Lin Heng: "..."

Father Lin said seriously: "I'm not kidding you. You ran away when Xiulan was pregnant before. If you run away again this time, I will break your legs."

"I know, don't worry." Lin Heng said helplessly, thinking that his parents were making a fuss.

Xiulan was quite happy, looking at her parents and said: "I believe in Lin Heng."

Lin Heng changed the subject and looked at his father: "Dad, I bought you some second-hand carpenter tools, take a look."

He bought six wood chisels of different specifications, two wood pushers, a bark plane, and two wood drills.

Father Lin's eyes were immediately attracted when he saw these things. He picked them up and looked at them, and asked: "It looks pretty good. How much did it cost?"

"Five dollars in total, you can take it back and try it." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Father Lin nodded, and then looked at the sponge next to him and said, "When will you assemble this sofa? How about I help you now?"

Lin Heng nodded and agreed, "That's fine. Let's cut the sponge today, and then let Xiulan make the cloth cover."

"Then let's start now. We'll have dinner at your place tonight." Father Lin nodded and said.

"Dad, I'll bring you some snails. I caught them the day before yesterday. They have already spit out the sand." Liu Juan said as she walked out of the inner room.

Mother Lin and Xiulan had just gone into the house to look at the sewing machine. Mother Lin had never touched a sewing machine in her life, so she was naturally very curious.

When she married Father Lin, they were very poor. There was nothing in their home except a mud house.

The three popular wedding items now were something they didn't dare to dream of in their time.

After a while, the three brothers Lin Wei came over, brought snails to Lin Heng, and then played games with Xiaoxia in the yard.

Lin Heng asked his father to help install the elastic bandage and springs at the bottom of the sofa. He had two crossed ones, and he had to make the sofa comfortable enough.

After these were installed, the size of the sponge was cut. After cutting, the size was recorded, and Xiulan was asked to cut the cloth to make a cover.

After cutting, Lin's father looked at the materials and said, "You have a lot more sponges, elastic bandages, and springs."

Lin Heng explained, "The price is not expensive, so I bought some more. You can make a sofa. If you practice the skills, you can make sofas for other people."

Lin's father nodded, "Since there are so many materials left, I will make a small sofa to sit on."

After packing up the remaining materials and temporarily putting them upstairs, Lin Heng took the anti-corrosion varnish and brushed a layer of the sofa wood.

Then he and his father moved all the grains such as rice and soybeans stored in the large cabinet and the feed for livestock upstairs.

Except for the usual use, put everything else upstairs, and move the large cabinet upstairs after the sofa is finished.

After finishing these, Lin Heng went to open a Hami melon. He had been a little tired of eating watermelon recently, so he had a Hami melon to relieve the greasiness.

When the melon was cut, the children came over and gave them one. The adults cut another one.

"This Hami melon smells so good!" Caiyun said in surprise after taking a bite. No one else had any special reaction because it was not the first time for everyone to eat it.

"There are a lot of them planted in the field, enough for you to eat." Lin's father said with a smile. He also liked this Hami melon, which tasted fragrant and sweet.

"Aunt, the ones I planted have also borne fruit. I will share them with you." Xiaoxia said after taking a bite of the melon.

Caiyun wiped her face and said with a smile, "Thank you, Xiaoxia."

It was already past six o'clock after eating the melon. Lin's mother Caiyun went to help cook. Xiulan confirmed that she was pregnant with twins, which was also a big happy event, so she naturally had to celebrate.

The pheasants that were hunted in the mountains this time had been eaten, and only some badger meat was left. However, there were eels and catfish caught before at home. Killing them would make two dishes.

So there was another sumptuous dinner in the evening, including the eldest brother's family. The meaning of life is to eat delicious food with family.

Sitting at the table, Lin Heng picked up some catfish meat for Xiulan: "Eat more fish meat."

"More badger meat, more vegetables." Lin Heng picked up a lot for her.

"Enough, enough!" Xiulan nodded, picked up the chopsticks and ate happily. Lin Heng picked up all the food she could eat, leaving nothing behind.

If she couldn't finish it, she would pour it into Lin Heng's bowl for him to eat.

"Xiaoxia, have some too." Lin Heng picked up some more for Xiaoxia.

Caiyun stretched out her bowl and smiled: "Second brother, I want some too."

"Of course, no problem!" Lin Heng also picked up some for her.

While eating, everyone chatted happily. The children lowered their heads and ate, and soon ran to the yard to continue playing hopscotch and playing sandbags after they were full.

With his mother and sister around, they would help clean up and wash the dishes after dinner, so Lin Heng could be lazy.

Tonight, the night sky is also full of stars. After the others left, Lin Heng and Xiulan stayed in the yard to enjoy the cool air. Xiaoxia felt tired after playing all day today, and she lay on Xiulan's legs and wanted to sleep.

Back in the house, Lin Heng told her a story halfway when she began to breathe evenly.

Covering her with a small quilt and pulling up the mosquito net, Lin Heng turned around and got on the bed.

"Are you tired today?" Lin Heng turned his head to look at Xiulan who was tying her hair.

Xiulan blinked at him: "It's okay, what do you want to do?"

Lin Heng smiled and said: "If you are not tired, it's okay."

Xiulan was stunned for a moment, and then her pretty face blushed after she reacted, and she said: "Bad guy!"

Lin Heng pulled her to lie down, and came over to look at her face at a very close distance.

Xiulan's big watery eyes flickered, and she closed her eyes in embarrassment as she watched Lin Heng getting closer and closer.

Lin Heng couldn't control himself when he saw her looking like she was letting him take whatever he wanted, and kissed her delicate and soft red lips.

Xiulan consciously hugged Lin Heng's neck.

Due to the hot weather and exercise, both of them had some beads of sweat on their bodies, but this original feeling was also very strange.

"Honey, I feel like you're a little bigger again." Lin Heng whispered while playing with it.

"Maybe it's because of pregnancy." Xiulan replied softly.

"That's great, I like it." Lin Heng licked his lips. Xiulan is a person who keeps her promises, and she just worked hard to cooperate with him.

"I'm going to rest!"

Xiulan said something and took his hand away.

Lin Heng had had enough fun and stopped teasing her, lying down on his back to rest.

When he woke up early the next morning, Lin Heng felt a little hot. When he looked at it, he found that Xiulan was leaning on his chest, and when he looked up, he saw a scene of white flowers.

I’m too lazy to put on clothes after finishing my work in winter, let alone in the hot summer.

Lin Heng took a breath and smelled the alluring fragrance of milk and hair. He put his hands on his wife's waist and continued to sleep.

There's nothing to do today and I'm not in a hurry. Xiulan was quite tired from cooperating with her last night, so she might as well sleep a little longer.

After a while, Xiulan woke up and slowly opened her eyes. When she saw Lin Heng, she moved closer and reached out to hug him around the waist.

"I can't control you like this." Lin Heng looked at her, the feeling on his chest was a bit too exciting.

"Then you have to endure it." Xiulan leaned on his shoulder and said nothing, then stopped moving, as if she just wanted to hold him like this.

This kind of hotness is mixed with a wonderful touch, and it also has a different feeling. With this strong embrace, each other can feel each other's heartbeat.

Lin Heng didn't know why Xiulan was doing this, but he thought it felt pretty good.

"Well~ wake up!" After more than ten minutes, Xiulan supported Lin Heng's shoulders and sat on his waist to find some clothes and put them on.

Lin Heng liked to watch her put on clothes, and she also put them on slowly and leisurely, with each other reflecting in their eyes.

Lin Heng felt that this was the result of a perfect married life. After all, he was strong in both his previous life and this life, and he would be even stronger in this life.

And Xiulan is a natural steamed bun, equipped with self-priming and turbo acceleration, and the driving and riding experience is also extraordinary.

Lin Heng got dressed and got up. Xiulan made the bed and tidied his clothes, then woke up Xiaoxia and went out to exercise together.

When going to the back mountain to milk the cows, Lin Heng looked at Xiulan and said, "I will cook you a unique delicacy in the next two days."

"What, is it made of milk?" Xiulan raised her head and looked at him with her beautiful eyes.

"Yes, butter and cheese cake, let's make cake for today." Lin Heng nodded.

"Is it the same cake as the small cake I bought?" Xiulan asked curiously.

"Yes, you will know when you go back and do it." Lin Heng nodded.

He squeezed some more milk today. After returning home, he washed a small earthenware jar, poured the milk into it, and then covered it with a bamboo sieve for fermentation.

In addition to eggs and milk, breakfast also included a cut cantaloupe. The three of them ate more than half of it and threw the rest to the horses.

After finishing the meal, Xiulan looked at Lin Heng and said, "Help me, please take out the sewing machine and use it. Even with a lamp, it still feels a little dark in the room."

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded, went into the house and took out the sewing machine, then took a ruler and cut the fabric with Xiulan.

After the fabric was cut, Xiulan started sewing the sofa cover, and Lin Heng tried to make a cake.

Making cakes is not difficult. He even bought the corn oil he needed when he went to town this time.

Beat six eggs, separate the egg whites and yolks, add sugar and milk to the egg yolks, then add some flour, and stir evenly.

Then use chopsticks to stir the egg whites wildly until the egg whites won't fall over when inserted into them.

Finally, brush the rice cooker with oil, mix the foamed egg white and egg yolk liquid evenly, put it in the rice cooker, and steam for forty minutes.

While steaming the cake, Lin Heng helped Xiulan make the cloth cover. It was quite interesting for the two of them to work together. Xiulan said that he was clumsy from time to time, but she refused to let him leave and continued to help.

At ten o'clock, Lin Heng opened the rice cooker and poured out the cake.

"So, was it successful?" Xiulan raised her head and asked.

"It seems to have failed." Lin Heng poured the cake out and tasted it. It could not be considered a failure, but the foaming was not particularly good.

Xiulan stopped what she was doing. Xiulan came over and took a bite and said in surprise: "It's delicious. It's quite successful."

Then she fed Xiaoxia another piece: "Xiaoxia, try it."

"Great time, Mom, I want more!" Xiaoxia's eyes sparkled after taking a bite, and she stood on tiptoes to get it for herself.

"This is not soft enough." Lin Heng said as he cut it with a knife. Compared with the authentic cake, it was still far behind.

"I'm totally fine." Xiulan nodded and said with a smile, "Just wait until you do it again tomorrow and see."

"That's all." Lin Heng took a piece and ate it.

After eating some cake, Xiulan said: "I want to make corn porridge for lunch. You can go pick some corn and pumpkin and come back."

"No problem." Lin Heng nodded. Now the corn is ready to eat and the pumpkins are already old.

He simply took two pieces of cake and went to Hongfeng Mountain to take a look at the situation there.

"Dad, you've almost finished this coffee table?" Lin Heng walked into the house at the breeding base and said in surprise.

"It's almost done. We can pull it over and install it tomorrow." Father Lin nodded. He also rushed a lot of time to do this.

"That's perfect." Lin Heng nodded, opened the bag again and looked at his father and said, "Try a piece of cake. I made it this morning."

Father Lin looked at it curiously, reached out and took it and ate a piece, nodded and said, "This thing is soft enough, the taste is good, is it made with milk?"

"Eggs and milk."

"No wonder, they are all made of good things, you can make more for Xiulan."

"Don't worry." Lin Heng waved his hand.

"When will the small dam on the mountain be built?" Father Lin asked again.

"Wait a few days, take your time, don't rush." ​​Lin Heng shook his head. There are a lot of things going on recently.

After chatting for a while, Lin Heng went to check the shrimp feed and found that there was not much left. It would take at most half a month.

The water in the shrimp pond has also been deepened these days. The shrimps are already two or three centimeters long and growing very fast.

After giving the remaining piece of cake to his mother, Lin's mother praised Lin Heng's craftsmanship and said she wanted to learn.

Lin Heng promised to come over in a few days to teach her how to make cakes.

When Lin Heng heard that he was going to pick corn, Lin's mother said, "The seeds you bought are really different. The corn cobs are big, one is worth two!"

She didn't believe it before, but now she has seen the results of the corn and she completely believes Lin Heng's words. It is not a problem to produce 1,000 kilograms per mu.

"That's natural." Lin Heng said with a smile. It would be strange if the corn was not big after the selected seeds and fertilizers.

Especially fertilizers. After the appearance of this thing, humans basically solved the problem of eating. It has a huge effect.

"If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't have to worry about not having enough food with fertilizers and bought seeds." Lin's mother sighed, seeing the power of technology.

"You can't buy it if it's earlier." Lin Heng shook his head and laughed. These things are all linked to industry. In the early years, domestic technology was not good enough.

"But this variety of corn is not as delicious as our own corn. You can pick some back and try it." Lin's mother said again.

After talking to his mother, Lin Heng went to the cowshed to look at the cattle and sheep, then turned around to break some corn, breaking a little bit of both local and special corn, and took it back to try.

After returning home, he picked another old pumpkin and made corn and pumpkin porridge for lunch, and the dish was a cold stew of various vegetables.

The porridge tasted great after it was cooked and cooled, and the sweetness of corn, pumpkin and red dates was intoxicating.

"Although it tastes good, it seems to be a little worse than our local corn." Xiulan said while drinking porridge.

"That's for sure. Increasing production will definitely sacrifice some taste." Lin Heng nodded.

After dinner, Xiulan showed Lin Heng the sewn cloth cover: "How is it, is my sewing okay?"

Lin Heng looked at it, gave a thumbs up and praised: "Very good, your hands are so skillful."

Xiulan said happily: "The sewing machine is easy to use. I can sew the other cloth covers in about an afternoon."

"The coffee table over there is also done, and we can use the sofa tomorrow." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Then I'll enjoy it." Xiulan smiled.

The next day came in a blink of an eye. Lin Hengda drove a sidecar to Hongfeng Mountain in the morning to get the parts of the coffee table, and then assembled it with his father.

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