Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 315 Lightning and thunder in the dead of night

Wearing a pair of shorts, Lin Heng reached for the bow bag on the wall, opened it, took out an arrow and walked out.

Because in the forest, it is common to see some small animals. Generally, he doesn't care much, but the movement just now was a bit loud, not like a small guy.

He quietly opened the door and found that Xiongba's eyes were fixed on the roof. Because he often hunted, he didn't bark like ordinary dogs, but was always observing and preparing to catch.

Today is the 12th of the seventh month of the lunar calendar. The moon in the sky is bright and has not penetrated into the clouds. The silvery moonlight sprinkled into the forest and was faintly shining through the gaps in the leaves, like an invisible net covering the mountains and forests.

The breeze gently caressed, and Lin Heng, who was shirtless, felt a little cold. He looked up and saw a black shadow on the branch of a maple tree.

"Bai Mizi?" Lin Heng was a little unsure. He could only see that the black shadow looked a bit like a civet cat.

He did not act rashly, but walked to another direction to take a look. With the help of a ray of moonlight, he finally saw clearly what it was.

It was indeed a white rice seed.

But Lin Heng was a little confused. Why did it come to this place?

But he could not care less. He put on the bow and arrow and began to aim. Because he had not been too close, the civet cat did not continue to run around.

With a swoosh, the sharp arrow passed through the mottled moonlight under the forest and hit the civet cat hiding on the tree branch.

The next moment, it fell straight down and landed behind the house. It was picked up by Xiongba who rushed out.

"It's so small." Lin Heng weighed it in his hand. It was about the same as a domestic cat, about eight or nine pounds.

But this was also a pleasant surprise. After peeling the skin, it could still get five pounds of meat.

"Did you catch it? What is it?" Xiulan's shout came from the house.

"Little Bai Mizi, I guess the nest is nearby." Lin Heng replied with a smile. There are many wild resources in Hongfeng Mountain. Last year, he also killed a wild hog badger nearby.

But with the development, the animals gradually ran away.

Xiulan said happily: "That's fine, I'll get up and help you kill it."

Lin Heng did not stop him. He went over to put on his shirt and dealt with the Bai Mizi with Xiulan. Turning on the flashlight, Xiulan helped to pull it, and soon the skin was peeled off.

Then chop off the head and take out the internal organs, which is the preliminary processing. Finally, clean the intestines and it's done.


Seeing that the two were going to sleep, Xiongba was still circling around them.

"Don't worry, I'll cook the Bai Mizi head for you tomorrow morning." Lin Heng smiled and touched its head and left it outside the door.

It was almost eleven o'clock when he went to bed again. It took a lot of effort to kill Bai Mizi. At this time, there was no moonlight shining in from the windowsill in the room. The forest did not become silent as midnight approached, and the dew gradually moistened everything.

The two of them fell asleep soon after lying back on the bed. The next morning, after getting up, the three of them exercised in the forest together. There was still some fog in the forest, and they felt like they were cultivating immortals when exercising.

After breakfast, Lin's mother came up to take care of Xiulan and Xiaoxia. She was shocked to learn that Lin Heng had caught a white rice last night.

"You can eat some fried rice at noon. Don't be reluctant, otherwise it will go bad." Lin Heng looked at his mother and Xiulan and said.

"I know, we will eat some at noon, and we will prepare it for you in the evening." Xiu agreed.

Lin Heng nodded, went down the mountain with Caiyun to the warehouse to get silage, went back to the village to feed the cows and chickens and ducks, and called his eldest brother to go to the city with the three siblings today.

Caiyun was brought because she had never been to the city, so she was taken to play and see, and by the way, she sold the scorpions she and Lin's mother caught together.

On the way, the eldest brother Lin Yue knew that Lin Heng had won white rice at his doorstep last night and was envious: "Damn, your luck is just too good."

"I also think that the second brother is lucky, but this is what he deserves." Caiyun said happily.

The three of them talked and laughed all the way, and arrived at the urban area of ​​Taibai City at ten o'clock. They agreed to sell scorpions first. This time, one was two catties and two and a half catties. Although it was not much, it was also a huge sum of money.

Then Lin Heng went to the state-owned store in the city and took out the ten catties of special wild Panax notoginseng he brought and asked the price.

After learning that he would give fifty-five yuan per catty, he decisively sold it and sold the ten catties for five hundred and three.

There was also more than one catty of Ganoderma lucidum picked in the summer, which was sold for eighty yuan, a total of six hundred and ten yuan.

Adding the remaining five hundred in the passbook, he now has another one thousand one hundred and fifty yuan.

The reason why he didn't put it in the town's purchasing station was because he didn't want to mix the accounts with those there, and the income from both sides was stored in different passbooks.

Now, eight months have passed, and the net profit of the purchasing station has reached more than 2,000 yuan, and Lin Heng has never embezzled it.

His elder brother also took the opportunity to sell some precious herbs dug from the fur of the prey he hunted.

After that, Lin Heng asked his elder brother to take Caiyun to stroll around the city, and he went there to continue consulting about buying a warehouse.

Unlike before, this time when Lin Heng came, the owners of several abandoned factories left him contact information and asked him to meet and talk.

Lin Heng spent a whole afternoon talking to the three bosses separately. The cheapest one was negotiated to 14,000 yuan, and the other two were both 15,000 yuan.

In the end, Lin Heng chose the one with 15,000 yuan. The owner was named Zhang Zhi. The reason for choosing this one was that this abandoned factory had the greatest potential for demolition in the future.

Also, he had heard of Zhang Zhi. He had connections and it was much easier to get things done. After confirming it, Lin Heng made the decision directly. Zhang Zhi said that he could complete the procedures in half a month and wanted to make an appointment with Lin Heng.

After thinking for a while, he set the time on the 20th.

After finishing his work, Lin Heng watched the time and went to the agreed place to wait for his eldest brother and younger sister Caiyun. After getting the abandoned factory, he immediately felt much more at ease. Even if he didn't do anything in the future, relying on the demolition of this factory, he could ensure that he would not have to endure hardships for the rest of his life.

After waiting for a while, Lin Yue drove Caiyun over in his car. Seeing the bustling city, Caiyun had a smile on his face.

"How about it? Isn't the city beautiful?" Lin Heng asked with a smile.

"It's very beautiful." Caiyun smiled and nodded, then added, "But I still like our mountain."

Lin Heng looked at her: "Why is this?"

Caiyun shook his head: "I don't know, I just think it's better in the mountains, maybe because I've lived there for a long time."

Caiyun tilted her head and looked at Lin Heng, changing the subject: "By the way, second brother, tell us what kind of business you are talking about."

"Buy a house. Your sister-in-law will come to live at the end of the year. She is pregnant with twins. The delivery capacity of the hospital above us is not reliable." Lin Heng explained. He did not mention the purchase of the factory. Otherwise, he would have to explain a lot. We will talk about it later. Bar.

Lin Yue looked at him: "Then let's buy the feed and go home now?"

"Eat first, I will take you to eat delicious food, and then we will talk about other things." Lin Heng said with a smile.

After taking Xiaoxia to eat a delicious meal that was only available in the city, Lin Heng went to the Fisheries Research Institute again and successfully rented a pellet machine this time.

Lin Heng bought all the necessary raw materials on the spot, mixed them up and used the feed machine to make pellets.

He can't talk about any cooperation now. The feed factory hasn't opened yet, so the price of these things can't be negotiated. Therefore, the feed cost for his shrimp farming this year is relatively high. The 1,100 yuan in his bankbook suddenly disappeared. Cleared.

The research institute has large-scale machinery, and the feed purchased this time was made into pellet feed in one afternoon. Of course, the feed produced in this way is not good enough, and the real feed must go through a series of treatments.

But for Lin Heng, it would be good if it could be turned into feed, so that he would not have to worry so much about feeding it in the future, and there would be less waste.

We will wait until the feed factory opens later to talk about the rest, but this is also a very difficult thing. Now we have only purchased the factory initially, and we will have to buy machinery later. We still need 30,000 yuan, and the money is far from enough.

Caiyun noticed that Lin Heng was in a daze, walked up to him and said, "Brother, what are you thinking about? The goods are all loaded, we should go."

"Okay." Lin Heng glanced at only half of the sunset and drove back.

I rented a tractor to transport it back, and it was already dark by the time I got home.

People in the village are not that excited about tractors anymore, mainly because they have seen them so much that they don’t need to guess that they are rented by Lin Heng to pull things.

"You are finally back, why did it take so long?" Father Lin asked quickly when he saw them coming back.

"I went to process the feed, so I was delayed." Caiyun was the first to explain.

Father Lin asked in confusion: "Processed feed?"

"Yes, it has been processed into pellets. When you feed the shrimp later, you don't need to mix it with water. You can just feed it directly."

Lin Heng explained and motioned for everyone to move things quickly. The driver was still waiting to leave.

After the things were moved and the driver was sent away, Father Lin curiously opened the bag and took a look at the pelletized feed.

"From now on, just weigh it and sprinkle it directly." Father Lin raised his head and asked.

"Yes, just spread it." Lin Heng nodded.

Father Lin said happily: "It will be much easier to feed shrimps from now on. It can be done in half an hour."

After saying a few words, Mother Lin came over, looked at several people and said, "Hurry up and eat. It has been prepared and waiting for you."

"No problem." Lin Heng put away the other things he bought and went to look at Lin Shek again.

The leg injury of the male forest musk deer caught with the clamp has healed. Now he is not as afraid of people as before, but he still hides when people approach him, and the leg is permanently lame.

Back on the mountain, today is another day of eating with candles. People who are used to electric lights are a little uncomfortable and miss it.

The white rice meat is very tender and tastes quite good.

After dinner, when my parents and others walked back down the mountain, the sky was pitch black, and the moon that should have been close to full was blocked by thick clouds.

"It looks like it's really going to rain!"

"Definitely, it's been sweltering for so many days!"

Accompanied by sparse conversations, Father Lin and others walked away.

Lin Heng and the others went to bed early after washing up. Xiaoxia was very happy these days to be able to sleep on the same bed as her parents, and fell asleep quickly while listening to the stories.

When Xiaoxia fell asleep, Lin Heng and Xiulan talked about today's events. Finally, he whispered in Xiulan's ear that he planned to buy a feed factory behind the factory.

Although Lin Heng could not be seen in the dark environment, Xiulan still turned her head and touched his face: "You wanted to buy it when you went to see it with me before, right?"

Lin Heng nodded: "Yes, selling feed is obviously more cost-effective than breeding. There must be a large number of people engaged in breeding later, so there is no need to worry about selling feed."

Xiulan raised her head and thought for a while, then said softly: "I don't understand these things, and I can't offer any opinions. You can just do whatever you want. Just don't let your daughter and the two children in her belly have no food to eat."

"The money earned by the buying station is a guarantee. I keep it in the special passbook untouched. No matter what, I will never let the house have no food." Lin Heng explained while hugging his wife.

He was very careful about this, leaving plenty of leeway.

"That's good." Xiulan agreed softly.

"Do you think I'm too aggressive?" Lin Heng asked.

"I feel sorry for you. It's so hard to earn the money by hunting in the mountains in the sun and wind."

Xiulan patted his face, leaned over and kissed him, "Go to sleep, I'm dozing off."

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded in agreement.

Xiulan returned from her arms, pillowed her head on the pillow and fell asleep quickly. Lin Heng looked at the wooden ceiling vaguely visible in the darkness in a daze.

Xiulan agreed that he was not surprised. As long as he was by her side, she would not complain even if she had a simple life.


Lin Heng, who was deep in thought, was first frightened by the lightning that illuminated the whole room, and then by the huge thunder.

Xiulan was also shocked. She turned sideways and hugged Lin Heng's arms.

Lin Heng felt the feeling of being pinched by the white rabbit on his arm, and looked at her sleeping face and suddenly smiled. Having a woman who trusted him so much was a blessing he had cultivated over several lifetimes, so naturally he had to work harder to make her and the children happy. life.

Along with bursts of lightning and thunder, heavy rain suddenly poured down at a certain moment. There was only the sound of rustling rain in the sky and the earth, and the quiet mountain villages were shrouded in misty rain.

Lin Heng forgot when he fell asleep. When he woke up in the morning, it was still raining, but it was not as heavy as last night.

"It's finally raining." Xiulan got up and walked to the door, yawning and said.

Looking to both sides from the door, you can see the misty forest in the rain. Looking straight ahead, you can see the green crops and trees on both sides of the river, as well as the curling smoke above the houses.

Because Lin Heng had put up a tarpaulin in front of the house before, they could walk to the front on the wooden floor and look at the scenery below the mountain.

The two exercised a little in the rain, and Lin Heng showed Xiulan his archery skills.

Then he called Xiaoxia up, lit a charcoal fire, cooked milk tea and made breakfast, and enjoyed the delicious food while watching the rain under the tarpaulin, which was quiet and comfortable.

"I don't know how long this rain will last. It will probably rain continuously again." Lin Heng said with emotion.

Xiulan smiled playfully and said: "That's pretty good. We are in the forest now and can pick mushrooms when we go out."

She stayed here for a few days and completely fell in love with it. It was much quieter and more comfortable than in the village, and there was no one to disturb her at all.

Xiaoxia raised her little hands and said coquettishly: "Xiaoxia can also pick mushrooms and cook."

Xiongba looked at the potato pancake in her hand and stretched his neck to wait for it, but the potato pancake just wouldn't fall off.

Lin Heng threw a piece to it, smiled and praised, "That Xiaoxia is really awesome!"

After dinner, the family of three had nothing to do. Lin Heng and Xiulan sat on comfortable wicker chairs drinking tea and listening to the rain, while Xiaoxia played with Xiong Ba beside them.

"Son, something big happened in the village last night!"

At ten o'clock, Father Lin came up and spoke from a distance before anyone arrived.

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