Lin Heng noticed that Wang Zhou and his father were reluctant to sit down, so he smiled and reminded them again: "Wang Zhou and Uncle Wang, please sit down. You must have not had breakfast. Let's eat together."

"Oh!" Wang Zhou was the first to come to his senses. He put the gift he brought on the coffee table and sat down with a smile, "Brother Lin, this is a little gift from me."

Wang Houhai also sat down. The soft sofa shocked the two who had only sat on hard benches before. The benches they sat on could be so comfortable.

Lin Heng smiled and put the milk in front of the two: "Since you are here, why do you bring anything? You are too polite!"

Wang Houhai hurriedly said: "This is a little gift. Without your promotion, Boss Lin, Wang Zhou would not be where he is now."

Before coming, he disliked his son's gift for being too heavy, saying that some rice and fine noodles would be enough. Now he just felt that the white sugar and Erguotou were a bit embarrassing.

Lin Heng waved his hand, handed over some cantaloupe and said, "Let's not be polite, let's talk while we eat, we haven't eaten yet."

"Okay, Brother Lin." Wang Zhou knew that Lin Heng didn't like to be too polite, so he took it and started eating with a smile.

Seeing his son eating, Wang Houhai also picked up the melon and started eating, and drank a glass of milk. Finally, he tried the cicada monkey at Lin Heng's recommendation.

For a while, Wang Houhai was so satisfied that he couldn't speak. This was definitely the best breakfast he had eaten this year.

And the Lin family's house was too good, better than the brick houses he saw in the town. He looked at Lin Heng quietly, and couldn't understand how such a young person could be so amazing.

After breakfast, Caiyun took Xiaoxia to the study. Lin Heng looked at the two and said, "You came here today to propose marriage, right?"

Wang Houhai nodded: "Yes, Wang Zhou is not young anymore, it's time to get married. The good day we see is tomorrow."

"Then, you wait here for a while, I'll find the village party secretary for you to discuss it."

Lin Heng nodded. It was normal to get married at the age of fifteen in this era. Wang Zhou was older than him and he should be anxious if he didn't get married.

"That's troublesome." Wang Houhai said with a smile.

Lin Heng got up and walked out. In fact, he could go to propose marriage himself, but he thought it was troublesome, so he handed it over to Tian Dongfu.

After Lin Heng left, Wang Houhai went to the toilet with his son. On the way, he whispered: "What is that bench for sitting? Why is it so soft? It's so comfortable to sit on."

Wang Zhou smiled and explained: "It's called a sofa. I heard it's something in the city. It should be made of sponge."

"No wonder." Wang Houhai took a deep breath and thought that it's good to be rich. He even has two dogs.

The layout of the backyard surprised him even more. There were so many flowers and plants planted, and a fish pond.

"In my opinion, they should all be planted with fruits and vegetables." Wang Houhai muttered quietly, thinking that it was beautiful, but it was a waste of space.

"Dad, this is called leisure and ease." Wang Zhou shook his head helplessly.

They came back from the toilet and sat on the sofa in the main hall. Xiulan had already cleaned the coffee table and poured them two cups of tea.

After waiting for a while, Lin Heng came with the village party secretary Tian Dongfu.

After the few people got to know each other, they discussed many details about the marriage proposal.

Tian Dongfu had already told the Liu family about this matter before, and there was no objection from the other side. Just report it today and let them prepare for tomorrow.

After the discussion, Lin Heng kept a few people here for lunch. He was mainly looking for a wife for Wang Zhou because he felt sympathy for him because he was too miserable in his previous life. He couldn't bear to see an honest man like him go bankrupt by a bad woman.

Another thing is that I want to keep it for use. If I need reliable manpower in the future or do something shady, I can find him.

This kind of person who knows everything and is honest is the most comfortable to use. Just because he found him a job and a wife, Wang Zhou will let him use it for the rest of his life.

However, he was just talking, and there would be no such thing. He has been reborn for forty years, and there are too many opportunities. He can become a rich man steadily without any dirty capital accumulation.

After the matter was said, Tian Dongfu asked with a smile while chatting: "Lin Heng, did you make your sofa yourself?"

"Yes, I bought the sponge myself, and my dad made the frame." Lin Heng nodded.

Tian Dongfu smiled and nodded: "Okay, it's really comfortable to sit on."

Lin Heng smiled: "When my dad has mastered the skills, I will ask him to make one for you."

Tian Dongfu waved his hands again and again: "No, no, I still like wooden chairs."

After a few words, he talked to Lin Heng about the construction and development of the village.

Tian Dongfu patted Lin Heng on the shoulder and said, "Next year, I want to recommend the villagers to buy corn seeds and rice seeds for planting. Now the whole village has come to see your corn, which is so pleasing."

Lin Heng nodded: "This is OK, but if chemical fertilizers are not used, the effect will not be as good as mine, but it is definitely higher than the yield of local seeds."

These days, whenever he goes out, someone will ask him about corn seeds. Before they are planted, no one believes it. Now that they have a real comparison, they are all tempted.

The super-large corn cobs of that variety of corn made the villagers drool. After learning about it from Lin Heng, they all wanted to buy seeds.

Tian Dongfu nodded and said, "Take it step by step. I will see the situation and see if I can get subsidies from the higher authorities."

"That's OK." Lin Heng nodded.

After saying a few words, Tian Dongfu talked about Lin Heng's breeding again and talked to him.

He wanted to lead the whole village to get rich, and he was very excited to talk about these things.

Lin Heng also wanted to get rich, so he proposed an idea, that is, the village cadres would take the lead in establishing a cooperative to lead the villagers to grow cash crops such as herbs.

He could help with money, but of course he would have to take a share, and a big share.

The original intention of doing this was still his previous idea, to make the village full of Chinese medicinal materials, so that he could make a lot of money when the market economy came a few years later and the price rose sharply.

Before, he thought of doing it alone, but now he wants to pull a group of people together. Although part of the benefits are divided, the same safety is guaranteed. Everyone will not let others sabotage for their own interests.

If you monopolize the benefits, you will be everyone's enemy. If you divide a part, you will be their father, and everyone will try every means to maintain this community of interests.

Tian Dongfu was very interested in this and thought that this model was indeed feasible. He said that he would wait for him to go back and study it.

Lunch was ready soon. Lin Heng was naturally not stingy when the guests came. He killed a duck and cooked half of it, and the remaining half was just enough to make soup for Xiulan.

The sumptuous meal made everyone happy. After eating and drinking, Wang Houhai and his son said goodbye and went back to prepare things.

After Tian Dongfu left, Lin Heng asked Xiulan to sit down and rest, and he went to clean up the dishes.

Caiyun asked curiously: "Second brother, did you introduce the daughter-in-law Wang Zhou mentioned to Liu Ciwen's sister?"

"Yes, I introduced her." Lin Heng nodded.

"Oh." Caiyun nodded and said nothing again.

After a while, Lin's mother came to take her to catch scorpions, and Lin Heng asked her to bring the small dog Fengshou. It is safer this way. It is dangerous for two women to run around at night.

The crime rate is quite high in this era, and we have to guard against it.

He usually leaves a dog at home. If Xiulan and Xiaoxia go out to play, he will let Xiongba follow. The main point is to prevent trouble before it happens.

In the evening, they had a simple meal and coaxed Xiaoxia to sleep. The two did some things they loved to do to enhance their feelings for each other.

The next morning, after they finished breakfast, Wang Zhou and his father came up with their things and asked Tian Dongfu to go to Liu Cihua's house together.

The negotiation process went smoothly. The betrothal gift was 100 yuan, and the return gift was 50 yuan plus some furniture such as desks. In total, the return gift was nearly 100 yuan.

As for the wedding date, it was tentatively scheduled at the end of the year, and the exact date still needed further discussion.

When Lin Heng went home at noon, Xiulan saw him coming back and asked with a smile: "Is the matter settled?"

"Of course, this is not a difficult marriage." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"That's good." Xiulan nodded, and asked again, "Then let's go to the cabin on the mountain tomorrow?"

"It's all right, what do you think?" Lin Heng looked at her and asked.

Xiulan smiled slightly, leaned on the sofa and said: "I want to stay here for two more days, the sofa is so comfortable."

"Then stay, and go to the mountain in a few days." Lin Heng smiled and nodded.

Xiulan said again: "Have you eaten? If not, I will cook for you. We have already eaten."

"I ate too. I ate at Liu's house." Lin Heng nodded.

Xiulan nodded, pointed to some clothes that had been packed and said: "I'm going to wash clothes. You can come with me."

"No problem. I'm going to catch crabs. I haven't eaten them for a long time." Lin Heng agreed.

River crabs are also very fragrant when coated with flour and fried. I want to eat them again this year. The crabs that have risen for half of the summer should be very good.

Bring Xiaoxia and Xiongba, and the three of them walked towards the river together.

"Second father, I'll go too. I'm very good at catching crabs!"

Lin Wei knew that Lin Heng was going to catch crabs, and shouted that he wanted to go with him.

"No problem, let's go." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Lin Wei went home and told his mother, and then ran with Lin Heng, and his younger brother Lin Tao was also with him.

When they arrived at the Shiban River, Lin Heng helped Xiulan wash clothes first.

Lin Wei and Lin Tao had already gone down to the river to catch crabs.

Lin Heng helped Xiulan wash two pieces of clothes and hung them on the bushes to dry.

After washing the clothes, Xiulan took Xiaoxia to play with sand by the river. Lin Heng went to catch crabs.

Seeing Lin Heng coming, Lin Wei pointed to the bucket and boasted: "Second Dad, we have caught eleven, isn't it amazing?"

"Awesome!" Lin Heng gave a thumbs up and praised.

With him on the court, the efficiency was even faster. He could easily overturn the big rocks that many children couldn't move, and the big crabs with yellow claws and carapaces hidden underneath could not escape.

"Too many, Second Dad is so awesome!"

"Awesome, this one is so big!"

Accompanied by bursts of laughter, the crabs have been caught almost.

Looking at the harvest in the bucket, Lin Heng said: "Let's go back to eat crabs, the sun is too strong."

"Okay, no problem."

"Let's eat crabs!"

Lin Wei and Lin Tao were very happy, because frying crabs requires oil, and his mother usually doesn't let them do it.

Only Erdie can make these strange foods, and both of them like to play with Lin Heng very much.

On Xiulan's side, the clothes have been dried and put away, and she squatted under the shade of the tree waiting for Lin Heng.

"It can weigh two or three pounds, not bad, right?" Lin Heng came to Xiulan with a bucket.

Xiulan looked at the crabs and gave affirmation: "Great."

After packing up and walking back, the rice has begun to ear, and it is green. Lin Heng found a lot of locusts, and suddenly had an idea: "Let's catch two locusts and fry them back to try."

He has always heard that this thing can be eaten, but he has never tried it.

"Second Dad, can you eat this too?" Lin Wei looked shocked. He only knew that cats and chickens like to eat this food.

Xiulan advised: "Don't, this will definitely not taste good."

The claws and fangs looked very scary.

"I'll just grab a few and try them myself." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Okay." Xiulan had no choice but to agree.

Lin Wei and Lin Tao helped, and the three of them caught more than a dozen locusts on the edge of the rice field.

When I got home, I found a brush and simply cleaned the crabs, then chopped them vertically with a knife and put them into the mixed batter basin.

He burned oil in the pot and Xiulan helped with the frying. Lin Heng killed his locusts with salt water and drained the water.

After the crabs were fried, Lin Heng threw the locusts in.

After a few stings, the locusts became golden and crispy, and a rich fragrance was conveyed.

Xiulan was a little surprised that it was so fragrant after deep-frying.

Lin Heng picked up the locusts and brought them to the dining room with the crabs. Lin Wei, Xiaoxia and others couldn't wait to eat.

“It smells so good!”


In addition to the exclamation sound, it is the crunching sound of eating crabs. River crabs can be eaten with the shell. Children can also supplement calcium by eating them.

Xiulan also took one and put it in her mouth to eat, but no one tried the golden locust.

"I'll try."

Lin Heng picked up one, looked at it, put it in his mouth, and then showed a shocked look on his face: "This one is more delicious than the cicada monkey!"

Xiulan looked at him with doubts on her face: "You wouldn't lie to me, would you?"

"Really, if you don't believe me, you are optimistic about it." Lin Heng said, picking up one and feeding it to Xiaoxia.


Xiaoxia ate smackingly, looking like she wanted more.

Lin Wei and Lin Tao also tried it, showing surprise: "Second Mom, it's really delicious."

Lin Heng fed her one. Xiulan hesitated, opened her red lips, and ate it.

Then his big eyes showed a hint of brightness: "This locust is not bad at all."

"Because it's fried like this." Lin Heng said with a smile.

While chatting and joking, several people ate fried river crabs. In the end, they finished half of them and couldn't finish them. They caught a lot today.

But after a while Caiyun and Tian Yan came over, Xiulan smiled and waved to them: "Come quickly, there are fried crabs."

"Ah, then we are in for a treat." The two walked into the house with a smile.

Seeing the three of them chatting, Lin Heng told Xiulan and went to Hongfeng Mountain to ask his father about the good day.

"The day after tomorrow, July 28th." Father Lin looked at Lin Heng and said.

Lin Heng nodded: "Okay, I'll go tell my third father and see if they are free."

The construction of small dams should also be put on the agenda.

After a trip to his third father's house, Lin Heng got a positive answer and made an appointment to start work the day after tomorrow.

When he left, his third mother, Li Xue, brought him a bag of plums and was very enthusiastic.

Carrying the plums and walking back, I met my eldest brother Lin Yue as soon as I arrived at the door of my house.

"Brother, have you forgotten something big?"

Lin Yue looked at him and said.

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