Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 312: Golden mutant fish, encounter with musk deer again

"Really?" Tian Baishun was surprised.

Although it was quiet and fun to be alone in the mountains, it was lonely after all. He was willing to be with someone.

Lin Heng nodded: "Of course it's true. I found a place where there might be musk deer and I plan to guard it."

Tian Baishun smiled and said: "That's good. You can stay wherever you want. I have food and everything."

The two looked at Tian Baishun's 'immortal column' and found that it was a little too small for three people to live in.

After thinking about it, they decided to make a simple hammock. This place was open and there was no danger.

They took some seasonings from Tian Baishun, and the two of them made a fire to roast the fish. After peeling the weasel, they wrapped it with leaves and mud and threw it into the fire.

Tian Baishun brought over the roasted wild boar meat and a plastic pot of rice wine: "Come, drink some wine and eat some roasted pork. This old man doesn't drink this wine directly with his mouth."

In case Lin Heng and the others disliked him, he explained it and poured it in two bamboo tubes.

"Thank you." Lin Heng took a sip. The wine was a little sour and not well made.

"This little wild boar meat is good and delicious." Lin Yue praised while chewing the meat. The little wild boar meat had no fishy smell, was very chewy, and had the unique taste of wild game.

"The one caught in the Golden Bamboo Forest..."

Tian Baishun took a sip of wine and started to brag about his hunting skills again. Lin Heng shook his head and said nothing, while his elder brother listened with relish.

After eating wild boar meat and grilled catfish, Lin Heng took out the burning weasel buried in the soil and smashed it open.

Lin Yue was surprised and said, "Don't say that this one is cooked, it smells pretty good."

Tian Baishun directly tore a piece and put it in his mouth: "This thing is good, similar to white rice meat, I have eaten it."

Lin Heng and the others also tore some to try, and were surprised to find that it was really good and tasted quite tender.

"It is said to have the effect of detoxification and insecticide, let's try it too." Lin Yue also tore some.

After they ate a little, they divided it and fed it to Xiongba. Tian Baishun's dog was also given some, but was beaten by Xiongba before it could eat.

Now the fully grown Xiongba was very strong in front of other dogs, and he was like a tyrant.

After lunch, Lin Heng and his elder brother got some kudzu vines to make two hammocks, and put some leaves on the top to block them, and a simple shelter was built.

After building the shelter, Lin Yue suggested: "Let's go and take a bath!"

"Okay." Lin Heng smiled and nodded.

Old man Tian climbed onto Lin Heng's newly built hammock and said happily: "I won't go, old man, I'm not as strong as you when I'm old."

Lin Heng and the other man smiled and went to the big pool above the stream together, swimming and catching plum fish underwater, but unfortunately these guys moved too fast and they failed.

The plum fish here are not as big as those in the Yuhei River, so it is more difficult to catch them. The two who had a good time swimming built a stone fishing trap again in the shallow water area on the shore, caught a frog, cut open its belly and threw it in.

After taking a shower, the two of them went to see the ground hook lotus on the way back to the camp. Lin Heng had just pulled up a small catfish weighing two taels, and his elder brother Lin Yue exclaimed: "Brother, damn, I got a golden catfish!"

"Golden catfish?"

Lin Heng was surprised and put the fish in the bag and ran over. Soon he saw the golden catfish that his elder brother said, it was really a golden catfish weighing half a pound.

"Brother, what do you think is going on?" Lin Yue's face was full of surprise.

Lin Heng looked at it and explained: "It's a mutated yellow catfish, just like the golden yellow thornbone we caught when we were young. It's good to raise it for viewing."

Fish or animals with mutated skin color are not too rare in the wild, especially fish. You can see some from time to time, but such beautiful ones are rare.

Lin Yue nodded and said: "Then I'll give it to you. I don't have a fish pond anyway."

"Thank you, elder brother." Lin Heng laughed and still liked these strange fish very much.

Then the two looked at the other hooks. This time, the harvest was not big, just three small catfish weighing one or two taels. The unexpected surprise was this golden mutant catfish.

After returning, they kept the catfish in the pool beside the stream. They went to the shelter to rest. It was too hot at noon and it was not suitable to go hunting.

At about four o'clock in the afternoon, the three of them set out separately. Lin Heng went to guard the possible musk deer, and the eldest brother and Tian Baishun went to explore another place together.

"Don't make a sound, Xiongba!" Lin Heng touched Xiongba, and the two of them set out little by little. The musk deer might have come out to eat at this time.

They didn't rush to the musk deer feces, but searched around here to see if they could find any traces.

After searching for more than an hour, they found nothing, and finally they could only "wait for the rabbit".

After getting closer, they found that the noose and clamps set up in the morning were also motionless, which made Lin Heng a little disappointed, and then they found a place where they could see and hear everything.

Lin Heng waited for an entire afternoon. He felt that this was more uncomfortable than fishing. The fishing float could still move a few times. He waited until the evening but did not see any trace of the musk deer.

Lin Heng suspected that he was exposed, but he felt that it was impossible, after all, he was followed by Xiongba.

At eight o'clock in the evening, he got up and left, and took a detour to look at the noose he had set up during the day.

"It was a waste of time!" Lin Heng shook his head.

"Awoo!" Xiongba was very happy to kiss his legs. He was extremely happy to be able to play together.

"Let's go catch some fish to eat." Lin Heng touched his dog's head.

They went to the creek together to catch some river groupers and mullets. After killing them, Lin Heng went to see the beautiful golden catfish.

This thing has a very graceful body and is extremely beautiful. However, it is not valuable now. If it is after 2010, there will be many fish lovers willing to pay a high price.

Mutated native fish are very popular. After several generations of breeding, they can become beautiful ornamental fish.

"We can breed it next year." Lin Heng took it in his hand and looked at it. This is a female golden catfish. Next year, I will find a partner for it to artificially breed a batch for fun.

After raising the fish, the man and the dog returned to the shelter.

There was no one in the shelter. It seemed that his eldest brother and Tian Baishun were still hunting.

After making a fire and roasting fish and wild boar meat, Lin Heng sat on the stone and rubbed his legs. He was really tired after guarding for a day.

The fish meat was roasted in a short while. The fish meat sprinkled with a little salt was very delicious. Lin Heng and Xiongba ate it very deliciously.

The night sky was cloudless again today, and the Milky Way could be seen clearly in the deep mountains, which was so beautiful that it was beyond words.

He finished eating and lay down, looking at the starry sky from the side. He waited until almost eleven o'clock before he saw his elder brother and Tian Baishun coming back with flashlights.

"You have a good harvest!" Lin Heng said in surprise as he looked at the things in their hands.

His elder brother held a large bunch of bamboo partridges, and Tian Baishun held two large bamboo rats and a pheasant.

"It seems that you have no harvest!" Tian Baishun looked at Lin Heng and smiled.

"Yes, I watched for an afternoon and the musk deer didn't show up." Lin Heng nodded. This is the same as watching for big fish. Once you start, you are destined to only bet on big fish, and there is no hope for small fish.

Lin Yue raised the bamboo partridge in his hand and smiled: "I'm lucky. I found a row of them. I shot and killed seven of them, and there are still two injured ones that I haven't found yet."

"Awesome!" Lin Heng gave a thumbs up. This thing weighs half a catty each, but seven of them together weigh more than three catties.

They roasted some wild boar meat first, Tian Baishun cooked some noodles, and Lin Heng ate some more.

Then they helped to process the prey. After boiling water in the pot, they took it to the stream to pluck the hair and cut open the intestines.

It was almost two o'clock when they finished. The three returned to the camp and hung the prey in a ventilated place, then fell down to rest. No one was not tired after running all day.

The advantage of bringing a dog is that there is no need for people to watch at night, and there is no need to worry about any danger approaching.

The next morning, he was woken up by the cold at four o'clock. The night in the mountains at the end of July was still very cold.

Lin Heng got up and took a look. Old man Tian brought animal skins as sheets, but he was not cold at all.

"It's five o'clock, it's time to hunt!" Lin Heng shouted with a smile.

"You young man are not tired at all." Old man Tian got up and shook his head, preparing to cook some food before going.

"I'm leaving first. I must get that musk deer today." Lin Heng said. He finally found the trace of the musk deer. He didn't want to eat until he got it.

"I'll go with you. I'll go over there today, too." Lin Yue said, looking at the bamboo partridge that had dried up.

The two set out together, and when they reached the forest they separated, Lin Heng went to find the musk deer, and his elder brother went to the other side to find other prey.

As they were walking, Lin Heng suddenly heard a noise, and felt something was wrong. He stopped to listen, took two steps forward, and then ran away instantly.

"Yo Yo!"

A musk deer caught in a clamp not far away cried out in fear, and struggled violently. Even the tree was shaken, but it was still useless because the clamp was too tight and had embedded itself into the flesh.

"Yo Yo!!"

As Lin Heng approached, the musk deer cried out in fear, but soon Lin Heng threw it down.

With excitement, Lin Heng first tied up the musk deer with a rope, tied its hands and feet to prevent it from escaping, and finally took out the clamp.

The wild boar trap was very powerful, it hit the bone directly, and the blood flowed continuously. Fortunately, he came early, otherwise it would have bled to death.

"Be good, I won't kill you." Lin Heng comforted it, but it didn't work. He felt relieved after bandaging the musk deer with gauze and hemostatic powder in his bag.

The musk deer's eyes flashed with fear, but it didn't struggle too much. It was obviously exhausted by the bleeding and the fierce struggle just now.

"A male one is fine, I can sell musk for money!" Looking at the fangs exposed by the musk deer, Lin Heng was excited.

He thought it would be another boring wait this morning, but he didn't expect to find that this guy was caught in a trap as soon as he arrived. It was a pleasant surprise.

After comforting the musk deer, Lin Heng put on his backpack and picked up the musk deer and walked back, looking at Xiongba and said, "Go call my brother."

"Woof woof~"

Xiongba shouted and ran out.

After a while, the elder brother Lin Yue and Xiong Ba came over together. The musk deer in Lin Heng's arms was frightened to the point of peeing.

"Damn, you really caught it!" Lin Yue looked at the musk deer in shock, feeling a little unreal.

"It stands to reason that it is quite easy to catch a musk deer once it is found." Lin Heng smiled slightly, and then said, "Brother, I can't continue hunting now. What do you think I should do? Should I go back alone?"

Lin Yue smiled and said, "Then we must go back together. In this way, I will collect the clips and noose first, and then we will go back together."

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded and asked the elder brother to take Xiong Ba with him.

An hour later, Lin Yue and Xiong Ba came back together, and then went to collect the ground hook.

I thought there would be old turtles or big catfish, but in the end I only caught a catfish weighing one pound, and the rest were one or two taels, which I threw back directly.

On the way back, I went to the stone trap to pick up four larger plum fish, and then packed up the catfish I caught before, and returned to the camp.

It was already seven o'clock. Tian Baishun went out and came back. Seeing the musk deer held by Lin Heng, he was shocked and said, "Hey, you are amazing, this is still alive."

Lin Heng glanced at the musk deer in his hand and smiled, "I hope I can take it back alive. I feel a little stressed."

"It won't die. It's lucky." Tian Baishun was envious. This is the head musk deer.

After saying a few words, Lin Heng took the things and said, "Then we'll leave first."

After leaving, the two did not explore, and walked all the way back. On the way, they looked at the noose they had laid before.

In the blink of an eye, it was already past 11 o'clock. When approaching Hongfeng Mountain, Lin Yue suddenly said in surprise: "Brother, look, what a big nest of honey bees."

Lin Heng walked over and saw a nest of Chinese honey bees resting on a tree branch. These were obviously bees that had just swarmed and had not found a new home yet.

Lin Heng smiled and said: "Wait a while until we come back, I'll catch them for you to keep."

"That's great." Lin Yue grinned, he thought so too.

After noting the location, the two walked back quickly and soon came to Hongfeng Mountain. They heard the conversation from a distance, and when they got closer, they saw that it was indeed their father and Sandie who were digging the soil on both sides of the dam to expand the size inside.

"Dad, Sandie, you all started working!" Lin Yue greeted with a smile.

"You are finally back. I thought you were lost." Father Lin was relieved when he saw the two of them. Then he looked at Lin Heng who was running down and asked in confusion, "Why are you running so fast?"

"My brother caught a musk deer alive with a trap and it's not working anymore. He is in a hurry to get it back." Lin Yue explained.

"Musk deer!"

Not only Father Lin was stunned, but also Third Father Lin Xutao and his cousin Lin Hai were stunned.

"How did you get another one?"

"Is my brother Lin Heng so good?"

The two of them were a little numb. They caught two last year and caught another one this year.

"This is what happens when you encounter hunting." Lin Yue smiled and said, "I won't tell you anymore. If I don't go down, my fish will die."

As he said that, he walked quickly towards the breeding base.

After Lin Heng ran back to the base, he went to the musk deer pen, put the male musk deer aside, cleaned the pen quickly, sprinkled some lime, and divided the male musk deer pen into two.

Because they had thought about isolating it when they designed it, there were holes in the ground, so they could be separated quickly.

After isolating it, Lin Heng put the male musk deer in, took off the rope on the call, and kept the rope around its neck, but didn't tie it.

"Son, is this the male musk deer?" Lin's father came over and looked at the musk deer and asked.

Lin Heng hurriedly said, "It's already stressed, don't scare it, it will die if you scare it again, just watch it from a distance."

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