Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 311 Great Discovery in the Forest

"What's going on?"

Lin Heng looked at his elder brother and asked curiously.

"The nooses and clamps we put down." Lin Yue looked at Lin Heng and said, "We haven't seen them for many days. If we caught the prey, they might all die."

"It doesn't seem like a few days, so let's go take a look tomorrow morning?" Lin Yue looked at his elder brother and asked.

"That's what I mean too." Lin Yue nodded, then looked at Lin Heng, "By the way, the crops are about to mature recently, do you want to guard the wild boar?"

"No time, let's talk about it later, the crops have just begun to mature." Lin Heng waved his hand.

Finally, the two of them discussed it and decided to get up early tomorrow and go to Sanchagou to see the traps and explore by the way.

The time is still the same as before, get up at 4:30 in the morning and go up the mountain before 5:00.

There are not many traps arranged above Sancha Valley. The main traps are all below Sancha Valley.

After the discussion, Lin Heng turned around and went home. Tian Yan was still here, sitting on the sofa talking and laughing with Xiulan Caiyun.

"Boss Lin is back. You won't blame us for eating all the crabs, right?" Tian Yan said with a smile when she saw Lin Heng.

"Snacks are just for eating." Lin Heng drank some water and smiled.

"That's right, the big boss doesn't care about this at all." Tian Yan laughed.

Lin Heng chatted with them for a few words, then went to the back mountain to feed the animals and lock up the chickens and ducks that had been returned to the cages.

During dinner, Lin Heng told Xiulan that he would go to see the trap tomorrow morning.

Xiulan raised her head: "Then I haven't gotten you dry food yet. What will you eat tomorrow?"

Lin Heng pointed to the cornmeal fish in the bowl and said, "I will eat the rest of the cornmeal fish tomorrow morning. I will be back around noon. There is no need to prepare anything extra."

Lin Heng shook his head and said.

Xiulan shook her head: "The fish is not very hungry. It's so tiring going up the mountain. I'll get up and feed you down there tomorrow morning."

"That's okay." Lin Heng grinned.

After dinner, Lin Heng went to the back mountain with his flashlight to dig up some earthworms, preparing to go fishing for catfish in Sancha Valley tomorrow.

In the blink of an eye, it was early the next morning. Lin Heng still wanted to touch her quietly, but Xiulan woke up before she had even put on her clothes.

After eating the noodles, Lin Heng took Xiongba up the mountain. Fengsheng will not take them with him today and will keep them to look after the house.

Lin Yue looked at the sparse stars in the sky and sighed: "I don't know if I can gain anything today."

"At least I can catch fish, I should." Lin Heng smiled. There was heavy dew in the forest and it was still a bit cold. The only good thing was the air.

"That's true. You can't go back empty-handed." Lin Yue nodded with a smile.

The two of them moved forward, and soon the east became white. When they looked up, they found that the clouds had turned golden, and the sky was about to dawn.

"It's such a heavy fog. Today seems inappropriate!" Lin Heng looked at the fog in the forest and shook his head.

Lin Yue also sighed: "Indeed, then we can only look for the previous trap."

Because the forest was full of fog, the two of them didn't explore much. After seeing the trap, they walked straight towards Sancha Valley.

In the blink of an eye, it was daybreak, and the sun illuminated the top of the mountain into gold. Lin Heng and the others were not far from Sanchagou.

Most of the roads on the road to Sanchagou are rope traps, and the iron traps may hurt people, but they are not well arranged.

It's just a pity that no prey can be caught in the rope trap, or it may be picked up by others. They are not the only ones who come here to hunt.

When we arrived at Sanchagou, it was already half past six, and all kinds of birds were chirping very noisily.

This time, the two of them no longer walked on the nearby ridge, but went directly into the canyon. They first found a good place to set a ground hook for catching catfish, and then went through the canyon to see the traps they had set up above.

After walking a few steps up the creek, Xiongba suddenly stopped and looked into the distance.

"Is there anyone?" Lin Yue said in shock as he looked at the smoke coming out of the distance.

Lin Heng was slightly surprised. That place seemed to be the place where they camped and built a shelter last year.

"Let's go and take a look." Lin Heng said, and the two of them walked past.

When we came to this place full of cobblestones, we saw from a distance the conical shelter built under a huge chestnut tree. This shape is also called the 'Immortal Pillar'.

That wisp of green smoke came out from here.

"Woof woof!!"

Lin Heng and the others appeared from a distance, and a large spotted dog stood up and barked across from them.

"Tian Baishun, are you here alone?"

Lin Heng looked at Tian Baishun who was sleeping against the pillar and asked. The moment he saw the dog, he knew the person here was Tian Baishun.

"Oh, it's really strange to meet Boss Lin." Tian Baishun walked out of the shelter and grinned.

Lin Heng did not answer this sentence. He looked closer and found that he had brought pots and bowls. Looking at the traces again, he immediately understood: "You have been living here alone for several days. The hunter is here?"

Tian Baishun waved his hand: "It doesn't matter whether you hunt or not. Old man, I just want to play in the mountains and live comfortably!"

His parents had no children in the morning, so he was really carefree and carefree. He could do whatever he wanted. Anyway, one person had enough to eat and the whole family was not hungry.

Every year he goes up to the mountains to stay for a while, and this year he chose the Sanchagou Canyon, where he enjoys a life of hunting when hungry and drinking when thirsty.

Lin Heng glanced at the old man. He was getting more and more chic. He had lived such a life in his previous life, and he often felt lonely and lonely while being cool.

But that won't happen in this life. It's good to have a happy family, and it's even more enjoyable to live with the people you love.

Lin Heng looked at him: "You couldn't have taken the prey on my rope, right? I came here to find none."

This old boy is famous for his unclean hands and feet, and he thinks it is very possible.

Tian Baishun twitched his eyes: "Young man, don't slander others. I'm not the type to do that kind of thing."

Then he laughed again: "If you talk nicer, I can give you some. Old man, I just shot a small wild boar the day before yesterday, and the meat was smoked and dried."

"So powerful?" Lin Yue didn't believe it. He walked into his shelter and saw that there was really a lot of smoked pork, and there was even a pig head.

"You think, old man, I am someone who has hunted prey for more than ten years after all." Tian Baishun looked very arrogant, and then looked at Lin Heng and said, "If you want to hunt prey, go to the northeast. There are roe deer and pig badgers there recently. I didn’t catch the trace.”

"Thank you very much." Lin Heng nodded and asked, "How long do you want to stay here?"

Tian Baishun said casually: "It depends on the situation. If you get tired of staying, you will change places. I am planning to go to the top of the mountain to find a place to stay for a few days."

"That's okay."

After saying a few words, Lin Heng and the two said goodbye, turned and walked towards the swamp in the canyon, to see the place Tian Baishun mentioned.

However, Lin Heng didn't have much hope for this. He shot a few big green-skinned frogs on the road, took out their livers and threaded them through hooks. When they reached the edge of the swamp, he lowered the hooks first.

I hooked 12 hooks, some of which were earthworms and some of which were frog livers.

After laying down, the two of them followed Xiong Ba to explore together. Because traces of water smell disappeared from time to time, Xiong Ba's sense of smell was not very good.

After a while, they came to the forest on the edge of the canyon. Here, trees, shrubs, and weeds grew together. The environment was complex, and animals were likely to be hiding.

Both of them were cautious, making almost no sound, and only took two steps to observe their surroundings.

Xiongba seemed to suddenly smell something on the ground. He glanced back at Lin Heng and then walked forward.

Lin Hengchong made a follow gesture to his eldest brother and followed Xiong Ba as he walked past. After walking in a zigzag path for about three or four hundred meters, Xiong Ba stopped in front of a cave.

"This is the weasel's den!" Lin Heng whispered, and he smelled a stink as soon as he arrived.

However, although the weasel is smelly, its fur is more valuable than rabbit skin. It can be used to make fur coats, paintbrushes and sweaters. If it is in good condition, it can be sold for ten yuan, so it is worth hunting.

"Then let's smoke it with fire?" Lin Yue asked.

Lin Heng nodded: "Yes, wait until Xiongba and I go look for other cave entrances nearby."

Lin Yue nodded, and first set up a rope trap in the cave. If it suddenly came out, it would be trapped.

I took Xiongba to search nearby, and sure enough I found two more caves. He blocked one of them, set up a double trap with a rope noose and a clamp at the entrance of the other hole, and then went over to light a fire with his elder brother and set off smoke.

I found some pine needles, and the smoke suddenly started to rise. Not long after I fanned into the hole, I saw smoke coming from the other hole.


Two minutes later, Xiongba called out. Lin Heng ran over and saw that the weasel had been caught in the rope and clamp, and the foul smell could be heard.

"Holy shit!"

Lin Heng had no way to get close and could only wait.

After a few minutes, the weasel was strangled to death by the rope. He endured the smell and picked it up. He used a dagger to cut off the odor glands on both sides of the anus.

After the odor glands were removed, the smell became much better, but Lin Heng felt that his steel-making dagger was a little smelly.

"Hang it on a tree to disperse the smell first, and then skin it when you get back." Lin Heng shook his head and said, if his body was covered with this stink, he would not be able to hunt other prey.

"Okay." Lin Yue nodded. There should be no other hunters nearby.

Hanging the weasel on the tree, the two continued to explore the forest.

After a while, Lin Heng stopped under a set of footprints and said in surprise: "There are also footprints of forest musk deer here!"

Now he just wants to capture the forest musk deer alive to expand his own breeding population. With just a few of them, they are prone to diseases due to inbreeding.

The footprints of forest musk deer are easily distinguished from those of roe deer and muntjac. Its footprints are sharply triangular, with the front section very pointed and slightly isosceles triangle.

When walking, the two front hooves are close together, and when jumping, the two front hooves separate, forming a figure-eight shape, and the hanging hooves will also leave footprints.

He was recently looking for a way to see if he could buy an injection shotgun, the kind of gunpowder injection gun that injects narcotics. At this time, it was sold in China, but it was difficult to find because there were few people using it.

If it can be purchased, the probability of catching forest musk deer alive in the future will be much greater.

"Look for it quickly." Lin Heng touched Xiongba to signal it to take action.

Xiongba searched for a few hundred meters, and a forest musk deer toilet appeared in front of him. Lin Heng stood by the tree without moving, and carefully observed around to make sure there was no movement before going to check the feces.

Forest musk deer are used to pooping at fixed spots. The feces are in piles. The particles are much smaller than those of muntjac and roe deer. You can tell the difference at a glance.

"This is a forest musk deer toilet that is still in use!"

Lin Heng was a little excited when he saw the fresh feces on the top.

This shows that the forest musk deer is nearby, whether it is a male or a female.

After carefully searching around the area, Lin Heng became worried. There are not many opportunities to spot forest musk deer. The forest musk deer toilet in use can be ambushed by hiding in the surrounding area, and the probability of success is very high.

But what was irritating was that he didn't bring any food, and he would starve if he didn't go back.

After thinking for a while, Lin Heng asked Xiongba to look around while he set up several noose traps nearby.

After finishing, he retreated carefully without destroying even a leaf.

After finding his eldest brother, he told him about this matter. Lin Yue sighed: "You are so lucky. What are you going to do now?"

"Xiongba is awesome." Lin Heng smiled slightly and continued, "How about this, I will go to Tian Baishun's meal today, and you go home and tell Xiulan."

Lin Yue shook his head and said, "I think we should just stay here. If the people in the house find that we haven't returned, they will definitely guess that we were delayed by hunting. Then we can go back early tomorrow morning after hunting."

Then he added: "If we are not there for the task of building the dam, Dad will definitely start the work with Third Father and Lin Hai. There is no need to worry about what to eat, and it is not difficult to catch fish."

"That's fine." Lin Heng nodded. He understood that his eldest brother also wanted to hunt, so it didn't matter. As long as we go back early tomorrow, it would be fine.

Xiulan is now being taken care of by Caiyun, so nothing will go wrong.

Lin Yue said again: "Then let's go check out the snares and traps that were set up before."

Lin Heng nodded, and the two of them walked around a long way and looked at the snares and traps that were set up on the mountain before.

"What a pity!"

After walking for a long time, they finally saw a trap triggered, and a big gray rabbit, but it was already smelly.

"It's winter to set traps and traps. If you don't check them for a day in summer, they will smell bad." Lin Yue shook his head.

Lin Heng also nodded and said: "Then collect the ones here tomorrow, and leave the ones that can be checked every other day."

There was no harvest on the snares, so the two had to go back to collect the weasels, and then check the ground hooks.

The first one Lin Heng harvested half a catty of catfish, and was very happy.

The two looked over one by one. They didn't catch a big catfish today. The largest one was only two catties. A total of five were caught. The rest were either fish that didn't catch fish or the bait was eaten but the fish disappeared.

One catfish weighed two catties, two catties weighed half a catty, and two catties weighed only two catties, which added up to a little over three catties.

When they came to the creek outside, the two of them kept the catfish weighing two catties, and killed the smaller ones directly, preparing to take them back and roast them later.

The weasel was also killed and skinned, and the meat was ready to be roasted and fed to Xiongba.

With the fish and the weasel, the two returned to Tian Baishun's shelter. The old man was lying under the tree in the middle of the day, feeling very comfortable.

"It seems that your harvest is not very good, are you going back?" Tian Baishun asked with a smile.

"We plan to stay here for another day and borrow your camp for one night." Lin Heng looked at him and said.

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