Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 313 The whole family moved to the woods

"It's okay, let's just take a look at the door." Lin Hai said with a smile.

"Then just watch." Lin Heng knew he couldn't stop him and gave way. I went over and looked at the mother forest musk deer and her two babies.

The two young forest musk deer have also grown up, and are slightly smaller than their mother.

However, breeding will have to wait until December next year. This year, only this large female forest musk deer can breed.

If the male forest musk deer caught today survives, he will be bred with the female forest musk deer this year to breed a new batch of offspring.

The third father, Lin Xutao, said with emotion after reading it: "It's amazing, this is another money tree!"

A male forest musk deer can make thousands of dollars steadily every year from musk harvesting, which is simply enviable.

"It looks like something is not going well. It's hard to say whether he will make it alive or not." Father Lin said modestly.

"It's definitely possible, Second Dad." Lin Hai nodded, looked at Lin Heng and said excitedly, "Brother Lin Heng, please tell me how you got it."

Lin Heng spread his hands and said with a smile: "It's okay. The main reason is that it's difficult to find traces. Sometimes I can't find traces for several months. Sometimes I'm lucky enough to run around and find them. After I find them, I just set a trap or guard. Clamped."

"You must have skills. Most people can't catch them even if they find the traces." The third father praised, he felt that he really had a knack.

Lin Heng smiled and walked towards the house while talking to everyone.

The eldest brother Lin Yue saw Lin Heng coming back and said, "Brother, the plum blossoms are all dead. I gave mom two to steam for lunch, and I also gave two bamboo chickens to fry."

Lin Heng smiled and said: "It's meant to be eaten. As long as the golden catfish is not dead."

"Oh, you also got a golden catfish, it's so beautiful!" Third Dad came over and said in shock.

Lin Yue grinned: "Caught in Sanchagou."

"Good-looking!" This catfish makes people envious.

After chatting for a while, Lin Heng and his eldest brother went home. One was to release fish and the other was to collect bees.

"I'm with you!" Lin Hai ran after the two of them.

He gave the two-pound catfish to his eldest brother and carried the golden catfish home. The remaining three small ones and two plum blossoms were placed on the Red Maple Mountain.

"Dad!!" Xiaoxia saw Lin Heng rushing over as usual.

"Good baby!" Lin Heng picked her up, spun her around in the air and put her down again.

Xiulan looked at him and said, "If you don't come back, I should ask dad to go look for her in the mountains."

Caiyun asked curiously: "Second brother, did you hit something big that delayed you?"

Lin Heng nodded: "I met Lin Musk, so I was delayed. Fortunately, I was lucky enough to arrange a trap to capture him alive, and he has been locked up in the pen at Hongfeng Mountain."

"Lin She!" Xiulan and Caiyun both looked surprised.

Lin Heng sat down and took a sip of water to explain. After hearing this, Caiyun said in surprise: "Congratulations to the second sister-in-law, my brother has another money tree."

Xiulan smiled and said: "If it survives, it will indeed be a cash cow."

After chatting for a while, he went to the backyard and put the golden catfish into the fish pond. The water in the fish pond was clear and slightly green. The lotus leaves once again occupied a large area, and various lotus flowers were still blooming one after another.

Lin Heng asked Lin Hai to help and trimmed some lotus leaves again. The underwater koi and other fish are very happy and have grown up a lot now.

From time to time, you can see some green shrimps in the gaps between the stones. These are shrimp fry that Lin Heng put in before. They can be used as food for fish, and they can also eat algae to purify the water quality.

As soon as the golden catfish was released, it slowly dived to the bottom of the pond and searched everywhere, scaring some small fish and shrimps into hiding.

Lin Hai said with envy: "Brother, the fish in your pond are quite beautiful, and the lotus flowers are also beautiful."

Lin Heng said with a smile: "If you want me to give you a few, it's not good if the quantity is too much. You can also give lotus flowers."

Lin Hai suddenly said happily: "Thank you very much, wait until I go back to get a small pool, and then come here to get it."

After taking Lin Hai to look around the backyard, they turned back to the house.

Xiulan handed him the gauze hat to prevent bees and said: "Be careful, bees can easily riot against the philosopher at noon."

"Don't worry, I'm not that rash." Lin Heng nodded, looked at his wife and said, "You and Caiyun pack up the things you want to take to Hongfeng Mountain. We will go there for lunch at noon and move there at once."

"I understand." Xiulan nodded in agreement.

After Lin Heng finished speaking, he and Lin Heng took Xiongba to the eldest brother's house next door.

Lin Yue held a beehive and said, "My father made this beehive. He always said that I finally found a nest of bees today."

"I know two swarms of bees on the mountain. When it rains in a few days, we will go harvest honey together." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Okay." Lin Yue smiled, and the three of them took the tools needed to collect bees and set off to the mountain.

The three of them were talking and laughing along the way, as if they were children again. As we chatted, we arrived at the place before we knew it.

Lin Heng carefully observed the tree branch where a swarm of bees gathered. It was only two meters high from the ground, but the surrounding branches were a bit dense and difficult to control.

"Sir, let's build a fire. If that doesn't work, let's light the smoke." Lin Heng looked at his eldest brother and Lin Hai and said.

"Let's do it." The two nodded, turned around to find the materials, and quickly made a small fire.

Lin Heng smeared honey on the bamboo basket, then stretched it to the place where the bees gathered. After two minutes, bees gradually flew up.

Lin Heng was not in a hurry and waited slowly. Chinese honeybees are a very docile bee species, and even wild ones are not very aggressive.

After about seven or eight minutes, all the bees finally landed on the bamboo basket to eat honey.

Lin Heng took out the bamboo basket and placed it in the beehive that had been smeared with honey, but things were not going well at this step.

These bees were busy eating the honey on the bamboo basket and did not fly into the beehive below, which made people anxious.

"Stay away." Lin Heng glanced at his eldest brother and Lin Hai, and waited until they were far away before shaking the bees down.

Many bees flew up in a flash, and Lin Heng shrank back in fear. Many bees rested on him, but fortunately his face was covered by the gauze of the bee-proof hat given by Xiulan.

Seeing that most of the bees had entered the beehive, Lin Heng picked up the lid and walked over to cover it.

"It's done, come over and help tie it up." Lin Heng shouted to his eldest brother.

"Here it comes."

The two of them ran and tied the beehive with a rope, and Lin Heng also put out the fire on the ground.

Lin Yue looked at his brother: "Brother, you were not stung, were you?"

Lin Heng smiled and waved his hand: "It was just a sting on my hand, it's okay, who doesn't get stung when collecting bees."

He felt that he had mastered the technique of collecting bees now, and he no longer had to ask for help.

"Are you really okay?" Lin Yue came over to check.

Lin Heng waved his hand and said: "It's really okay, carry the beehive back quickly."

"Okay." Lin Yue spread his hands and could only go over to carry the things and walk back.

Lin Heng sucked the place where he was stung by the bee. It was super painful, but he could still bear it. On the way back, he told his eldest brother about the precautions for raising bees.

They are free-range, and they don't manage much. They only need to manage winter warmth and food.

After helping to install the beehive high under the eaves, Lin Heng turned around and went back home.

Xiu Lan saw her coming back and asked: "It's done, are you not hurt?"

"Just two stings on my hand." Lin Heng smiled.

"Alas, I told you to be careful." Xiulan shook her head helplessly, walked over with the cooling oil and said, "Let me take a look at you, apply some medicine."

She pulled Lin Heng's hand up and looked at it, glared at him, then blew on it, and applied the cooling oil.

Lin Heng grinned, he was very happy to have his wife apply medicine, and it was worth it to be stung.

Looking at the pretty face close at hand, he said: "Wife, do you think I should bring back the two bee nests on the mountain to keep them?"

There is a nest not far from the beam behind Hongfeng Mountain, and there is also a nest on the mountain on the other side of Sanchagou. They are all wild bees he discovered last year. He harvested honey but did not collect the bees.

Xiulan thought for a while and said: "You can try to collect the one that is close, and keep the one that is far away. Anyway, no one else knows."

"Yes, the honey cut from the deep mountains should be better." Lin Heng nodded.

"We have packed our things, shall we move there now?" Xiulan looked at him.

"Yes, let them come to help later." Lin Heng nodded.

He drove the sidecar down first, loaded the things and asked his elder brother to drive over, and took people to eat.

He took Hongzao out and took Xiaoxia to ride together. Fengshou was left at home to look after the house, and Xiongba also went to the mountains with them.

"Oh, riding a horse!!"

"Yang Qing, I'm riding a horse!"

"Brother Lin Wei, I'm riding a big horse!"


Xiaoxia waved excitedly while riding on Hongzao's back. She would share her happiness every time she met a friend or elder.

Lin Heng supported her for fear that she would fall. The father and daughter swaggered through the village and soon arrived at Hongfeng Mountain.

Mother Lin looked at the group of people coming over and said, "You are finally here. The meal is ready and we are waiting for you."

Lin Heng smiled: "Then you have to wait a little longer, we have to go up the mountain to put things before coming to eat."

"Don't put them down, I will help you after dinner."

Mother Lin came over and carried Xiaoxia down and brought her into the house.

"That's fine." Lin Heng couldn't resist his mother, tied the horse to the edge of the field inside, and went into the house to eat.

There were two large tables of food in the house, one table for women who didn't drink, and one table for men who drank.

Today, someone was invited to repair the dam, so Lin Heng naturally had to go and have a drink with Sandie and others.

After drinking two glasses of wine, Lin Heng scooped up the rice to eat. He hadn't eaten anything since morning and was already hungry.

No one thought he didn't know how to entertain guests. This big meal of fish and meat was the best way to entertain guests in this era.

After dinner, everyone helped to move some of the things they brought to the mountain. Although the road was repaired, the tricycle could not go up, so they could only use red dates to carry them.

After the things were pulled up, Caiyun helped Xiulan to clean up, and Lin Heng asked his eldest brother to reinforce the fences that were originally there, and then pulled a tarpaulin over the platform with wooden floors in front of the wooden house.

The main function of this is to prevent insects. Although it is said that there are maples and poplars around that are not easy to grow insects, it is still better to prevent them, otherwise it will not be beautiful if a bug falls when eating outside.

The other areas are the same as before, and the swings have been reinforced. Lin Wei and others ran up to play enthusiastically.

After a simple cleanup, people can live here, and the coolness is much better than in the village.

"I went to help at the dam." After the house was finished, Lin Heng looked at Xiulan and said.

"You go." Xiulan nodded.

After this, Lin Heng also picked up a hoe to help widen the width of both sides of the mountain stream. The sand dug out can be used to mix with cement, and the stone is the material for building the dam. The soil is transported to both sides and piled up to plant crops.

Lin's father said: "Don't all come to dig. Two people go to pull the horse to the bottom of the mountain to transport cement and sand. This amount of sand and stone is not enough."

The eldest brother Lin Yue smiled and said: "Then Lin Heng and Lin Hai, you two go."

"Okay." Lin Heng did not refuse. He and Lin Heng led the horse down to hitch the wooden cart and started working.

Expanding both sides of the mountain stream is not an easy task. Today, only one-tenth of the work volume was completed in one day. It is estimated that it will take another ten days to complete it.

Everyone is not in a hurry. When they are tired, they stop to drink water and eat watermelon.

In the evening, after eating downstairs and watching Sandie and others go back, Lin Heng took Xiulan and Xiaoxia up the mountain with a flashlight.

"This time we have to use candles again!" Lin Heng looked at Xiulan and said.

"That's better than being unable to sleep because of the heat." Xiulan glanced at the sky and smiled.

"That's right."

The three of them walked up with flashlights and soon returned to the forest. It wasn't hot here either.

The bad thing about the forest is that there are a lot of mosquitoes. They kept buzzing after they entered.

They didn't stay outside to cool off. They opened the door and went in.

The cabin wasn't hot at all, and there was no need for a fan.

They lit a few candles and the room was bright all of a sudden.

They washed their faces with water and went to bed to rest. Xiaoxia shared a bed with them.

The three of them didn't feel hot even when they were next to each other. The temperature here was like late spring.

"It's really much cooler in the forest than at home." Xiulan said with emotion.

"That's for sure. It's tall and there are trees that provide shade during the day, and it's windy at night." Lin Heng nodded.

"Then stay here for a while until you finish building the dam." Xiulan leaned against him and said.

"Dad, I want to hear a story."

"Okay, I'll tell you a prophecy story..."

It was just past nine o'clock, and Lin Heng told three stories in a row before Xiaoxia fell asleep hugging his arm.

After chatting with Xiulan for a few words, Lin Heng also fell asleep. Compared to the mountain, it was more comfortable to sleep in the house.

Because they went to bed early, the three of them got up early the next day. They woke up at 5:30 when the sky was bright.

They were not woken up by the birds.

Although the birds outside were noisy, the sound heard in the house was not loud because there was insulation cotton in the interlayer of the wooden house.

The two just looked at each other and lay down to continue resting.

At six o'clock, the golden morning sun shone into the window through the gaps in the leaves. The two woke up Xiaoxia and washed and exercised together.

The air in the forest in the early morning was particularly fresh, and it was more comfortable than at home whether it was walking or exercising.

"You and Xiongba play here first, I'll go back and squeeze some milk."

After exercising, Lin Heng looked at Xiulan and said.

"Okay, Xiaoxia and I will walk around." Xiulan nodded in agreement. The forest in the early morning made people want to explore.

Lin Heng went down the mountain and walked straight to the musk deer pen. He wanted to see the specific situation here.

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