xiulan took one out, tasted it, nodded and said, "This is very good. It tastes delicious when grilled."

"Would you like another skewer?" Lin Heng said, pointing to the skewer that was still being grilled.

"No, I can't eat." Xiulan shook her head, then touched her belly and looked at Lin Heng, "Husband, do you think my belly is getting bigger too quickly?"

"It feels a little bit." Lin Heng nodded.

Xiulan shook her head: "It's not that it's a little bit, but it's growing much faster. Logically speaking, I haven't shown my pregnancy much for more than three months. When I was pregnant with Xiaoxia, I could still wear normal pants for four months, but now I can only wear skirts or special clothes. Big-waisted pants.”

Lin Heng looked at it carefully: "Is there something wrong? Let's go to the hospital to check it out."

Xiulan shook her head: "There shouldn't be something wrong, otherwise I would definitely feel it."

After a pause, she looked at Lin Heng and whispered: "Husband, do you think it is possible that they are twins? That's why the belly is getting bigger very quickly."

Lin Heng was stunned. He instinctively thought it was impossible, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt it made sense. Why couldn't they be twins?

"Don't tell me, it's really possible. Then I need to go to the hospital for a checkup!" Lin Heng said in surprise, and walked over to her belly to try to hear the fetal heartbeat.

But after listening for a long time, I didn't hear it.

Xiulan looked at him with big eyes: "Do you remember the doctor said that my happy pulse is very strong? Moreover, my morning sickness is more severe than before, and my belly is getting bigger quickly. I feel that I am inseparable."

She touched her belly. Being pregnant with twins was an unprecedented thing for her. It was a very rare thing, and she was very happy.

At the same time, I was a little anxious, because I didn’t know the specific gender of the twins. If the two daughters were forced to undergo ring implantation by the hospital, there would be no way to give Lin Heng another son.

It's not that I hate my daughter, I just need a boy to carry on the family line. It's best to have both children.

"That's really possible. You and I can go to the city in two days to have a look. I should be fine if I drive slower." Lin Heng said happily.

"Okay, then let's tell our parents and others after reading it." Xiulan nodded, and she could feel more at ease after figuring it out.

Lin Heng thought for a while and decided, "Well, let's go tomorrow. Caiyun is on vacation now, so let her help take care of Xiaoxia."

"Okay." Xiulan nodded in agreement. She also wanted to confirm whether they were twins.

Lin Heng lay on his stomach and listened again, but he still couldn't hear clearly. He couldn't tell whether it was the fetal heartbeat or Xiulan's heartbeat.

After finishing the remaining barbecue, Lin Heng made a cup of herbal tea and drank it.

Then I went out for a walk and looked around, but there was no target.

His parents came over at noon. Mother Lin asked when he was going to the city, and Lin Heng explained the matter.

"Then you have to take one more person with you tomorrow, take your brother down?" Mother Lin asked.

"Yes, let my brother come with you." Lin Heng nodded. It is indeed better to have more than one person taking care of him.

Because he had to take Xiulan for an examination, he was not going to do anything extra tomorrow. Things like buying a factory and a house would have to wait until next time when he would go out and do it.

"I also made the coffee table for your sofa. I bought a piece of camphor wood to make the tabletop, and the table legs were made of cypress tree." Lin's father looked at Lin Heng and said that he took the initiative to do carpentry. , it’s fun to do carpentry work when you have nothing to do.

"Just watch and do it." Lin Heng said with a smile. He originally wanted Carpenter Liang to do it, but his father stopped him and wanted to try it himself.

Everyone chatted in the room for a while, and around one o'clock, elder brother Lin Yue came over to order dinner.

Sister-in-law Liu Juan made a rich meal today. In addition to beaten pork and badger meat, there were also snails, fried river fish, etc. There were ten dishes in total.

Lin Yue went into the mountains this time and found a badger skin. She was naturally happy to be able to sell it for a lot of money.

Halfway through the meal, Liu Juan asked with a smile: "Lin Heng, when are you going to the city?"

"Just tomorrow." Lin Heng explained the matter while eating snails.

"That's good, we can't keep any of the scorpions we caught." Liu Juan said happily.

"How many did you catch?" Lin Heng asked curiously.

"I caught three kilograms." Liu Juan said with a smile.

Mother Lin also spoke: "Caiyun and I caught it together and it weighed three kilograms."

"Awesome!" Lin Heng was impressed. Three kilograms of scorpions can be sold for more than one hundred, which is definitely a huge income.

But the prerequisite is UV light.

"Then Caiyun, you will help take care of Xiaoxia tomorrow." Lin Heng looked at Caiyun and said.

"Of course it's no problem, brother." Caiyun agreed with a smile.

After lunch, Lin Heng told his parents and eldest brother to go there for dinner in the evening.

After dinner, her parents went back to Hongfeng Mountain, and Caiyun stayed directly at Lin Heng's house.

In the evening, Mother Lin came over to help cook, and the whole family had another happy meal in the evening. Life in the countryside is so simple, and I am very happy if I can have a good meal.

Early the next morning, after breakfast, I packed up and got ready to go. Xiaoxia was clingy, and it took a long time to comfort her before she agreed to let them enter the city.

The scorpion was packed in a gauze bag and hung at the back of the car. It was feared that it would be suffocated to death in the storage box. The price difference between living and dead was too big.

The eldest brother Lin Yue was sitting in the right side of the carriage, Xiulan was sitting behind Lin Heng, holding him in her arms.

"I'm leaving." Lin Heng said and started the car.

Because Xiulan was pregnant and didn't dare to drive too fast, she set off at 8:30 and took two and a half hours to get into the city.

The first stop must be the hospital in the city. After handing the car to his elder brother, Lin Heng took Xiulan to the gynecological examination.

"Doctor, my wife seems to be pregnant with twins. Could you please check them out." Lin Heng said as he walked into the doctor's office.

The female doctor holding a stethoscope looked at Xiulan curiously: "Twins? How long have you been pregnant?"

"The menstrual period that stopped in May should be more than three months now." Xiulan sat down and said.

"That's really possible. Let me show you." The doctor nodded.

She listened with a stethoscope, then asked some questions, and nodded after a while: "It is indeed twins. There is no problem at present, but you have to pay attention to nutrition. Twins consume twice as much as single babies."

"It is really twins!"

Hearing the doctor's affirmation, Lin Heng was a little stunned for a while. Twins, he actually has a pair of twin children. Two little cuties who look the same.

"Don't stand there stupidly, take your wife to the test to see if there are any other problems." The doctor looked at Lin Heng and reminded him.

"Okay!" Lin Heng couldn't restrain his happy expression at all. He pulled Xiulan out of the clinic and said excitedly, "Wife, you are so amazing, you are pregnant with twins."

Xiulan blushed and said shyly: "Let's talk about it when we get back. There are too many people outside."

She felt that it was related to Lin Heng's crazy during that period, because he was not restrained at all without contraceptive measures.

After the test, Lin Heng asked a Chinese doctor to take a look, and made sure there was no problem before pulling Xiulan out.

Lin Yue saw the two people coming out and asked curiously: "What's the matter? You are so happy?"

Lin Heng looked at his elder brother and said: "Actually, we came here mainly to check whether Xiulan is pregnant with twins. Now it is confirmed."

Lin Yue opened his mouth wide: "Twins!! Oh my God, you are blessed by God."

"It is indeed blessed by God." Lin Heng smiled and nodded. Whether it is a son or a daughter, twins are already SSR.

Having two children who look the same must be a very happy and interesting thing.

"Okay, let's do other things quickly. Scorpions are easy to die in hot weather." Xiulan patted Lin Heng and said, seeing Lin Heng's silly look of happiness, she was also happy in her heart.


Lin Heng drove the sidecar and took Xiulan and his elder brother to the herbal medicine shop where he said he would collect scorpions last time.

The herbal medicine shop was run by an old man. He was a little shocked when he saw Lin Heng carrying two large bags of scorpions in: "You are here to sell scorpions, how did you get so many?"

Lin Heng put down the bag and said: "Pure wild scorpions, you said 40 yuan per catty last time, you won't refuse to buy it."

The old man widened his eyes: "I said 35, when did it become 40? You can only find someone else for this price."

"35 is fine, you weigh it." Lin Heng nodded and said, 40 yuan was just nonsense.

After weighing, his eldest brother's was 3.5 jin, and his mother's was 3.2 jin.

After weighing, the old man poured out the scorpions and put them in a basin to take a look. He confirmed that these were local wild scorpions. He looked at Lin Heng and others in shock: "How did you catch so many scorpions?"

He knew how difficult it was to catch this thing. The ones sold to him were basically 1 or 2 liang. It was too scary to catch 3 jin at once. There must be a special method.

"Just catch it with a bamboo stick." Lin Heng pretended to be stupid and would definitely not tell this secret.

"Okay, if you have any more I'll take it." The old man glanced at Lin Heng and turned to get money for them.

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