Lin Heng just came down and saw his father taking it to feed the cattle and sheep, so he went over to help.


"Eat grass!!"

With the sound of bells and people shouting, all the cattle and sheep lying on the ground stood up, and their eyes looked at the two people at the door.

Now they have formed a habit, and they know there is food when they hear the bells and shouts.

Father Lin turned his head while feeding grass and asked: "Do you feel that you have grown a lot?"

"Yes, you have grown a little." Lin Heng looked at these black goats scrambling for grass. They looked a little cute and had grown a lot.

Three males were obviously bigger than other goats. If nothing unexpected happens, the future head sheep will be produced from among them.

Thanks to good ventilation, coupled with timely cleaning of feces and spraying of disinfectant lime, these sheep have no problems with their bodies for the time being.

Father Lin said, "I feel like I need to go out for a run, otherwise I won't be healthy enough. This pen is too small."

"We can try to let them out in a small area in a few days." Lin Heng said that it would be good to let them out for a walk, which is indeed good for health.

After feeding the cattle and sheep, Lin Heng first went to see the lamb with a broken leg. Its hind legs were no longer usable and it now walked on three legs.

"If you want to eat it, you can kill it." Father Lin said with a smile.

Lin Heng stood up and said, "Let's talk about it later. Don't worry. Maybe I can catch a muntjac in the mountains."

Taking a bundle of fresh grass, Lin Heng went down to the musk deer pen to take a look.

"Yo Yo!"

As soon as he opened the door, the musk deer let out a frightened cry and jumped towards the corner inside.

"It's okay as long as it's alive." Lin Heng breathed a sigh of relief when he saw its condition, threw the hay in, and drove back to the village.

After entering the yard, Fengshou made a friendly sound. Lin Heng looked at it and said, "I'll make you a meal soon."

He went into the house and cooked some minced meat and leftover rice, then walked around the house.

Seeing the Panax notoginseng that Xiulan packed carefully, he took it out and weighed it. After drying, it was 13 jin and 6 liang, and as he expected, it was all top grade and could be sold for about 700 yuan.

He prepared six 3 jin and 6 liang of Panax notoginseng powder for his family to drink, which is very good for the human body, especially for people with anemia.

However, because the shelf life of this thing cannot be as long as ginseng, it will go bad in two or three years, so Lin Heng plans to sell the remaining ten jin.

Not counting the money from the purchasing station and the 20,000 yuan in the house, he only has 500 yuan in his card, which can be said to be very short of money.

I have to buy shrimp feed soon, which is another expense. The 20,000 yuan must be used to buy a factory and a house to live in, and cannot be diverted to other things.

The only income, shrimp, will not be received until October.

However, Lin Heng was not in a hurry. He moved forward step by step according to his own pace of life and would not be so eager for quick success.

After shoveling the feed and feeding the chickens and ducks in the back mountain, Lin Heng let them out and let them eat grass outside during the day.

While Lin Heng was feeding the chickens, his sister-in-law Liu Juan was milking the cows. Suddenly, she found that she could not milk today, so she hurried over to find Lin Heng.

"Lin Heng, why can't the cows milk? Is it sick?" Liu Juan was a little anxious. She was used to drinking milk.

Lin Heng was stunned at first, and then explained: "It should be the dry period. After giving birth in two months, it will start to produce milk again."

The belly of this dairy cow has been getting bigger and bigger recently. This calf will be born in October, which is only more than two months.

Usually, the two months before giving birth are the dry period, and no milk will be produced. Recently, the milk supply has been decreasing. What he didn't expect was that it stopped today.

"Is that so? Well, then." Liu Juan said a little disappointedly. She was a little anxious when she thought about not having milk to drink for the next two months.

With this cow, both she and her three children look much better than before. Now they are too uncomfortable without it.

Lin Heng walked over and took a closer look. He confirmed that the dry period had arrived. He thought it would last for a while, but he didn't expect it to arrive so soon.

There was nothing he could do about it. During this period, the cow's body had to prepare for the newborn calves and would not produce milk.

But it had to be fed better and the cow's body was well maintained so that the milk production would be large in the future.

After pouring some silage to feed the cow, Lin Heng turned around and went home. The fact that the cow stopped producing milk did not mean that there was no milk to drink. When the milk production was extremely high before, the milk that could not be drunk was made into milk powder, which could be taken out and enjoyed now.

After taking out the milk powder he had made before, Lin Heng went to see the milk that had been poured into the tank for fermentation five or six days ago.

When he opened it, he saw that there was already a thick layer of cream on the surface. This thing was the raw material for making butter. He scooped it up and put it in a basin, ready to take it to Hongfeng Mountain for production.

After scooping the cream, the yogurt below is also useful, but it cannot be eaten directly, because there are too many bacteria in this yogurt.

Lin Heng poured it all into a bucket and prepared to take it back to Hongfeng Mountain later.

After finishing these, he fed Fengshou and picked some vegetables and fruits. There were too many watermelons, so he cut one and fed it to the chickens and ducks.

He gave one to a neighbor who was usually nice, and took three to Tian Yan, asking her to share them with the children in the school.

When Lin Heng came to Hongfeng Mountain, his third father and cousin Lin Hai also came.

"What did you make, milk?" Lin's mother asked as she looked at what he was carrying.

"This is previously fermented yogurt and cream. It cannot be eaten directly. The milk has been weaned. There has been no fresh milk in the past two months."

Lin Heng explained to his mother.

"That's right, then let's drink milk powder. Feed the cows well these days." Mother Lin nodded and said.

"I know." Lin Heng nodded, said hello to Third Dad and the others, and then carried his things up the mountain.

On the mountain, Xiulan was boiling eggs. She saw Lin Heng coming up with milk powder and asked curiously: "Why did you bring the milk powder here?"

"Because the cows are weaned." Lin Heng explained again.

"That's right, milk powder tastes good too." Xiulan nodded.

After the eggs were cooked, Xiulan went to make the milk powder and mix the cold dishes, while Lin Heng poured the cream into the pot and boiled it.

They were constantly stirring during the making process, and by the time they finished their breakfast, the originally white cream had turned translucent yellow and turned into oil.

"Milk actually contains so much oil." Xiulan was a little surprised.

"Yes, this stuff solidifies like lard when it gets cold, but it's called butter." Lin Heng explained while filtering it with gauze.

Xiulan came over to help and was curious at the same time: "How do you eat this thing? Can it be stir-fried?"

Lin Heng smiled and said, "It's possible but not recommended, because it has a milky aroma and is better for making soups, steamed buns, popcorn, frying steaks, etc."

After pouring the butter into the glass bottle and letting it cool, Lin Heng began to pour the yogurt in the bucket into the pot to cook.

It won't take long for the yogurt to become like tofu curd, with the milk and whey separating.

Strain the whey, and the rest is the cheese. Knead it into small balls and flatten it, then bake it slowly on a charcoal fire, and finally it becomes a delicious cheese cake.

"You pay attention, I'm going to work." After the cheese cake was ready, Lin Heng looked at Xiulan and said.

"You go ahead." Xiulan nodded in agreement.

As soon as Lin Heng arrived at the dam construction site, Caiyun came up with a book. Lin Heng said hello to her and went down the mountain to pull materials.

Today's work is the same as yesterday, which is to expand both sides of the dam and clean the stones inside.

Time flew by while working, and it was already noon in a blink of an eye. Lin Heng went back to rest, and Xiulan brought him cheese cakes: "It's already baked, and it tastes very good. You are quite skilled."

"That's natural." Lin Heng smiled and ate one. It was fragrant and glutinous, with a rich milky aroma.

"It's a pity that there is no milk now, otherwise I would try it too." Xiulan said regretfully.

"There will be plenty of opportunities in the future." Lin Heng said, and then added, "Let's go down to eat quickly, or mom will call someone again."

Xiulan looked at him and said, "I think we can all eat here from tomorrow on. I'll do it. It's much cooler up here than down below."

Caiyun pulled Xiaoxia to the side and agreed: "Yes, I also recommend doing it up there. It's too cool here. You'll be sweating all over eating down there, and my sister-in-law is pregnant and it's hard to run up and down."

"Indeed, let's tell mom later." Lin Heng nodded.

When Lin Heng went down to eat, he told his mother, and she agreed on the spot. He would eat there at noon from now on, but she would do it.

Lin Heng naturally had no objection to this. After lunch, he continued his previous work in the afternoon.

While working, Lin Yue looked at him and asked, "Brother, are you going to see the clamps and nooses tomorrow morning?"

"You must go, otherwise it will be in vain." Lin Heng nodded.

"Then we should go after five o'clock?" Lin Yue asked again.

Lin Heng agreed: "Okay, come to Hongfeng Mountain to find me when the time comes."

"No problem." Lin Yue said with a smile.

After finishing his work in the afternoon, Lin Heng went to check on the male forest musk deer again. He found that it had removed the gauze from its feet, and asked someone to hold it down for inspection.

"Sure enough, it's infected." Lin Heng shook his head and got some iodine for disinfection.

This time he didn't bandage it again, because it was not easy to cover it up, so he decided to disinfect it two or three times a day.

Early the next morning, Lin Heng got up early and set out with his elder brother to see traps and hunt.

We set off at five o'clock and came back around ten o'clock. Only Lin Heng shot a red squirrel, but nothing else.

The next days were mainly about continuing to build the dam, checking the traps every morning, and usually accompanying Xiulan Xiaoxia.

August comes quietly in the busy and happy life. The last month of summer is very hot. This summer there is little rain. Many crops on the hillside have yellow leaves. The harvest is destined not to be very good.

Lin Heng's family is relatively lucky. The land on the mountain is planted with saplings, which have deep roots and are less likely to die.

Because there is not much rain and there are fewer fungi than in previous years, the flow of water in the creek in Hongfeng Mountain is also much smaller. In addition to the water used by the breeding base, watering the pasture, etc., there is basically no water flowing into the Shiban River. .

At this time, the advantage of building a small dam appears. Even in the dry season, water can still be used.

Xiulan's belly is getting bigger day by day. Now it is very obvious and she needs more and more care. Being pregnant with twins is a blessing, but it is also very difficult.

Fortunately, not only Lin Heng but also Caiyun help take care of it, so the situation is relatively good.

Unknowingly, they have been building the dam for ten days. Both sides have been completely widened, with an average width of six meters and a length of thirty meters. The area has basically been cleared. In the future, when the outer dam is built, the average water depth will reach three meters. Degree.

After finishing his work in the afternoon, Lin Hai asked: "Will you continue tomorrow?"

Lin Heng looked at the sky and said, "Take a few days off. It feels like it's going to rain. Let's wait until it's over before we start again."

The weather has been cloudy these days, so there's no need to rush. Also, he has to go to the city again to buy feed for the shrimp.

"That's perfect. I have some farm work to do." Third father Lin Xutao nodded.

"Let's go eat first. They should have prepared it." Father Lin looked at everyone and said.

Lin Heng and his eldest brother haven't been very effective in hunting these days. The best harvest is a pheasant. Most of the time they return empty-handed.

On the contrary, he used some ground hooks set up on the edge of the soybean field and successfully hooked two pheasants that were eating soybeans. He stewed one for Xiulan and fried one for everyone to eat.

During the meal, Lin Yue asked with a smile, "Brother, wild boars have been rampant in harming corn and soybeans recently. Why don't we go and try it someday?"

"In a few days, when I buy feed and come back, I want to go to Sanchagou." Lin Heng smiled at his eldest brother. Although there was not much meat left at home, he still wanted to find ginseng first.

Lin Yue understood that he wanted to find ginseng, and immediately nodded and said, "That's fine."

You can find ginseng there, and you can also hunt at the same time.

Mother Lin looked at the two and said, "Your uncle will come down in two days, and it seems that he is going to ask you to go to Changping County to hunt black bears."

She and Caiyun went to her eldest brother Lu Honghai's house two days ago and knew what her eldest brother was planning.

"Then I guess he can't leave for the time being." Lin Heng spread his hands.

Mother Lin said, "He said he would help you build the dam first, and then we'll talk about it."

"Then we'll talk about it then." Lin Heng was also very interested in hunting black bears. Black bears are full of treasures and can be sold for two or three thousand yuan. Ordinary prey can't compare at all.

It was cool in the forest. Everyone ate and talked. It was already eight o'clock when they finished eating and left. At this time, the sun had set, and there was still a last bit of afterglow on the western ridge.

Xiu Lan leaned on a rattan chair and watched, with wormwood incense burning next to her.

"Go back to the house quickly, and come out after washing up and getting dark." Lin Heng looked at her and said, there were too many mosquitoes at this time, even with incense, they couldn't be stopped.

Xiulan took his hand and stood up and said, "Go back to the house and sleep directly, it's not hot in the house, don't you have to go to the city tomorrow?"

"That's fine, it won't affect anything if I go to the city tomorrow." Lin Heng nodded and pulled her and Xiaoxia into the house.

"Dad, are you all going tomorrow?" Xiaoxia said immediately when she heard about going to the city.

"Mom won't go, Dad will be back soon after he goes." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Then you have to come back soon!" Xiaoxia said reluctantly.

"Of course, my dear baby." Lin Heng said with a smile.

After serving Xiulan and Xiaoxia to wash up, the three of them went to bed to rest. Lin Heng read a story to Xiaoxia with a flashlight, and soon she fell asleep in his arms.

Lin Heng turned off the flashlight, and Xiulan leaned against him and gradually fell asleep.

"Hey, husband, is there something outside?" Suddenly Xiulan leaned close to Lin Heng's ear and said.

"I heard it too, on the roof." Lin Heng nodded, sat up, got dressed, and prepared to go out and take a look.

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