Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 316: Collecting bees on rainy days

"What happened?"

Lin Heng looked at his father and said.

"The house of Liu Xiancun's family suffered a landslide, and the old man Liu Guangyong who was sleeping in the back room was buried and completely disappeared."

Father Lin walked under the tarp and said.

"Ah!" Lin Heng was stunned.

Xiulan opened her mouth slightly: "Oh my god, why is this so unlucky?"

Father Lin sat down and shook his head and said: "The location of his house was not very good. It collapsed several times before and he didn't take it seriously. This time it all collapsed. Fortunately, only one person died."

Lin Heng poured his father a cup of tea and asked, "What should we do now?"

Father Lin took a sip of tea and said, "Secretary Tian organized people to help. They took out the people and things first, and then helped to rebuild them. I guess your brother and I went to help, but your brother is still there. I'm back first."

"Then I won't help." Lin Heng said, he didn't like to join in the fun.

Father Lin looked at him and said, "I guess they might ask us to borrow money. What do you think we should do?"

Lin Heng thought for a while and said, "Just help a little if you can. I won't ask him for interest after writing the IOU."

Xiulan also nodded to express her approval. It was necessary to help the urgent rather than the poor. This kind of thing should really be helped.

Father Lin nodded and said, "That's what I mean too. If he comes to borrow some money, we'll just borrow some. If he doesn't come, forget it. Liu Xiancun is an ordinary person, but the old man Liu Guangyong is a good person. He has helped our family several times before." busy."

After chatting for a while, Lin Heng and his father went down the mountain together. He put on his raincoat and rode back to the village to take a look. He could see the collapsed area from a distance.

He didn't take a closer look. He went home and fed the chickens and ducks, and picked some fruits and vegetables. Then I took half a pound of Panax notoginseng slices and ground them into powder with a medicinal roller and passed it through a sieve.

After finishing it, I packed it up, picked up a few more books, and returned to Hongfeng Mountain.

Lin Heng handed the Panax notoginseng powder to his mother and said, "Mom, take this half a pound of Panax notoginseng powder. You and my dad can brew a little and drink it every day. It's good for your health."

"This is the wild Panax notoginseng you dug. What would you do with such an expensive thing if you didn't sell it into powder and give it to us to drink!" Mother Lin took the Panax notoginseng powder with a distressed look on her face.

Lin Heng smiled and waved his hand: "It's important to have money in your body. I specially left three kilograms for us to eat ourselves. I'll get some for you after you finish drinking."

"You can drink it if he gives it to you." Lin's father said.

Mother Lin glared at him: "Why are you wasting these good things?"

Lin Heng watched his parents bickering and said, "Mom, this stuff has a shelf life of half a year when powdered. It will go bad if you don't drink it."

After saying that, he went up the mountain with the melons and fruits. As long as his mother knew that these things couldn't be put away, she would definitely eat them even if she felt distressed. He knew his mother too well.

To deal with her, you have to get things done first, otherwise she will be reluctant to spend money.

On the mountain, Caiyun is playing checkers with Xiaoxia and Xiulan. This is a high-end checkers with board marbles. It is a gift bought by Lin Heng for Caiyun.

Seeing Lin Heng, Caiyun smiled and waved: "Brother, come and play checkers. The loser will cook later."

"Just wait for me to cut a melon." Lin Heng said, picking up the things in his hands.

He went into the house and cut the cantaloupe into small pieces and took it out. He also brewed some Panax notoginseng powder and gave it to Caiyun: "Panax notoginseng powder, what do you want to taste?"

He also kept some for himself.

Caiyun looked at Lin Heng: "Why don't you give it to my sister-in-law?"

"She can't drink panax notoginseng when she's pregnant. Fruit is enough." Lin Heng picked up a piece of cantaloupe and stuffed it into Xiulan's mouth.

Xiulan glared at him, if Caiyun Zai hadn't really wanted to bite his finger.

"Then I'll try it, thank you, second brother." Caiyun smiled brightly, picked up the cup and took a sip, then commented, "It tastes a little bitter, but also a little sweet."

"Auntie, let me try it~" Xiaoxia looked like a greedy little cat.

"Here!" Caiyun smiled and fed him a mouthful.

"Puff puff, it's so painful~" Xiaoxia vomited randomly, sticking out her tongue as if she was about to die.

Lin Heng handed her a piece of cantaloupe, and the four of them played checkers together for a while. Xiaoxia became more competitive and was very dissatisfied when she lost, so she wanted to play again.

Then everyone played all morning, but in the end they all gave in to her and gave her hints before she won. But for a three-year-old child, this is already very valuable.

The rain was still falling after lunch. In the afternoon, Lin Heng took Xiongba around Hongfeng Mountain. There were already a lot of fungi in the forest.

The most common mushroom here is the tea tree mushroom, also called False Armillaria. It grows so large on a rotten tree stump that the bag Lin Heng picked can’t even fit it in.


While he was picking it up, the hero in the distance let out a wolf-like cry.

Lin Heng looked up and saw that he was on the top of a mountain three to four hundred meters in front of him. When he walked over and took a look, he suddenly became happy and said, "Okay, okay. I'll get some meat for you when I go back."

In this piece of woodland, I saw a bunch of orange-yellow 'small corals' standing gracefully in the rain with dead leaves spread out. They were so beautiful that I couldn't bear to pick them.

This is a very good coral fungus among the fungi, and the fried meat tastes perfect.

"Woof woof!"

Xiongba cheered and ran around happily.

After picking up the coral fungi, he went home, mainly because the bags couldn't fit them in.

"So much." Xiulan said in surprise when she saw Lin Heng coming back with a bag.

"There are a lot of fungi on the mountain behind here, and I didn't even pick up the porcini mushrooms." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Xiulan nodded: "If I pick these, I won't be able to finish them tonight."

After picking the mushrooms, they made stir-fried tea tree mushrooms and fried coral mushrooms with bacon in the evening.

After the four of them finished eating happily, Caiyun returned to the foot of the mountain. Lin Heng and the other three played for a while and then went to bed early before getting dark. After playing for a while, they fell asleep to the sound of rain.

The next day was already August 10th, and the rain was still falling, still at a moderate level.

Liu Xiancun's house in the village finally rescued a few things, and the body of the old man Liu Guangyong was also recovered.

The funeral began that day, asking for help everywhere. Lin Heng's mother went to help wash the dishes, and his father helped serve the dishes.

Borrowing money inevitably happened. Mr. Liu borrowed money from many houses in the village. These days, everyone is not rich and can borrow too little. The gifts are three kilograms of rice and two kilograms of noodles. You can borrow money. A piece or two is pretty good.

When we arrived at Lin Heng's home, he was accompanied by the village party secretary Tian Dongfu. After discussion, Lin Heng lent him fifty yuan, and Tian Dongfu witnessed and wrote the IOU.

It's not about helping the poor, it's absolutely impossible to borrow money for other reasons.

The money Lin Heng borrowed was more than anything Liu Xiancun had ever borrowed before. The man was so excited that he almost knelt down.

Because their parents went to help, Lin Heng and Caiyun did the work here today, feeding the cattle, sheep and shrimps.

In the blink of an eye, it was early morning on the 11th. When Lin Heng and his family woke up, they were shocked: "Oh my god, it's such a heavy fog!"

"It's so hard to see!" Lin Heng stretched out his hands and found that he couldn't see clearly.

It was the first time Xiaoxia saw such a heavy fog. She opened her eyes wide and felt a little dazed. After getting familiar with it, she made various weird movements in the fog and asked her parents if they could see it.

"But the rain doesn't seem to stop." Xiulan said as she washed her face after exercising.

"It's still drizzling, but it should be sunny tomorrow." Lin Heng said, looking at the sky. Blue could already be seen in the sky and the clouds had turned white.

"It will clear up soon." Xiulan said with emotion. She now hopes that the rain will stop.

After breakfast, Lin Heng called his eldest brother when he went back to his house in the village: "Brother, are you going to pick up fungi on the mountain today?"

Lin Yue nodded: "Get ready to go, the rain is not heavy now."

"Okay then, I'm going to ask you to collect bees together." Lin Heng spread his hands and said.

Lin Yue quickly said: "That's okay, I'll go behind there and pick up the fungi, too."

"Okay, just wait for me and we'll set off." Lin Heng nodded with a smile.

I went back to the house to get some clothes, fed all the cows, chickens, ducks and dogs, and then returned to Hongfeng Mountain with my eldest brother.

They carried the cedar beehive they had just made on a rainy day in a backpack, and took the tools to catch bees and set off.

I was not in a hurry on the way, so I walked past while picking up mushrooms. There were not many valuable mushrooms at the moment, most of them were porcini, tea tree mushrooms and coral mushrooms, and the number of chanterelles was small.

The more valuable ones are Ganoderma lucidum and green-headed mushrooms, such as matsutake mushrooms, which have not yet reached the stage of fruiting.

Lin Heng didn’t pick up much Ganoderma lucidum this year. He sold them all last time.

The fog in the forest was much thinner at noon, and the drizzle was still falling. Both of them wore raincoats to pick up fungi.

Lin Heng followed Xiong Ba, and from time to time he could pick up two green-headed mushrooms, and occasionally he could pick up a Ganoderma lucidum. His eldest brother picked up everything he came across, and when he got there, his backpack was already half full.

After walking for an hour, Lin Heng pointed to a rock in front of him and said, "We've arrived. It's right in front."

Lin Yue was a little strange: "Why didn't I see the bees flying? Is this swarm of bees still there?"

"Come closer and take a look." Lin Heng also said with some uncertainty. Sometimes when others discovered it, they might burn it to get the honey.

Because most people don't know how to cut honey and are afraid of being stung, they will resort to this simplest and crudest method.

After taking a closer look, Lin Heng felt relieved: "It's just that I didn't go out because it was raining. There are still two at the door, and there are no signs of fire."

"Then let's get started." Lin Yue nodded, took out the dried pine needles he brought from home, found some pine branches and fresh leaves, and made a fire on the spot, ready to make smoke at any time.

Lin Heng used a hoe to dig up the nest bit by bit, and soon saw the hive. When he saw the condition of the bees, he was a little surprised: "This bee colony is much stronger than last year, and there are two more spleens in the nest."

Lin Yue said happily: "That's great. This kind of bee swarm can be easily fed back."

"And I estimate that I can harvest four or five kilograms of honey." Lin Heng said with a smile, this spring honey is so full.

Last year, this swarm could only be considered average, but this year, just by looking at the dense bees, you can tell that it is a strong swarm.

Suppressing his excitement, Lin Heng began to collect bees. It was difficult to collect bees that had already established nests, much more difficult to collect than bees that were clustered in trees.

As soon as the stone was broken open, a lot of bees flew up, but because it was still raining and very cold, they couldn't fly high and were not a big threat.

This is why he chose to come today.

He took out a small bamboo cage from his pocket, and he was going to try another method of catching bees today, which was King Qin.

It is not difficult to find the queen bee. She is larger than the average bee and other bees will circle around her.

Soon Lin Heng found this guy. It was obviously longer than other bees and darker in color.

After finding it, Lin Heng tried to catch it, but it was much bigger than he thought. Bees flew up before he even got close.

After finally getting closer to the bamboo cage, a bee came to him with his clothes on it.

"Holy shit!"

He immediately shrank back in pain.

"Do you want me to light the smoke?" Lin Yue asked hurriedly.

Lin Heng rolled up his sleeves and took a look. There was a red dot on his forearm. It was so painful that he wanted to burn them all.

"No, I'll try again. It's even harder to see with the smoke." He shook his head.

This time he first smeared honey on the bamboo basket to attract bees. After finding that it didn't work, he smeared honey on the small bamboo cage and approached to seduce the queen bee.

He was stung twice in a row just as he approached. He clenched his back teeth. The pain was too sour. Strong colonies really have their disadvantages. These bees are too protective of the queen.

He endured the pain and manipulated it carefully. The queen bee seemed to have tasted the honey and drilled in. Lin Heng quickly clamped the bamboo strips and tied the queen bee inside.

Then he put the small bamboo cage in the bamboo basket, and most of the male bees moved over and circled around the queen bee.

Lin Heng stuck the bamboo basket into the ground and ran to the side to sort out the wounds on his body.

"This time the price is too high." Lin Heng looked at the three red spots on his arm and shook his head. He felt so painful that he wanted to hit the tree with his fist.

"How about I do it?" Lin Yue said.

"Goodbye, brother. It's easier to be covered if you haven't done it before." Lin Heng shook his head. At least he had a hat, so the bees couldn't sting his head and neck.

After applying a little cooling oil, he took a dagger to cut the honeycomb first, and then carefully cut off the honeycomb with the roots, and put it in the beehive with the prepared bamboo sticks.

The last step was to transfer the queen bee in. He didn't dare to release the queen bee from the bamboo cage immediately. He put the bamboo cage in first, and when all the worker bees were almost counted in, he immediately closed the lid, leaving only a small opening to release the queen bee, and then quickly closed the lid to lock all the bees in.

After tying the beehive with a rope, Lin Heng took a deep breath: "Finally succeeded, and being stung twice is not in vain."

"I'll squeeze out the bee venom for you, you're too hard." Lin Yue looked scared, he couldn't stand being stung.

"It's okay, I'm not very allergic to bee venom, the pain will go away after a while." Lin Heng smiled and waved his hand, and asked, "Brother, I'm going to go back directly, are you going to continue picking mushrooms?"

"Then I'll continue picking mushrooms, you go back and be careful." Lin Yue nodded.

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded, put the beehive in the backpack, and walked back with the cut honey.

After returning home at ten o'clock, Lin Heng walked directly into the ginseng garden. After a summer of growth, ginseng and weeds and shrubs are now connected.

Put down the beehive in the center. He had already built a stone platform in this place, half a meter high, so that the beehive would not get water when placed on it.

After putting the beehive away, he did not open the passage for the bees to enter and exit, and let them stay for a day to get familiar with the environment inside.

"Wife, I was stung by a bee this time!"

After putting the bees away and returning home, Lin Heng began to complain from a distance.

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