Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 317: Going into the mountains again, encountering water birds again

Lin Heng trotted over and showed Xiulan the wound on his arm from the bee sting.

Xiulan was also shocked when she saw it: "Why was I stung so many times this time?"

While asking her, she took Lin Heng's hand, squeezed out the bee venom for him, blew on it, and applied some cooling oil.

Lin Heng looked at his wife's distressed expression and felt much better immediately. He explained: "Because the number of bees caught this time is large, and there is a nest, it is much harder to catch than usual. Even a raincoat can't cover it."

"Then you can only bear it." Xiulan shook her head gently and took a glass of water from the side. "Have you put the bees in the ginseng garden?"

"Yes, I have put it there." Lin Heng nodded and drank a sip of water.

Xiaoxia came over and opened her little mouth to blow on Lin Heng's wound: "I will blow on Daddy too!"

"Good baby, let you taste the honey first." Lin Heng smiled happily, went into the house to get a basin and gauze, and then took out the cut honeycomb and put it in it.

"Five pieces, so many." Xiulan looked at the honey comb in surprise.

"Because this time it's a strong colony, the number of bees is more than the bucket we collected last year." Lin Heng explained while cutting a small piece for Xiaoxia.

Xiaoxia looked at the golden honey and handed it to her mother: "Mom, eat it first. Mom wants to give me a brother."

Xiulan was moved and amused by her action. She touched her face and said with a smile: "My dear daughter, you are so nice, but you eat it first. Your dad will cut it for me soon."

Xiaoxia tilted her head and said: "Then Mom, eat more and give me another brother or sister."

She especially wanted a brother or sister to play with her recently. It was so boring to be alone in the mountains. She chased her mother every day to ask.

"Okay!" Xiulan touched her head.

Lin Heng cut a small piece for Xiulan, and cut half a honey comb as a snack. The rest were put in gauze and crushed with a rolling pin to filter out the honey.

The glass bottle that I bought was filtered out of four bottles. Four pounds was more than enough. All of them were mountain honey, showing a golden color, which was very tempting.

Then Lin lit a charcoal fire again, put the remaining residue after filtering into a small pot, added water and boiled it. After boiling, both honey and beeswax melted in the water.

Then he took out the water and put it aside to cool. During this time, he and Xiulan picked the mushrooms he collected in the morning, and put them on the charcoal fire and dried them in a bamboo grill.

After the mushrooms were picked, the water containing honey and beeswax also cooled down. The orange-yellow beeswax floating on the water surface had solidified and was easily taken out.

The purified beeswax was stored. There were many uses for this thing. The simplest one was to make lipstick. Xiulan liked the lipstick he made.

The remaining water was very sweet because it contained a lot of honey. Add some rice, red beans, lotus seeds, peanuts, etc. to make porridge, which was not wasted at all.

At lunch, the eldest brother Lin Yue came back from picking mushrooms and came over to care about Lin Heng's injury.

"I'm fine, brother, you came just in time. Sit down and eat before going back. I'll make it for you." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Okay." Lin Yue nodded with a smile, and sat down to eat a bowl of porridge and a few potato cakes without being polite.

After dinner, Lin Heng brought him another bottle of honey.

"I didn't help at all, you can take it yourself." Lin Yue shook his head and said.

Lin Heng stuffed it into his hand and said with a smile: "Just take it, don't be polite to me, I still have more than ten kilograms of honey at home."

"Yes, brother, there's no need to be polite between our two families." Xiulan also agreed.

"Okay then." Lin Yue had to accept it, and then the two discussed it again, and felt that if there was no rain tomorrow, they would go up the mountain to have a look.

The water on this side of the mountain stream is still too big, and it is not easy to repair the small dam for the time being. We have to wait for the sun to shine for a day or two.

After the discussion, Lin Heng took another jar of honey down the mountain and gave it to his parents. Few people in the countryside eat alone, so they are happy to share good things with relatives and friends.

"How can you be so careless, kid, and get stung so many times." Lin's mother looked at him and shook her head.

"It's okay, it doesn't hurt anymore, but it's very itchy. You can drink this Sanqi powder with honey." Lin Heng smiled and waved his hand.

Lin's mother asked, "Do you have any left for yourself?"

"Don't worry, we still have seven or eight kilograms." Lin Heng said with a smile, and went to feed the cattle and sheep. His father was still helping at Liu's place.

After feeding, he found that there was a lot of feces in the pen, and these guys also put the salt bricks he hung up on the ground. After washing it and hanging it up again, Lin Heng pushed a cart to shovel the feces of cattle and sheep.

Rinse the ground with a water pipe, and then sprinkle lime for disinfection. Thanks to good hygiene management, these cattle and sheep have grown well after returning, and they have grown a lot bigger in the past month.

The black goats were particularly obvious. The young rams had manes on their necks and fought and collided in the pen after eating.

The calves were in much better condition. The largest one was the male dairy cow that Lin Heng was milking, followed by the male Qinchuan yellow cattle. The remaining nine females grew slowly, and the changes were not as great as those of the bulls.

After cleaning, Lin Heng looked at the cattle and sheep for a while, reached out and touched them, and then locked the door and left with satisfaction.

"It's not raining anymore!"

After coming out, Lin Heng looked at the sky in surprise. The rain had stopped. The sky was blue and white and was particularly high. There were dewdrops on the grass leaves, as crystal clear as gems.

After looking at the sky for a while, Lin Heng walked up the mountain along the cement path. Xiaoxia started playing in the woods because the rain had stopped. Caiyun and Xiulan watched from the side for fear that she would fall.

"Wife, if the rain stops, I will go up the mountain tomorrow." Lin Heng looked at Xiulan and said.

Xiulan nodded: "You go."

Caiyun smiled and said: "Brother, go with peace of mind. I will take care of sister-in-law."

Lin Heng nodded and went to fetch two buckets of water to avoid them having no water tomorrow.

In a blink of an eye, it was the next morning. Lin Heng planned to stay in the mountains for a few more days this time, so he was not in a hurry to leave early in the morning. It was not easy to walk in the morning because of the heavy dew.

After breakfast, Xiulan prepared some food for him to eat on the road. Lin Heng went to the ginseng garden to open the hole of the beehive. Immediately, bees could not wait to fly out, flew around the vicinity twice, and then flew away to collect honey.

Seeing the bees settled down, Lin Heng went down the mountain to the village to get some equipment, and then took Jinbao and Fengshou back to Hongfeng Mountain. No one fed them after he entered the mountain.

The chickens and cows in the back mountain were asked to be fed by sister-in-law Liu Juan. Red dates have been on Hongfeng Mountain, so there is no need to worry.

The sun, which had not been seen for a few days, came out very early today, and as soon as it appeared, people recalled the days dominated by its scorching heat.

"Wow, Jinbao!"

Xiaoxia was so excited to see Jinbao that she ran over from a distance and hugged it, but Jinbao was too fat for her to hold, so she kissed and touched it.

Fengshou played with Xiongba for a while, and after coming out, he also had fun.

"The meal is cooked, eat quickly." Xiulan said.

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded.

After eating, Xiulan nagged him again to pay attention to safety.

After dinner, Lin Heng waited for a while and his elder brother came over, carrying a hunting rifle and saying, "Let's go, brother."

"Let's go." Lin Heng nodded, comforted Xiaoxia, and asked Caiyun to take her. The two of them set off into the mountains with Xiongba and Fengshou.

Lin Yue asked as they walked on the road, "Are we going to the cave near the ginseng we found last time?"

Lin Heng nodded, "Yes, let's go first, and explore along the sides of the road ahead. We just need to get there before dark."

On the way, the two looked at the noose traps, which had not been set up recently. The forest that had just rained was full of mushrooms, and red mushrooms and white lime mushrooms were everywhere, in patches and clumps.

They naturally wouldn't pick up these mushrooms. They would pick up some delicious mushrooms such as shiitake mushrooms, green-headed mushrooms, and yellow-headed mushrooms, but they wouldn't pick up any others.

They set off at 11 o'clock, arrived at Sanchagou at 2 o'clock, and then moved along the ridge beside the ditch. At 3:30, they arrived at the camp above Sanchagou, rested for a while here, and continued to move forward.

Last year, there was a nest of wild bees not far from here. Because there are many locust flowers around, they produce locust flower honey. They plan to harvest honey when they come back.

They didn't catch any prey along the way. They didn't find many Ganoderma lucidum and Coriolus versicolor. They picked up a lot of mushrooms. When they arrived at the camp, they could put them outside to dry and take them home.

As they walked, Xiongba suddenly stopped and looked at a large pool in front of them. Then Fengshou also stopped to watch.

The two of them hurriedly slowed down and looked in the direction they were looking. After a while, they found two mallards at the edge of the water. These guys were hunting small fish by the water plants. The fish in their mouths exuded a golden luster in the sun.

"Finally, I saw a decent prey." Lin Heng whispered excitedly.

Lin Yue whispered: "Then you come to shoot."

Lin Heng nodded and took his brother's hunting rifle. He wanted to play with the hunting rifle today, and the bow and arrow were not easy to use.

With his ears plugged and the hunting rifle close to a distance of about 30 meters, Lin Heng aimed and pulled the trigger. With a bang, countless tiny lead bullets flew over, and the water grass leaves were instantly riddled with holes. Two mallards also fell to the ground without a sound.

"Woof woof~"

Seeing the ducks fall, the two dogs Xiongba Fengshou swam over happily and brought the ducks back.

"We have meat for tonight." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Lin Yue was also happy: "Finally, we have caught prey."

This mallard is heavier than the golden pheasant. Each one weighs about two kilograms, and it can weigh one and a half kilograms if it is killed.

"Let's go, it's getting late." Lin Heng said after bleeding the duck.

Continuing forward, he didn't encounter any ducks along the way, nor did he find any pheasants or golden pheasants. He picked up a lot of Ganoderma lucidum and tree yellow. There are many red birch trees in the Qinling Mountains, and the birch yellow on this kind of tree is also more valuable.

It was past six in the afternoon when they arrived at the cave shelter. They had explored a little along the way and didn't dare to arrive earlier.

"Finally we're here!" Lin Heng took a deep breath, put down his things and sat down. They carried more weight today than last time. Not counting the equipment, each person brought more than ten kilograms of food.

Not to mention the people, even the two dogs Xiongba Fengshou were so tired that they lay on the ground motionless.

"The camp is rotten again, we have to rebuild it." Lin Yue drank a sip of water and looked at the broken shelter. The good news is that the stove with smoke coming out of the outside is still good and can be used directly.

"This is not bad. There are a lot of mugwort in the canyon, and there are a lot of shrubs. It's not difficult to build it, but it takes more time to make a hammock." Lin Heng shook his head and said.

They collected all the vines on the way here, but now they have no strength to weave.

"Let's make the bed tomorrow. I'm too tired to move today." Lin Yue shook his head and said.

The two of them rested for a while, and went to the surrounding area to cut shrubs and mugwort to reinforce the windbreak wall outside the cave. After doing this, the two of them first went to the river to find a shallow flat place to set up fishing traps.

Fish is the best source of meat in the wild. With fish, there is no need to worry about the food problem of the two dogs. The food they carry is not enough for themselves, let alone feeding the dogs.

They have set up stone fishing traps many times, and they are familiar with it. First, they use large stones to build the corresponding outline, then fill the gaps with mud and small stones, and finally put some Lin Heng's homemade rice wine and frog corpses in the center to complete it.

They plan to stay for at least three to five days this time. The trap is relatively large, covering an area of ​​more than four square meters.

It was almost dark when the trap was set up. The sunset could not be seen in the canyon at all, and only a slight red glow in the west could be seen.

However, even if there was a sunset, the two of them were not in the mood to watch it. They were too tired today. Boil water to scald the duck and clean it. The two cut the duck's internal organs into pieces and put them into the homemade broad bean sauce to fry. Then add water to make noodles with duck noodles.

The two ate the noodles, and cooked duck necks, duck wings or noodles in a pot to feed the two dogs. They can only eat half a bag tonight, and there should be fish to eat tomorrow morning.

After eating noodles, the two tidied up the bed. The bottom was covered with mugwort, and the top was the hay in the cave. It was quite comfortable to sleep, and mugwort also had the effect of repelling mosquitoes.

However, the two could not sleep after the bed was made. They had to pick the mushrooms they picked today, break them apart and dry them. If they were covered like this overnight, they would definitely go bad.

Although they didn't pick much on the way, they walked a long way after all. The mushrooms they picked were also thirty or forty kilograms, and they were all top-notch high-quality mushrooms. They couldn't let them rot.

"Finally, I can sleep."

After picking mushrooms, Lin Hengshen breathed a sigh of relief and lay on his back on the grass bed without moving.

The two dogs beside him had already fallen asleep, and now they looked like dead.

"Take a rest!" Lin Yue blocked the door, lit a fire, and lay down on the bed to rest.

It was only nine o'clock, but both of them fell asleep in seconds.

The next morning, they were woken up by the chirping of birds outside, and they were all sore and weak the moment they got up.

"It's too late to get up, so we can't hunt this morning." Lin Yue said as he looked at the sky.

"It doesn't matter, just keep looking for ginseng."

Lin Heng waved his hand, took the soap and towel and went to the river to wash his face.

"Damn, we caught a big catch last night, brother."

Lin Heng had just finished washing his face when he heard his elder brother exclaiming beside him.

"How big is the fish?" Lin Heng hurriedly washed his face and asked as he walked. He could hear the sound of the fish splashing in the water from a distance.

"At least three or four pounds, you will never guess what kind of fish it is!" Lin Yue said as he blocked the entrance of the trap.

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