Mother Lin and the others sold their scorpions for 130 yuan, and elder brother Lin Yue's scorpions sold for 122 yuan and 50 cents.

After getting the money, Lin Yue handed 40 yuan to Lin Heng: "Brother, this is yours."

"Then I'm welcome, brother." Lin Heng thought for a moment and took it over with a smile.

Forty dollars is not much to him, the main thing is to settle the accounts so as not to make each other feel uncomfortable in the end.

"That's what it should be." Lin Yue said with a smile, then patted him on the shoulder and said, "I will give you the money for the kiwi sapling later."

"Just wait until the kiwi fruit is sold for money before I give it to you." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Taking the money, they went out and got in the car.

"Are you going to buy things for the sofa next?" Xiulan looked at Lin Heng and asked.

"Let's go to the flea market first. Maybe we can find something good." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Okay." Xiulan nodded, she was quite interested in shopping.

"I just want to buy something, so I might as well go over and take a look." Lin Yue also said that this time he went to the mountains to sell scorpions, plus the badger skin at home, he could make more than 100 yuan, which was a lot of money. Big income.

After a good discussion, the three of us set off to a nearby flea market. There are many flea markets in these days and they are also very lively. Many people like to buy high-quality and cheap second-hand goods.

After a while, the three of them came to the second-hand street. Both sides of the road were selling second-hand goods, including their own private stalls and shops specializing in second-hand goods.

After parking the car and locking it, the three of them walked into the street. At first glance, they saw that most of the shops were selling second-hand clothes, as well as some daily necessities and handicrafts made by themselves.

“There are also bamboo toys sold here.” Lin Heng walked to a stall, where there were bamboo ‘dragonfly splashing water’, as well as bamboo grasshoppers, praying mantises, small bamboo balls, etc.

"How much does it cost?" Lin Heng looked at the old man selling things and asked curiously.

"One cent each." The old man replied with a smile.

Lin Heng looked at it, took five small toys, and asked Xiulan to pay five cents.

I bought toys for Xiaoxia, and Lin Heng also bought some peaches and plums. I didn't want to buy old clothes or anything like that, so I didn't miss the money.

"Let's go shopping separately and meet in the car later." Lin Yue said with a smile.

"No problem." Lin Heng nodded in agreement.

After they separated, the two walked a few steps forward. A middle-aged woman saw the two approaching and said, "Do you want a second-hand sewing machine? I bought it and used it for two years. I also brought two books that specialize in making clothes." books."

Lin Heng turned around and saw that this sewing machine was indeed quite new. It had a classic light yellow plywood tabletop, a black body with gold patterns, and a foot pedal underneath, which needed to be stepped on as power.

Xiulan was also a little moved. She had never used this thing before. Being a female worker relied on her hands.

"how much is this?"

Lin Heng asked. He was already planning to buy a sewing machine for Xiulan. The most expensive brand new thing was only one hundred and fifty, which was not a big expense for him now.

The middle-aged woman quickly said: "This is not expensive, only 80 yuan. I bought a brand new 127. I sold it because my family was short of money."

Lin Heng took a look and found that this was the most basic style. He shook his head and said to Xiulan: "This style is a bit old. Let's buy the latest model later."

Xiulan looked at him with big eyes: "If you really want to buy it, this one is very good. I like it very much."

"I didn't buy it for you when I got married. Now that I have money, I can't buy second-hand ones." Lin Heng pulled her and said with a smile.

The middle-aged woman stopped Lin Heng and explained with a smile: "Young man, you don't understand. Sewing machines are all the same, and the new ones are just like that. If you really want to buy one, I will give you five yuan cheaper. You can take it for seventy-five yuan." "

Things like sewing machines are not easy to sell. She has been selling them here for a month without selling them. The price reduction for recycling used goods was too harsh and only gave her 50 yuan. Now that she meets someone who wants to move it, she really wants to make a move. .

Especially the clothes worn by the young man and woman in front of them were of very good quality and the new sports shoes, they looked like they were rich people.

Xiulan looked back and smiled: "How about seventy yuan? If it's seventy yuan, I'll give it a try."

The middle-aged woman shook her head and said: "Seventy-five is already cheap enough. No matter how low it is, there is really no way to sell it. Moreover, I am selling it to treat my family members. I hope you can understand."

"Forget it, find someone else." Xiulan nodded, regretfully pulling Lin Heng away.

Then the two looked at other things and bought some gadgets. Lin Heng bought some second-hand carpentry tools for his father, and also bought two beautiful small bamboo baskets and two small table lamps.

"We seem to have failed. The man didn't come after us." Xiulan looked at Lin Heng and said.

Lin Heng spread his hands and said, "It doesn't matter. I told the truth when I said I would buy you a new one. The money you make is for spending it."

Xiulan squeezed his hand and said, "Hey, those things are pretty much the same. Why do you spend so much money? Why don't you save the money to buy meat?"

"Listen to me, let's go back and ask again. Let's take it at seventy." Xiulan looked at Lin Heng and decided.

She really wanted this thing, and it would be much more convenient to make something with a sewing machine, but she didn’t want to spend so much money, so a second-hand one was just right.

"I think the new one is good, not too much..."

Before Lin Heng finished speaking, Xiulan interrupted directly. Yingya bit her lips and opened her watery eyes: "Are you sure you won't listen to me?"

Lin Heng looked at her curiously and blinked.

Xiu Lan whispered in his ear: "If you don't listen to me, don't expect me to cooperate with you in the future."

She emphasized the word "cooperation" and her cheeks were flushed, obviously referring to that aspect of cooperation.

Lin Heng immediately understood, and for the happiness of Xiaotou, he could only nod: "Then I'll listen to you."

If Xiu Lan didn't cooperate, those strange postures would not be completed, and how much happiness would be lost.

Xiu Lan didn't make a move easily, and once she made a move, she grabbed his lifeline.

Seeing that Lin Heng was obedient, Xiu Lan loosened her bitten lips, with three points of pride, six points of happiness, and one point of teasing in her big eyes.

"Let's go, let's go back!" Xiu Lan pulled Lin Heng and walked back happily.

Halfway through the walk, they saw the middle-aged woman who had just sold the sewing machine. She was also looking for Lin Heng and the others. Seeing them, she hurried over with a smile: "You haven't bought the sewing machine yet, so 70 is 70. I'm willing to sell it."

Xiu Lan looked at her and said, "Then I have to try it carefully. I'll know whether it's good or not after using it for a while."

"That's no problem." The middle-aged woman smiled and nodded, pulling Xiu Lan back.

Xiu Lan had never used a sewing machine before, but after the elder sister demonstrated it, she was very clever and learned it immediately. She took a piece of rag to try it on the spot.

After Xiu Lan tried it, Lin Heng opened it again to see if there were any other problems.

After confirming that there was no problem, Lin Heng drove the sidecar over and brought his elder brother over as well.

"Is this your car?" The middle-aged woman looked at Lin Heng in shock. This young couple was so rich.

Some second-hand sellers nearby also cast surprised eyes. In this day and age, having a bicycle is enough to make one rich, but this young man actually has a motorcycle, and it is a military-style sidecar.

"Yes." Lin Heng smiled and temporarily tied the sewing machine to the back of the car, and later rented a tractor to pull it back home.

"Let's go." Lin Heng said with a smile, and drove the three of them to have lunch first.

After lunch, they went to the hospital to get the test report, confirming that Xiulan was in good health at the moment, and all the data that the hospital could find out were good.

Then Lin Heng took her to buy cloth, bought cotton and linen cloth for sofa fabrics, and bought some cotton cloth, silk, and industrial synthetic composite fabrics for clothes.

By the way, he also bought two books on the latest clothing production and tailoring production technology, as well as paint for anti-corrosion and color change, and finally bought a full-length mirror with a solid wood frame.

After buying these, he rented a large tractor and bought high-quality sponges, springs, elastic ropes and other supplies for filling the sofa.

After finishing, Lin Heng looked at his watch and saw that it was already three o'clock in the afternoon. He turned his head and looked at Xiulan: "Are you tired today?"

"It's okay, most of them are by car." Xiulan shook her head slightly.

"Then let's go back directly now, right?" Lin Yue asked beside him.

"Wait a minute, I'll go see if there is any meat, and we'll go back after buying it." Lin Heng said.

He drove to the vegetable market quickly, but to his disappointment, the meat was sold out today, and the remaining ones were not very good, and he didn't even see any beef or mutton.

"Let's go back now." Lin Heng drove back and said helplessly.

"No meat?" Xiulan asked curiously while getting in the car.

"Yes, if you want to eat barbecue, you can only go back and hunt yourself." Lin Heng nodded. The spices have been bought, and the only thing missing is to hunt a wild game for barbecue.

"There is still some badger meat, we can barbecue it when we go back." Xiulan hugged him and said.

When Xiulan sat down, he felt the heavy weight on his back, and when Xiulan got close to it, the feeling turned into a soft pancake.

Xiulan was afraid that she would fall, so she held him tightly even though it was very hot.

"Let's go." Lin Heng nodded. His elder brother was on a tractor, so he could show them the way.

They drove back and arrived at Lin Heng's door at 5:30 in the afternoon.

He helped Xiulan down, unloaded some small things on the car, and pulled them back at once.

"Mom and Dad!" Xiaoxia ran over first when she saw the two of them coming back, and hugged her mother's legs and wouldn't let go.

Lin Heng got out of the car and was also held by her.

"We won't leave, Dad is going to get something." Xiulan picked her up and kissed her, and then gave Lin Heng the opportunity to go out and get something.

There were not many people gathered in the village to watch the fun, because the sun had just set and everyone went to work in the fields.

"Wow, second brother, you bought a sewing machine for second sister-in-law!" Caiyun was shocked when she saw the sewing machine that Lin Heng had brought down.

Liu Juan, the sister-in-law who was helping to carry things, was also very envious. Originally, only Tang Qing, the wife of the village chief Zhao Xiancheng, had this thing in the whole village. Now there is a second one, which belongs to Xiulan.

"Yes, it is convenient to buy one to make clothes and sew clothes. If your clothes are torn, you can also ask your sister-in-law."

Lin Heng said as he carried the sewing machine back to the house. He placed it in front of the windowsill according to Xiulan's request, and squatted on the side of the wardrobe.

Everyone helped and soon moved all the items back to the house.

"It cost a lot of money to put in this room." Xiulan sighed as she looked at the pile of things in the house.

"Not much, less than two hundred." Lin Heng didn't care at all. It would be meaningless if he didn't spend the money he earned.

Xiulan glanced at him and said, "Tell me how to make a sofa pillow. Let me try the sewing machine first."

"A square pillow should be 30 centimeters square, and a long pillow half a meter long and 25 wide is suitable." Lin Heng nodded.

He followed Xiulan into the bedroom, and Caiyun and Xiaoxia also came in, obviously very interested in the new gadget, the sewing machine.

After installing the sewing machine, Lin Heng connected the small table lamp bought at the flea market to the power supply.

This small table lamp is very beautiful. The frame is made of wood and iron, and the lampshade is white frosted glass. It is a simple round cone shape. When the switch is turned on, the brightness of the light is just enough for Xiulan to do needlework clearly.

After installing this, Lin Heng installed another one on the desk in the study.

After doing all this, he sorted out the things he bought, putting those that should be put in the kitchen in the kitchen and those that should be put in the storage cabinet in the storage cabinet.

After he finished all these, Xiulan and the others had already figured out the sewing machine and tried it several times.

Sister-in-law Liu Juan also ran over to watch the fun. Seeing the equally spaced stitches sewn by the sewing machine, she exclaimed: "No wonder this thing is so expensive, the things made are beautiful."

"Yes, no matter how good a person is, there is still a gap compared to this machine." Caiyun nodded.

Xiulan looked at the trousers she had sewn for Xiaoxia and was also very happy: "With this sewing machine, it will be much easier for me to make clothes for the two children in my belly."

"Wait, you said two children?" Liu Juan suddenly heard something wrong.

Caiyun was also stunned, looking at Xiulan with wide eyes: "Sister-in-law, are you pregnant with twins?"

Xiulan smiled and nodded: "Yes, I went down with your second brother to check today to check this."

"Oh my God!" Caiyun didn't know what to say for a while.

"Twins are good, giving birth to two at once doesn't require ten months of pregnancy and suffering." Liu Juan said with a smile.

"No, I'm going to tell my parents this good news." Caiyun said, and turned to go out.

"Come out and have a drink of water, you can study it slowly after you have a good rest." Lin Heng looked at Xiulan and said.

"Okay!" Xiulan packed up her things and put them down, and went out with Lin Heng. The bench she sat on in the main room had a special cushion.

While the few people were drinking water, Lin's mother and father ran over, and Caiyun was left behind.

"Xiu Lan, is it really confirmed that they are twins?" Mother Lin asked with a smile, holding Xiu Lan's hand.

"Yes, mom, the doctor confirmed it." Xiu Lan nodded with a smile.

"Oh my God, this is really a blessing from the stage. I will go to worship Guanyin Mother tomorrow morning." Mother Lin was a little excited and couldn't control herself.

After saying that, she looked at Xiu Lan again: "Then you have to be more careful now. If you don't want me to take care of you during the summer vacation, let Caiyun follow you every step of the way. After the summer vacation, let Lin Heng follow you. Be careful in everything you do."

Father Lin also looked at Lin Heng and said: "Remember, if Xiu Lan makes any mistakes, I will break your legs."

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