Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 309 The visitor's surprise

The two of them were not in a hurry and assembled the coffee table first. It was the first time that Father Lin made such a large table. He was a little excited when he started to assemble.

The two of them started to assemble at 8 o'clock in the morning. Because some parts were not assembled smoothly, they modified it several times in the middle before they made it fit perfectly.

Another thing is to make arc chamfers on the edges of the table. There are children at home, and two more children will be born next year. This detail must be handled well.

When making tables, chairs and benches before, Lin Heng paid special attention to this matter.

"It's finally installed. What do you think?"

At ten o'clock, Father Lin looked at the coffee table that was finally installed and asked everyone.

This coffee table is 130 cm long, 70 cm wide and 45 cm high. The table top is made of camphor wood, and the other parts are made of thorn fir. The middle position under the table top is hollow, with a small cabinet at one end and a drawer at the other end.

"It's pretty good." Lin Heng nodded. Compared with the desk made by Carpenter Liang for him, there is still some gap, but it has reached the level of an ordinary carpenter, straight and smooth, without major problems.

Xiulan also praised: "Dad, you have the skills to be a carpenter."

"Yes, Dad, it's amazing." Caiyun also gave affirmation.

With the affirmation of everyone, Lin's father was also very happy: "It seems that I can practice well, and I can make some furniture to sell when I am old."

Then, they carried the coffee table to the study room for temporary storage. Lin Heng took out the varnish to apply anti-corrosion, and did not intend to use colored paint. The original solid wood texture looked very comfortable.

The camphor wood of the tabletop is darker and light yellow, with a little purple. The other parts of the table legs are all made of thorn fir, and the color is white. The two complement each other very well, and there is no need to apply color-changing paint.

In addition, he did not have the tools for spraying paint. Rural areas generally scrape black lacquer, which is made from the juice extracted from the lacquer tree. The lacquer is dark and bright, and the furniture will not rot for decades after it is applied.

Lin's father originally wanted to apply lacquer, but Lin Heng thought it was troublesome, so he finally decided to apply a layer of anti-corrosion transparent varnish.

Although these things have been brushed when they were parts, they have to be brushed again after a lot of adjustments were made today.

After brushing, Lin Heng and his father began to install the sofa. First, they wrapped the exposed wood with a layer of cotton and linen cloth, fixed it, and then put the cut sponge blocks on the cloth cover and installed it on the sofa.

After the sponge blocks were installed, the whole sofa was basically completed, and the remaining work was to make the pillows and headrests.

"It looks like a bed, but it's softer than a bed." Caiyun sat on the sofa and said with emotion.

"So comfortable!" Xiaoxia had taken off her shoes and climbed up directly.

Xiulan also sat on it with curiosity and tried it, and nodded with satisfaction: "This is much more comfortable than sitting on a hard bench."

"That's natural, it mainly depends on these soft sponges." Lin Heng sat on it and said with a smile. He bought the most expensive high-rebound and high-density sponges, and the materials used are much better than those finished sofas.

"My son still knows how to enjoy it." Lin's father sat next to Lin Heng and said with a smile.

"Of course, I enjoy it the most." Lin Heng was very proud, looking at everyone and said: "The advantage of this sofa is that you can sit on it when you want to sit, and you can sleep when you want to sleep. It is safe for Xiulan to sit on it when she is pregnant."

He stood up and looked at the sofa as a whole. The whole sofa is made of one color, without mixing colors. The color is light gray chosen by Xiulan, which looks more plain and resistant to dirt.

The sofa looks square and angular, without any strange shapes. It looks very simple, with a simple and elegant style.

"Since it's done, let's move the big cabinet up." Lin Heng said, today is a good day, so there is no need to pick a special time.

"I'll call my brother to come and help." Caiyun said, and ran out to call people.

After a while, the eldest brother Lin Yue came over and looked at the finished sofa and smiled: "It's done so quickly."

He went up to sit again and nodded: "This sofa made of sponge is comfortable enough. I will make one later."

"When the time comes, you buy sponge and I will help you make it." Father Lin said with a smile.

"No problem." Lin Yue smiled and nodded.

After chatting for a while, they started to move the cabinet. One person was upstairs, two people were downstairs, and Caiyun was also there to help.

The empty wooden cabinet was not heavy. The four people moved it to the second floor without much effort, installed it on the second floor, and then poured the food in the bag back.

Xiu Lan took advantage of them moving the cabinet to clean the floor. When they finished, they could install the sofa against the wall.

After the sofa was installed against the wall, Lin Heng nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, now just move the small cabinet from the storage room."

After the big cabinet was moved away, the main room suddenly became much more spacious and looked comfortable. The snow-white walls and the light gray sofa complemented each other.

The only problem is that there is nothing on the wall, which looks a bit monotonous. This can only be added slowly later. Lin Heng bought two picture frames and planned to make a feather painting with the feathers of the blood pheasant.

Xiu Lan looked at everyone and said, "I have already cut the vegetables. Let's eat here at noon."

Lin Heng brought the square table used for eating at home as a coffee table and made tea for everyone.

After drinking the tea, the eldest brother smiled and said, "I won't eat here. Your sister-in-law has already prepared the meal. After eating, we are going to go to Baishigou to dig some herbs."

"That's fine." Lin Heng nodded, and didn't try to persuade them to stay. They were all family members, so there was no need to be polite.

When lunch was ready, Lin's mother came over and looked at Lin Heng and the others and said, "I have bad news for you. A lamb broke its leg."

"The white goat?" Lin Heng asked.

Lin's mother spread her hands: "Yes, I don't know how it fell. When I saw it, its hind legs were broken."

"Could it be that someone broke its leg?" Lin's father was puzzled. The white goat had been tied outside, and the three lambs were not tied, so they could run outside the breeding base.

"I don't know about that." Lin's mother shook her head.

Lin Heng waved his hand and said, "It's okay. The lamb is already more than ten pounds. You can eat it directly in a few days. I just want to eat barbecue."

"It must be more than ten pounds, maybe twenty pounds. But it just broke a leg. It's a pity to eat it now. It's better to wait until it grows up a little bit." Lin's mother said.

"If you want to eat, just eat. Now we have black goats. White goats are raised for food. They won't grow fast if they are injured." Lin's father didn't feel sorry.

"We'll talk about it later. Mom, you should rest first." Lin Heng grabbed his mother's shoulders and pressed her onto the sofa.

"This sofa is really comfortable!" Lin's mother smiled and nodded.

"My dad will make another one later, and you can enjoy it too." Lin Heng patted his mother's shoulder and said.

Lin's mother was even happier: "That's great. I'm enjoying myself."

After saying a few words, he got up to help Xiulan cook. Lunch was ready in a short while. Today, there were only bacon and sausages. All other game was eaten.

There were no survivors in the fish pond. There were only two turtles, and some yellow thorn bones could not be fished out for the time being.

Lin Heng planned to find time to go to the Black River to fish for some plum fish and mandarin fish. These two types of fish are the most popular.

After dinner, Lin's father and mother went back. Lin Heng planned to build a small dam on the top of Hongfeng Mountain in the next two days. The plum fish and mandarin fish caught later can be kept there, and they can be caught whenever they want to eat.

In the afternoon, Lin Heng took Xiaoxia and Caiyun to help Xiulan make sofa pillows.

"This sofa is so comfortable to sit on. I suddenly feel so entangled. It's very hot here, but there is a sofa. It's cool over there in Hongfeng Mountain, but there is no sofa."

Xiulan said while making pillowcases.

Lin Heng smiled and said, "This is very simple. You can sew a few more cushion covers and make two cushions with sponges and take them over."

Caiyun looked at Xiulan and said, "Sister-in-law, you can enjoy it for a few days first, and then live there."

"That's good, I think so too." Xiulan said with a smile.

After chatting for a few words, Lin Heng took Xiaoxia to sort out the feathers of the blood pheasant. After sorting the feathers according to color, Lin Heng took Xiaoxia to start feather painting.

There is no need to make any complicated patterns. Just make a circle, swirl, petals and leaves made of colorful feathers. Although it is simple, the effect is very good because feathers themselves are very beautiful.

Xiaoxia also made a bird feather painting by herself, and Lin Heng also hung it on the wall. With these feather paintings, the wall is not so monotonous.

"Not bad, right?" Lin Heng looked at his wife and sister.

"Xiaoxia's is beautiful." Caiyun hugged Xiaoxia and kissed her and praised her.

"They are all good. I have also made the pillowcase." Xiulan said with a smile.

"Then I will fill it with sponge." Lin Heng nodded and went to get the small granular sponge bought specifically for filling pillows.

After it was done, the sofa was completely finished. The sofa with pillows and headrests also had a soul.

After resting on the sofa for a while, Lin Heng moved the sewing machine to the study because Xiulan would use it tomorrow.

"Brother, now it's okay. Mom and I are going to catch scorpions. We'll also catch some cicada monkeys to eat." Caiyun looked at Lin Heng and Xiulan and said. The scorpions sold for so much money last time, and now they are full of motivation.

"No problem, you go." Lin Heng nodded.

Xiulan asked: "Will you come over for dinner tonight?"

Caiyun thought for a while and said: "No, I'll come over for breakfast tomorrow morning and stay at Hongfeng Mountain tonight."

"Okay." Xiulan nodded.

After Caiyun left, they cleaned up the house. Lin Heng listened to Xiulan's instructions and put things in place according to her requirements.

After finishing the work, he went to the back mountain with Xiaoxia to feed the chickens. He had reinforced the chicken coop again. The weasel never came, which made Lin Heng wonder if it was a cat that stole the chickens last time.

The weather was hot, and the batch of chicks hatched by Xiulan were also put in the back mountain. A separate chicken coop was made to raise them. There are still 15 alive out of the 18.

Including the 7 chickens he hatched and still alive, there are still 7 chickens left from the chickens he bought last year, so there are a total of 29 chickens in the family, and there are also two ducks.

These chickens and ducks are released during the day, let them find food in the forest, and feed them once in the morning and evening.

Lin Heng has been preparing to wait for the 15 chickens hatched by Xiulan to grow to about one pound and then catch them to Hongfeng Mountain, where he will find a field of more than 100 square meters and use a net to let them run on the mountain. The less feed is used, the better the meat quality will be.

The main reason is that there are too many chickens here and at the eldest brother's house, and there is no room for them.

After feeding the animals, it is almost time to start cooking dinner when we return to the house. For dinner, we made a cold vegetable stew, and then we solved some bacon left over from lunch.

When they got up the next day, the varnish on the coffee table had dried thoroughly, so Lin Heng and Xiulan carried it to the main room and put it away.

When making breakfast, Caiyun ran over, holding a bag of dead cicada monkeys soaked in salt water, and said with a smile: "Second brother and sister-in-law, we went to Baima Village last night and caught half a pound of scorpions."

"That's fine." Xiulan envied. If she wasn't pregnant, she would definitely go to catch scorpions.

"You are really good at running." Lin Heng shook his head in shock and started making breakfast.

After heating the milk and boiling eggs, Lin Heng fried the cicada monkeys, and then cut a cantaloupe, and the breakfast was ready. It didn't seem like living in the countryside.

He didn't make cake today because it took too many eggs and could only be eaten once every few days.

"It's really rich, all thanks to my sister-in-law."

Caiyun looked at the food on the table and sighed. She couldn't believe that this was the food for her family now.

Xiulan smiled and said, "Hurry up and eat."

Only Xiaoxia had already started, eating with a humming sound.

"Dong dong dong!"

Just as the few people had finished breakfast, there was a knock on the door outside.

"Brother Lin, it's me." Then Wang Zhou's voice came in.

"Wang Zhou, what is he doing here?" Caiyun was curious.

Xiulan guessed, "He should ask your brother to help arrange a marriage."

"I guess so, I'll go and see."

Lin Heng nodded, wiped his hands, got up and went out to open the door.

When the door opened, he saw Wang Zhou standing outside the door in a new suit, accompanied by a short middle-aged man in his forties or fifties with a square face.

Seeing Lin Heng, Wang Zhou introduced him a little awkwardly: "Brother Lin, this is my dad, we are looking forward to a good life."

Wang Houhai, who was only as tall as Lin Heng's shoulders, looked at Lin Heng with a smile on his face and said, "Hello, Boss Lin, we suddenly came to disturb you."

"Uncle Wang is polite, let's go in and talk." Lin Heng said with a smile, and turned sideways to signal them to go in.

Wang Houhai was a little shocked when he walked into the yard. It was paved with bluestone, bluestone floor and white walls, and there was a beautiful military green sidecar next to it.

This didn't look like a rural yard at all, it was built too luxuriously.

Lin Heng thought Wang Houhai was afraid of dogs, so he added, "The dog is tied up, come in."


Wang Zhou took Wang Houhai into the house. Xiulan had already poured two glasses of milk for them. She pointed to the sofa and smiled, "Please sit down. You haven't had breakfast yet. It's a good time to eat something."

Wang Houhai was stunned again when he saw everything in front of him. Before he came, he heard from his son that Lin Heng was very rich. It was not until he came to see him in person that he had a deep impression.

Oh my God, this breakfast was actually boiled eggs and milk, and cantaloupe. It was too rich. Do they eat this every day?

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